Beispiel #1
    def selectDiffColumns(self, recievedData):
        """ given a dic of data recieve about a record
            compare it to the data in the DB
            remove entries in the recieved dictionary that already exist
            return truncated dict"""
        query = Query()
        where = "book.book_id =" + str(self.book_id)
        recordData = query.getData("edit", where)
        remove = []
        for col, val in recordData[0].items():
            if val == "":
                recordData[0][col] = None
                recordData[0][col] = str(val)

        for col in recievedData:
            if recievedData[col] == recordData[0][col]:
        for col in remove:
            del recievedData[col]

        return recievedData
Beispiel #2
class Report():

    def __init__(self, report):
        self.query = Query()

        self.forms = HTMLutils() = Author()
        self.when = WhenRead() = report
        self.columns = loadYaml('columns')
        self.pages = loadYaml('pages')

        if report == 'add':
            page = 'edit'
            page = report

        self.display_names = self.getDisplayNames(page)

    def buildMain(self, where= None, order_by = None):
        '''build table seen on main page using all books. Accepts optional
        arguements to filter (search) or sort. Returns table'''

        bookData = self.query.getData('main', where, order_by)

        # start html table
        mainTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)

        # table header, uses display name and enables sorting
        table_header = ['#']

        for field, name in self.display_names:
            sortflag =''
            if field == order_by:
                sortflag = ' ^'
            js =  "document.form1.order_by.value='%s';" % field
            js += "document.form1.submit();"
            h = '<a onclick="javascript:%s">%s%s</a>' % (js, name, sortflag)

        # table body- build a numbered row for each record
        i = 0
        activity = 'view'

        for rec in bookData: 
            i += 1
            href = '<a href="">%s'\
                % (rec['book_id'], activity, rec['title'])

            # format date
            if rec['date']:
                dates = '<br>'.join(['<nobr>%s</nobr>' % d.strip()
                                     for d in rec['date'].split('&')])
                dates = '-'

                 rec['author'] or '' ,
                 rec['notes' ]       ,

        return mainTable.getTable()

    def buildDetail(self, book_id):
        '''Static table to view book details'''

        where = 'book.book_id =' + str(book_id)
        bookData = self.query.getData('record', where)

        detailTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        detailTable.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

        for column, display in self.display_names:
            for rec in bookData:
                if rec[column]:
                    data = rec[column]
                    data = '-'
            detailTable.addRow([display, data])                 

        return detailTable.getTable()

    def buildRecordForm (self, book_id = None):
        '''responisble for building the composite form for book records by
        gathering all data, calling necessary helper methods, and adding all
        sub-forms together. Form has 3 sub-parts:
        (1) the book form which holds all data fields with a 1:1 relationship
        to a book_id 
        (2) the edit author from which itself has 2 sub-parts:
        (2a) the remove author feature (currently inactive) 
        (2b) add author section which defaults to hidden
        (3) the dates read add/remove (currently inactive)
        form is used for adding records and editing records. If a book_id is
        recieved current values for that book_id are pulled from the DB and
        used to pre-populate form fields (used for edit). Otherwise the form
        is built blank, with no default values (used for add).
        Returns composite form as an HTML table

        #create holder variables
        bookData = None
        authorData = None
        dateData = None

        #bring in data if book_id is present
        if book_id:
            where = 'book.book_id =' + str(book_id)
            bookData = self.query.getData('edit', where)
            authorData =
            dateData = self.when.getWhenRead(book_id) 
        #call helper methods to build all sub-parts
        bookForm = self.buildBookForm(bookData)
        removeAuthor = self.buildEditAuthor(authorData)
        dateForm = self.buildEditDate(dateData)

        #put tables with many:many relationships together in a sub-table table
        subTs = HtmlTable(border=0, cellpadding = 20)
        subTables = subTs.getTable()

        #put all form tables together 
        recordForm  = HtmlTable(border=0, cellpadding=30)
        recordForm. addRow([bookForm, subTables])

        return recordForm.getTable()

    def buildBookForm(self, bookData):
        '''Accepts bookData, which may be blank. 
        Builds book form. If bookData !None pre-populates form with default
        values from bookData.
        returns book form HTML table
        #initialze book from table
        bookForm = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        bookForm.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

        #loop through display names (the ordered list of column names)
        #for each: determine the default value and form type
        for column, display in self.display_names:
            form_type = self.columns[column][0]['form_type']

            if == 'edit' and bookData !=None:
                default = bookData[0][column]
                default = None

