Beispiel #1
def mcaIterator(mca_path, mca_filename):
    registry = OpaqueRegistry(64)  # log2(max block ID)
    with RegionFile(mca_path + mca_filename) as region_file:
        for chunk_x in range(0, 32):
            for chunk_z in range(0, 32):
                    chunk = region_file.load_chunk(chunk_x, chunk_z)
                    sections = chunk.value[''].value['Level'].value[
                except (KeyError, ValueError, BufferUnderrun) as e:
                    if type(e) is BufferUnderrun:
                        print("Failed loading chunk:", chunk_x, chunk_z,
                              type(e).__name__, e)
                for section in sections:
                        blocks = BlockArray.from_nbt(section, registry)
                    except KeyError as e:
                    yield {
                        'mca': mca_filename,
                        'x': chunk_x,
                        'z': chunk_z,
                        'y': int.from_bytes(section.value['Y'].to_bytes(),
                        'blocks': blocks,
Beispiel #2
def test_chunk_internals():
    blocks = BlockArray.empty(OpaqueRegistry(13))
    storage =

    # Accumulate blocks
    added = []
    for i in range(300):
        blocks[i] = i

        assert blocks[:i + 1] == added

        if i < 256:
            assert len(blocks.palette) == i + 1
            if i < 16:
                assert storage.value_width == 4
            elif i < 32:
                assert storage.value_width == 5
            elif i < 64:
                assert storage.value_width == 6
            elif i < 128:
                assert storage.value_width == 7
                assert storage.value_width == 8
            assert blocks.palette == []
            assert storage.value_width == 13

    # Zero the first 100 blocks
    for i in range(100):
        blocks[i] = 0
    assert len(blocks.palette) == 201
    assert storage.value_width == 8

    # Zero blocks 100-199
    for i in range(100, 200):
        blocks[i] = 0
    assert len(blocks.palette) == 101
    assert storage.value_width == 7

    # Zero blocks 205 - 300
    for i in range(205, 300):
        blocks[i] = 0
    assert len(blocks.palette) == 6
    assert storage.value_width == 4

    # Check value
    for i in range(4096):
        if 200 <= i < 205:
            assert blocks[i] == i
            assert blocks[i] == 0
Beispiel #3
def test_wikivg_example():
    # Example from
    data = bitstring.BitArray(length=13 * 4096)
        64] = '0b0000000000100000100001100011000101001000010000011000100001000001'
        128] = '0b0000000100000001100010100111001001100000111101101000110010000111'
    data = data.bytes

    blocks = BlockArray.from_bytes(data, 5, OpaqueRegistry(13), [])
    assert blocks[:24] == [
        1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 4, 8, 0, 7, 4, 3, 13, 15, 16, 9, 14, 10, 12,
        0, 2
Beispiel #4
class Buffer1_7(object):
    buff = b""
    pos = 0
    registry = OpaqueRegistry(13)

    def __init__(self, data=None):
        if data:
            self.buff = data

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.buff) - self.pos

    def add(self, data):
        Add some bytes to the end of the buffer.

        self.buff += data

    def save(self):
        Saves the buffer contents.

        self.buff = self.buff[self.pos:]
        self.pos = 0

    def restore(self):
        Restores the buffer contents to its state when :meth:`save` was last

        self.pos = 0

    def discard(self):
        Discards the entire buffer contents.

        self.pos = len(self.buff)

    def read(self, length=None):
        Read *length* bytes from the beginning of the buffer, or all bytes if
        *length* is ``None``

        if length is None:
            data = self.buff[self.pos:]
            self.pos = len(self.buff)
            if self.pos + length > len(self.buff):
                raise BufferUnderrun()

            data = self.buff[self.pos:self.pos + length]
            self.pos += length

        return data

    def hexdump(self):
        printable = string.letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
        data = self.buff[self.pos:]
        lines = ['']
        bytes_read = 0
        while len(data) > 0:
            data_line, data = data[:16], data[16:]

            l_hex = []
            l_str = []
            for i, c in enumerate(data_line):
                if PY3:
                    l_hex.append("%02x" % c)
                    c_str = data_line[i:i + 1]
                    l_str.append(c_str if c_str in printable else ".")
                    l_hex.append("%02x" % ord(c))
                    l_str.append(c if c in printable else ".")

