Beispiel #1
def spin_photon_entropy_cons(dtype, symm, Sent_args):

    Ntot = L

    if symm:
        basis = photon_basis(spin_basis_1d, L, Ntot=Ntot, kblock=0, pblock=1)
        basis = photon_basis(spin_basis_1d, L, Ntot=Ntot)

    # spin
    x_field = [[-1.0, i] for i in range(L)]
    z_field = [[-1.0, i] for i in range(L)]
    J_nn = [[-1.0, i, (i + 1) % L] for i in range(L)]
    # spin-photon
    absorb = [[-0.5 * 1.0 / np.sqrt(Ntot), i] for i in range(L)]
    emit = [[-0.5 * np.conj(1.0) / np.sqrt(Ntot), i] for i in range(L)]
    # photon
    ph_energy = [[11.0 / L, i] for i in range(L)]

    static = [["zz|", J_nn], ["z|", z_field], ["x|", x_field], ["x|-", absorb],
              ["x|+", emit], ["I|n", ph_energy]]

    H = hamiltonian(static, [],

    # diagonalise H
    E, V = H.eigh()
    psi0 = V[:, 0]
    rho0 = np.outer(psi0.conj(), psi0)
    rho_d = rho0
    Ed, Vd = np.linalg.eigh(rho_d)

    S_pure = _ent_entropy(psi0, basis, **Sent_args)
    S_DM = _ent_entropy(rho0, basis, **Sent_args)
    S_DMd = _ent_entropy({'V_rho': Vd, 'rho_d': abs(Ed)}, basis, **Sent_args)
    S_all = _ent_entropy({'V_states': V}, basis, **Sent_args)

    return (S_pure, S_DM, S_DMd, S_all)
Beispiel #2
def spin_photon_entropy(dtype, symm, Sent_args):

    Nph = 6

    if symm:
        basis = photon_basis(spin_basis_1d, L, Nph=Nph, kblock=0, pblock=1)
        basis = photon_basis(spin_basis_1d, L, Nph=Nph)

        # spin
    x_field = [[-1.0, i] for i in range(L)]
    z_field = [[-1.0, i] for i in range(L)]
    J_nn = [[-1.0, i, (i + 1) % L] for i in range(L)]
    # spin-photon
    absorb = [[-0.5 * 1.0 / np.sqrt(Nph), i] for i in range(L)]
    emit = [[-0.5 * np.conj(1.0) / np.sqrt(Nph), i] for i in range(L)]
    # photon
    ph_energy = [[11.0 / L, i] for i in range(L)]

    static = [["zz|", J_nn], ["z|", z_field], ["x|", x_field], ["x|-", absorb], ["x|+", emit], ["I|n", ph_energy]]

    H = hamiltonian(static, [], L, dtype=np.float64, basis=basis, check_herm=False, check_symm=False)

    # diagonalise H
    E, V = H.eigh()
    psi0 = V[:, 0]
    rho0 = np.outer(psi0.conj(), psi0)
    rho_d = rho0
    Ed, Vd = np.linalg.eigh(rho_d)

    S_pure = ent_entropy(psi0, basis, **Sent_args)
    S_DM = ent_entropy(rho0, basis, **Sent_args)
    S_DMd = ent_entropy({"V_rho": Vd, "rho_d": abs(Ed)}, basis, **Sent_args)
    S_all = ent_entropy({"V_states": V}, basis, **Sent_args)

    return (S_pure, S_DM, S_DMd, S_all)
Beispiel #3
def spin_photon_Nsite_DM(N, coupling, Nph_tot=10, state='ferro', decouple=0, photon_state=0,coherent=False, t_max=10.00,t_steps=100, obs_photon=5, vect='x', omega=0.5, J_zz=0.0, J_xx=0.0, J_xy=0.0, J_z=0.0, J_x=0.0, return_state_DM=False, periodic=True, init_state=None):