            #buld a form field of the correct type
            if form_type == 'text':
                if default == None:
                    default = ''
                form_field = self.forms.getTextField(column, default)

            elif form_type == 'drop_down':
                #pull in the values from the home table to make a 
                #list of options
                options = self.query.getColumnValues(column)
                form_field = self.forms.getDropDown(column, default, options)

            elif form_type == 'radio_static':
                if default == None and column == 'published':
                    default = 1

                #pull in status radio options from metadata
                options = self.columns[column][0]['radio_options']
                form_field =self.forms.getStaticRadio(column, default, options)
            elif form_type == 'datepicker':
                if default == None:
                    default = ''

                form_field = self.forms.getJQueryUI(column, default, form_type)

            elif form_type == 'autocomplete':
                if default == None:
                    default = ''

                form_field =self.forms.getAutoComplete(column, default)

                #debug feature that will make a cell in the table declare
                #what form type it thinks it should be if the form type is not
                #found above
                form_field = form_type

            #add the display name and form field as a new row in the book form
            bookForm.addRow([display, form_field])
        return bookForm.getTable()

    def buildEditAuthor(self, authorData):
        '''Accept authorData which may be None
        Build author sub-table. if authorData !None include the list of authors
        and set the add author section to hidden. Else set add author section
        to be visable. Return 2 seperate sections: remove author and add author

        #initialize Author form
        editAuthorTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        #create button that will toggle open the add author section
        add ='<button type = "button" id="authorToggle"> Add Author </button>'

        #add the header row of the table with the add button

        #section shows list of authors currenlty paired with the book
        if authorData:
            for author in authorData:
                catAuthor = '<nobr>%s %s</nobr>'\
                    %(author['first_name'], author['last_name'])


             #initialize hidden add author section
#            addAuthor = '<div id = "addAuthor" style = "display: none">'

#        else:
            #initialize visable add author section
#            addAuthor = '<div id = "addAuthor" style = "display: default">'

        #complete the addAuthor section
        addAuthor = '<div id = "addAuthor" style = "display: default">'
        addAuthor += self.buildAddAuthor()
        addAuthor += '</div>'


        return editAuthorTable.getTable()

    def buildAddAuthor(self):
        '''build a table that will be a subtable of the edit author table
        it will be the toggleable section for adding authors to the
        DB and the book record. Only called by buildEditAuthor. Returns table.
        This table will be interacting with the autocomplete js functions.
        autocomplete = 'Add Author: ' + \
          self.forms.getAutoComplete('author', '',) +\
          '</br>(Last Name, First Name)'
        first_name =\
          self.forms.getHidden('first_name', '')
        last_name = \
          self.forms.getHidden('last_name', '')
        authorForm = autocomplete + '</br>' + first_name + '</br>'+ \
        return authorForm

    def buildEditDate(self, dateData):
        '''build table that will be a sub-table of the main edit table to
        hold dates and date addtion/subtraction features. Accepts a book id,
        find associated dates. Returns table'''

        #initilize date table
        editDateTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        editDateTable.addHeader(['Date(s) Read'])

        if dateData:
            for d  in dateData:

        addNew = 'Add Date:'
        addNew +=  self.forms.getJQueryUI('when_read', '', 'datepicker')

        return editDateTable.getTable()        

    def getDisplayNames(self, page):
        '''given a page and column attribute 
        return a dictionary of lists:
        ordered_cols: columns in display order
        col_attributes: a list of lists featuring the col and its attribute
        matching_cols: a list of columns having a feature'''

        ordered_cols = []
        orderedColDisplay = []

        #makes list of columns in display order
        for col in self.pages[page]:
        if 'book_id' in ordered_cols:
        for col in ordered_cols:
            x = []
        #adds info to correct list if col has attribute
            for element in self.columns[col]:
                    if 'display' in element:

        return orderedColDisplay
Beispiel #3
        'title'               : title,
        'series'              : series,
        'notes'               : notes,
        'series_num'          : series_num, 
        'owner_status.status' : owner_status,
        'published'           : published,
        'type'                : type,
        'when_read.when_read' : when_read
for k, v in formDict.items():
    if v == 'None':
        v = 'NULL'

query = Query()
where = 'book_id =' + book_id
results = query.getData('record', where)

#build html_header
if activity == 'edit':
    header = 'Edit Record'

    header = 'Book Record' 

html_header= '''

#build debug_section
debug_section =  'Book ID = %s' % (book_id)
Beispiel #4
class Report():

    def __init__(self, report):
        self.query = Query()
        self.forms = HTMLutils() = report
        self.columns = loadYaml('columns')
        self.pages = loadYaml('pages')

        if report == 'add':
            page = 'edit'
            page = report

        self.display_names = self.getDisplayNames(page)

    def buildMain(self, where= None, order_by = None):
        '''build table seen on main page using all books. Accepts optional
        arguements to filter (search) or sort. Returns table'''

        bookData = self.query.getData('main', where, order_by)

