Beispiel #1
def f(N, options):
    wa = 1
    wc = 0.9
    delta = wa - wc
    g = 2
    kappa = 0.5
    gamma = 0.1
    n_th = 0.75
    tspan = np.linspace(0, 10, 11)

    Ia = qt.qeye(2)
    Ic = qt.qeye(N)

    a = qt.destroy(N)
    at = qt.create(N)

    sm = qt.sigmam()
    sp = qt.sigmap()

    # H = wc*qt.tensor(n, Ia) + qt.tensor(Ic, wa/2.*sz) + g*(qt.tensor(at, sm) + qt.tensor(a, sp))
    Ha = g * qt.tensor(at, sm)
    Hb = g * qt.tensor(a, sp)
    H = [[Ha, lambda t, args: np.exp(-1j*delta*t)],
         [Hb, lambda t, args: np.exp(1j*delta*t)]]
    c_ops = [
        qt.tensor(np.sqrt(kappa*(1+n_th)) * a, Ia),
        qt.tensor(np.sqrt(kappa*n_th) * at, Ia),
        qt.tensor(Ic, np.sqrt(gamma) * sm),

    psi0 = qt.tensor(qt.fock(N, 0), (qt.basis(2, 0) + qt.basis(2, 1)).unit())
    exp_n = qt.mesolve(H, psi0, tspan, c_ops, [qt.tensor(a, sp)], options=options).expect[0]
    return np.real(exp_n)
	def test_jumpBinary(self):
		tStart = 0
		psi0 = qutip.basis(2, 0)
		psi0 = psi0.full()

		sp = qutip.sigmap()
		sm = qutip.sigmam()
		jumpOps = []
		jumpOps.append(5 * sm)
		jumpOps.append(5 * sp)
		for i, jumpOp in enumerate(jumpOps):
			jumpOps[i] = jumpOp.full()
			jumpOps[i]= scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(jumpOps[i])
		jumpOpsPaired = QJMCSetUp.jumpOperatorsPaired(jumpOps)

		sx = qutip.sigmax()
		H = sx
		#All objects must be in a scipy sparse format
		H = H.full()
		H = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(H)

		settings = QJMCAA.Settings()
		settings.smallestDt = 0.0001

		HEffExponentDtSet, dtSet = QJMCSetUp.HEffExponentSetProductionBinary(H,
			jumpOpsPaired, 0.1, settings)

		for _ in range(1000):
			r = 0.5
			t, _, r = QJMCJump.jumpBinary(tStart, psi0, r, jumpOps, jumpOpsPaired,
		 		dtSet, HEffExponentDtSet)
    def test_measure(self):
        #Defines all needed variables for a test
        index = 0

        psi = qutip.basis(2, 1)
        psi = psi.full()

        eResults = []


        sp = qutip.sigmap()
        sm = qutip.sigmam()
        no = sp * sm
        eOps = []
        for i, eOp in enumerate(eOps):
            eOps[i] = eOp.full()
            eOps[i] = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(eOps[i])

        histograms = []

        savingSettings = QJMCAA.SavingSettings()

        #Tests with no histograms set
        QJMCMeasure.measure(index, psi, eResults, eOps, histograms,

        self.assertEqual(histograms, [])
        self.assertEqual(eResults, [[0.]])
Beispiel #4
    def setup_collapse_operators(self):

        print("Setup Collapse Operators in Lindblad form", end=" ")
        collapse = []
        #Empty list for collapse operators
        # Collapse coefficients from the dictionary
        k_Dwn = pars['kDwn']
        k_Up = pars['kUp']
        G_e2g = pars['Gamma_E2G']
        G_g2e = pars['Gamma_G2E']
        print("for the parameters")
        print("kDwn = 2pi * %.3lg [GHz],\nkUp  = 2pi * %.3lg [GHz]"\
              %(k_Dwn/(2*np.pi), k_Up/(2*np.pi)))
        print("Ge2g = %.3lg   [GHz],\nGg2e = %.3lg [GHz]\n" % (G_e2g, G_g2e))
        # Collapse operators in Lindblad Master Equation
        a = self.a
        sp = tensor(sigmap(), qeye(pars['N']))  # sigma+
        sm = tensor(sigmam(), qeye(pars['N']))  # sigma-

