Beispiel #1
def teleport(state, mres):
    q0, q1 = map(int, twoQ_basis[mres])

    s0_name = twoQ_basis[mres] + '0'
    s1_name = twoQ_basis[mres] + '1'
    s0 = qt.bra(s0_name)
    s1 = qt.bra(s1_name)

    a = (s0 * state).tr()
    b = (s1 * state).tr()
    red_state = (a * qt.ket([0], 2) + b * qt.ket([1], 2)).unit()

    H = Gate('SNOT', targets=0)
    sqrtX = Gate('SQRTNOT', targets=0)
    qc = QubitCircuit(N=1)

    if q1 == 1:
    if q0 == 1:
    gates_sequence = qc.propagators()
    scheme = oper.gate_sequence_product(gates_sequence)

    return scheme * red_state
Beispiel #2
 def test_rho_or_sigma_not_oper(self):
     rho = qutip.bra("00")
     sigma = qutip.bra("01")
     with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
         qutip.entropy_relative(rho.dag(), sigma)
     assert str(exc.value) == "Inputs must be density matrices."
     with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
         qutip.entropy_relative(rho, sigma.dag())
     assert str(exc.value) == "Inputs must be density matrices."
     with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
         qutip.entropy_relative(rho, sigma)
     assert str(exc.value) == "Inputs must be density matrices."
Beispiel #3
def test_bra_type():
    "State CSR Type: bra"
    st = bra('10')
    assert_equal(isspmatrix_csr(, True)
Beispiel #4
def quantize_SHO(K, U, p, x, dims=[], taylor_order=4, x0=None, t_symbol=None):
    """A function that can quantize a sympy hamiltonian. Currently only in SHO/fock basis

    K : sympy expression
        Sympy expression for the kinetic term
    U : sympy expression
        sympy expression for the potential
    p : iterable of sympy symbols
        Symbols representing the canonical momenta of the system
    x : iterable of sympy symbols
        Symbols representing the canonical position variables of the system
    dims : list of integers
        Specifies the desired dimension of each mode. Must be same length as x and p
    taylor_order : integer
        Specifies the order to which the taylor expansion will be carried out if the quantization method utilises, such an expansion.
    x0 : list of floats
        The point around which the taylor expansion of the potential wil be carried out.

        An operator generator that when called as instance(*params) return the hamiltonian for the system with given params. A parameter is defined as a symbol that appears in K or U but not in x or p.

    # Preliminaries
    if not dims:
        dims = len(x) * [4]
    if x0 == None:
        x0 = np.zeros(len(x))

    # Taylor expansion
    T_U = au.taylor.taylor_sympy(f=U, x=x, x0=x0, N=taylor_order)
    T_K = au.taylor.taylor_sympy(f=K, x=p, x0=np.zeros(len(p)), N=2)

    # Effective mass and "spring constant"
    m = len(x) * [0]
    k = len(x) * [0]
    for coeff, powers in T_K:
        inds = np.nonzero(np.array(powers) == 2)[0]
        if len(inds) == 1:
            m[inds[0]] = 1 / (2 * coeff)
    for coeff, powers in T_U:
        inds = np.nonzero(np.array(powers) == 2)[0]
        if len(inds) == 1:
            k[inds[0]] = 2 * coeff

    # Constructing position and momentum operator
    x_ops = []
    p_ops = []
    padded_dims = [d + int(np.floor(taylor_order / 2)) for d in dims]
    for j, d in zip(range(len(k)), padded_dims):
        op = [qt.qeye(d) for d in padded_dims]
        op[j] = 1j * (qt.create(d) - qt.destroy(d)) / np.sqrt(2)
        op[j] = (qt.create(d) + qt.destroy(d)) / np.sqrt(2)
    terms = []

    # Calculating qutip operator and symbolic coefficient for each term
    P = 0  # This will be the projection operator that projects onto the subspace defined by dims
    for state in qt.state_number_enumerate(dims):
        P += qt.ket(state, dims) * qt.bra(state, padded_dims)
    for coeff, powers in T_K:
        op = qt.qeye(padded_dims)
        for kj, mj, p_op, pow in zip(k, m, p_ops, powers):
            if pow > 0:
                coeff *= (kj * mj)**(pow / 4)
                op *= p_op**pow
        terms.append((coeff, P * op * P.dag()))
    for coeff, powers in T_U:
        op = qt.qeye(padded_dims)
        for kj, mj, x_op, pow in zip(k, m, x_ops, powers):
            if pow > 0:
                coeff *= (kj * mj)**(-pow / 4)
                op *= x_op**pow
        terms.append((coeff, P * op * P.dag()))

    # Constructing opgen instance
    return au.td_symopgen(sym_terms=terms, t_symbol=t_symbol)
Beispiel #5
def test_bra_ket(state):
    from_basis = qutip.basis([2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0])
    from_ket = qutip.ket(state)
    from_bra = qutip.bra(state).dag()
    assert from_basis == from_ket
    assert from_basis == from_bra
def projection_operator(subspace_basis, subspace_dims):
    d = len(subspace_basis)
    for j, ket in enumerate(subspace_basis):
        ket_subspace = qt.basis(d, j)
        if j == 0:
            P = ket_subspace * ket.dag()
            P += ket_subspace * ket.dag()
    P.dims[0] = subspace_dims
    return P

subspace_basis = [qt.ket([0], 3), qt.ket([1], 3)]
P = projection_operator(subspace_basis, [2])
U_target = P.dag() * (-1j * qt.sigmax()) * P
H = qt.create(3) + qt.destroy(3) + 20 * qt.ket([2], [3]) * qt.bra([2], [3])

def process(rho, tlist):
    res = qt.mesolve(H, rho, tlist, c_ops=[0.1 * qt.destroy(3)])
    return [
        transform_state_unitary(rho, U_target, inverse=True)
        for rho in res.states

tlist = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, 10)
F_av = average_fidelity(process, subspace_basis, tlist)
print(F_av, '\n')
# One qudit with four states [1,2] comp basis
subspace_basis = [qt.ket([1], 4), qt.ket([2], 4)]