Beispiel #1
def test_fubini_study_angle() -> None:

    for _ in range(REPS):
        theta = random.uniform(-np.pi, +np.pi)

        ang = qf.fubini_study_angle(qf.I(0).tensor, qf.Rx(theta, 0).su().tensor)
        assert np.isclose(2 * ang / abs(theta), 1.0)

        ang = qf.fubini_study_angle(qf.I(0).tensor, qf.Ry(theta, 0).tensor)
        assert np.isclose(2 * ang / abs(theta), 1.0)

        ang = qf.fubini_study_angle(qf.I(0).tensor, qf.Rz(theta, 0).tensor)
        assert np.isclose(2 * ang / abs(theta), 1.0)

        ang = qf.fubini_study_angle(qf.Swap(0, 1).tensor, qf.PSwap(theta, 0, 1).tensor)

        assert np.isclose(2 * ang / abs(theta), 1.0)

        ang = qf.fubini_study_angle(qf.I(0).tensor, qf.PhaseShift(theta, 0).tensor)
        assert np.isclose(2 * ang / abs(theta), 1.0)

        assert qf.fubini_study_close(qf.Rz(theta, 0).tensor, qf.Rz(theta, 0).tensor)

    for n in range(1, 6):
        eye = qf.IdentityGate(list(range(n)))
        assert np.isclose(qf.fubini_study_angle(eye.tensor, eye.tensor), 0.0)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        qf.fubini_study_angle(qf.RandomGate([1]).tensor, qf.RandomGate([0, 1]).tensor)
def test_inner_product() -> None:
    # also tested via fubini_study_angle

    for _ in range(REPS):
        theta = random.uniform(-4 * pi, +4 * pi)

        hs = tensors.inner(qf.Rx(theta, 0).tensor, qf.Rx(theta, 0).tensor)
        print(f"Rx({theta}), hilbert_schmidt = {hs}")
        assert np.isclose(hs / 2, 1.0)

        hs = tensors.inner(qf.Rz(theta, 0).tensor, qf.Rz(theta, 0).tensor)
        print(f"Rz({theta}), hilbert_schmidt = {hs}")
        assert np.isclose(hs / 2, 1.0)

        hs = tensors.inner(qf.Ry(theta, 0).tensor, qf.Ry(theta, 0).tensor)
        print(f"Ry({theta}), hilbert_schmidt = {hs}")
        assert np.isclose(hs / 2, 1.0)

        hs = tensors.inner(
            qf.PSwap(theta, 0, 1).tensor,
            qf.PSwap(theta, 0, 1).tensor)
        print(f"PSwap({theta}), hilbert_schmidt = {hs}")
        assert np.isclose(hs / 4, 1.0)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        tensors.inner(qf.zero_state(0).tensor, qf.X(0).tensor)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        tensors.inner(qf.CNot(0, 1).tensor, qf.X(0).tensor)
Beispiel #3
def test_cu1() -> None:
    # Test that QASM's cu1 gate is the same as CPHASE up to global phase

    for _ in range(REPS):
        theta = random.uniform(0, 4)
        circ0 = qf.Circuit([
            qf.Rz(theta / 2, 0),
            qf.CNot(0, 1),
            qf.Rz(-theta / 2, 1),
            qf.CNot(0, 1),
            qf.Rz(theta / 2, 1),
        gate0 = circ0.asgate()
        gate1 = qf.CPhase(theta, 0, 1)
        assert qf.gates_close(gate0, gate1)
def test_circuit_to_pyquil() -> None:
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.X(0)

    prog = xforest.circuit_to_pyquil(circ)
    assert str(prog) == "X 0\n"

    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ1 = qf.Circuit()
    circ2 = qf.Circuit()
    circ1 += qf.Ry(np.pi / 2, 0)
    circ1 += qf.Rz(np.pi, 0)
    circ1 += qf.Ry(np.pi / 2, 1)
    circ1 += qf.Rx(np.pi, 1)
    circ1 += qf.CNot(0, 1)
    circ2 += qf.Rx(-np.pi / 2, 1)
    circ2 += qf.Ry(4.71572463191, 1)
    circ2 += qf.Rx(np.pi / 2, 1)
    circ2 += qf.CNot(0, 1)
    circ2 += qf.Rx(-2 * 2.74973750579, 0)
    circ2 += qf.Rx(-2 * 2.74973750579, 1)
    circ += circ1
    circ += circ2

    prog = xforest.circuit_to_pyquil(circ)
    new_circ = xforest.pyquil_to_circuit(prog)

    assert qf.circuits_close(circ, new_circ)
Beispiel #5
def test_phase_estimation_circuit_2() -> None:
    N = 8
    phase = 12 / 256
    gate = qf.Rz(-4 * np.pi * phase, N)
    circ = qf.phase_estimation_circuit(gate, range(N))
    res =[0:N]
    est_phase = bitlist_to_int(res) / 2 ** N
    assert np.isclose(phase, est_phase)
def test_phaseshift() -> None:
    gate = qf.T(0) @ qf.T(0)

    assert qf.gates_close(gate, gate)

    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.S(0))
    assert qf.gates_close(qf.S(0), qf.PhaseShift(np.pi / 2, 0))
    assert qf.gates_close(qf.T(0), qf.PhaseShift(np.pi / 4, 0))

    # PhaseShift and RZ are the same up to a global phase.
    for _ in range(REPS):
        theta = random.uniform(-4 * np.pi, +4 * np.pi)
        assert qf.gates_close(qf.Rz(theta, 0), qf.PhaseShift(theta, 0))

    # Causes a rounding error that can result in NANs if not corrected for.
    theta = -2.5700302313621375
    assert qf.gates_close(qf.Rz(theta, 0), qf.PhaseShift(theta, 0))
def test_circuit_to_qutip() -> None:
    q0, q1, q2 = 0, 1, 2

    circ0 = qf.Circuit()
    circ0 += qf.I(q0)
    circ0 += qf.Ph(0.1, q0)
    circ0 += qf.X(q0)
    circ0 += qf.Y(q1)

    circ0 += qf.Z(q0)
    circ0 += qf.S(q1)
    circ0 += qf.T(q2)

    circ0 += qf.H(q0)
    circ0 += qf.H(q1)
    circ0 += qf.H(q2)

    circ0 += qf.CNot(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.CNot(q1, q0)
    circ0 += qf.Swap(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.ISwap(q0, q1)

    circ0 += qf.CCNot(q0, q1, q2)
    circ0 += qf.CSwap(q0, q1, q2)

    circ0 == qf.I(q0)
    circ0 += qf.Rx(0.1, q0)
    circ0 += qf.Ry(0.2, q1)
    circ0 += qf.Rz(0.3, q2)
    circ0 += qf.V(q0)
    circ0 += qf.H(q1)
    circ0 += qf.CY(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.CZ(q0, q1)

    circ0 += qf.CS(q1, q2)
    circ0 += qf.CT(q0, q1)

    circ0 += qf.SqrtSwap(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.SqrtISwap(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.CCNot(q0, q1, q2)
    circ0 += qf.CSwap(q0, q1, q2)

    circ0 += qf.CPhase(0.1, q1, q2)

    # Not yet supported
    # circ0 += qf.B(q1, q2)
    # circ0 += qf.Swap(q1, q2) ** 0.1

    qbc = xqutip.circuit_to_qutip(circ0)
    U = gate_sequence_product(qbc.propagators())
    gate0 = qf.Unitary(U.full(), qubits=[0, 1, 2])
    assert qf.gates_close(gate0, circ0.asgate())

    circ1 = xqutip.qutip_to_circuit(qbc)

    assert qf.gates_close(circ0.asgate(), circ1.asgate())
def test_rn() -> None:
    theta = 1.23

    gate = qf.Rn(theta, 1, 0, 0, "q0")
    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.Rx(theta, "q0"))

    gate = qf.Rn(theta, 0, 1, 0, "q0")
    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.Ry(theta, "q0"))

    gate = qf.Rn(theta, 0, 0, 1, "q0")
    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.Rz(theta, "q0"))

    gate = qf.Rn(np.pi, 1 / np.sqrt(2), 0, 1 / np.sqrt(2), "q0")
    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.H("q0"))
Beispiel #9
def test_gate_symbolic_params() -> None:
    theta = Symbol("θ")

    gate0 = qf.Rz(theta, 1)
    assert str(gate0) == "Rz(θ) 1"

    gate1 = gate0**4
    assert str(gate1) == "Rz(4*θ) 1"

    circ = qf.Circuit([gate0, gate1])
    diag = qf.circuit_to_diagram(circ)
    assert diag == "1: ───Rz(θ)───Rz(4*θ)───\n"

    gate2 = gate0.resolve({"θ": 2})
    assert gate2.param("theta") == 2.0

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        _ = gate2.param("asldfh")
def test_visualize_circuit() -> None:
    circ = qf.Circuit()

    circ += qf.I(7)
    circ += qf.X(0)
    circ += qf.Y(1)
    circ += qf.Z(2)
    circ += qf.H(3)
    circ += qf.S(4)
    circ += qf.T(5)
    circ += qf.S_H(6)
    circ += qf.T_H(7)

    circ += qf.Rx(-0.5 * pi, 0)
    circ += qf.Ry(0.5 * pi, 4)
    circ += qf.Rz((1 / 3) * pi, 5)
    circ += qf.Ry(0.222, 6)

    circ += qf.XPow(0.5, 0)
    circ += qf.YPow(0.5, 2)
    circ += qf.ZPow(0.4, 2)
    circ += qf.HPow(0.5, 3)
    circ += qf.ZPow(0.47276, 1)

    # Gate with symbolic parameter
    #  gate = qf.Rz(Symbol('\\theta'), 1)
    # circ += gate

    circ += qf.CNot(1, 2)
    circ += qf.CNot(2, 1)
    # circ += qf.IDEN(*range(8))
    circ += qf.ISwap(4, 2)
    circ += qf.ISwap(6, 5)
    circ += qf.CZ(1, 3)
    circ += qf.Swap(1, 5)

    # circ += qf.Barrier(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)  # Not yet supported in latex

    circ += qf.CCNot(1, 2, 3)
    circ += qf.CSwap(4, 5, 6)

    circ += qf.P0(0)
    circ += qf.P1(1)

    circ += qf.Reset(2)
    circ += qf.Reset(4, 5, 6)

    circ += qf.H(4)

    circ += qf.XX(0.25, 1, 4)
    circ += qf.XX(0.25, 1, 2)
    circ += qf.YY(0.75, 1, 3)
    circ += qf.ZZ(1 / 3, 3, 1)

    circ += qf.CPhase(0, 0, 1)
    circ += qf.CPhase(pi * 1 / 2, 0, 4)

    circ += qf.Can(1 / 3, 1 / 2, 1 / 2, 0, 1)
    circ += qf.Can(1 / 3, 1 / 2, 1 / 2, 2, 4)
    circ += qf.Can(1 / 3, 1 / 2, 1 / 2, 6, 5)

    # circ += qf.Measure(0)
    # circ += qf.Measure(1, 1)

    circ += qf.PSwap(pi / 2, 6, 7)

    circ += qf.Ph(1 / 4, 7)

    circ += qf.CH(1, 6)

    circ += qf.visualization.NoWire([0, 1, 2])
    # circ += qf.visualization.NoWire(4, 1, 2)

    if os.environ.get("QF_VIZTEST"):


    qf.circuit_to_latex(circ, package="qcircuit")
    qf.circuit_to_latex(circ, package="quantikz")

    qf.circuit_to_diagram(circ, use_unicode=False)

    latex = qf.circuit_to_latex(circ, package="qcircuit")
    if os.environ.get("QF_VIZTEST"):

    latex = qf.circuit_to_latex(circ, package="quantikz")

    if os.environ.get("QF_VIZTEST"):
Beispiel #11
def test_circuit_to_quirk() -> None:
    # 2-qubit gates

    quirk = "{%22cols%22:[[1,%22X%22,%22%E2%80%A2%22],[%22%E2%80%A2%22,1,%22Z%22],[1,%22%E2%80%A2%22,%22Y%22],[%22Swap%22,1,%22Swap%22]]}"  # noqa: E501
    circ = qf.Circuit([qf.CNot(2, 1), qf.CZ(0, 2), qf.CY(1, 2), qf.Swap(0, 2)])
    assert urllib.parse.unquote(quirk) == quirk_url(circuit_to_quirk(circ))