        #if isLindblad == True:
        collapse.append(np.sqrt(k_Dwn) * a)
        collapse.append(np.sqrt(k_Up) * a.dag())
        collapse.append(np.sqrt(G_e2g) * sm)
        collapse.append(np.sqrt(G_g2e) * sp)
        #DISREGARDED#collapse.append(np.sqrt(Gamma_varphi) * sz);#[dimensionless]
        return collapse
Beispiel #5
def test_expect_noisy():
    bad_op = qutip.tensor([qutip.qeye(2), qutip.sigmap()])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="non-diagonal"):
    op = qutip.tensor([qutip.qeye(2), qutip.basis(2, 0).proj()])
    assert np.isclose(results_noisy.expect([op])[0][-1], 0.6933333333333334)
    def test_jumpOperatorsPaired(self):
        #Sets up the jump operators
        sp = qutip.sigmap()
    	sm = qutip.sigmam()
    	no = sp*sm

    	jumpOps = []

        for i, jumpOp in enumerate(jumpOps):
    		jumpOps[i] = jumpOp.full()
    		jumpOps[i]= scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(jumpOps[i])
        #Runs the function
        jumpOpsPaired = QJMCSetUp.jumpOperatorsPaired(jumpOps)

        #Calculating what they should be
        jumpOpsExpect = []


        fail = -1
        for i in range(len(jumpOps)):
            if (jumpOpsPaired[i] - jumpOpsExpect[i]).nnz == complex(0,0):
                fail = i
Beispiel #7
def test_jmat_12():
    spinhalf = qutip.jmat(1 / 2.)

    paulix = np.array([[0. + 0.j, 1. + 0.j], [1. + 0.j, 0. + 0.j]])
    pauliy = np.array([[0. + 0.j, 0. - 1.j], [0. + 1.j, 0. + 0.j]])
    pauliz = np.array([[1. + 0.j, 0. + 0.j], [0. + 0.j, -1. + 0.j]])
    sigmap = np.array([[0. + 0.j, 1. + 0.j], [0. + 0.j, 0. + 0.j]])
    sigmam = np.array([[0. + 0.j, 0. + 0.j], [1. + 0.j, 0. + 0.j]])

    np.testing.assert_allclose(spinhalf[0].full() * 2, paulix)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(spinhalf[1].full() * 2, pauliy)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(spinhalf[2].full() * 2, pauliz)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(qutip.jmat(1 / 2., '+').full(), sigmap)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(qutip.jmat(1 / 2., '-').full(), sigmam)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(qutip.spin_Jx(1 / 2.).full() * 2, paulix)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(qutip.spin_Jy(1 / 2.).full() * 2, pauliy)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(qutip.spin_Jz(1 / 2.).full() * 2, pauliz)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(qutip.spin_Jp(1 / 2.).full(), sigmap)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(qutip.spin_Jm(1 / 2.).full(), sigmam)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(qutip.sigmax().full(), paulix)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(qutip.sigmay().full(), pauliy)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(qutip.sigmaz().full(), pauliz)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(qutip.sigmap().full(), sigmap)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(qutip.sigmam().full(), sigmam)

    spin_set = qutip.spin_J_set(0.5)
    for i in range(3):
        assert spinhalf[i] == spin_set[i]
Beispiel #8
def test_jaynes_cummings_zero_temperature():
    brmesolve: Jaynes-Cummings model, zero temperature
    N = 10
    a = qutip.tensor(qutip.destroy(N), qutip.qeye(2))
    sp = qutip.tensor(qutip.qeye(N), qutip.sigmap())
    psi0 = qutip.ket2dm(qutip.tensor(qutip.basis(N, 1), qutip.basis(2, 0)))
    a_ops = [[(a + a.dag()), lambda w: kappa * (w >= 0)]]
    e_ops = [a.dag() * a, sp.dag() * sp]

    w0 = 1.0 * 2 * np.pi
    g = 0.05 * 2 * np.pi
    kappa = 0.05
    times = np.linspace(0, 2 * 2 * np.pi / g, 1000)

    c_ops = [np.sqrt(kappa) * a]
    H = w0 * a.dag() * a + w0 * sp.dag() * sp + g * (a + a.dag()) * (sp +

    me = qutip.mesolve(H, psi0, times, c_ops, e_ops)
    brme = qutip.brmesolve(H, psi0, times, a_ops, e_ops)
    for me_expectation, brme_expectation in zip(me.expect, brme.expect):
        # Accept 5% error.
        np.testing.assert_allclose(me_expectation, brme_expectation, atol=5e-2)
def get_H_XY_terms(N):
    """ Returns local terms, without coupling coefficients, that make up the XY hamiltonian.
        returns: Hx, Hz, HPM
        Hx = list of pauli X's
        Hz = list of Pauli Z's
        HPM = list of sigma_plus * sigma_minus """

