class Planners_Allocation_Bellman:
    Compute the planner's allocation by solving Bellman
    def __init__(self,Para,mugrid):
        Initializes the class from the calibration Para
        self.beta = Para.beta
        self.Pi = Para.Pi = MarkovChain(self.Pi)
        self.G = Para.G
        self.S = len(Para.Pi) # number of states
        self.Theta = Para.Theta
        self.Para = Para
        self.mugrid = mugrid
        #now find the first best allocation
        self.T.time_0 = True #Bellman equation now solves time 0 problem
    def solve_time1_bellman(self):
        Solve the time 1 Bellman equation for calibration Para and initial grid mugrid0
        Para,mugrid0 = self.Para,self.mugrid
        S = len(Para.Pi)
        #First get initial fit
        PP = Planners_Allocation_Sequential(Para)
        c,n,x,V = map(np.vstack, zip(*map(lambda mu: PP.time1_value(mu),mugrid0)) )
        Vf,cf,nf,xprimef = {},{},{},{}
        for s in range(2):
            cf[s] = UnivariateSpline(x[:,s],c[:,s])
            nf[s] = UnivariateSpline(x[:,s],n[:,s])
            Vf[s] = UnivariateSpline(x[:,s],V[:,s])
            for sprime in range(S):
                xprimef[s,sprime] = UnivariateSpline(x[:,s],x[:,s])
        policies = [cf,nf,xprimef]            
        #create xgrid    
        xbar = [x.min(0).max(),x.max(0).min()]
        xgrid = np.linspace(xbar[0],xbar[1],len(mugrid0))
        self.xgrid = xgrid
        #Now iterate on bellman equation
        T = BellmanEquation(Para,xgrid,policies)
        diff = 1.
        while diff > 1e-5:
            PF = T(Vf)
            Vfnew,policies = self.fit_policy_function(PF)
            diff = 0.
            for s in range(S):
                diff = max(diff, np.abs((Vf[s](xgrid)-Vfnew[s](xgrid))/Vf[s](xgrid)).max() )
            Vf = Vfnew
        #store value function policies and Bellman Equations
        self.Vf = Vf
        self.policies = policies
        self.T = T
    def fit_policy_function(self,PF):
        Fits the policy functions PF using the points xgrid using UnivariateSpline
        xgrid,S = self.xgrid,self.S
        Vf,cf,nf,xprimef = {},{},{},{}
        for s in range(S):
            PFvec = np.vstack(map(lambda x:PF(x,s),xgrid))
            Vf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,PFvec[:,0],s=0)
            cf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,PFvec[:,1],s=0,k=1)
            nf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,PFvec[:,2],s=0,k=1)
            for sprime in range(S):
                xprimef[s,sprime] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,PFvec[:,3+sprime],s=0,k=1)
        return Vf,[cf,nf,xprimef]
    def Tau(self,c,n):
        Computes Tau given c,n
        Para = self.Para
        Uc,Un = Para.Uc(c,n),Para.Un(c,n)
        return 1+Un/(self.Theta * Uc)
    def time0_allocation(self,B_,s0):
        Finds the optimal allocation given initial government debt B_ and state s_0
        PF = self.T(self.Vf)
        z0 = PF(B_,s0)
        c0,n0,xprime0 = z0[1],z0[2],z0[3:]
        return c0,n0,xprime0
    def simulate(self,B_,s_0,T,sHist=None):
        Simulates Ramsey plan for T periods
        Para,Pi = self.Para,self.Pi
        Uc = Para.Uc
        cf,nf,xprimef = self.policies
        if sHist == None:
            sHist =,T)
        cHist,nHist,Bhist,TauHist,muHist = np.zeros((5,T))
        RHist = np.zeros(T-1)
        cHist[0],nHist[0],xprime  = self.time0_allocation(B_,s_0)
        TauHist[0] = self.Tau(cHist[0],nHist[0])[s_0]
        Bhist[0] = B_
        muHist[0] = 0.
        #time 1 onward
        for t in range(1,T):
            s,x = sHist[t],xprime[sHist[t]]
            c,n,xprime = np.empty(self.S),nf[s](x),np.empty(self.S)
            for shat in range(self.S):
                c[shat] = cf[shat](x)
            for sprime in range(self.S):
                xprime[sprime] = xprimef[s,sprime](x)
            Tau = self.Tau(c,n)[s]
            u_c = Uc(c,n)
            Eu_c = Pi[sHist[t-1]].dot(u_c)
            muHist[t] = self.Vf[s](x,1)
            RHist[t-1] = Uc(cHist[t-1],nHist[t-1])/(self.beta*Eu_c)
            cHist[t],nHist[t],Bhist[t],TauHist[t] = c[s],n,x/u_c[s],Tau
        return cHist,nHist,Bhist,TauHist,sHist,muHist,RHist
Beispiel #2
from quantecon import MarkovChain