        # start html table
        mainTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)

        # table header, uses display name and enables sorting
        table_header = ['#']

        for field, name in self.display_names:
            sortflag =''
            if field == order_by:
                sortflag = ' ^'
            js =  "document.form1.order_by.value='%s';" % field
            js += "document.form1.submit();"
            h = '<a onclick="javascript:%s">%s%s</a>' % (js, name, sortflag)

        # table body- build a numbered row for each record
        i = 0
        activity = 'view'

        for rec in bookData: 
            i += 1
            href = '<a href="">%s'\
                % (rec['book_id'], activity, rec['title'])

            # format dates
            if rec['date']:
                dates = '<br>'.join(['<nobr>%s</nobr>' % d.strip()
                                     for d in rec['date'].split('&')])
                dates = '-'

                 rec['author'] or '' ,
                 rec['notes' ]       ,

        return mainTable.getTable()

    def buildDetail(self, book_id):
        '''Static table to view book details'''

        where = 'book.book_id =' + str(book_id)
        bookData = self.query.getData('record', where)

        detailTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        detailTable.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

        for column, display in self.display_names:
            for rec in bookData:
                if rec[column]:
                    data = rec[column]
                    data = '-'
            detailTable.addRow([display, data])                 

        return detailTable.getTable()

    def buildBookForm(self, book_id= None):
        '''dynamic composite table. made of three parts:
        the book form which has all form elements for all elements related to
        the book except the date, and author which a book has a many:many 
        relationship with. 
        Date is a sperate form (INACTIVE currently)
        Author has two parts: the edit author table holds all author
        information, eventually removing authors will be enabled. It has a 
        sub table of add author.
        Accepts a book id, finds relevant data, calls helper methods.
        Returns composite table of all above sub-parts.

        if == 'edit' and book_id != None:
            where = 'book.book_id =' + str(book_id)
            bookData = self.query.getData('edit', where)

        bookTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        bookTable.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

        for column, display in self.display_names:
            form_type = self.columns[column][0]['form_type']

            if == 'edit':
                default = bookData[0][column]
                default = None

            if column == 'author' or column == 'when_read':
                #use general methods to build forms
                if form_type == 'text':
                    if default == None:
                        default = ''
                    form_field = self.forms.getTextField(column, default)

                elif form_type == 'drop_down':
                    #pull in the values from the home table to make a 
                    #list of options

                    options = self.query.getColumnValues(column)

                    form_field = \
                        self.forms.getDropDown(column, default, options)

                elif form_type == 'radio_static':
                    if default == None and column == 'published':
                        default = 1

                    options = self.columns[column][0]['radio_options']

                    form_field =\
                        self.forms.getStaticRadio(column, default, options)
                elif form_type == 'datepicker':
                    if default == None:
                        default = ''

                    form_field =\
                        self.forms.getJQueryUI(column, default, form_type)

                elif form_type == 'autocomplete':
                    if default == None:
                        default = ''

                    form_field =\
                        self.forms.getAutoComplete(column, default)

                    form_field = form_type

                bookTable.addRow([display, form_field])
        bookT = bookTable.getTable()

        if == 'edit': 
            authorT, authorF= self.buildEditAuthor(book_id)
            dateT = self.buildEditDate(book_id)
            authorT = self.buildAddAuthor()
            dateT = self.buildAddDate()

        subTables = HtmlTable(border=0, cellpadding = 20)
        subT = subTables.getTable()

        editModules = HtmlTable(border=0, cellpadding=30)
        editModules.addRow([bookT, subT])

        return editModules.getTable()

    def buildEditAuthor(self, book_id):
        '''build a table that will be a stub table of the main edit table.
        it will have all author information and will (eventually) be the place
        to remove and add authors from/to book records
        accepts a book id, finds all authors asscoiated with
        returns a table for those authors'''

        author = Author()
        bookAuthor = author.getBookAuthor(book_id)
        editAuthorTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        add ='<button type = "button" id="authorToggle"> Add Author </button>'

        addAuthor = '<div id = "addAuthor" style = "display: none">'
        addAuthor += self.buildAddAuthor()
        addAuthor += '</div>'

        editAuthorTable.addHeader(['Author', add])

        for author in bookAuthor:
            catAuthor = '<nobr>%s %s</nobr>'\
                %(author['first_name'], author['last_name'])
            remove = 'Remove author %s*' %author['author_id']

