Beispiel #1
def check_hessian_bonds(name, tol=1e-3 * kjmol / angstrom**2):
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ref = read_system(name)
        set_ffatypes(system, 'highest')
        valence = ValenceFF(system, Settings())
    for term in valence.iter_terms('BONDHARM'):
        inonzero, izero = get_indices_zero_nonzero(term, len(system.numbers))
        rv = np.random.uniform(low=1.00, high=2.00) * angstrom
        fc = np.random.uniform(low=1000, high=3000) * kjmol / angstrom**2
        ref, num = get_analytic_numeric_hessian(valence, term, fc=fc, rv0=rv)
        #assert that hessian elements of atoms not part of the current bond
        #are zero
        if len(izero[0]) > 0:
            assert (abs(ref[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
            assert (abs(num[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
        M = (abs(ref - num)).max()
        iM, jM = np.where(abs(ref - num) == M)[0][0], np.where(
            abs(ref - num) == M)[1][0]
            '%25s (random FC=%8.3f kjmol/A^2    RV=%7.3f A  ):  MaxDev(%2i,%2i)=%.3e kjmol/A^2'
            % (term.basename, fc /
               (kjmol / angstrom**2), rv / angstrom, iM, jM, M /
               (kjmol / angstrom**2)))
        assert M < tol
    del system, valence, ref, num
Beispiel #2
def check_hessian_dihedrals(name, tol=1e-3 * kjmol / angstrom**2):
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ref = read_system(name)
        set_ffatypes(system, 'highest')
        valence = ValenceFF(system, Settings())
    ref, num = None, None
    for term in valence.iter_terms('TORS'):
        psi0 = get_dihedral_angle(term, system)
        inonzero, izero = get_indices_zero_nonzero(term, len(system.numbers))
        rv = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=180) * deg  #q0
        fc = np.random.uniform(low=10, high=50) * kjmol
        ref, num = get_analytic_numeric_hessian(valence, term, fc=fc, rv0=rv)
        #assert that hessian elements of atoms not part of the current dihedral
        #are zero
        if len(izero[0]) > 0:
            assert (abs(ref[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
            assert (abs(num[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
        M = (abs(ref - num)).max()
        iM, jM = np.where(abs(ref - num) == M)[0][0], np.where(
            abs(ref - num) == M)[1][0]
            '%25s (eq=%.1f deg    random FC=%8.3f kjmol        RV=%7.3f deg):  MaxDev(%2i,%2i)=%.3e kjmol/A^2'
            % (term.basename, psi0 / deg, fc / kjmol, rv / deg, iM, jM, M /
               (kjmol / angstrom**2)))
        assert M < tol
    del system, valence, ref, num
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, system, ai, settings, ffrefs=[]):

                a Yaff `System` instance defining the system

                a `Reference` instance corresponding to the ab initio input data

                a `Settings` instance defining all QuickFF settings

            **Optional Arguments**

                a list of `Reference` instances defining the a-priori force
                field contributions.
        with log.section('INIT', 1, timer='Initializing'):
            log.dump('Initializing program')
            self.settings = settings
            self.system = system
   = ai
            self.ffrefs = ffrefs
            self.valence = ValenceFF(system, settings)
            self.perturbation = RelaxedStrain(system, self.valence, settings)
            self.trajectories = None
Beispiel #4
def check_hessian_dihedrals(name, tol=1e-3 * kjmol / angstrom**2):
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ref = read_system(name)
        guess_ffatypes(system, 'highest')
        valence = ValenceFF(system)
    for term in valence.iter_terms('TORSION'):
        psi0 = get_dihedral_angle(term, system)
        inonzero, izero = get_indices_zero_nonzero(term, len(system.numbers))
        rv = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=180) * deg  #q0
        fc = np.random.uniform(low=10, high=50) * kjmol
        ref, num = get_analytic_numeric_hessian(valence, term, fc=fc, rv0=rv)
        #assert that hessian elements of atoms not part of the current dihedral
        #are zero
        if len(izero[0]) > 0:
            assert (abs(ref[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
            assert (abs(num[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
        M = (abs(ref - num)).max()
        iM, jM = np.where(abs(ref - num) == M)[0][0], np.where(
            abs(ref - num) == M)[1][0]
        print '%25s (eq=%.1f deg    random FC=%8.3f kjmol        RV=%7.3f deg):  MaxDev(%2i,%2i)=%.3e kjmol/A^2' % (
            term.basename, psi0 / deg, fc / kjmol, rv / deg, iM, jM, M /
            (kjmol / angstrom**2))
        if abs(abs(psi0) - 180 * deg) < 1 * deg or abs(psi0) < 1 * deg:
            print ' ==> SKIPPED due to instable numerical implementation of derivatives in Yaff for values dihedrals to 0 or 180 deg'
            assert M < tol
    del system, valence, ref, num
Beispiel #5
def check_terms(name):
    'Check whether all ICs are present in ValenceFF instance'
    #TODO: CROSS terms
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ref = read_system(name)
        guess_ffatypes(system, 'high')
        valence = ValenceFF(system)
    #check if every bond is present and harmonic
    for bond in system.iter_bonds():
        found = False
        for term in valence.iter_terms('BONDHARM'):
            at0, at1 = term.get_atoms()
            if bond[0]==at0 and bond[1]==at1 \
            or bond[0]==at1 and bond[1]==at0:
                assert not found, 'BondHarm term %s was already found!' % str(
                found = True
        assert found, 'No BondHarm term found for bond %s' % str(bond)
    #check if every bend is present
    for angle in system.iter_angles():
        found = False
        for term in valence.iter_terms('BENDAHARM'):
            at0, at1, at2 = term.get_atoms()
            if angle[0]==at0 and angle[1]==at1 and angle[2]==at2 \
            or angle[0]==at2 and angle[1]==at1 and angle[2]==at0:
                assert not found, 'BendAHarm term %s was already found!' % str(
                found = True
        assert found, 'No BendAHarm term found for bond %s' % str(angle)
    #check if every dihedral is present
    for dihed in system.iter_dihedrals():
        found = False
        for term in valence.iter_terms('TORSION'):
            at0, at1, at2, at3 = term.get_atoms()
            if dihed[0]==at0 and dihed[1]==at1 and dihed[2]==at2 and dihed[3]==at3\
            or dihed[0]==at3 and dihed[1]==at2 and dihed[2]==at1 and dihed[3]==at0:
                assert not found, 'Torsion term %s was already found!' % str(
                found = True
        assert found, 'No Torsion term found for bond %s' % str(dihedral)
    #check if every oop distance is present and Harm for rv of 0 and SQHARM else
    for oop in system.iter_oops():
        found = False
        for term in valence.iter_terms('/OOPDIST'):
            at0, at1, at2, at3 = term.get_atoms()
            for p0, p1, p2 in permutations([at0, at1, at2]):
                if oop[0] == p0 and oop[1] == p1 and oop[2] == p2 and oop[
                        3] == at3:
                    assert not found, 'OopDist term %s was already found!' % str(
                    found = True
        for term in valence.iter_terms('SQOOPDIST'):
            at0, at1, at2, at3 = term.get_atoms()
            for p0, p1, p2 in permutations([at0, at1, at2]):
                if oop[0] == p0 and oop[1] == p1 and oop[2] == p2 and oop[
                        3] == at3:
                    assert not found, 'SqOopDist term %s was already found!' % str(
                    found = True
        assert found, 'No (Sq)OopDist term found for bond %s' % str(oop)
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, system, ai, **kwargs):