lm = LakeModel(d=0, b=0)
T = 5000  # Simulation length

α, λ = lm.α, lm.λ

P = [[1 - λ,    λ],
     [α,    1 - α]]

mc = MarkovChain(P)

xbar = lm.rate_steady_state()

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 8))
s_path = mc.simulate(T, init=1)
s_bar_e = s_path.cumsum() / range(1, T+1)
s_bar_u = 1 - s_bar_e

axes[0].plot(s_bar_u, '-b', lw=2, alpha=0.5)
axes[0].hlines(xbar[0], 0, T, 'r', '--')
axes[0].set_title('Percent of time unemployed')

axes[1].plot(s_bar_e, '-b', lw=2, alpha=0.5)
axes[1].hlines(xbar[1], 0, T, 'r', '--')
axes[1].set_title('Percent of time employed')

Beispiel #3
class RecursiveAllocation:
    Compute the planner's allocation by solving Bellman
    def __init__(self, model, μgrid):

        self.β, self.π, self.G = model.β, model.π, model.G, self.S = MarkovChain(self.π), len(model.π)  # Number of states
        self.Θ, self.model, self.μgrid = model.Θ, model, μgrid

        # Find the first best allocation
        self.T.time_0 = True  # Bellman equation now solves time 0 problem

    def solve_time1_bellman(self):
        Solve the time 1 Bellman equation for calibration model and initial
        grid μgrid0
        model, μgrid0 = self.model, self.μgrid
        S = len(model.π)

        # First get initial fit
        pp = SequentialAllocation(model)
        c, n, x, V = map(np.vstack,
                         zip(*map(lambda μ: pp.time1_value(μ), μgrid0)))

        Vf, cf, nf, xprimef = {}, {}, {}, {}
        for s in range(2):
            ind = np.argsort(x[:, s])  # Sort x
            # Sort arrays according to x
            c, n, x, V = c[ind], n[ind], x[ind], V[ind]
            cf[s] = UnivariateSpline(x[:, s], c[:, s])
            nf[s] = UnivariateSpline(x[:, s], n[:, s])
            Vf[s] = UnivariateSpline(x[:, s], V[:, s])
            for sprime in range(S):
                xprimef[s, sprime] = UnivariateSpline(x[:, s], x[:, s])
        policies = [cf, nf, xprimef]

        # Create xgrid
        xbar = [x.min(0).max(), x.max(0).min()]
        xgrid = np.linspace(xbar[0], xbar[1], len(μgrid0))
        self.xgrid = xgrid

        # Now iterate on bellman equation
        T = BellmanEquation(model, xgrid, policies)
        diff = 1
        while diff > 1e-7:
            PF = T(Vf)
            Vfnew, policies = self.fit_policy_function(PF)
            diff = 0
            for s in range(S):
                diff = max(
                        (Vf[s](xgrid) - Vfnew[s](xgrid)) / Vf[s](xgrid)).max())
            Vf = Vfnew

