Beispiel #1
     "The `hints.*` values are a special case as they're real CSS "
     "colors, not Qt-CSS colors. There, for a gradient, you need to use "
     "`-webkit-gradient`, see"
     "css-gradients/[the WebKit documentation]."),
    'fonts': ("Fonts used for the UI, with optional style/weight/size.\n\n"
              " * Style: `normal`/`italic`/`oblique`\n"
              " * Weight: `normal`, `bold`, `100`..`900`\n"
              " * Size: _number_ `px`/`pt`"),

DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = '10pt' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else '8pt'

DATA = collections.OrderedDict([
         ('ignore-case', SettingValue(typ.IgnoreCase(), 'smart'),
          "Whether to find text on a page case-insensitively."),
         ('wrap-search', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'true'),
          "Whether to wrap finding text to the top when arriving at the end."),
         ('startpage', SettingValue(typ.List(), ''),
          "The default page(s) to open at the start, separated by commas."),
         ('auto-search', SettingValue(typ.AutoSearch(), 'naive'),
          "Whether to start a search when something else than a URL is "
         ('auto-save-config', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'true'),
          "Whether to save the config automatically on quit."),
          SettingValue(typ.ShellCommand(placeholder=True), 'gvim -f "{}"'),
          "The editor (and arguments) to use for the `open-editor` command.\n\n"
          "Use `{}` for the filename. The value gets split like in a shell, so "
          "you can use `\"` or `'` to quote arguments."),
Beispiel #2
        "css-gradients/[the WebKit documentation]."),
    'fonts': (
        "Fonts used for the UI, with optional style/weight/size.\n\n"
        " * Style: `normal`/`italic`/`oblique`\n"
        " * Weight: `normal`, `bold`, `100`..`900`\n"
        " * Size: _number_ `px`/`pt`"),

DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = '10pt' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else '8pt'

DATA = collections.OrderedDict([
    ('general', sect.KeyValue(
         SettingValue(typ.IgnoreCase(), 'smart'),
         "Whether to find text on a page case-insensitively."),

         SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'true'),
         "Whether to wrap finding text to the top when arriving at the end."),

         SettingValue(typ.List(), ''),
         "The default page(s) to open at the start, separated by commas."),

         SettingValue(typ.AutoSearch(), 'naive'),
         "Whether to start a search when something else than a URL is "