            l_hex.extend(['  '] * (16 - len(l_hex)))
            l_hex.insert(8, '')

            lines.append("%08x  %s  |%s|" %
                         (bytes_read, " ".join(l_hex), "".join(l_str)))

            bytes_read += len(data_line)

        return "\n    ".join(lines + ["%08x" % bytes_read])

    # Basic data types --------------------------------------------------------

    def pack(cls, fmt, *fields):
        Pack *fields* into a struct. The format accepted is the same as for

        return struct.pack(">" + fmt, *fields)

    def unpack(self, fmt):
        Unpack a struct. The format accepted is the same as for
        fmt = ">" + fmt
        data =
        fields = struct.unpack(fmt, data)
        if len(fields) == 1:
            fields = fields[0]
        return fields

    # Blob data types ---------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_blob(cls, fmt, blob):
        Packs a length-prefixed byte string.

        The *fmt* parameter gives the format of the length prefix.
        return cls.pack(fmt, len(blob)) + blob

    def unpack_blob(self, fmt):
        Unpacks a length-prefixed byte string.

        The *fmt* parameter gives the format of the length prefix.

    def pack_varint_blob(cls, blob):
        Packs a length-prefixed byte string.

        The length prefix is packed as a varint.
        return cls.pack_varint(len(blob)) + blob

    def unpack_varint_blob(self):
        Unpacks a length-prefixed byte string.

        The length prefix is unpacked as a varint.

    # Array data types --------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_array(cls, fmt, array):
        Packs *array* into a struct. The format accepted is the same as for
        return struct.pack(">" + fmt * len(array), *array)

    def unpack_array(self, fmt, length):
        Unpack an array struct. The format accepted is the same as for
        data =">" + fmt) * length)
        return list(struct.unpack(">" + fmt * length, data))

    # Optional ----------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_optional(cls, packer, val):
        Packs a boolean indicating whether *val* is None. If not,
        ``packer(val)`` is appended to the returned string.

        if val is None:
            return cls.pack('?', False)
            return cls.pack('?', True) + packer(val)

    def unpack_optional(self, unpacker):
        Unpacks a boolean. If it's True, return the value of ``unpacker()``.
        Otherwise return None.
        if self.unpack('?'):
            return unpacker()
            return None

    # Varint ------------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_varint(cls, number, max_bits=32):
        Packs a varint.

        number_min = -1 << (max_bits - 1)
        number_max = +1 << (max_bits - 1)
        if not (number_min <= number < number_max):
            raise ValueError("varint does not fit in range: %d <= %d < %d" %
                             (number_min, number, number_max))

        if number < 0:
            number += 1 << 32

        out = b""
        for i in xrange(10):
            b = number & 0x7F
            number >>= 7
            out += cls.pack("B", b | (0x80 if number > 0 else 0))
            if number == 0:
        return out

    def unpack_varint(self, max_bits=32):
        Unpacks a varint.

        number = 0
        for i in xrange(10):
            b = self.unpack("B")
            number |= (b & 0x7F) << 7 * i
            if not b & 0x80:

        if number & (1 << 31):
            number -= 1 << 32

        number_min = -1 << (max_bits - 1)
        number_max = +1 << (max_bits - 1)
        if not (number_min <= number < number_max):
            raise ValueError("varint does not fit in range: %d <= %d < %d" %
                             (number_min, number, number_max))

        return number

    # Packet ------------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_packet(cls, data, compression_threshold=-1):
        Unpacks a packet frame. This method handles length-prefixing and

        if compression_threshold >= 0:
            # Compress data and prepend uncompressed data length
            if len(data) >= compression_threshold:
                data = cls.pack_varint(len(data)) + zlib.compress(data)
                data = cls.pack_varint(0) + data

        # Prepend packet length
        return cls.pack_varint(len(data), max_bits=32) + data

    def unpack_packet(self, cls, compression_threshold=-1):
        Unpacks a packet frame. This method handles length-prefixing and
        body =
        buff = cls(body)
        if compression_threshold >= 0:
            uncompressed_length = buff.unpack_varint()
            if uncompressed_length > 0:
                body = zlib.decompress(
                buff = cls(body)

        return buff

    # String ------------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_string(cls, text):
        Pack a varint-prefixed utf8 string.