                a Yaff `System` object defining the system

                a `Reference` instance corresponding to the ab initio input data

            **Keyword Arguments**

                a list of `Reference` objects corresponding to a priori determined
                contributions to the force field (such as eg. electrostatics
                or van der Waals contributions)

                the name of the file to write the final parameters to in Yaff
                format. The default is `pars.txt`.

                the name of the file to write the system to. The default is

                a cPickle filename to read/write the perturbation trajectories
                from/to. If the file exists, the trajectories are read from the
                file. If the file does not exist, the trajectories are written
                to the file.

                specifier to determine for which terms a perturbation trajectory
                needs to be constructed. If ONLY_TRAJ is a single string, it is
                interpreted as a task (only terms that have this task in their
                tasks attribute will get a trajectory). If ONLY_TRAJ is a list
                of strings, each string is interpreted as the basename of the
                term for which a trajectory will be constructed.

                if set to True, all energy contributions along each perturbation
                trajectory will be plotted using the final force field.

                if set to True, each perturbation trajectory will be written to
                an XYZ file.
        with log.section('PROG', 2, timer='Initializing'):
            log.dump('Initializing program')
            self.system = system
   = ai
            self.kwargs = kwargs
            self.valence = ValenceFF(system)
            self.perturbation = RelaxedStrain(system, self.valence)
            self.trajectories = None
Beispiel #7
def check_hessian_oops(name, tol=1e-3 * kjmol / angstrom**2):
    with log.section('PROGRAM', 2):
        system, ref = read_system(name)
        guess_ffatypes(system, 'highest')
        valence = ValenceFF(system)
    for term in valence.iter_terms('/OOPDIST'):
        inonzero, izero = get_indices_zero_nonzero(term, len(system.numbers))
        rv = 0.0
        fc = np.random.uniform(low=500, high=5000) * kjmol / angstrom**2
        ref, num = get_analytic_numeric_hessian(valence, term, fc=fc, rv0=rv)
        #assert that hessian elements of atoms not part of the current oop
        #are zero
        if len(izero[0]) > 0:
            assert (abs(ref[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
            assert (abs(num[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
        M = (abs(ref - num)).max()
        iM, jM = np.where(abs(ref - num) == M)[0][0], np.where(
            abs(ref - num) == M)[1][0]
        print '%25s (random FC=%8.3f kjmol/A^2    RV=%7.3f A  ):  MaxDev(%2i,%2i)=%.3e kjmol/A^2' % (
            term.basename, fc /
            (kjmol / angstrom**2), rv / angstrom, iM, jM, M /
            (kjmol / angstrom**2))
        assert M < tol
    for term in valence.iter_terms('SQOOPDIST'):
        inonzero, izero = get_indices_zero_nonzero(term, len(system.numbers))
        rv = np.random.uniform(low=0.01, high=0.1) * angstrom**2
        fc = np.random.uniform(low=500, high=5000) * kjmol / angstrom**4
        ref, num = get_analytic_numeric_hessian(valence, term, fc=fc, rv0=rv)
        #assert that hessian elements of atoms not part of the current oop
        #are zero
        if len(izero[0]) > 0:
            assert (abs(ref[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
            assert (abs(num[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
        M = (abs(ref - num)).max()
        iM, jM = np.where(abs(ref - num) == M)[0][0], np.where(
            abs(ref - num) == M)[1][0]
        print '%25s (random FC=%8.3f kjmol/A^4    RV=%7.3f A^2):   MaxDev(%2i,%2i)=%.3e kjmol/A^2' % (
            term.basename, fc /
            (kjmol / angstrom**4), rv / angstrom**2, iM, jM, M /
            (kjmol / angstrom**2))
        assert M < tol
    del system, valence, ref, num