            editAuthorTable.addRow([catAuthor, remove])
                               '*remove author feature not avalible yet'])

        return editAuthorTable.getTable(), addAuthor

    def buildAddAuthor(self):
        '''build a table that will be a subtable of the edit author table
        it will be the hidden toggleable section for adding authors to the
        DB and the book record. Only called by buildEditAuthor. Returns table
        autocomplete = 'Author Name: ' + \
            self.forms.getAutoComplete('author', '',) + \
            '(Last Name, First Name)'
        first_name = 'First Name: ' + \
            self.forms.getTextField ('first_name', '', readonly = True)
        last_name = 'Last Name: '+ \
            self.forms.getTextField ('last_name', '', readonly = True)
        authorForm = autocomplete + '</br>' + first_name + '</br>'+ \
        return authorForm

    def buildEditDate(self, book_id):
        '''build table that will be a sub-table of the main edit table to
        hold dates and date addtion/subtraction features. Accepts a book id,
        find associated dates. Returns table'''

        when = WhenRead()
        bookDate = when.getWhenRead(book_id)

        editDateTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        editDateTable.addHeader(['Date', 'Add Addtional Date'])

        for bD in bookDate:
            remove = 'Forget this date'

            editDateTable.addRow([str(bD[0]), remove])

        return editDateTable.getTable()        

    def buildAddDate(self):
        ''' old method. to be incorporated into buildEditDate when ready
        to activate the features'''
        datepicker =  self.forms.getJQueryUI('when_read','', 'datepicker')
        addDateTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        addDateTable.addRow(['Date', datepicker])

        return addDateTable.getTable()

    def getDisplayNames(self, page):
        '''given a page and column attribute 
        return a dictionary of lists:
        ordered_cols: columns in display order
        col_attributes: a list of lists featuring the col and its attribute
        matching_cols: a list of columns having a feature'''

        ordered_cols = []
        orderedColDisplay = []

        #makes list of columns in display order
        for col in self.pages[page]:
        if 'book_id' in ordered_cols:
        for col in ordered_cols:
            x = []
        #adds info to correct list if col has attribute
            for element in self.columns[col]:
                    if 'display' in element:

        return orderedColDisplay
Beispiel #5
class LibraryHTML:
    '''Given an actitvity to prefrom on a record (view, edit, add)
       return a list of html building blocks to paint the page''' 

    def __init__(self, book_id, activity):
        self.book_id = book_id
        self.activity = activity
        self.connection = getDictConnection()
        self.conn = getConnection()
        #bring in yaml metadata
        metadata = Metadata()
        self.columns = metadata.loadYaml('columns')
        self.pages = metadata.loadYaml('pages')
        self.list = []

        if activity == 'edit':
            self.header = 'Edit Record'
   = 'edit'
            self.new_activity = 'update'
            self.button_text = 'Submit'
            self.show_blank = ''
            self.cancel_button_text = 'Cancel'
            self.cancel_button_address = ''\

        if activity == 'view':
            self.header = 'Book Record' 
   = 'record'
            self.new_activity = 'edit'
            self.button_text = 'Edit'
            self.show_blank = '-'
            self.cancel_button_address = ''
            self.cancel_button_text = 'Back to Catalog'

        if activity == 'add':
            self.header = 'Enter New Record' 
   = 'edit'
            self.new_activity = 'submit_new'
            self.button_text = 'Save'
            self.show_blank = ''
            self.cancel_button_address = ''
            self.cancel_button_text = 'Cancel'
        # build the right query for the page and bring in the data 
        if activity != 'add':
            self.query = Query()
            where = 'book.book_id =' + str(self.book_id)
            self.recordData = self.query.getData(, where)

    def build_html_header(self):
        html_header= '''
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
        <script src="//"></script>
        <script src = "jquery_1.11.1.js"></script>
        <script src="//"></script>
        <script src="//"></script>
                      $("#autoC").autocomplete({source: %s});
        '''% (self.list, self.header)
        return html_header
    def build_form_header(self):
        form_header = '''
        <form method = "POST" action = "" name = "form">
        return form_header

    def build_report(self):
        metadata = Metadata()
        display_data = metadata.interrogateMetadata(, 'display')
        display_names = display_data['col_attributes']
        table = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        table.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

        for column, display in display_names:
            if self.activity == 'view':
            # make a simple table, not a form
                for rec in self.recordData:
                    if rec[column]:
                        data = rec[column]
                        data = self.show_blank
                table.addRow([display, data])                 