    ##### define Boson model parameters #####
    Nph_tot=Nph_tot # maximum photon occupation
    Nph=1.0# mean number of photons in initial state
    Omega=omega # drive frequency
    A=coupling # spin-photon coupling strength (drive amplitude)
    Delta=0.0 # difference between atom energy levels

    ph_energy=[[Omega]] # photon energy
    loss=[[0.2]] # emission term
    at_energy=[[Delta,i] for i in range(L)] # atom energy

    if type(decouple) == int:

        absorb=[[A / np.sqrt(N-decouple),i] for i in range(0, L-decouple)] # absorption term
        emit=[[A/ np.sqrt(N-decouple),i] for i in range(0, L-decouple)] # emission term

    elif type(decouple) == tuple:
        absorb=[[A / np.sqrt(len(decouple)),i] for i in decouple] # absorption term
        emit=[[A/ np.sqrt(len(decouple)),i] for i in decouple] # emission term

        ValueError('Improper input for decouple variable');
        return -1;

    ##### define Boson model parameters #####

    if periodic==True:
        boundary = L;
        boundary = L-1;

    H_zz = [[J_zz,i,(i+1)%L] for i in range(boundary)] # PBC
    H_xx = [[J_xx,i,(i+1)%L] for i in range(boundary)] # PBC
    H_xy = [[J_xy,i,(i+1)%L] for i in range(boundary)] # PBC
    H_z = [[J_z,i] for i in range(L)] # PBC
    H_x = [[J_x,i] for i in range(L)] # PBC

    psi_atom = get_product_state(N,state=state,vect=vect);

    # define static and dynamics lists
    static=[["|n",ph_energy],["x|-",absorb],["x|+",emit],["z|",at_energy], ["+-|",H_xy],["-+|",H_xy],["zz|",H_zz], ["z|",H_z],["x|",H_x]]

    # compute atom-photon basis
    # compute atom-photon Hamiltonian H
    if type(init_state) == tuple:
        H_zz = [[init_state[0],i,(i+1)%L] for i in range(boundary)] # PBC
        H_xy = [[0,i,(i+1)%L] for i in range(boundary)] # PBC
        H_z = [[0,i] for i in range(L)] # PBC
        H_x = [[init_state[1],i] for i in range(L)] # PBC
        static=[["+-",H_xy],["-+",H_xy],["zz",H_zz], ["z",H_z],["x",H_x]];
        init_Spin_Hamiltonian = hamiltonian(static,dynamic,dtype=np.float64,basis=spin_basis_1d(N),check_herm=False)
        psi_atom = get_ground_state(N,init_Spin_Hamiltonian);
    if coherent==False:
        psi_boson = coherent_state(np.sqrt(photon_state), Nph_tot+1)
    ##### calculate time evolution #####
    t = np.linspace(0, t_max, t_steps);
    psi_t = H.evolve(psi, 0.0, t);

    a = hamiltonian([["|-", [[1.0  ]] ]],[],dtype=np.float64,**obs_args);
    n=hamiltonian([["|n", [[1.0  ]] ]],[],dtype=np.float64,**obs_args);
    a_psi =;
    a_psi_t = H.evolve(a_psi, 0.0, t);
    g2_0 = n.expt_value(a_psi_t);
    n_t = n.expt_value(psi_t);
    g2_0 = g2_0 / (n_t[0] * n_t);
    g2_0 = np.real(g2_0);

    ##### define observables #####
    # define GLOBAL observables parameters
    n_t=hamiltonian([["|n", [[1.0  ]] ]],[],dtype=np.float64,**obs_args)
    nn_t=hamiltonian([["|nn", [[1.0  ]] ]],[],dtype=np.float64,**obs_args)

    z_tot_t = hamiltonian([["z|", [[1.0,i] for i in range(L)] ]],[],dtype=np.float64,**obs_args);
    x_tot_t = hamiltonian([["x|", [[1.0,i] for i in range(L)] ]],[],dtype=np.float64,**obs_args);

    zz_tot_t = hamiltonian([["zz|", [[1.0,i,(i+1)%L] for i in range(boundary)] ]],[],dtype=np.float64,**obs_args);
    xx_tot_t = hamiltonian([["xx|", [[1.0,i,(i+1)%L] for i in range(boundary)] ]],[],dtype=np.float64,**obs_args);

    Obs_dict = {"n":n_t,"nn":nn_t,"z_tot":z_tot_t,
                "x_tot":x_tot_t, "zz_tot":zz_tot_t, "xx_tot":xx_tot_t};

    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i+1, N):
            stringz = "z%1dz%1d" % (i, j);
            stringx = "x%1dx%1d" % (i, j);

            zz_ham = hamiltonian([["zz|", [[1.0,i,j]] ]],[],dtype=np.float64,**obs_args);
            xx_ham = hamiltonian([["xx|", [[1.0,i,j]] ]],[],dtype=np.float64,**obs_args);

