Beispiel #1
    def post_listener(self):
        '''Serve POST /foos/listeners to create a new listener.'''
        listener = bottle.request.qvarn_json
            u'listener', listener_prototype, listener)

        iv = qvarn.ItemValidator()
        iv.validate_item(u'listener', listener_prototype, listener)

        # Filling in default values sets the id field to None, if
        # missing. Thus we accept that and just remove it here.
        del listener[u'id']
        del listener[u'revision']

        wo = self._create_resource_wo_storage(
            self._listener_table, listener_prototype)
        with self._dbconn.transaction() as t:
            added = wo.add_item(t, listener)

        resource_path = u'%s/listeners/%s' % (self._path, added[u'id'])
        resource_url = urlparse.urljoin(
            bottle.request.url, resource_path)
        # FIXME: Force https scheme, until haproxy access us via https.
        resource_url = urlparse.urlunparse(
            ('https',) + urlparse.urlparse(resource_url)[1:])
        bottle.response.headers['Location'] = resource_url
        bottle.response.status = 201
        return added
Beispiel #2
    def post_item(self):  # pragma: no cover
        '''Serve POST /foos to create a new item.'''

        item = bottle.request.qvarn_json
            self._item_type, self._item_prototype, item)

        iv = qvarn.ItemValidator()
        iv.validate_item(self._item_type, self._item_prototype, item)

        # Filling in default values sets the fields to None, if
        # missing. Thus we accept that and just remove it here.
        del item[u'id']
        del item[u'revision']

        wo = self._create_wo_storage()
        with self._dbconn.transaction() as t:
            added = wo.add_item(t, item)

        self._listener.notify_create(added[u'id'], added[u'revision'])
        resource_path = u'%s/%s' % (self._path, added[u'id'])
        resource_url = urlparse.urljoin(
            bottle.request.url, resource_path)
        # FIXME: Force https scheme, until haproxy access us via https.
        resource_url = urlparse.urlunparse(
            ('https',) + urlparse.urlparse(resource_url)[1:])
        bottle.response.headers['Location'] = resource_url
        bottle.response.status = 201
        return added
Beispiel #3
    def assertValidItem(self, item_type, prototype, item):
        iv = qvarn.ItemValidator()

        # We check that validation succeeds by making sure
        # validat_item returns from the call. Any validation errors
        # result in an exception, so a return means valid. The method
        # returns no value, so we compare to None.
        self.assertEqual(iv.validate_item(item_type, prototype, item), None)
Beispiel #4
    def put_listener(self, listener_id):  # pragma: no cover
        '''Serve PUT /foos/listeners/123 to update a listener.'''

        listener = bottle.request.qvarn_json

            u'listener', listener_prototype, listener)

        iv = qvarn.ItemValidator()
        iv.validate_item(u'listener', listener_prototype, listener)
        listener[u'id'] = listener_id

        wo = self._create_resource_wo_storage(
            self._listener_table, listener_prototype)
        with self._dbconn.transaction() as t:
            updated = wo.update_item(t, listener)

        return updated
Beispiel #5
    def put_item(self, item_id):  # pragma: no cover
        '''Serve PUT /foos/123 to update an item.'''

        item = bottle.request.qvarn_json

            self._item_type, self._item_prototype, item)

        iv = qvarn.ItemValidator()
        iv.validate_item(self._item_type, self._item_prototype, item)
        item[u'id'] = item_id

        wo = self._create_wo_storage()
        with self._dbconn.transaction() as t:
            updated = wo.update_item(t, item)

        self._listener.notify_update(updated[u'id'], updated[u'revision'])
        return updated
Beispiel #6
    def put_subitem(self, item_id, subitem_name):  # pragma: no cover
        '''Serve PUT /foos/123/subitem to update a subitem.'''

        subitem = bottle.request.qvarn_json

        subitem_type = u'%s_%s' % (self._item_type, subitem_name)
        prototype = self._subitem_prototypes.get(self._item_type, subitem_name)
        qvarn.add_missing_item_fields(subitem_type, prototype, subitem)

        iv = qvarn.ItemValidator()
        revision = subitem.pop(u'revision')
        iv.validate_item(subitem_type, prototype, subitem)

        wo = self._create_wo_storage()
        with self._dbconn.transaction() as t:
            subitem[u'revision'] = wo.update_subitem(
                t, item_id, revision, subitem_name, subitem)

        updated = dict(subitem)
        updated.update({u'id': item_id})
        self._listener.notify_update(updated[u'id'], updated[u'revision'])
        return subitem
Beispiel #7
 def assertNotValidItem(self, item_type, prototype, item):
     iv = qvarn.ItemValidator()
     with self.assertRaises(qvarn.ValidationError):
         iv.validate_item(item_type, prototype, item)