    I = qt.tensor([qt.qeye(2)] * N)
    c = list(it.combinations(range(N), 2))
    Hz, Hx, HPM = [0 * I for x in range(N)], [0 * I for x in range(N)
                                              ], [0 * I for x in c]
    for i in range(N):
        l = [qt.qeye(2)] * N
        l[i] = qt.sigmaz()
        Hz[i] = qt.tensor(l)
        l[i] = qt.sigmax()
        Hx[i] = qt.tensor(l)
    for s in range(len(c)):
        i, j = c[s]
        l = [qt.qeye(2)] * N
        l[i] = qt.sigmap()
        l[j] = qt.sigmam()
        HPM[s] = qt.tensor(l)
        HPM[s] += HPM[s].dag()
    return Hx, Hz, HPM
Beispiel #10
def objective_with_c_ops():
    u1 = lambda t, args: 1.0
    u2 = lambda t, args: 1.0
    a1 = np.random.random(100) + 1j * np.random.random(100)
    a2 = np.random.random(100) + 1j * np.random.random(100)
    H = [
        tensor(sigmaz(), identity(2)) + tensor(identity(2), sigmaz()),
        [tensor(sigmax(), identity(2)), u1],
        [tensor(identity(2), sigmax()), u2],
    C1 = [[tensor(identity(2), sigmap()), a1]]
    C2 = [[tensor(sigmap(), identity(2)), a2]]
    ket00 = ket((0, 0))
    ket11 = ket((1, 1))
    obj = krotov.Objective(
        initial_state=ket00, target=ket11, H=H, c_ops=[C1, C2]
    return obj
Beispiel #11
    def num_focks(self, value):
        self._num_focks = value
        sigma_plus: Qobj = tensor(sigmap(), qeye(value))
        a: Qobj = tensor(qeye(2), destroy(value))

        self._ctrl_ops: List[Qobj] = [sigma_plus, sigma_plus * a, sigma_plus * a.dag()]
        self._ctrl_ops_full = [op.full() for op in self._ctrl_ops]

        self._e: Callable[[int], Qobj] = lambda n: tensor(basis(2, 0), basis(value, n))
        self._g: Callable[[int], Qobj] = lambda n: tensor(basis(2, 1), basis(value, n))
def tls_control_system():
    """Non-trivial control system defined on a TLS"""
    eps1 = lambda t, args: 0.5
    eps2 = lambda t, args: 1
    H1 = [0.5 * sigmaz(), [sigmap(), eps1], [sigmam(), eps1]]
    H2 = [0.5 * sigmaz(), [sigmaz(), eps2]]
    c_ops = [0.1 * sigmap()]
    objectives = [
            initial_state=ket('0'), target=ket('1'), H=H1, c_ops=c_ops
            initial_state=ket('0'), target=ket('1'), H=H2, c_ops=c_ops
    controls = [eps1, eps2]
    controls_mapping = krotov.conversions.extract_controls_mapping(
        objectives, controls
    return objectives, controls, controls_mapping
Beispiel #13
def test_exact_solution_for_simple_methods(method, kwargs):
    # this tests that simple methods correctly determine the steadystate
    # with high accuracy for a small Liouvillian requiring correct weighting.
    H = qutip.identity(2)
    c_ops = [qutip.sigmam(), 1e-8 * qutip.sigmap()]
    rho_ss = qutip.steadystate(H, c_ops, method=method, **kwargs)
    expected_rho_ss = np.array([
        [1.e-16 + 0.j, 0.e+00 - 0.j],
        [0.e+00 - 0.j, 1.e+00 + 0.j],
    np.testing.assert_allclose(expected_rho_ss, rho_ss, atol=1e-16)
    assert == pytest.approx(1, abs=1e-14)
Beispiel #14
def test_hamiltonian_order_unimportant():
    # Testing for regression on issue 1048.
    sp = qutip.sigmap()
    H = [[qutip.sigmax(), lambda t, _: _step(t-2)],
         [qutip.qeye(2), lambda t, _: _step(-(t-2))]]
    start = qutip.basis(2, 0)
    times = np.linspace(0, 5, 6)
    forwards = qutip.correlation_2op_2t(H, start, times, times, [sp],
                                        sp.dag(), sp)
    backwards = qutip.correlation_2op_2t(H[::-1], start, times, times, [sp],
                                         sp.dag(), sp)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(forwards, backwards, atol=1e-6)
def Hamiltonian(parameters, lattice):
    #Constructs the operators
    #(these are the essential operators that are needed for spin)
    si = qutip.qeye(2)
    sx = qutip.sigmax()
    #sy = qutip.sigmay()
    #sz = qutip.sigmaz()
    sp = qutip.sigmap()
    sm = qutip.sigmam()
    no = sp * sm

