Beispiel #1
def BFS(graph, size, src_node, hospitals, pred, k):
    queue = Queue()
    visited = [False] * size
    hospitals_found = 0
    hospital_list = []  # stores all the hospitals found
    visited[src_node] = True

    if str(src_node) in hospitals:
        hospitals_found += 1

    while not queue.isEmpty() and hospitals_found < k:
        current_node = queue.DeQueue()
        for neighbor in graph[current_node]:
            if not visited[neighbor]:
                visited[neighbor] = True
                pred[neighbor] = current_node
                if str(neighbor) in hospitals:
                    hospitals_found += 1
                    if hospitals_found >= k:
    return hospital_list
Beispiel #2
def BFS(graph, size, src_node, hospitals, parent, k):
    # Start a queue
    queue = Queue()
    # Set every single node to not visited
    visited = [False] * size
    # Number of hospitals found
    tmp_k = 0
    # Create a list for hospitals
    hospitalList = []
    # Set starting node as visited
    visited[src_node] = True
    # Add starting node to the queue

    # If starting node is a hospital,
    if str(src_node) in hospitals:
        # Add 1 to hospitals found
        tmp_k += 1
        # Add source node to hospital list

    # parent = [-1, 2 ,0 ,1]
    # if current = hopital_node  = 1
    # parent[current] = 2
    # path.append(2)
    # current = parent[current] = 2
    # parent[current] = 0
    # path.append(0)
    # current = parent[current] = 0
    # parent[current] = -1
    # path = [2, 0]
    # path to hospital 1 from node 0 is [0, 2, 1]

    # When there is something in the queue and number of hospitals found is less than k,
    while not queue.isEmpty() and tmp_k < k:
        # Get current node from the queue
        current_node = queue.DeQueue()
        # Get the next node base on the graph
        for nextNode in graph[current_node]:
            # Checks if the node is visited before or not, if not visited,
            if not visited[nextNode]:
                # Next node will be marked as visited
                visited[nextNode] = True
                # Set the neighbour as the current node
                parent[nextNode] = current_node
                # Add next node to the queue
                # if next node is a hospital,
                if str(nextNode) in hospitals:
                    tmp_k += 1                                              # Add 1 to hospitals found
                    # Add source node to hospital list
                    if tmp_k >= k:                                          # Check if number of hospitals is more than k
    return hospitalList