            #use methods to build form
                form = self.columns[column][0]['form_type']
#                type_method = {'text'        :' self.getTextField(column)',
#                               'drop_down'   : 'self.getDropDown(column)',
#                               'radio_static': 'self.getStaticRadio(column)',
#                               'autocomplete': 'self.getAutocomplete(column)'
#                              }

                if form == 'text':
                    form_field =self.getTextField(column)
                if form == 'drop_down':
                    form_field =self.getDropDown(column)
                if form == 'radio_static':
                    form_field =self.getStaticRadio(column)
                if form == 'autocomplete':
                    form_field =self.getAutocomplete(column)

                table.addRow([display, form_field])

        #push final product
        report = table.getTable()
        return report

    def build_input_button(self):
        input_button= '''<div>
         <input type = "hidden" name = "book_id" value = "%s"/>
         <input type = "hidden" name = "activity" value = "%s"/>
         <input id = switch type = "button" value = "%s"
              onclick = "javascript: document.form.submit()";/>
         </div>'''% (self.book_id, self.new_activity, self.button_text)
        return input_button
    def build_cancel_button(self):
        cancel_button = '''
          <input type = "button" onClick = 
          "location.href='%s'" value = "%s">
           ''' %(self.cancel_button_address, self.cancel_button_text)
        return cancel_button

    def build_form_footer(self):
        form_footer = '</form>'
        return form_footer

    def build_html_footer(self):
        html_footer = '</html>'
        return html_footer

#    def build_hidden_section(self):
#        hidden =''' 
#        <div id = series>
#            New Series:
#            <input type = 'text' name = 'series'>
#            </input>
#       </div>
#       <input type = "button" id = hide_series> Show Series </input>
#       <script>
#           $("#series").hide();
#           $("#hide_series").click(function(){
#               $("#series").show();
#           });
#        </script>'''
#        return hidden

    def getDefault(self, column):
        if self.recordData:
            default = self.recordData[0][column]
            default = None
        return default

    def getTextField(self, column):
        default = self.getDefault(column)
        if default == None:
            default = self.show_blank

        form_field = '''
         <input type = "text" name = "%s" value = "%s" size = "100">
        '''%(column, default)
        return form_field

    def getDropDown (self, column):
        default = self.getDefault(column)
        colData = self.columns[column][0]

        # pull in the values from the static table
        sql= '''select %s from %s
                ''' %(colData['drop_down_select'], colData['foreign_table'])
        options = execute(self.conn, sql)
        form_field = '<select name = %s>' %column

        #if there is no default build a null option Pick One - make it default
        if default == None:
             form_field += '''<option select = "selected" 
                               value = "NULL">Pick One</option>'''
        #check if each option should be set to default else build as normal
        for o in options:
            if o[0] == default:
                form_field +=  '''<option select = "selected" 
                               value = %d> %s </option>''' %(o[0], o[1])
                form_field += '''<option value = %d> %s</option>
                                      ''' %(o[0], o[1])
        form_field += '</select>'
        return form_field

    def getStaticRadio(self, column):
        options = self.columns[column][0]['radio_options']
        default = self.getDefault(column)

        if default == None and column == 'Published':
            default = 1

        form_field = ''
        # loop through options, identify default, build radio group
        for o in options:
            if o[0] == default:
                form_field += '''<input type = "radio" name = %s value = %d 
                     checked = "true"> %s
                    ''' %(self.columns[column][0]['radio_group'], o[0], o[1])
            else: form_field += '''<input type = "radio" name = %s 
                                 value = %d > %s
                    ''' %(self.columns[column][0]['radio_group'], o[0], o[1])
        return form_field

    def getAutocomplete (self, column):
        default = self.getDefault(column)
        if default == None:
            default = self.show_blank
        sql = 'select %s from %s' %(column, column)
        autoList  = execute(self.conn, sql)
        for item in autoList:
            self.list += item

        form_field = '''
                   <input id = autoC name = %s value = %s>
                  ''' %(column, default)
        return form_field
Beispiel #6
table = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
table.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

loadyaml = LoadYaml()
columns = loadyaml.loadYaml('columns')
pages = loadyaml.loadYaml('pages')

query = Query()
where = 'book.book_id =' + book_id

if activity == 'view':
    page = 'record'
if activity == 'edit':
    page = 'edit'

results = query.getData(page, where)

ordered_rows= []
for item in pages[page]:

# making a list of lists holding the col name and display names
# make a list of cols that need drop down menus
display_names = []
drop_down = []
for item in ordered_rows:
    x = []
    for element in columns[item]:
        if 'foreign_table' in element: