Beispiel #1
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.pages import make_link_child
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from import thumbnail_url
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import get_domain
        from r2.models.subreddit import FakeSubreddit
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable

        # referencing c's getattr is cheap, but not as cheap when it
        # is in a loop that calls it 30 times on 25-200 things.
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        pref_media = user.pref_media
        pref_frame = user.pref_frame
        pref_newwindow = user.pref_newwindow
        cname = c.cname
        site =

        if user_is_loggedin:
            saved_lu = []
            for item in wrapped:
                if not SaveHide._can_skip_lookup(user, item):

            saved = CassandraSave._fast_query(user._id36, saved_lu)
            hidden = CassandraHide._fast_query(user._id36, saved_lu)

            clicked = {}
            saved = hidden = clicked = {}

        trials = trial_info(wrapped)

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if not hasattr(item, "score_fmt"):
                item.score_fmt = Score.number_only
            if c.render_style == 'compact':
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.pref_compress = user.pref_compress
            if user.pref_compress and item.promoted is None:
                item.render_css_class = "compressed link"
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            elif pref_media == 'on' and not user.pref_compress:
                show_media = True
            elif pref_media == 'subreddit' and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif item.promoted and item.has_thumbnail:
                if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                    show_media = True
                elif pref_media != 'off' and not user.pref_compress:
                    show_media = True

            item.over_18 = bool(
                item.over_18 or item.subreddit.over_18
                or item._nsfw.findall(item.title))
            item.nsfw = item.over_18 and user.pref_label_nsfw

            item.is_author = (user ==

            # always show a promo author their own thumbnail
            if item.promoted and (user_is_admin
                                  or item.is_author) and item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
            elif user.pref_no_profanity and item.over_18 and not
                if show_media:
                    item.thumbnail = "/static/nsfw2.png"
                    item.thumbnail = ""
            elif not show_media:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
            elif item.is_self:
                item.thumbnail = g.self_thumb
                item.thumbnail = g.default_thumb

            item.score = max(0, item.score)

            if getattr(item, "domain_override", None):
                item.domain = item.domain_override
                item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self else
                               'self.' +
            item.urlprefix = ''

            if user_is_loggedin:
                item.saved = (user._id36, item._id36) in saved
                item.hidden = (user._id36, item._id36) in hidden

                item.clicked = bool(clicked.get((user, item, 'click')))
                item.saved = item.hidden = item.clicked = False

            item.num = None
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(
                    item.subreddit, force_domain=True)

            if g.shortdomain:
                item.shortlink = g.shortdomain + '/' + item._id36

            # do we hide the score?
            if user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted and item.score <= 0:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif user ==
                item.hide_score = False

# TODO: uncomment to let gold users see the score of upcoming links
#            elif
#                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # store user preferences locally for caching
            item.pref_frame = pref_frame
            item.newwindow = pref_newwindow
            # is this link a member of a different ( subreddit?
            item.different_sr = (isinstance(site, FakeSubreddit)
                                 or !=

            if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if c.user.pref_no_profanity:
                item.title = profanity_filter(item.title)

            item.subreddit_path = item.subreddit.path
            if cname:
                item.subreddit_path = ("http://" + get_domain(
                    cname=(site == item.subreddit), subreddit=False))
                if site != item.subreddit:
                    item.subreddit_path += item.subreddit.path
            item.domain_path = "/domain/%s/" % item.domain
            if item.is_self:
                item.domain_path = item.subreddit_path

            # attach video or selftext as needed
            item.link_child, item.editable = make_link_child(item)

            item.tblink = "http://%s/tb/%s" % (get_domain(
                cname=cname, subreddit=False), item._id36)

            if item.is_self:
                item.href_url = item.permalink
                item.href_url = item.url

            # show the toolbar if the preference is set and the link
            # is neither a promoted link nor a self post
            if pref_frame and not item.is_self and not item.promoted:
                item.mousedown_url = item.tblink
                item.mousedown_url = None

            item.fresh = not any((item.likes != None, item.saved, item.clicked,
                                  item.hidden, item._deleted, item._spam))