        # Store value function policies and Bellman Equations
        self.Vf = Vf
        self.policies = policies
        self.T = T

    def fit_policy_function(self, PF):
        Fits the policy functions PF using the points xgrid using
        xgrid, S = self.xgrid, self.S

        Vf, cf, nf, xprimef = {}, {}, {}, {}
        for s in range(S):
            PFvec = np.vstack(tuple(map(lambda x: PF(x, s), xgrid)))
            Vf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid, PFvec[:, 0], s=0)
            cf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid, PFvec[:, 1], s=0, k=1)
            nf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid, PFvec[:, 2], s=0, k=1)
            for sprime in range(S):
                xprimef[s, sprime] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,
                                                      PFvec[:, 3 + sprime],

        return Vf, [cf, nf, xprimef]

    def Τ(self, c, n):
        Computes Τ given c, n
        model = self.model
        Uc, Un = model.Uc(c, n), model.Un(c, n)

        return 1 + Un / (self.Θ * Uc)

    def time0_allocation(self, B_, s0):
        Finds the optimal allocation given initial government debt B_ and
        state s_0
        PF = self.T(self.Vf)
        z0 = PF(B_, s0)
        c0, n0, xprime0 = z0[1], z0[2], z0[3:]
        return c0, n0, xprime0

    def simulate(self, B_, s_0, T, sHist=None):
        Simulates Ramsey plan for T periods
        model, π = self.model, self.π
        Uc = model.Uc
        cf, nf, xprimef = self.policies

        if sHist is None:
            sHist =, s_0)

        cHist, nHist, Bhist, ΤHist, μHist = np.zeros((5, T))
        RHist = np.zeros(T - 1)

        # Time 0
        cHist[0], nHist[0], xprime = self.time0_allocation(B_, s_0)
        ΤHist[0] = self.Τ(cHist[0], nHist[0])[s_0]
        Bhist[0] = B_
        μHist[0] = 0

        # Time 1 onward
        for t in range(1, T):
            s, x = sHist[t], xprime[sHist[t]]
            c, n, xprime = np.empty(self.S), nf[s](x), np.empty(self.S)
            for shat in range(self.S):
                c[shat] = cf[shat](x)
            for sprime in range(self.S):
                xprime[sprime] = xprimef[s, sprime](x)

            Τ = self.Τ(c, n)[s]
            u_c = Uc(c, n)
            Eu_c = π[sHist[t - 1]] @ u_c
            μHist[t] = self.Vf[s](x, 1)

            RHist[t - 1] = Uc(cHist[t - 1], nHist[t - 1]) / (self.β * Eu_c)

            cHist[t], nHist[t], Bhist[t], ΤHist[t] = c[s], n, x / u_c[s], Τ

        return np.array([cHist, nHist, Bhist, ΤHist, sHist, μHist, RHist])
class Planners_Allocation_Sequential:
    Class returns planner's allocation as a function of the multiplier on the 
    implementability constraint mu
    def __init__(self,Para):
        Initializes the class from the calibration Para
        self.beta = Para.beta
        self.Pi = Para.Pi = MarkovChain(self.Pi)
        self.G = Para.G
        self.S = len(Para.Pi) # number of states
        self.Theta = Para.Theta
        self.Para = Para
        #now find the first best allocation
    def find_first_best(self):
        Find the first best allocation
        Para = self.Para
        S,Theta,Uc,Un,G = self.S,self.Theta,Para.Uc,Para.Un,self.G
        def res(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:]
            return np.hstack(
            [Theta*Uc(c,n)+Un(c,n), Theta*n - c - G]            
        res = root(res,0.5*np.ones(2*S))
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find first best')
        self.cFB = res.x[:S]
        self.nFB = res.x[S:]
        self.XiFB = Uc(self.cFB,self.nFB) #multiplier on the resource constraint.
        self.zFB = np.hstack([self.cFB,self.nFB,self.XiFB])
    def time1_allocation(self,mu):
        Computes optimal allocation for time t\geq 1 for a given \mu
        Para = self.Para
        S,Theta,G,Uc,Ucc,Un,Unn = self.S,self.Theta,self.G,Para.Uc,Para.Ucc,Para.Un,Para.Unn
        def FOC(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:2*S]
            Xi = z[2*S:]
            return np.hstack([            
            Uc(c,n) - mu*(Ucc(c,n)*c+Uc(c,n)) -Xi, #foc c
            Un(c,n) - mu*(Unn(c,n)*n+Un(c,n)) + Theta*Xi, #foc n
            Theta*n - c - G #resource constraint
        #find the root of the FOC
        res = root(FOC,self.zFB)
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find LS allocation.')
        z = res.x
        c,n,Xi = z[:S],z[S:2*S],z[2*S:]
        #now compute x
        I  = Uc(c,n)*c +  Un(c,n)*n
        x = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S) - self.beta*self.Pi, I )
        return c,n,x,Xi        
    def time0_allocation(self,B_,s_0):
        Finds the optimal allocation given initial government debt B_ and state s_0
        Para,Pi,Theta,G,beta = self.Para,self.Pi,self.Theta,self.G,self.beta
        Uc,Ucc,Un,Unn = Para.Uc,Para.Ucc,Para.Un,Para.Unn
        #first order conditions of planner's problem
        def FOC(z):
            mu,c,n,Xi = z
            xprime = self.time1_allocation(mu)[2]
            return np.hstack([
            Uc(c,n)*(c-B_) + Un(c,n)*n + beta*Pi[s_0].dot(xprime),
            Uc(c,n) - mu*(Ucc(c,n)*(c-B_) + Uc(c,n)) - Xi,
            Un(c,n) - mu*(Unn(c,n)*n+Un(c,n)) + Theta[s_0]*Xi,   
            (Theta*n - c - G)[s_0]
        #find root
        res = root(FOC,np.array([0.,self.cFB[s_0],self.nFB[s_0],self.XiFB[s_0]]))
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find time 0 LS allocation.')

        return res.x
    def time1_value(self,mu):
        Find the value associated with multiplier mu
        c,n,x,Xi = self.time1_allocation(mu)
        U = self.Para.U(c,n)
        V = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(self.S) - self.beta*self.Pi, U )
        return c,n,x,V
    def Tau(self,c,n):
        Computes Tau given c,n
        Para = self.Para
        Uc,Un = Para.Uc(c,n),Para.Un(c,n)
        return 1+Un/(self.Theta * Uc)
    def simulate(self,B_,s_0,T,sHist=None):
        Simulates planners policies for T periods
        Para,Pi,beta = self.Para,self.Pi,self.beta
        Uc = Para.Uc
        if sHist == None:
            sHist =,T)
        cHist,nHist,Bhist,TauHist,muHist = np.zeros((5,T))
        RHist = np.zeros(T-1)
        mu,cHist[0],nHist[0],_  = self.time0_allocation(B_,s_0)
        TauHist[0] = self.Tau(cHist[0],nHist[0])[s_0]
        Bhist[0] = B_
        muHist[0] = mu
        #time 1 onward
        for t in range(1,T):
            c,n,x,Xi = self.time1_allocation(mu)
            Tau = self.Tau(c,n)
            u_c = Uc(c,n)
            s = sHist[t]
            Eu_c = Pi[sHist[t-1]].dot(u_c)
            cHist[t],nHist[t],Bhist[t],TauHist[t] = c[s],n[s],x[s]/u_c[s],Tau[s]
            RHist[t-1] = Uc(cHist[t-1],nHist[t-1])/(beta*Eu_c)
            muHist[t] = mu
        return cHist,nHist,Bhist,TauHist,sHist,muHist,RHist
Beispiel #5
class SequentialAllocation:
    Class returns planner's allocation as a function of the multiplier on the
    implementability constraint μ
    def __init__(self, model):
        Initializes the class from the calibration model
        self.β, self.π, self.G = model.β, model.π, model.G = MarkovChain(self.π)
        self.S = len(model.π)  # number of states
        self.Θ = model.Θ
        self.model = model
        # now find the first best allocation

    def find_first_best(self):
        Find the first best allocation
        model = self.model
        S, Θ, Uc, Un, G = self.S, self.Θ, model.Uc, model.Un, self.G

        def res(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:]
            return np.hstack([Θ * Uc(c, n) + Un(c, n), Θ * n - c - G])

        res = root(res, 0.5 * np.ones(2 * S))

        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find first best')

        self.cFB = res.x[:S]
        self.nFB = res.x[S:]
        # multiplier on the resource constraint.
        self.ΞFB = Uc(self.cFB, self.nFB)
        self.zFB = np.hstack([self.cFB, self.nFB, self.ΞFB])

    def time1_allocation(self, μ):
        Computes optimal allocation for time t\geq 1 for a given \mu
        model = self.model
        S, Θ, G, Uc, Ucc, Un, Unn = self.S, self.Θ, self.G, model.Uc, model.Ucc, model.Un, model.Unn

        def FOC(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:2 * S]
            Ξ = z[2 * S:]
            return np.hstack([
                Uc(c, n) - μ * (Ucc(c, n) * c + Uc(c, n)) - Ξ,  # foc c
                Un(c, n) - μ * (Unn(c, n) * n + Un(c, n)) + Θ * Ξ,  # foc n
                Θ * n - c - G  # resource constraint

        # find the root of the FOC
        res = root(FOC, self.zFB)
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find LS allocation.')
        z = res.x
        c, n, Ξ = z[:S], z[S:2 * S], z[2 * S:]

        # now compute x
        I = Uc(c, n) * c + Un(c, n) * n
        x = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S) - self.β * self.π, I)

        return c, n, x, Ξ

    def time0_allocation(self, B_, s_0):
        Finds the optimal allocation given initial government debt B_ and state s_0
        model, π, Θ, G, β = self.model, self.π, self.Θ, self.G, self.β
        Uc, Ucc, Un, Unn = model.Uc, model.Ucc, model.Un, model.Unn

        # first order conditions of planner's problem
        def FOC(z):
            μ, c, n, Ξ = z
            xprime = self.time1_allocation(μ)[2]
            return np.hstack([
                Uc(c, n) * (c - B_) + Un(c, n) * n + β * π[s_0].dot(xprime),
                Uc(c, n) - μ * (Ucc(c, n) * (c - B_) + Uc(c, n)) - Ξ,
                Un(c, n) - μ * (Unn(c, n) * n + Un(c, n)) + Θ[s_0] * Ξ,
                (Θ * n - c - G)[s_0]

        # find root
        res = root(FOC,
                   np.array([0., self.cFB[s_0], self.nFB[s_0], self.ΞFB[s_0]]))
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find time 0 LS allocation.')

        return res.x

    def time1_value(self, μ):
        Find the value associated with multiplier μ
        c, n, x, Ξ = self.time1_allocation(μ)
        U = self.model.U(c, n)
        V = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(self.S) - self.β * self.π, U)
        return c, n, x, V

    def Τ(self, c, n):
        Computes Τ given c,n
        model = self.model
        Uc, Un = model.Uc(c, n), model.Un(c, n)

        return 1 + Un / (self.Θ * Uc)

    def simulate(self, B_, s_0, T, sHist=None):
        Simulates planners policies for T periods
        model, π, β = self.model, self.π, self.β
        Uc = model.Uc

        if sHist is None:
            sHist =, s_0)

        cHist, nHist, Bhist, ΤHist, μHist = np.zeros((5, T))
        RHist = np.zeros(T - 1)
        # time0
        μ, cHist[0], nHist[0], _ = self.time0_allocation(B_, s_0)
        ΤHist[0] = self.Τ(cHist[0], nHist[0])[s_0]
        Bhist[0] = B_
        μHist[0] = μ

        # time 1 onward
        for t in range(1, T):
            c, n, x, Ξ = self.time1_allocation(μ)
            Τ = self.Τ(c, n)
            u_c = Uc(c, n)
            s = sHist[t]
            Eu_c = π[sHist[t - 1]].dot(u_c)

            cHist[t], nHist[t], Bhist[t], ΤHist[t] = c[s], n[s], x[s] / \
                u_c[s], Τ[s]

            RHist[t - 1] = Uc(cHist[t - 1], nHist[t - 1]) / (β * Eu_c)
            μHist[t] = μ

        return np.array([cHist, nHist, Bhist, ΤHist, sHist, μHist, RHist])
class SequentialAllocation:
    Class that takes CESutility or BGPutility object as input returns
    planner's allocation as a function of the multiplier on the
    implementability constraint mu.
    def __init__(self, model):

        # Initialize from model object attributes
        self.beta, self.pi, self.G = model.beta, model.pi, model.G, self.Theta = MarkovChain(self.pi), model.Theta
        self.S = len(model.pi)  # Number of states
        self.model = model

        # Find the first best allocation

    def find_first_best(self):
        Find the first best allocation
        model = self.model
        S, Theta, G = self.S, self.Theta, self.G
        Uc, Un = model.Uc, model.Un

        def res(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:]
            return np.hstack([Theta * Uc(c, n) + Un(c, n), Theta * n - c - G])

        res = root(res, 0.5 * np.ones(2 * S))

        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find first best')

        self.cFB = res.x[:S]
        self.nFB = res.x[S:]

        # Multiplier on the resource constraint
        self.XiFB = Uc(self.cFB, self.nFB)
        self.zFB = np.hstack([self.cFB, self.nFB, self.XiFB])

    def time1_allocation(self, mu):
        Computes optimal allocation for time t\geq 1 for a given \mu
        model = self.model
        S, Theta, G = self.S, self.Theta, self.G
        Uc, Ucc, Un, Unn = model.Uc, model.Ucc, model.Un, model.Unn

        def FOC(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:2 * S]
            Xi = z[2 * S:]
            return np.hstack([Uc(c, n) - mu * (Ucc(c, n) * c + Uc(c, n)) - Xi,          # FOC of c
                              Un(c, n) - mu * (Unn(c, n) * n + Un(c, n)) + \
                              Theta * Xi,  # FOC of n
                              Theta * n - c - G])

        # Find the root of the first order condition
        res = root(FOC, self.zFB)
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find LS allocation.')
        z = res.x
        c, n, Xi = z[:S], z[S:2 * S], z[2 * S:]

        # Compute x
        I = Uc(c, n) * c + Un(c, n) * n
        x = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S) - self.beta * self.pi, I)

        return c, n, x, Xi

    def time0_allocation(self, B_, s_0):
        Finds the optimal allocation given initial government debt B_ and state s_0
        model, pi, Theta, G, beta = self.model, self.pi, self.Theta, self.G, self.beta
        Uc, Ucc, Un, Unn = model.Uc, model.Ucc, model.Un, model.Unn

        # First order conditions of planner's problem
        def FOC(z):
            mu, c, n, Xi = z
            xprime = self.time1_allocation(mu)[2]
            return np.hstack([
                Uc(c, n) * (c - B_) + Un(c, n) * n + beta * pi[s_0] @ xprime,
                Uc(c, n) - mu * (Ucc(c, n) * (c - B_) + Uc(c, n)) - Xi,
                Un(c, n) - mu * (Unn(c, n) * n + Un(c, n)) + Theta[s_0] * Xi,
                (Theta * n - c - G)[s_0]

        # Find root
        res = root(FOC,
                   np.array([0, self.cFB[s_0], self.nFB[s_0], self.XiFB[s_0]]))
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find time 0 LS allocation.')

        return res.x

    def time1_value(self, mu):
        Find the value associated with multiplier mu
        c, n, x, Xi = self.time1_allocation(mu)
        U = self.model.U(c, n)
        V = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(self.S) - self.beta * self.pi, U)
        return c, n, x, V

    def Tau(self, c, n):
        Computes Tau given c, n
        model = self.model
        Uc, Un = model.Uc(c, n), model.Un(c, n)

        return 1 + Un / (self.Theta * Uc)

    def simulate(self, B_, s_0, T, sHist=None):
        Simulates planners policies for T periods
        model, pi, beta = self.model, self.pi, self.beta
        Uc = model.Uc

        if sHist is None:
            sHist =, s_0)

        cHist, nHist, Bhist, TauHist, muHist = np.zeros((5, T))
        RHist = np.zeros(T - 1)

        # Time 0
        mu, cHist[0], nHist[0], _ = self.time0_allocation(B_, s_0)
        TauHist[0] = self.Tau(cHist[0], nHist[0])[s_0]
        Bhist[0] = B_
        muHist[0] = mu

        # Time 1 onward
        for t in range(1, T):
            c, n, x, Xi = self.time1_allocation(mu)
            Tau = self.Tau(c, n)
            u_c = Uc(c, n)
            s = sHist[t]
            Eu_c = pi[sHist[t - 1]] @ u_c
            cHist[t], nHist[t], Bhist[t], TauHist[t] = c[s], n[s], x[s] / \
                u_c[s], Tau[s]
            RHist[t - 1] = Uc(cHist[t - 1], nHist[t - 1]) / (beta * Eu_c)
            muHist[t] = mu

        return np.array([cHist, nHist, Bhist, TauHist, sHist, muHist, RHist])
    cp.gamma_c = model_in["gamma_c"] 
    cp.gamma_l = model_in["gamma_l"]
    cp.A_L     = model_in["A_L"]
    cp.Pi      = np.asarray(model_in["Pi"])
    cp.z_vals  = np.asarray(model_in["z_vals"])


    #====Normalize mean of Labour distributuons===#

    mc = MarkovChain(cp.Pi)
    stationary_distributions = mc.stationary_distributions
    mean =, cp.z_vals)
    cp.z_vals = cp.z_vals/ mean   ## Standardise mean of avaible labour supply to 1
    z_seq = mc.simulate(T)

    #===Create Dict for Saving Results===#

    Results = {}

    Results["Name of Model"] = model_in["name"]

    #====Calcuate First Best===#

    fb_r, fb_K, fb_H, fb_L, fb_Y, fb_w  = firstbest(fp,cp)

    print('Runnung model {}, with grid_zize {}, max assets {}, T length of {}, prob matrix {}, z_vals {}, gamma_c {}, gamma_l{}'.format(name, len(cp.asset_grid), np.max(cp.asset_grid), T, cp.Pi, cp.z_vals, cp.gamma_c, cp.gamma_l))

    print('First best output {}, capital {}, interest rate {}, hours {} and labour supply {}'.format(fb_Y, fb_K, fb_r, fb_H, fb_L))
Beispiel #8
def analyze_dtmc(P,
    Perform Markov Analysis of discrete time discrete state markov chain
    (DTMC) process.