    # 3-qubit gates
    quirk = "{%22cols%22:[[%22%E2%80%A2%22,%22%E2%80%A2%22,%22X%22],[%22%E2%80%A2%22,%22%E2%80%A2%22,%22Z%22],[%22%E2%80%A2%22,%22Swap%22,%22Swap%22]]}"  # noqa: E501
    circ = qf.Circuit([qf.CCNot(0, 1, 2), qf.CCZ(0, 1, 2), qf.CSwap(0, 1, 2)])
    assert urllib.parse.unquote(quirk) == quirk_url(circuit_to_quirk(circ))

    test0 = "{%22cols%22:[[%22Z%22,%22Y%22,%22X%22,%22H%22]]}"  # noqa: E501
    test0 = urllib.parse.unquote(test0)
    circ = qf.Circuit([qf.Z(0), qf.Y(1), qf.X(2), qf.H(3)])
    assert test0 == quirk_url(circuit_to_quirk(circ))

    test_halfturns = "{%22cols%22:[[%22X^%C2%BD%22,%22Y^%C2%BD%22,%22Z^%C2%BD%22],[%22X^-%C2%BD%22,%22Y^-%C2%BD%22,%22Z^-%C2%BD%22]]}"  # noqa: E501
    test_halfturns = urllib.parse.unquote(test_halfturns)
    circ = qf.Circuit(
    assert test_halfturns == quirk_url(circuit_to_quirk(circ))

    quarter_turns = "{%22cols%22:[[%22Z^%C2%BC%22],[%22Z^-%C2%BC%22]]}"  # noqa: E501
    s = urllib.parse.unquote(quarter_turns)
    circ = qf.Circuit([qf.T(0), qf.T(0).H])
    assert s == quirk_url(circuit_to_quirk(circ))

    # GHZ circuit
    quirk = "{%22cols%22:[[%22H%22],[%22%E2%80%A2%22,%22X%22],[1,%22%E2%80%A2%22,%22X%22]]}"  # noqa: E501
    circ = qf.Circuit([qf.H(0), qf.CNot(0, 1), qf.CNot(1, 2)])
    assert urllib.parse.unquote(quirk) == quirk_url(circuit_to_quirk(circ))

    test_formulaic = "{%22cols%22:[[{%22id%22:%22X^ft%22,%22arg%22:%220.1%22},{%22id%22:%22Y^ft%22,%22arg%22:%220.2%22},{%22id%22:%22Z^ft%22,%22arg%22:%220.3%22}],[{%22id%22:%22Rxft%22,%22arg%22:%220.4%22},{%22id%22:%22Ryft%22,%22arg%22:%220.5%22},{%22id%22:%22Rzft%22,%22arg%22:%220.6%22}]]}"  # noqa: E501
    s = urllib.parse.unquote(test_formulaic)
    circ = qf.Circuit([
        qf.XPow(0.1, 0),
        qf.YPow(0.2, 1),
        qf.ZPow(0.3, 2),
        qf.Rx(0.4, 0),
        qf.Ry(0.5, 1),
        qf.Rz(0.6, 2),
    assert s == quirk_url(circuit_to_quirk(circ))
def test_rotation_gates() -> None:
    assert qf.gates_close(qf.I(0), qf.I(0))
    assert qf.gates_close(qf.Rx(np.pi, 0), qf.X(0))
    assert qf.gates_close(qf.Ry(np.pi, 0), qf.Y(0))
    assert qf.gates_close(qf.Rz(np.pi, 0), qf.Z(0))
def test_hadamard() -> None:
    gate = qf.Rz(np.pi / 2, 0) @ qf.I(0)
    gate = qf.Rx(np.pi / 2, 0) @ gate
    gate = qf.Rz(np.pi / 2, 0) @ gate

    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.H(0))