            # bits that we will render stubs (to make the cached
            # version more flexible)
            item.num = CachedVariable("num")
            item.numcolmargin = CachedVariable("numcolmargin")
            item.commentcls = CachedVariable("commentcls")
            item.midcolmargin = CachedVariable("midcolmargin")
            item.comment_label = CachedVariable("numcomments")

            item.as_deleted = False
            if item.deleted and not c.user_is_admin:
       = DeletedUser()
                item.as_deleted = True

            item.trial_info = trials.get(item._fullname, None)

            item.approval_checkmark = None

            if item.can_ban:
                verdict = getattr(item, "verdict", None)
                if verdict in ('admin-approved', 'mod-approved'):
                    approver = None
                    if getattr(item, "ban_info", None):
                        approver = item.ban_info.get("unbanner", None)

                    if approver:
                        item.approval_checkmark = _(
                            "approved by %s") % approver
                        item.approval_checkmark = _("approved by a moderator")

                if item.trial_info is not None:
                    item.reveal_trial_info = True
                    item.use_big_modbuttons = True

        if user_is_loggedin:

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Beispiel #2
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        #TODO global-ish functions that shouldn't be here?
        #reset msgtime after this request
        msgtime = c.have_messages

        # make sure there is a sr_id set:
        for w in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(w, "sr_id"):
                w.sr_id = None

        # load the to fields if one exists
        to_ids = set(w.to_id for w in wrapped if w.to_id is not None)
        tos = Account._byID(to_ids, True) if to_ids else {}

        # load the subreddit field if one exists:
        sr_ids = set(w.sr_id for w in wrapped if w.sr_id is not None)
        m_subreddits = Subreddit._byID(sr_ids, data=True, return_dict=True)

        # load the links and their subreddits (if comment-as-message)
        links = Link._byID(
            set(l.link_id for l in wrapped if l.was_comment),
        # subreddits of the links (for comment-as-message)
        l_subreddits = Subreddit._byID(
            set(l.sr_id for l in links.values()), data=True, return_dict=True)

        parents = Comment._byID(
            set(l.parent_id for l in wrapped if l.parent_id and l.was_comment),

        # load the unread list to determine message newness
        unread = set(queries.get_unread_inbox(user))

        msg_srs = set(
            m_subreddits[x.sr_id] for x in wrapped
            if x.sr_id is not None and isinstance(x.lookups[0], Message))
        # load the unread mod list for the same reason
        mod_unread = set(
                  for sr in msg_srs]))

        for item in wrapped:
   = tos.get(item.to_id)
            if item.sr_id:
                item.recipient = (item.author_id != c.user._id)
                item.recipient = (item.to_id == c.user._id)

            # new-ness is stored on the relation
            if item.author_id == c.user._id:
       = False
            elif item._fullname in unread:
       = True
                # wipe new messages if preferences say so, and this isn't a feed
                # and it is in the user's personal inbox
                if ( and c.user.pref_mark_messages_read
                        and c.extension not in ("rss", "xml", "api", "json")):
                    queries.set_unread(item.lookups[0], c.user, False)
       = (item._fullname in mod_unread)

            item.score_fmt = Score.none

            item.message_style = ""
            # comment as message:
            if item.was_comment:
                link = links[item.link_id]
                sr = l_subreddits[link.sr_id]
                item.to_collapse = False
                item.author_collapse = False
                item.link_title = link.title
                item.permalink = item.lookups[0].make_permalink(link, sr=sr)
                item.link_permalink = link.make_permalink(sr)
                if item.parent_id:
                    item.subject = _('comment reply')
                    item.message_style = "comment-reply"
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent = parent._fullname
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(link, sr)
                    item.subject = _('post reply')
                    item.message_style = "post-reply"
            elif item.sr_id is not None:
                item.subreddit = m_subreddits[item.sr_id]

            if c.user.pref_no_profanity:
                item.subject = profanity_filter(item.subject)

            item.is_collapsed = None
            if not
                if item.recipient:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.to_collapse
                if item.author_id == c.user._id:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.author_collapse
                if c.user.pref_collapse_read_messages:
                    item.is_collapsed = (item.is_collapsed is not False)

