Beispiel #1
 def test_db_connect_exception(self):
     db = MySQLdb.connect(server, user, password, database)
     cursor = db.cursor()
     call(["sudo", "service", "mysql", "stop"], stdout=stdout_log)
     with self.assertRaises(MySQLdb.Error):
     with self.assertRaises(MySQLdb.OperationalError):
         qwifi.update_radcheck(db, cursor)
     with self.assertRaises(MySQLdb.Error):
         qwifi.cull(db, cursor)
     call(["sudo", "service", "mysql", "start"], stdout=stdout_log)
Beispiel #2
 def test_db_connect_exception(self):
     db = MySQLdb.connect(server, user, password, database)
     cursor = db.cursor()
     call(["sudo", "service", "mysql", "stop"], stdout=stdout_log)
     with self.assertRaises(MySQLdb.Error):
     with self.assertRaises(MySQLdb.OperationalError):
         qwifi.update_radcheck(db, cursor)
     with self.assertRaises(MySQLdb.Error):
         qwifi.cull(db, cursor)
     call(["sudo", "service", "mysql", "start"], stdout=stdout_log)
Beispiel #3
 def test_cull(self):
     db = MySQLdb.connect(server, user, password, database)
     os.system("mysql -u " + user +" -p" + password + " -h " + server + " " + database + " < " + "test.sql" )
     db = MySQLdb.connect(server, user, password, database)
     cursor = db.cursor()
     #insert a new value to make sure cull only deletes what we want
     cursor.execute('INSERT INTO radcheck (username) VALUES("testtest");')
     #update radcheck
     cursor.execute("INSERT INTO radcheck (username, attribute, op, value) SELECT radcheck.username, 'Auth-Type', ':=', 'Reject' FROM radcheck INNER JOIN radacct ON radcheck.username=radacct.username WHERE radcheck.attribute='Session-Timeout' AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, radacct.acctstarttime, NOW()) > radcheck.value AND radacct.acctstoptime is NULL;")
     #let cull do it's job        
     qwifi.cull(db, cursor)
     #find all radcheck entries where value = reject (there should be zero)
     cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM radcheck WHERE value='Reject';")
     self.assertEqual(len(cursor.fetchall()), 0)
     #find the rest of the entries in radcheck (there should be four)
     cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM radcheck;")
     self.assertEqual(len(cursor.fetchall()), 4)
Beispiel #4
 def test_cull(self):
     db = MySQLdb.connect(server, user, password, database)
     os.system("mysql -u " + user + " -p" + password + " -h " + server +
               " " + database + " < " + "test.sql")
     db = MySQLdb.connect(server, user, password, database)
     cursor = db.cursor()
     #insert a new value to make sure cull only deletes what we want
     cursor.execute('INSERT INTO radcheck (username) VALUES("testtest");')
     #update radcheck
         "INSERT INTO radcheck (username, attribute, op, value) SELECT radcheck.username, 'Auth-Type', ':=', 'Reject' FROM radcheck INNER JOIN radacct ON radcheck.username=radacct.username WHERE radcheck.attribute='Session-Timeout' AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, radacct.acctstarttime, NOW()) > radcheck.value AND radacct.acctstoptime is NULL;"
     #let cull do it's job
     qwifi.cull(db, cursor)
     #find all radcheck entries where value = reject (there should be zero)
     cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM radcheck WHERE value='Reject';")
     self.assertEqual(len(cursor.fetchall()), 0)
     #find the rest of the entries in radcheck (there should be four)
     cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM radcheck;")
     self.assertEqual(len(cursor.fetchall()), 4)