def __drag_data_received(self, view, ctx, x, y, sel, tid, etime): view.emit_stop_by_name('drag-data-received') targets = [ ("text/uri-list", 0, DND_URI_LIST), ("text/x-moz-url", 0, DND_MOZ_URL) ] targets = [*t) for t in targets] view.drag_dest_set(Gtk.DestDefaults.ALL, targets, Gdk.DragAction.COPY) if tid == DND_URI_LIST: uri = sel.get_uris()[0] elif tid == DND_MOZ_URL: uri ='utf16', 'replace').split('\n')[0] else: ctx.finish(False, False, etime) return ctx.finish(True, False, etime) feed = Feed(uri.encode("ascii", "replace")) feed.changed = feed.parse() if feed: self.__feeds.append(row=[feed]) AudioFeeds.write() else: ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add feed"), _("%s could not be added. The server may be down, " "or the location may not be an audio feed.") % util.bold(util.escape(feed.uri))).run()
def __refresh_space(self, device): try: space, free = device.get_space() except NotImplementedError: self.__device_space.set_text("") self.__progress.hide() else: used = space - free fraction = float(used) / space self.__device_space.set_markup( _("%(used-size)s used, %(free-size)s available") % {"used-size": util.bold(util.format_size(used)), "free-size": util.bold(util.format_size(free))}) self.__progress.set_fraction(fraction) self.__progress.set_text("%.f%%" % round(fraction * 100))
def __check_device(self, device, message): if not device.is_connected(): qltk.WarningMessage( self, message, _("%s is not connected.") % util.bold(util.escape(device['name']))).run() return False return True
def __check_device(self, device, message): if not device.is_connected(): qltk.WarningMessage( self, message, _("%s is not connected.") % util.bold(util.escape(device['name'])) ).run() return False return True
def open_location(self, action): name = GetStringDialog(self, _("Add a Location"), _("Enter the location of an audio file:"), okbutton=Gtk.STOCK_ADD).run() if name: if not util.uri_is_valid(name): ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add location"), _("%s is not a valid location.") % ( util.bold(util.escape(name)))).run() elif not app.player.can_play_uri(name): ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add location"), _("%s uses an unsupported protocol.") % ( util.bold(util.escape(name)))).run() else: if name not in self.__library: self.__library.add([RemoteFile(name)])
def __eject(self, button): model, iter = self.__view.get_selection().get_selected() if iter: device = model[iter][0] status = device.eject() if status is not True: msg = _("Ejecting %s failed.") % util.bold(device['name']) if status: msg += "\n\n%s" % status qltk.ErrorMessage(self, _("Unable to eject device"), msg).run()
def __copy_songs(self, songs): model, iter = self.__view.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return False device = model[iter][0] if not self.__check_device(device, _("Unable to copy songs")): return False self.__busy = True wlb = self.__statusbar wlb.setup( len(songs), _("Copying %(song)s") % {'song': '<b>%(song)s</b>'}, {'song': ''}) for song in songs: label = util.escape(song('~artist~title')) if wlb.step(song=label): wlb.hide() break space, free = device.get_space() if free < os.path.getsize(song['~filename']): wlb.hide() qltk.WarningMessage( self, _("Unable to copy song"), _("There is not enough free space for this song.") ).run() break status = device.copy(self, song) if isinstance(status, AudioFile): try: self.__cache[].append(song) except KeyError: pass self.__refresh_space(device) else: msg = _("%s could not be copied.") % util.bold(label) if type(status) == unicode: msg += "\n\n" + util.escape(status) qltk.WarningMessage(self, _("Unable to copy song"), msg).run() if device.cleanup and not device.cleanup(wlb, 'copy'): pass else: wlb.hide() self.__busy = False return True
def __new_feed(self, activator): feed = AddFeedDialog(self).run() if feed is not None: feed.changed = feed.parse() if feed: self.__feeds.append(row=[feed]) AudioFeeds.write() else: ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add feed"), _("%s could not be added. The server may be down, " "or the location may not be an audio feed.") % util.bold(util.escape(feed.uri))).run()