    #Constructs operators for the chain of length N
    #si_list = []
    sx_list = []
    #sy_list = []
    #sz_list = []
    #sp_list = []
    #sm_list = []
    no_list = []

    #Runs over each site defining the operator on that site
    for k in range(lattice.numberOfSites):
        #Puts an indentity on every site
        op_list = [si] * lattice.numberOfSites
        #Defines the sigma_x on site k
        op_list[k] = sx
        #op_list[k] = sy
        #op_list[k] = sz
        #op_list[k] = sp
        #op_list[k] = sm
        op_list[k] = no

    #Constructs the Hamiltonian
    H = 0

    #Periodic boundary conditions
    #TODO define the periodic boundary conditions and closed in QJMCMath.neighbour operator with a choice
    for k in range(lattice.numberOfSites):
        H += ( *
              (no_list[QJMCMath.neighbour(k, lattice.numberOfSites, -1)] +
               no_list[QJMCMath.neighbour(k, lattice.numberOfSites, 1)]) *

    #All objects must be in a scipy sparse format
    H = H.full()
    H = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(H)
    return H
def expectationOperators(lattice, settings):
    #Constructs the operators
    si = qutip.qeye(2)
    #sx = qutip.sigmax()
    #sy = qutip.sigmay()
    #sz = qutip.sigmaz()
    sp = qutip.sigmap()
    sm = qutip.sigmam()
    no = sp * sm
    #print no

    #Constructs operators for the chain of length N
    #si_list = []
    #sx_list = []
    #sy_list = []
    #sz_list = []
    #sp_list = []
    #sm_list = []
    no_list = []

    #si_list.append(qutip.tensor([si] * N))

    for k in range(lattice.numberOfSites):
        op_list = [si] * lattice.numberOfSites
        #op_list[k] = sx
        #op_list[k] = sy
        #op_list[k] = sz
        #op_list[k] = sp
        #op_list[k] = sm
        op_list[k] = no

    #Defines the expectation operators
    e_op_list = []

    #This adds on the measurement of the average population per site
    for i in range(1, lattice.numberOfSites):
        e_op_list[0] += no_list[i]
    e_op_list[0] /= lattice.numberOfSites

    for i, eOp in enumerate(e_op_list):
        e_op_list[i] = eOp.full()
        e_op_list[i] = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(e_op_list[i])

    return e_op_list
Beispiel #17
def _2ls_g2_0(H, c_ops):
    sp = qutip.sigmap()
    start = qutip.basis(2, 0)
    times = _2ls_times
    correlation = qutip.correlation_3op_2t(H, start, times, times, [sp],
                                           sp.dag(), sp.dag()*sp, sp,
    n_expectation = qutip.mesolve(H, start, times, [sp] + c_ops,
    integral_correlation = _trapz_2d(np.real(correlation), times)
    integral_n_expectation = np.trapz(n_expectation, times)
    # Factor of two from negative time correlations.
    return 2 * integral_correlation / integral_n_expectation**2
Beispiel #18
def test_pull_572_error():
    brmesolve: Check for #572 bug.
    w1, w2, w3 = 1, 2, 3
    gamma2, gamma3 = 0.1, 0.1
    id2 = qutip.qeye(2)

    # Hamiltonian for three uncoupled qubits
    H = (w1 / 2. * qutip.tensor(qutip.sigmaz(), id2, id2) +
         w2 / 2. * qutip.tensor(id2, qutip.sigmaz(), id2) +
         w3 / 2. * qutip.tensor(id2, id2, qutip.sigmaz()))

    # White noise
    def S2(w):
        return gamma2

    def S3(w):
        return gamma3

    qubit_2_x = qutip.tensor(id2, qutip.sigmax(), id2)
    qubit_3_x = qutip.tensor(id2, id2, qutip.sigmax())
    # Bloch-Redfield tensor including dissipation for qubits 2 and 3 only
    R, ekets = qutip.bloch_redfield_tensor(H,
                                           [[qubit_2_x, S2], [qubit_3_x, S3]])
    # Initial state : first qubit is excited
    grnd2 = qutip.sigmam() * qutip.sigmap()  # 2x2 ground
    exc2 = qutip.sigmap() * qutip.sigmam()  # 2x2 excited state
    ini = qutip.tensor(exc2, grnd2, grnd2)  # Full system

    # Projector on the excited state of qubit 1
    proj_up1 = qutip.tensor(exc2, id2, id2)

    # Solution of the master equation
    times = np.linspace(0, 10. / gamma3, 1000)
    sol = qutip.bloch_redfield_solve(R, ekets, ini, times, [proj_up1])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sol[0], np.ones_like(times))
def compute_free_evolution_hamiltonian(nb_qubits, nb_drives, omega, omega0,
    H_res = qt.qzero([[2, 2]])

    for index_qubit in range(nb_qubits):
        H_qubit_tmp = qt.Qobj(np.zeros((2, 2)))

        for index_drive in range(nb_drives):
            delta = omega[index_drive] - omega0[index_qubit]
            H_qubit_tmp += -hbar * delta * (qt.sigmam() * qt.sigmap())

        H_res = H_res + compute_multiqbt_hamil(H_qubit_tmp, nb_qubits,
                                               index_qubit, 2)

    return H_res
def expectationOperators():
    #si = qutip.qeye(2)
    sp = qutip.sigmap()
    sm = qutip.sigmam()
    no = sp * sm

    eOps = []


    for i, eOp in enumerate(eOps):
        eOps[i] = eOp.full()
        eOps[i] = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(eOps[i])

    return eOps
Beispiel #21
def get_spin_hamiltonian(op_terms: List[Op]):
    sigma_dict = {
        "sigma_+": qutip.sigmap(),
        "sigma_-": qutip.sigmam(),
        "sigma_z": qutip.sigmaz()

    terms = []
    for op in op_terms:
        qutip_list = []
        for symbol in op.split_symbol:
        qutip_term = qutip.tensor(qutip_list)
        qutip_term *= op.factor
    return sum(terms)
def hamiltonians_n_atoms_C2(NH1, NH2, N_atoms):
    #Contructs the Jaynes_cummings hamiltonians for the interaction of each atom with C2
    #The result is given as a list of hamiltonians in the same order as in the tensor product
    hamiltonians = []
    Hd_temp = qt.tensor(qt.qeye(NH1), qt.destroy(NH2))
    Hc_temp = qt.tensor(qt.qeye(NH1), qt.create(NH2))
    for i in range(N_atoms):
        for j, H in enumerate(hamiltonians):
            hamiltonians[j] = qt.tensor(qt.qeye(2), hamiltonians[j])
        hamiltonians = [
            .5 *
            (qt.tensor(qt.sigmap(), Hd_temp) + qt.tensor(qt.sigmam(), Hc_temp))
        ] + hamiltonians
        Hd_temp = qt.tensor(qt.qeye(2), Hd_temp)
        Hc_temp = qt.tensor(qt.qeye(2), Hc_temp)
    return (hamiltonians)
    def test_addExpectationSquared(self):
        sp = qutip.sigmap()
    	sm = qutip.sigmam()
    	no = sp*sm

    	eOps = []


    	for i in range(len(eOps)):
    		eOps[i] = eOps[i].full()
    		eOps[i] = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(eOps[i])

        initialLen = len(eOps)

Beispiel #24
    def __init__(self, init_state, target_state, num_focks, num_steps, alpha_list=[1]):
        self.init_state = init_state
        self.target_state = target_state
        self.num_focks = num_focks

        Sp = tensor(sigmap(), qeye(num_focks))
        Sm = tensor(sigmam(), qeye(num_focks))
        a = tensor(qeye(2), destroy(num_focks))
        adag = tensor(qeye(2), create(num_focks))

        # Control Hamiltonians
        self._ctrl_hamils = [Sp + Sm, Sp * a + Sm * adag, Sp * adag + Sm * a,
                             1j * (Sp - Sm), 1j * (Sp * a - Sm * adag), 1j * (Sp * adag - Sm * a)]
        # Number operator
        self._adaga = adag * a
        self.num_steps = num_steps
        self.alpha_list = np.array(alpha_list + [0] * (3 - len(alpha_list)))
Beispiel #25
def get_sigma_list(sigma, nsites):
    sigma_list = []
    for i in range(nsites):
        basis = []
        for j in range(nsites):
            if j == i:
                if sigma == "sigma_+":
                    state = qutip.sigmap()
                elif sigma == "sigma_-":
                    state = qutip.sigmam()
                elif sigma == "sigma_z":
                    state = qutip.sigmaz()
                    assert False
                state = qutip.identity(2)
    return sigma_list
Beispiel #26
def to_pauli(s):

    # Input format:
    # s: take value from 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '+' and '-'
    # Return:
    # Pauli-X, Pauli-Y, Pauli-Z, flip-up or flip-down, according to the input

    if s == 'X':
        return qutip.sigmax()
    elif s == 'Y':
        return qutip.sigmay()
    elif s == 'Z':
        return qutip.sigmaz()
    elif s == '+':
        return qutip.sigmap()
    elif s == '-':
        return qutip.sigmam()
        return qutip.qeye(2)  # For unidentified input, return identity
def tls_control_system_tdcops(tls_control_system):
    """Control system with time-dependent collapse operators"""
    objectives, controls, _ = tls_control_system
    c_op = [[0.1 * sigmap(), controls[0]]]
    c_ops = [c_op]
    H1 = objectives[0].H
    H2 = objectives[1].H
    objectives = [
            initial_state=ket('0'), target=ket('1'), H=H1, c_ops=c_ops
            initial_state=ket('0'), target=ket('1'), H=H2, c_ops=c_ops
    controls_mapping = krotov.conversions.extract_controls_mapping(
        objectives, controls
    return objectives, controls, controls_mapping
def jumpOperators(parameters):
    sp = qutip.sigmap()
    sm = qutip.sigmam()
    no = sp * sm

    jumpOps = []

    if parameters.kappa > 0:
        jumpOps.append(numpy.sqrt(parameters.kappa) * sm)

    if parameters.gamma > 0:
        jumpOps.append(numpy.sqrt(parameters.gamma) * no)

    for i, jumpOp in enumerate(jumpOps):
        jumpOps[i] = jumpOp.full()
        jumpOps[i] = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(jumpOps[i])

    return jumpOps
Beispiel #29
def run():
    from mpi4py import MPI
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    size = comm.Get_size()
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    print "Process number", rank, "of", size, "total."

    neq = 2
    gamma = 1.0
    psi0 = qt.basis(neq,neq-1)
    H = qt.sigmax()
    c_ops = [np.sqrt(gamma)*qt.sigmax()]
    e_ops = [qt.sigmam()*qt.sigmap()]

    tlist = np.linspace(0,10,100)


    # One CPU per MPI process
    opts = qt.Odeoptions()
    opts.num_cpus = 1

    # Solve
    sols = mcf90.mcsolve_f90(H,psi0,tlist,c_ops,e_ops,ntraj=ntraj,options=opts)
    #sols = qt.mcsolve(H,psi0,tlist,c_ops,e_ops,ntraj=ntraj,options=opts)

    # Gather data
    sols = comm.gather(sols,root=0)
    if (rank==0):
        sol = sols[0]
        sol.expect = np.array(sols[0].expect)
        plt.plot(tlist,sols[0].expect[0],'r',label='proc '+str(0))
        for i in range(1,size):
            plt.plot(tlist,sols[i].expect[0],'r',label='proc '+str(i))
            sol.expect += np.array(sols[i].expect)
        sol.expect = sol.expect/size
Beispiel #30
def test_hamiltonian_taking_arguments():
    N = 10
    w0 = 1.0 * 2 * np.pi
    g = 0.75 * 2 * np.pi
    kappa = 0.05
    a = qutip.tensor(qutip.destroy(N), qutip.qeye(2))
    sp = qutip.tensor(qutip.qeye(N), qutip.sigmap())
    psi0 = qutip.tensor(qutip.basis(N, 1), qutip.basis(2, 0))
    psi0 = qutip.ket2dm(psi0)
    times = np.linspace(0, 5 * 2 * np.pi / g, 1000)

    a_ops = [[(a + a.dag()), "{kappa}*(w > 0)".format(kappa=kappa)]]
    e_ops = [a.dag() * a, sp.dag() * sp]

    H = w0 * a.dag() * a + w0 * sp.dag() * sp + g * (a + a.dag()) * (sp +
    args = {'ii': 1}

    no_args = qutip.brmesolve(H, psi0, times, a_ops, e_ops)
    args = qutip.brmesolve([[H, 'ii']], psi0, times, a_ops, e_ops, args=args)
    for arg, no_arg in zip(args.expect, no_args.expect):
        assert np.array_equal(arg, no_arg)
Beispiel #31
def f(N, options):
    wa = 1
    wc = 1
    g = 2
    kappa = 0.5
    gamma = 0.1
    n_th = 0.75
    tspan = np.linspace(0, 10, 11)

    Ia = qt.qeye(2)
    Ic = qt.qeye(N)

    a = qt.destroy(N)
    at = qt.create(N)
    n = at * a

    sm = qt.sigmam()
    sp = qt.sigmap()
    sz = qt.sigmaz()

    H = wc * qt.tensor(n, Ia) + qt.tensor(
        Ic, wa / 2. * sz) + g * (qt.tensor(at, sm) + qt.tensor(a, sp))
    c_ops = [
        qt.tensor(np.sqrt(kappa * (1 + n_th)) * a, Ia),
        qt.tensor(np.sqrt(kappa * n_th) * at, Ia),
                  np.sqrt(gamma) * sm),

    psi0 = qt.tensor(qt.fock(N, 0), (qt.basis(2, 0) + qt.basis(2, 1)).unit())
    exp_n = qt.mcsolve(H,
                       c_ops, [qt.tensor(n, Ia)],
    return np.real(exp_n)
Beispiel #32
def test():
    gamma = 1.
    neq = 2
    psi0 = qt.basis(neq,neq-1)
    #a = qt.destroy(neq)
    #ad = a.dag()
    #H = ad*a
    #c_ops = [gamma*a]
    #e_ops = [ad*a]
    H = qt.sigmax()
    c_ops = [np.sqrt(gamma)*qt.sigmax()]
    #c_ops = []
    e_ops = [qt.sigmam()*qt.sigmap(),qt.sigmap()*qt.sigmam()]
    #e_ops = []

    # Times
    T = 2.0
    dt = 0.1
    nstep = int(T/dt)
    tlist = np.linspace(0,T,nstep)


    # set options
    opts = qt.Odeoptions()
    #opts.mc_avg = True
    #opts.atol =
    #opts.rtol =

    sol_f90 = qt.Odedata()
    start_time = time.time()
    sol_f90 = mcf90.mcsolve_f90(H,psi0,tlist,c_ops,e_ops,ntraj=ntraj,options=opts)
    print "mcsolve_f90 solutiton took", time.time()-start_time, "s"

    sol_me = qt.Odedata()
    start_time = time.time()
    sol_me = qt.mesolve(H,psi0,tlist,c_ops,e_ops,options=opts)
    print "mesolve solutiton took", time.time()-start_time, "s"

    sol_mc = qt.Odedata()
    start_time = time.time()
    sol_mc = qt.mcsolve(H,psi0,tlist,c_ops,e_ops,ntraj=ntraj,options=opts)
    print "mcsolve solutiton took", time.time()-start_time, "s"