    P : array-like
        The transition matrix.  Must be of shape n x n.
    states : array-like
        Array_like of length n containing the values associated with the
        states, which must be homogeneous in type. If None, the values
        default to integers 0 through n-1.
    sim_kwargs : dict
        Dictionary of key word arguments to be passed to the simulation
        of the markov process.  If None, then no simulation will be performed.
        These include ts_length (length of each
        simulation) and init (Initial state values).
    trans_kwargs : dict
        Dictionary of options for the transient probability analysis (tsa).
        If None is passed instead of dict, no tsa will be done.
        ts_length is the number of time periods to analyze, while init is
        the initial state probability vector.
    cost_kwargs : dict
        Dictionary of cost parameters for cost analysis.  If None, then
        no cost analysis will be performed.  These include state (vector of
        costs of being in each state), transition (matrix of costs of
        transitioning from one state to another), and num (number of
        these processes - total cost multiplied by this, default 1).

    analysis : dict
        Dictionary with results of markov analysis

        If sim_kwargs, trans_kwargs, or cost_kwargs is given, but their
        required arguments are not passed.  These are described in the
        Notes section.

    The required arguments if the kwargs are passed are:

    * sim_kwargs: `ts_length` is required, the length of the sim.

    * trans_kwargs: `ts_length` is required, the number of periods
      to analyze

    * cost_kwargs: `state` and `transition` are required, which are the
      costs of being in any state and the costs of transitioning from one
      state to another.
    analysis = {}
    markov = MarkovChain(P, states)
    analysis["cdfs"] = markov.cdfs
    steady_state = markov.stationary_distributions[0]
    analysis["steady_state"] = {"output": steady_state}
    if sim_kwargs:
        if "ts_length" not in sim_kwargs:
            raise ValueError(("Required argument `ts_length` in sim_kwargs! "
                              "None was given."))
        if "init" not in sim_kwargs:
            sim_kwargs["init"] = None
        analysis["sim"] = {
            "kwargs": sim_kwargs,
            "output": markov.simulate(**sim_kwargs)
    if trans_kwargs:
        if "ts_length" not in trans_kwargs:
            raise ValueError(("Required argument `ts_length` in trans_kwargs! "
                              "None was given."))
        if "init" not in trans_kwargs:
            trans_kwargs["init"] = None
        trans_probs = _transient_probs(P, states, **trans_kwargs)
        analysis["transient"] = {"kwargs": trans_kwargs, "output": trans_probs}
    if cost_kwargs:
        if "state" not in cost_kwargs:
            raise ValueError(("Required argument `state` in trans_kwargs! "
                              "None was given."))
        if "transition" not in cost_kwargs:
            raise ValueError(("Required argument `transition` in trans_kwargs!"
                              " None was given."))
        if "num" not in cost_kwargs:
            cost_kwargs["num"] = 1
        # Cost of steady state
        cost_vector, cost_total = _cost_analysis(P, steady_state,
        # Cost of transient analysis
        analysis["steady_state"]["cost"] = \
            {"kwargs": cost_kwargs,
             "total": cost_total, "vector": cost_vector}
        if trans_kwargs:
            cost_vector, cost_total = _cost_analysis(P, trans_probs,
            analysis["transient"]["cost"] = {
                "kwargs": cost_kwargs,
                "total": cost_total,
                "vector": cost_vector
    return analysis'ggplot')

lm = LakeModel(d=0, b=0)
T = 5000  # Simulation length

alpha, lmda = lm.alpha, lm.lmda

P = [[1 - lmda, lmda],
     [alpha, 1 - alpha]]

mc = MarkovChain(P)

xbar = lm.rate_steady_state()

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 8))
s_path = mc.simulate(T, init=1)
s_bar_e = s_path.cumsum() / range(1, T+1)
s_bar_u = 1 - s_bar_e

ax = axes[0]
ax.plot(s_bar_u, '-b', lw=2, alpha=0.5)
ax.hlines(xbar[1], 0, T, 'r', '--')
ax.set_title(r'Percent of time unemployed')

ax = axes[1]
ax.plot(s_bar_e, '-b', lw=2, alpha=0.5)
ax.hlines(xbar[0], 0, T, 'r', '--')
ax.set_title(r'Percent of time employed')