            Obs_dict.update({stringz:zz_ham, stringx, xx_ham});

    Obs_t = obs_vs_time(psi_t,t,Obs_dict);

    ####### Number of times to sample the cavity state, could sample at every time so num = 1 ###############
    Sent = np.zeros_like(t);
    AC_ent = np.zeros_like(t);
    num = t_steps//obs_photon
    obs_pht_t = t[::num];
    obs_pht_ray = np.zeros([len(obs_pht_t), Nph_tot+1, Nph_tot+1]);
    spin_subsys_dm = np.zeros([len(t), 2**(N//2), 2**(N//2)])
    pairwise_concurrence = np.zeros([len(t), N, N]);

    for i in range(len(t)):
        dictionary = basis.ent_entropy(psi_t.T[i],sub_sys_A='particles',return_rdm='both');

        spin_dm = dictionary["rdm_A"];
        photon_dm = dictionary["rdm_B"];

        dict_atom_subsys = atom_basis.ent_entropy(spin_dm,sub_sys_A=range(N//2),return_rdm='both');

        Sent[i]=N//2 * dict_atom_subsys['Sent_A'];

        for j in range(N):
            for k in range(j+1, N):
                two_spin_dict = atom_basis.ent_entropy(spin_dm,sub_sys_A=(j,k),return_rdm='both');
                two_spin_dm = two_spin_dict['rdm_A'];
                two_spin_conc = concurrence(two_spin_dm);
                pairwise_concurrence[i,j,k] = two_spin_conc;

        if t[i] in obs_pht_t:
            obs_pht_ray[i//num] = photon_dm

    if return_state_DM==False:
        return t, AC_ent, Sent, Obs_t, obs_pht_ray, g2_0, pairwise_concurrence;
        return t, AC_ent, Sent, Obs_t, obs_pht_ray, g2_0, pairwise_concurrence, spin_subsys_dm;
Beispiel #4
import sys, os

qspin_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "../")
sys.path.insert(0, qspin_path)

from quspin.basis import photon_basis, spin_basis_1d
import numpy as np

L = 4
Nph = 10
omega = 1.0


basis = photon_basis(spin_basis_1d, L, Ntot=Nph)
basis_full = photon_basis(spin_basis_1d, L, Nph=Nph)

psi = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(
    basis.Ns, 1)) + 1j * np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(basis.Ns, 1))
psi /= np.linalg.norm(psi, axis=0)
psis = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(
    basis.Ns, 100)) + 1j * np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(basis.Ns, 100))
psis /= np.linalg.norm(psi, axis=0)

psi_full = basis.get_vec(psi, sparse=False)
psis_full = basis.get_vec(psis, sparse=False)

n_state = 10
psis = np.exp(-1j * np.random.uniform(
    -np.pi, np.pi, size=(basis.Ns, n_state))) / np.sqrt(basis.Ns)
psis_full = basis.get_vec(psis, full_part=False, sparse=False)
Beispiel #5
Nph = Nph_tot / 2  # mean number of photons in initial coherent state
Omega = 3.5  # drive frequency
A = 0.8  # spin-photon coupling strength (drive amplitude)
Delta = 1.0  # difference between atom energy levels
##### set up photon-atom Hamiltonian #####
# define operator site-coupling lists
ph_energy = [[Omega]]  # photon energy
at_energy = [[Delta, 0]]  # atom energy
absorb = [[A / (2.0 * np.sqrt(Nph)), 0]]  # absorption term
emit = [[A / (2.0 * np.sqrt(Nph)), 0]]  # emission term
# define static and dynamics lists
static = [["|n", ph_energy], ["x|-", absorb], ["x|+", emit], ["z|", at_energy]]
dynamic = []
# compute atom-photon basis
basis = photon_basis(spin_basis_1d, L=1, Nph=Nph_tot)
# compute atom-photon Hamiltonian H
H = hamiltonian(static, dynamic, dtype=np.float64, basis=basis)
##### set up semi-classical Hamiltonian #####
# define operators
dipole_op = [[A, 0]]

# define periodic drive and its parameters
def drive(t, Omega):
    return np.cos(Omega * t)

drive_args = [Omega]
# define semi-classical static and dynamic lists