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Beispiel #3
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.db import queries

        # TODO global-ish functions that shouldn't be here?
        # reset msgtime after this request
        msgtime = c.have_messages

        # make sure there is a sr_id set:
        for w in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(w, "sr_id"):
                w.sr_id = None

        # load the to fields if one exists
        to_ids = set(w.to_id for w in wrapped if w.to_id is not None)
        tos = Account._byID(to_ids, True) if to_ids else {}

        # load the subreddit field if one exists:
        sr_ids = set(w.sr_id for w in wrapped if w.sr_id is not None)
        m_subreddits = Subreddit._byID(sr_ids, data=True, return_dict=True)

        # load the links and their subreddits (if comment-as-message)
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped if l.was_comment), data=True, return_dict=True)
        # subreddits of the links (for comment-as-message)
        l_subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(l.sr_id for l in links.values()), data=True, return_dict=True)

        parents = Comment._byID(
            set(l.parent_id for l in wrapped if l.parent_id and l.was_comment), data=True, return_dict=True

        # load the inbox relations for the messages to determine new-ness
        # TODO: query cache?
        inbox = Inbox._fast_query(c.user, [item.lookups[0] for item in wrapped], ["inbox", "selfreply"])

        # we don't care about the username or the rel name
        inbox = dict((m._fullname, v) for (u, m, n), v in inbox.iteritems() if v)

        msgs = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x.lookups[0], Message), wrapped)

        modinbox = ModeratorInbox._fast_query(m_subreddits.values(), msgs, ["inbox"])

        # best to not have to eager_load the things
        def make_message_fullname(mid):
            return "t%s_%s" % (utils.to36(Message._type_id), utils.to36(mid))

        modinbox = dict((make_message_fullname(v._thing2_id), v) for (u, m, n), v in modinbox.iteritems() if v)

        for item in wrapped:
   = tos.get(item.to_id)
            if item.sr_id:
                item.recipient = item.author_id != c.user._id
                item.recipient = item.to_id == c.user._id

            # new-ness is stored on the relation
            if item.author_id == c.user._id:
       = False
            elif item._fullname in inbox:
       = getattr(inbox[item._fullname], "new", False)
                # wipe new messages if preferences say so, and this isn't a feed
                # and it is in the user's personal inbox
                if and c.user.pref_mark_messages_read and c.extension not in ("rss", "xml", "api", "json"):
                    queries.set_unread(inbox[item._fullname]._thing2, c.user, False)
            elif item._fullname in modinbox:
       = getattr(modinbox[item._fullname], "new", False)
       = False

            item.score_fmt = Score.none

            item.message_style = ""
            # comment as message:
            if item.was_comment:
                link = links[item.link_id]
                sr = l_subreddits[link.sr_id]
                item.to_collapse = False
                item.author_collapse = False
                item.link_title = link.title
                item.link_permalink = link.make_permalink(sr)
                if item.parent_id:
                    item.subject = _("comment reply")
                    item.message_style = "comment-reply"
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent = parent._fullname
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(link, sr)
                    item.subject = _("post reply")
                    item.message_style = "post-reply"
            elif item.sr_id is not None:
                item.subreddit = m_subreddits[item.sr_id]

            if c.user.pref_no_profanity:
                item.subject = profanity_filter(item.subject)

            item.is_collapsed = None
            if not
                if item.recipient:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.to_collapse
                if item.author_id == c.user._id:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.author_collapse
                if c.user.pref_collapse_read_messages:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.is_collapsed is not False

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Beispiel #4
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.pages import make_link_child
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from import thumbnail_url
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import get_domain
        from r2.models.subreddit import FakeSubreddit
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable

        # referencing c's getattr is cheap, but not as cheap when it
        # is in a loop that calls it 30 times on 25-200 things.
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        pref_media = user.pref_media
        pref_frame = user.pref_frame
        pref_newwindow = user.pref_newwindow
        cname = c.cname
        site =

        saved = Link._saved(user, wrapped) if user_is_loggedin else {}
        hidden = Link._hidden(user, wrapped) if user_is_loggedin else {}
        trials = trial_info(wrapped)

        # clicked = Link._clicked(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        clicked = {}

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if not hasattr(item, "score_fmt"):
                item.score_fmt = Score.number_only
            item.pref_compress = user.pref_compress
            if user.pref_compress and item.promoted is None:
                item.render_css_class = "compressed link"
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            elif pref_media == "on" and not user.pref_compress:
                show_media = True
            elif pref_media == "subreddit" and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif item.promoted and item.has_thumbnail:
                if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                    show_media = True
                elif pref_media != "off" and not user.pref_compress:
                    show_media = True

            item.over_18 = bool(item.over_18 or item.subreddit.over_18 or item._nsfw.findall(item.title))
            item.nsfw = item.over_18 and user.pref_label_nsfw

            #            if user.pref_no_profanity and item.over_18 and not
            #                item.thumbnail = ""
            #            elif not show_media:
            #                item.thumbnail = ""
            #            elif item.has_thumbnail:
            #                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
            #            elif item.is_self:
            #                item.thumbnail = g.self_thumb
            #            else:
            #                item.thumbnail = g.default_thumb

            if item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
                item.thumbnail = ""

            item.score = max(0, item.score)

            item.domain = domain(item.url) if not item.is_self else "self." +
            item.urlprefix = ""
            item.saved = bool(saved.get((user, item, "save")))
            item.hidden = bool(hidden.get((user, item, "hide")))
            item.clicked = bool(clicked.get((user, item, "click")))
            item.num = None
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit, force_domain=True)

            # do we hide the score?
            if user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted and item.score <= 0:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif user ==
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # store user preferences locally for caching
            item.pref_frame = pref_frame
            item.newwindow = pref_newwindow
            # is this link a member of a different ( subreddit?
            item.different_sr = isinstance(site, FakeSubreddit) or !=

            if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if c.user.pref_no_profanity:
                item.title = profanity_filter(item.title)

            item.subreddit_path = item.subreddit.path
            if cname:
                item.subreddit_path = "http://" + get_domain(cname=(site == item.subreddit), subreddit=False)
                if site != item.subreddit:
                    item.subreddit_path += item.subreddit.path
            item.domain_path = "/domain/%s" % item.domain
            if item.is_self:
                item.domain_path = item.subreddit_path

            # attach video or selftext as needed
            item.link_child, item.editable = make_link_child(item)

            item.tblink = "http://%s/tb/%s" % (get_domain(cname=cname, subreddit=False), item._id36)

            if item.is_self:
                item.href_url = item.permalink
                item.href_url = item.url

            # show the toolbar if the preference is set and the link
            # is neither a promoted link nor a self post
            if pref_frame and not item.is_self and not item.promoted:
                item.mousedown_url = item.tblink
                item.mousedown_url = None

            item.fresh = not any((item.likes != None, item.saved, item.clicked, item.hidden, item._deleted, item._spam))

            item.is_author = user ==

            # bits that we will render stubs (to make the cached
            # version more flexible)
            item.num = CachedVariable("num")
            item.numcolmargin = CachedVariable("numcolmargin")
            item.commentcls = CachedVariable("commentcls")
            item.midcolmargin = CachedVariable("midcolmargin")
            item.comment_label = CachedVariable("numcomments")

            item.as_deleted = False
            if item.deleted and not c.user_is_admin:
       = DeletedUser()
                item.as_deleted = True

            item.trial_info = trials.get(item._fullname, None)

            item.approval_checkmark = None

            if item.can_ban:
                verdict = getattr(item, "verdict", None)
                if verdict in ("admin-approved", "mod-approved"):
                    approver = None
                    if getattr(item, "ban_info", None):
                        approver = item.ban_info.get("unbanner", None)

                    if approver:
                        item.approval_checkmark = _("approved by %s") % approver
                        item.approval_checkmark = _("approved by a moderator")

                if item.trial_info is not None:
                    item.reveal_trial_info = True
                    item.use_big_modbuttons = True

        if user_is_loggedin:

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Beispiel #5
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        #TODO global-ish functions that shouldn't be here?
        #reset msgtime after this request
        msgtime = c.have_messages

        # make sure there is a sr_id set:
        for w in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(w, "sr_id"):
                w.sr_id = None

        # load the to fields if one exists
        to_ids = set(w.to_id for w in wrapped if w.to_id is not None)
        tos = Account._byID(to_ids, True) if to_ids else {}

        # load the subreddit field if one exists:
        sr_ids = set(w.sr_id for w in wrapped if w.sr_id is not None)
        m_subreddits = Subreddit._byID(sr_ids, data = True, return_dict = True)

        # load the links and their subreddits (if comment-as-message)
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped if l.was_comment),
                           data = True,
                           return_dict = True)
        # subreddits of the links (for comment-as-message)
        l_subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(l.sr_id for l in links.values()),
                                       data = True, return_dict = True)

        parents = Comment._byID(set(l.parent_id for l in wrapped
                                  if l.parent_id and l.was_comment),
                                data = True, return_dict = True)

        # load the unread list to determine message newness
        unread = set(queries.get_unread_inbox(user))

        msg_srs = set(m_subreddits[x.sr_id]
                      for x in wrapped if x.sr_id is not None
                      and isinstance(x.lookups[0], Message))
        # load the unread mod list for the same reason
        mod_unread = set(queries.merge_results(
            *[queries.get_unread_subreddit_messages(sr) for sr in msg_srs]))

        for item in wrapped:
   = tos.get(item.to_id)
            if item.sr_id:
                item.recipient = (item.author_id != c.user._id)
                item.recipient = (item.to_id == c.user._id)

            # new-ness is stored on the relation
            if item.author_id == c.user._id:
       = False
            elif item._fullname in unread:
       = True
                # wipe new messages if preferences say so, and this isn't a feed
                # and it is in the user's personal inbox
                if ( and c.user.pref_mark_messages_read
                    and c.extension not in ("rss", "xml", "api", "json")):
                                       c.user, False)
       = (item._fullname in mod_unread)

            item.score_fmt = Score.none

            item.message_style = ""
            # comment as message:
            if item.was_comment:
                link = links[item.link_id]
                sr = l_subreddits[link.sr_id]
                item.to_collapse = False
                item.author_collapse = False
                item.link_title = link.title
                item.link_permalink = link.make_permalink(sr)
                if item.parent_id:
                    item.subject = _('comment reply')
                    item.message_style = "comment-reply"
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent = parent._fullname
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(link, sr)
                    item.subject = _('post reply')
                    item.message_style = "post-reply"
            elif item.sr_id is not None:
                item.subreddit = m_subreddits[item.sr_id]

            if c.user.pref_no_profanity:
                item.subject = profanity_filter(item.subject)

            item.is_collapsed = None
            if not
                if item.recipient:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.to_collapse
                if item.author_id == c.user._id:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.author_collapse
                if c.user.pref_collapse_read_messages:
                    item.is_collapsed = (item.is_collapsed is not False)

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Beispiel #6
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.pages import make_link_child
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from import thumbnail_url
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import get_domain
        from r2.models.subreddit import FakeSubreddit
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable

        # referencing c's getattr is cheap, but not as cheap when it
        # is in a loop that calls it 30 times on 25-200 things.
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        pref_media = user.pref_media
        pref_frame = user.pref_frame
        pref_newwindow = user.pref_newwindow
        cname = c.cname
        site =

        saved = Link._saved(user, wrapped) if user_is_loggedin else {}
        hidden = Link._hidden(user, wrapped) if user_is_loggedin else {}
        trials = trial_info(wrapped)