def __delete_songs(self, songs): model, iter = self.__view.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return False device = model[iter][0] if not self.__check_device(device, _("Unable to delete songs")): return False dialog = DeleteDialog.for_songs(self, songs) if != DeleteDialog.RESPONSE_DELETE: return False self.__busy = True wlb = self.__statusbar wlb.setup( len(songs), _("Deleting %(song)s") % {"song": "<b>%(song)s</b>"}, {'song': ''}) for song in songs: label = util.escape(song('~artist~title')) if wlb.step(song=label): wlb.hide() break status = device.delete(self, song) if status is True: try: self.__cache[].remove(song) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass self.__refresh_space(device) else: msg = _("%s could not be deleted.") % util.bold(label) if type(status) == unicode: msg += "\n\n%s" % status qltk.WarningMessage( self, _("Unable to delete song"), msg).run() if device.cleanup and not device.cleanup(wlb, 'delete'): pass else: wlb.hide() self.__busy = False
def schedule_change(self, album): if self.delay: srcid = GLib.timeout_add(1000 * self.delay, self.change_album, album) task = notif.Task(_("Random Album"), _("Waiting to start %s") % util.bold(util.escape(album("album"))), stop=lambda: GLib.source_remove(srcid)) def countdown(): for i in range(10 * self.delay): task.update(i / (10. * self.delay)) yield True task.finish() yield False GLib.timeout_add(100, next, countdown()) else: self.change_album(album)
def schedule_change(self, album): if self.delay: srcid = GLib.timeout_add(1000 * self.delay, self.change_album, album) if notif is None: return task = notif.Task(_("Random Album"), _("Waiting to start %s") % util.bold(util.escape(album("album"))), stop=lambda: GLib.source_remove(srcid)) def countdown(): for i in range(10 * self.delay): task.update(i / (10. * self.delay)) yield True task.finish() yield False GLib.timeout_add(100, next, countdown()) else: self.change_album(album)
def __drag_data_received(self, widget, ctx, x, y, sel, tid, etime): assert tid == DND_URI_LIST uris = sel.get_uris() dirs = [] error = False for uri in uris: try: uri = URI(uri) except ValueError: continue if uri.is_filename: loc = os.path.normpath(uri.filename) if os.path.isdir(loc): dirs.append(loc) else: loc = os.path.realpath(loc) if loc not in self.__library: self.__library.add_filename(loc) elif app.player.can_play_uri(uri): if uri not in self.__library: self.__library.add([RemoteFile(uri)]) else: error = True break Gtk.drag_finish(ctx, not error, False, etime) if error: ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add songs"), _("%s uses an unsupported protocol.") % util.bold(uri)).run() else: if dirs: copool.add(self.__library.scan, dirs, cofuncid="library", funcid="library")
def __drag_data_received(self, widget, ctx, x, y, sel, tid, etime): assert tid == DND_URI_LIST uris = sel.get_uris() dirs = [] error = False for uri in uris: try: uri = URI(uri) except ValueError: continue if uri.is_filename: loc = os.path.normpath(uri.filename) if os.path.isdir(loc): dirs.append(loc) else: loc = os.path.realpath(loc) if loc not in self.__library: self.__library.add_filename(loc) elif app.player.can_play_uri(uri): if uri not in self.__library: self.__library.add([RemoteFile(uri)]) else: error = True break Gtk.drag_finish(ctx, not error, False, etime) if error: ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add songs"), _("%s uses an unsupported protocol.") % util.bold(uri)).run() else: if dirs: copool.add( self.__library.scan, dirs, cofuncid="library", funcid="library")
def test_format(self): self.assertEqual(util.bold("foo"), "<b>foo</b>") self.assertEqual(util.italic("foo"), "<i>foo</i>") self.assertEqual(util.monospace("foo"), "<tt>foo</tt>")
def feed_error(self, feed: Feed) -> ErrorMessage: return ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add feed"), _("%s could not be added. The server may be down, " "or the location may not be an audio feed.") % util.bold(util.escape(feed.uri)))