        text = text.encode("utf-8")
        return cls.pack_varint(len(text), max_bits=16) + text

    def unpack_string(self):
        Unpack a varint-prefixed utf8 string.

        length = self.unpack_varint(max_bits=16)
        text ="utf-8")
        return text

    # JSON --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_json(cls, obj):
        Serialize an object to JSON and pack it to a Minecraft string.
        return cls.pack_string(json.dumps(obj))

    def unpack_json(self):
        Unpack a Minecraft string and interpret it as JSON.

        obj = json.loads(self.unpack_string())
        return obj

    # Chat --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_chat(cls, message):
        Pack a Minecraft chat message.
        from quarry.types import chat
        if not isinstance(message, chat.Message):
            message = chat.Message.from_string(message)
        return message.to_bytes()

    def unpack_chat(self):
        Unpack a Minecraft chat message.
        from quarry.types import chat
        return chat.Message.from_buff(self)

    # UUID --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_uuid(cls, uuid):
        Packs a UUID.

        return uuid.to_bytes()

    def unpack_uuid(self):
        Unpacks a UUID.

        return UUID.from_bytes(

    # Position ----------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_position(cls, x, y, z):
        Packs a Position.
        def pack_twos_comp(bits, number):
            if number < 0:
                number = number + (1 << bits)
            return number

        return cls.pack(
            sum((pack_twos_comp(26, x) << 38, pack_twos_comp(12, y) << 26,
                 pack_twos_comp(26, z))))

    def unpack_position(self):
        Unpacks a position.
        def unpack_twos_comp(bits, number):
            if (number & (1 << (bits - 1))) != 0:
                number = number - (1 << bits)
            return number

        number = self.unpack('Q')
        x = unpack_twos_comp(26, (number >> 38))
        y = unpack_twos_comp(12, (number >> 26 & 0xFFF))
        z = unpack_twos_comp(26, (number & 0x3FFFFFF))
        return x, y, z

    # Block -------------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_block(cls, block, packer=None):
        Packs a block.
        if packer is None:
            packer = cls.pack_varint
        return packer(cls.registry.encode_block(block))

    def unpack_block(self, unpacker=None):
        Unpacks a block.
        if unpacker is None:
            unpacker = self.unpack_varint
        return self.registry.decode_block(unpacker())

    # Slot --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_slot(cls, item=None, count=1, damage=0, tag=None):
        Packs a slot.

        if item is None:
            return cls.pack('h', -1)

        item_id = cls.registry.encode('minecraft:item', item)
        return cls.pack('hbh', item_id, count, damage) + cls.pack_nbt(tag)

    def unpack_slot(self):
        Unpacks a slot.

        slot = {}
        item_id = self.unpack('h')
        if item_id == -1:
            slot['item'] = None
            slot['item'] = self.registry.decode('minecraft:item', item_id)
            slot['count'] = self.unpack('b')
            slot['damage'] = self.unpack('h')
            slot['tag'] = self.unpack_nbt()

        return slot

    # NBT ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_nbt(cls, tag=None):
        Packs an NBT tag

        if tag is None:
            # slower but more obvious:
            #   from quarry.types import nbt
            #   tag = nbt.TagRoot({})
            return b"\x00"

        return tag.to_bytes()

    def unpack_nbt(self):
        Unpacks NBT tag(s).

        from quarry.types import nbt
        return nbt.TagRoot.from_buff(self)

    # Entity metadata ---------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_entity_metadata(cls, metadata):
        Packs entity metadata.
        out = b""
        for ty_key, val in metadata.items():
            ty, key = ty_key
            out += cls.pack('B', ty << 5 | key)
            if ty == 0: out += cls.pack('b', val)
            elif ty == 1: out += cls.pack('h', val)
            elif ty == 2: out += cls.pack('i', val)
            elif ty == 3: out += cls.pack('f', val)
            elif ty == 4: out += cls.pack_string(val)
            elif ty == 5: out += cls.pack_slot(**val)
            elif ty == 6: out += cls.pack('iii', *val)
            elif ty == 7: out += cls.pack_rotation(*val)
            else: raise ValueError("Unknown entity metadata type: %d" % ty)
        out += cls.pack('B', 127)
        return out

    def unpack_entity_metadata(self):
        Unpacks entity metadata.
        metadata = {}
        while True:
            b = self.unpack('B')
            if b == 127:
                return metadata
            ty, key = b >> 5, b & 0x1F
            if ty == 0: val = self.unpack('b')
            elif ty == 1: val = self.unpack('h')
            elif ty == 2: val = self.unpack('i')
            elif ty == 3: val = self.unpack('f')
            elif ty == 4: val = self.unpack_string()
            elif ty == 5: val = self.unpack_slot()
            elif ty == 6: val = self.unpack('iii')
            elif ty == 7: val = self.unpack_rotation()
            else: raise ValueError("Unknown entity metadata type: %d" % ty)
            metadata[ty, key] = val