    if (e_ops == []):
        e_ops = [qt.sigmam()*qt.sigmap(),qt.sigmap()*qt.sigmam()]
        sol_f90expect = [np.array([0.+0.j]*nstep)]*len(e_ops)
        sol_mcexpect = [np.array([0.+0.j]*nstep)]*len(e_ops)
        sol_meexpect = [np.array([0.+0.j]*nstep)]*len(e_ops)
        for i in range(len(e_ops)):
            if (not opts.mc_avg):
                sol_f90expect[i] = sum([qt.expect(e_ops[i],
                    sol_f90.states[j]) for j in range(ntraj)])/ntraj
                sol_mcexpect[i] = sum([qt.expect(e_ops[i],
                    sol_mc.states[j]) for j in range(ntraj)])/ntraj
                sol_f90expect[i] = qt.expect(e_ops[i],sol_f90.states)
                sol_mcexpect[i] = qt.expect(e_ops[i],sol_mc.states)
            sol_meexpect[i] = qt.expect(e_ops[i],sol_me.states)
    elif (not opts.mc_avg):
        sol_f90expect = sum(sol_f90.expect,0)/ntraj
        sol_mcexpect = sum(sol_f90.expect,0)/ntraj
        sol_meexpect = sol_me.expect
        sol_f90expect = sol_f90.expect
        sol_mcexpect = sol_mc.expect
        sol_meexpect = sol_me.expect

    for i in range(len(e_ops)):

    return sol_f90, sol_mc
Beispiel #33
import cascade

gamma = 1.0 # coupling strength to reservoir
phi = 1.*np.pi # phase shift in fb loop
eps = 2.0*np.pi*gamma # eps/2 = Rabi frequency
delta = 0. # detuning

# time delay
tau = np.pi/(eps)
print 'tau =',tau

dim_S = 2
Id = qt.spre(qt.qeye(dim_S))*qt.spost(qt.qeye(dim_S))

# Hamiltonian and jump operators
H_S = delta*qt.sigmap()*qt.sigmam() + eps*(qt.sigmam()+qt.sigmap())
L1 = sp.sqrt(gamma)*qt.sigmam()
L2 = sp.exp(1j*phi)*L1

# initial state
rho0 = qt.ket2dm(qt.basis(2,0))

# times to evaluate rho(t)

def run(rho0=rho0,tau=tau,tlist=tlist):
    # run feedback simulation
    opts = qt.Options()
    opts.nsteps = 1e7
    sol = np.array([rho0]*len(tlist))
    for i,t in enumerate(tlist):
Beispiel #34
def spin_algebra(N, op=None):
    """Create the list [sx, sy, sz] with the spin operators.

    The operators are constructed for a collection of N two-level systems
    (TLSs). Each element of the list, i.e., sx, is a vector of `qutip.Qobj`
    objects (spin matrices), as it cointains the list of the SU(2) Pauli
    matrices for the N TLSs. Each TLS operator sx[i], with i = 0, ..., (N-1),
    is placed in a :math:`2^N`-dimensional Hilbert space.

    sx[i] is :math:`\\frac{\\sigma_x}{2}` in the composite Hilbert space.

    N: int
        The number of two-level systems.

    spin_operators: list or :class: qutip.Qobj
        A list of `qutip.Qobj` operators - [sx, sy, sz] or the
        requested operator.
    # 1. Define N TLS spin-1/2 matrices in the uncoupled basis
    N = int(N)
    sx = [0 for i in range(N)]
    sy = [0 for i in range(N)]
    sz = [0 for i in range(N)]
    sp = [0 for i in range(N)]
    sm = [0 for i in range(N)]

    sx[0] = 0.5 * sigmax()
    sy[0] = 0.5 * sigmay()
    sz[0] = 0.5 * sigmaz()
    sp[0] = sigmap()
    sm[0] = sigmam()

    # 2. Place operators in total Hilbert space
    for k in range(N - 1):
        sx[0] = tensor(sx[0], identity(2))
        sy[0] = tensor(sy[0], identity(2))
        sz[0] = tensor(sz[0], identity(2))
        sp[0] = tensor(sp[0], identity(2))
        sm[0] = tensor(sm[0], identity(2))

    # 3. Cyclic sequence to create all N operators
    a = [i for i in range(N)]
    b = [[a[i - i2] for i in range(N)] for i2 in range(N)]

    # 4. Create N operators
    for i in range(1, N):
        sx[i] = sx[0].permute(b[i])
        sy[i] = sy[0].permute(b[i])
        sz[i] = sz[0].permute(b[i])
        sp[i] = sp[0].permute(b[i])
        sm[i] = sm[0].permute(b[i])

    spin_operators = [sx, sy, sz]

    if not op:
        return spin_operators
    elif op == 'x':
        return sx
    elif op == 'y':
        return sy
    elif op == 'z':
        return sz
    elif op == '+':
        return sp
    elif op == '-':
        return sm
        raise TypeError('Invalid type')