    # Direction ---------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_direction(cls, direction):
        Packs a direction.

        return cls.pack_varint(directions.index(direction))

    def unpack_direction(self):
        Unpacks a direction.

        return directions[self.unpack_varint()]

    # Rotation ----------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_rotation(cls, x, y, z):
        Packs a rotation.

        return cls.pack('fff', x, y, z)

    def unpack_rotation(self):
        Unpacks a rotation

        return self.unpack('fff')
Beispiel #5
class Buffer1_13(Buffer1_9):
    registry = OpaqueRegistry(14)

    # Chunk section -----------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_chunk_section_palette(cls, palette):
        if not palette:
            return b""
            return cls.pack_varint(len(palette)) + b"".join(
                cls.pack_varint(x) for x in palette)

    def unpack_chunk_section_palette(self, bits):
        if bits > 8:
            return []
            return [self.unpack_varint() for _ in xrange(self.unpack_varint())]

    # Slot --------------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_slot(cls, item=None, count=1, tag=None):
        Packs a slot.

        if item is None:
            return cls.pack('h', -1)

        item_id = cls.registry.encode('minecraft:item', item)
        return cls.pack('hb', item_id, count) + cls.pack_nbt(tag)

    def unpack_slot(self):
        Unpacks a slot.

        slot = {}
        item_id = self.unpack('h')
        if item_id == -1:
            slot['item'] = None
            slot['item'] = self.registry.decode('minecraft:item', item_id)
            slot['count'] = self.unpack('b')
            slot['tag'] = self.unpack_nbt()
        return slot

    # Entity metadata ---------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_entity_metadata(cls, metadata):
        Packs entity metadata.

        pack_position = lambda pos: cls.pack_position(*pos)
        out = b""
        for ty_key, val in metadata.items():
            ty, key = ty_key
            out += cls.pack('BB', key, ty)
            if ty == 0: out += cls.pack('b', val)
            elif ty == 1: out += cls.pack_varint(val)
            elif ty == 2: out += cls.pack('f', val)
            elif ty == 3: out += cls.pack_string(val)
            elif ty == 4: out += cls.pack_chat(val)
            elif ty == 5: out += cls.pack_optional(cls.pack_chat, val)
            elif ty == 6: out += cls.pack_slot(**val)
            elif ty == 7: out += cls.pack('?', val)
            elif ty == 8: out += cls.pack_rotation(*val)
            elif ty == 9: out += cls.pack_position(*val)
            elif ty == 10: out += cls.pack_optional(pack_position, val)
            elif ty == 11: out += cls.pack_direction(val)
            elif ty == 12: out += cls.pack_optional(cls.pack_uuid, val)
            elif ty == 13: out += cls.pack_block(val)
            elif ty == 14: out += cls.pack_nbt(val)
            elif ty == 15: out += cls.pack_particle(*val)
            else: raise ValueError("Unknown entity metadata type: %d" % ty)
        out += cls.pack('B', 255)
        return out

    def unpack_entity_metadata(self):
        Unpacks entity metadata.

        metadata = {}
        while True:
            key = self.unpack('B')
            if key == 255:
                return metadata
            ty = self.unpack('B')
            if ty == 0: val = self.unpack('b')
            elif ty == 1: val = self.unpack_varint()
            elif ty == 2: val = self.unpack('f')
            elif ty == 3: val = self.unpack_string()
            elif ty == 4: val = self.unpack_chat()
            elif ty == 5: val = self.unpack_optional(self.unpack_chat)
            elif ty == 6: val = self.unpack_slot()
            elif ty == 7: val = self.unpack('?')
            elif ty == 8: val = self.unpack_rotation()
            elif ty == 9: val = self.unpack_position()
            elif ty == 10: val = self.unpack_optional(self.unpack_position)
            elif ty == 11: val = self.unpack_direction()
            elif ty == 12: val = self.unpack_optional(self.unpack_uuid)
            elif ty == 13: val = self.unpack_block()
            elif ty == 14: val = self.unpack_nbt()
            elif ty == 15: val = self.unpack_particle()
            else: raise ValueError("Unknown entity metadata type: %d" % ty)
            metadata[ty, key] = val

    # Particle ----------------------------------------------------------------

    def pack_particle(cls, id, data=None):
        Packs a particle.

        data = data or {}
        out = cls.pack_varint(id)
        if id == 3 or id == 20:
            out += cls.pack_varint(data['block_state'])
        elif id == 11:
            out += cls.pack('ffff', data['red'], data['green'], data['blue'],
        elif id == 27:
            out += cls.pack_slot(**data['item'])

        return out

    def unpack_particle(self):
        Unpacks a particle. Returns an ``(id, data)`` pair.

        id = self.unpack_varint()
        if id == 3 or id == 20:
            data = {'block_state': self.unpack_varint()}
        elif id == 11:
            data = dict(
                zip(('red', 'green', 'blue', 'scale'), self.unpack('ffff')))
        elif id == 27:
            data = {'item': self.unpack_slot()}
            data = {}

        return id, data

    # Commands ----------------------------------------------------------------

    def unpack_commands(self, resolve_redirects=True):
        Unpacks a command graph.

        If *resolve_redirects* is ``True`` (the default), the returned
        structure may contain contain circular references, and therefore cannot
        be serialized to JSON (or similar). If it is ``False``, all node
        redirect information is stripped, resulting in a directed acyclic

        # Unpack nodes
        node_count = self.unpack_varint()
        nodes = [self.unpack_command_node() for _ in range(node_count)]

        # Resolve children and redirects
        for node in nodes:
            node['children'] = {
                nodes[idx]['name']: nodes[idx]
                for idx in node['children']
            if node['redirect'] is not None:
                if resolve_redirects:
                    node['redirect'] = nodes[node['redirect']]
                    node['redirect'] = None

        return nodes[self.unpack_varint()]

    def unpack_command_node(self):
        Unpacks a command node.

        node = {}

        flags = self.unpack('B')
        node['type'] = ['root', 'literal', 'argument'][flags & 0x03]
        node['executable'] = bool(flags & 0x04)
        node['children'] = [
            self.unpack_varint() for _ in range(self.unpack_varint())
        node['redirect'] = self.unpack_varint() if flags & 0x08 else None
        node['name'] = self.unpack_string() if node['type'] != 'root' else None

        if node['type'] == 'argument':
            node['parser'] = self.unpack_string()
            node['properties'] = self.unpack_command_node_properties(

        node['suggestions'] = self.unpack_string() if flags & 0x10 else None

        return node

    def unpack_command_node_properties(self, parser):
        Unpacks the properties of an ``argument`` command node.

        namespace, parser = parser.split(":", 1)
        properties = {}

        if namespace == "brigadier":
            if parser == "bool":
            elif parser == "string":
                properties['behavior'] = self.unpack_varint()
            elif parser in ("double", "float", "integer"):
                fmt = parser[0]
                flags = self.unpack('B')
                properties['min'] = self.unpack(fmt) if flags & 0x01 else None
                properties['max'] = self.unpack(fmt) if flags & 0x02 else None

        elif namespace == "minecraft":
            if parser in ('entity', 'score_holder'):
                properties['allow_multiple'] = self.unpack('?')

            elif parser == 'range':
                properties['allow_decimals'] = self.unpack('?')

        return properties

    def pack_commands(cls, root_node):
        Packs a command graph.

        # Enumerate nodes
        nodes = [root_node]
        idx = 0
        while idx < len(nodes):
            node = nodes[idx]
            children = list(node['children'].values())
            if node['redirect']:

            for child in children:
                if child not in nodes:
            idx += 1

        # Pack nodes
        out = cls.pack_varint(len(nodes))
        for node in nodes:
            out += cls.pack_command_node(node, nodes)

        out += cls.pack_varint(nodes.index(root_node))

        return out

    def pack_command_node(cls, node, nodes):
        Packs a command node.

        out = b""

        flags = (['root', 'literal', 'argument'].index(node['type'])
                 | int(node['executable']) << 2
                 | int(node['redirect'] is not None) << 3
                 | int(node['suggestions'] is not None) << 4)
        out += cls.pack('B', flags)
        out += cls.pack_varint(len(node['children']))

        for child in node['children'].values():
            out += cls.pack_varint(nodes.index(child))

        if node['redirect'] is not None:
            out += cls.pack_varint(nodes.index(node['redirect']))

        if node['name'] is not None:
            out += cls.pack_string(node['name'])

        if node['type'] == 'argument':
            out += cls.pack_string(node['parser'])
            out += cls.pack_command_node_properties(node['parser'],
        if node['suggestions'] is not None:
            out += cls.pack_string(node['suggestions'])

        return out

    def pack_command_node_properties(cls, parser, properties):
        Packs the properties of an ``argument`` command node.

        namespace, parser = parser.split(":", 1)
        out = b""

        if namespace == "brigadier":
            if parser == "bool":
            elif parser == "string":
                out += cls.pack_varint(properties['behavior'])
            elif parser in ("double", "float", "integer"):
                fmt = parser[0]
                flags = (int(properties['min'] is not None)
                         | int(properties['max'] is not None) << 1)
                out += cls.pack('B', flags)
                if properties['min'] is not None:
                    out += cls.pack(fmt, properties['min'])
                if properties['max'] is not None:
                    out += cls.pack(fmt, properties['max'])

        elif namespace == "minecraft":
            if parser in ('entity', 'score_holder'):
                out += cls.pack('?', properties['allow_multiple'])

            elif parser == 'range':
                out += cls.pack('?', properties['allow_decimals'])

        return out

    # Recipes -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def unpack_recipe(self):
        Unpacks a crafting recipe.
        recipe = {}
        recipe['name'] = self.unpack_string()
        recipe['type'] = self.unpack_string()

        if recipe['type'] == 'crafting_shapeless':
            recipe['group'] = self.unpack_string()
            recipe['ingredients'] = [
                self.unpack_ingredient() for _ in range(self.unpack_varint())
            recipe['result'] = self.unpack_slot()

        elif recipe['type'] == 'crafting_shaped':
            recipe['width'] = self.unpack_varint()
            recipe['height'] = self.unpack_varint()
            recipe['group'] = self.unpack_string()
            recipe['ingredients'] = [
                for _ in range(recipe['width'] * recipe['height'])
            recipe['result'] = self.unpack_slot()
        elif recipe['type'] == 'smelting':
            recipe['group'] = self.unpack_string()
            recipe['ingredient'] = self.unpack_ingredient()
            recipe['result'] = self.unpack_slot()
            recipe['experience'] = self.unpack('f')
            recipe['cooking_time'] = self.unpack_varint()

        return recipe

    def pack_recipe(cls, name, type, **recipe):
        Packs a crafting recipe.
        data = cls.pack_string(name) + cls.pack_string(type)

        if type == 'crafting_shapeless':
            data += cls.pack_string(recipe['group'])
            data += cls.pack_varint(len(recipe['ingredients']))
            for ingredient in recipe['ingredients']:
                data += cls.pack_ingredient(ingredient)
            data += cls.pack_slot(**recipe['result'])

        elif type == 'crafting_shaped':
            data += cls.pack_varint(recipe['width'])
            data += cls.pack_varint(recipe['height'])
            data += cls.pack_string(recipe['group'])
            for ingredient in recipe['ingredients']:
                data += cls.pack_ingredient(ingredient)
            data += cls.pack_slot(**recipe['result'])

        elif type == 'smelting':
            data += cls.pack_string(recipe['group'])
            data += cls.pack_ingredient(recipe['ingredient'])
            data += cls.pack_slot(**recipe['result'])
            data += cls.pack('f', recipe['experience'])
            data += cls.pack_varint(recipe['cooking_time'])

        return data

    def unpack_ingredient(self):
        Unpacks a crafting recipe ingredient alternation.
        return [self.unpack_slot() for _ in range(self.unpack_varint())]

    def pack_ingredient(cls, ingredient):
        Packs a crafting recipe ingredient alternation.
        data = cls.pack_varint(len(ingredient))
        for slot in ingredient:
            data += cls.pack_slot(**slot)
        return data