        #clicked = Link._clicked(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        clicked = {}

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if not hasattr(item, "score_fmt"):
                item.score_fmt = Score.number_only
            if c.render_style == 'compact':
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.pref_compress = user.pref_compress
            if user.pref_compress and item.promoted is None:
                item.render_css_class = "compressed link"
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            elif pref_media == 'on' and not user.pref_compress:
                show_media = True
            elif pref_media == 'subreddit' and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif item.promoted and item.has_thumbnail:
                if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                    show_media = True
                elif pref_media != 'off' and not user.pref_compress:
                    show_media = True

            item.over_18 = bool(item.over_18 or item.subreddit.over_18 or
            item.nsfw = item.over_18 and user.pref_label_nsfw

            item.is_author = (user ==

            # always show a promo author their own thumbnail
            if item.promoted and (user_is_admin or item.is_author) and item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
            elif user.pref_no_profanity and item.over_18 and not
                if show_media:
                    item.thumbnail = "/static/nsfw.png"
                    item.thumbnail = ""
            elif not show_media:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
            elif item.is_self:
                item.thumbnail = g.self_thumb
                item.thumbnail = g.default_thumb

            item.score = max(0, item.score)

            if getattr(item, "domain_override", None):
                item.domain = item.domain_override
                item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self
                               else 'self.' +
            item.urlprefix = ''
            item.saved = bool(saved.get((user, item, 'save')))
            item.hidden = bool(hidden.get((user, item, 'hide')))
            item.clicked = bool(clicked.get((user, item, 'click')))
            item.num = None
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit, 
                                               force_domain = True)

            # do we hide the score?
            if user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted and item.score <= 0:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif user ==
                item.hide_score = False
# TODO: uncomment to let gold users see the score of upcoming links
#            elif
#                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # store user preferences locally for caching
            item.pref_frame = pref_frame
            item.newwindow = pref_newwindow
            # is this link a member of a different ( subreddit?
            item.different_sr = (isinstance(site, FakeSubreddit) or

            if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if c.user.pref_no_profanity:
                item.title = profanity_filter(item.title)

            item.subreddit_path = item.subreddit.path
            if cname:
                item.subreddit_path = ("http://" + 
                     get_domain(cname = (site == item.subreddit),
                                subreddit = False))
                if site != item.subreddit:
                    item.subreddit_path += item.subreddit.path
            item.domain_path = "/domain/%s/" % item.domain
            if item.is_self:
                item.domain_path = item.subreddit_path

            # attach video or selftext as needed
            item.link_child, item.editable = make_link_child(item)

            item.tblink = "http://%s/tb/%s" % (
                get_domain(cname = cname, subreddit=False),

            if item.is_self:
                item.href_url = item.permalink
                item.href_url = item.url

            # show the toolbar if the preference is set and the link
            # is neither a promoted link nor a self post
            if pref_frame and not item.is_self and not item.promoted:
                item.mousedown_url = item.tblink
                item.mousedown_url = None

            item.fresh = not any((item.likes != None,

            # bits that we will render stubs (to make the cached
            # version more flexible)
            item.num = CachedVariable("num")
            item.numcolmargin = CachedVariable("numcolmargin")
            item.commentcls = CachedVariable("commentcls")
            item.midcolmargin = CachedVariable("midcolmargin")
            item.comment_label = CachedVariable("numcomments")

            item.as_deleted = False
            if item.deleted and not c.user_is_admin:
       = DeletedUser()
                item.as_deleted = True

            item.trial_info = trials.get(item._fullname, None)

            item.approval_checkmark = None

            if item.can_ban:
                verdict = getattr(item, "verdict", None)
                if verdict in ('admin-approved', 'mod-approved'):
                    approver = None
                    if getattr(item, "ban_info", None):
                        approver = item.ban_info.get("unbanner", None)

                    if approver:
                        item.approval_checkmark = _("approved by %s") % approver
                        item.approval_checkmark = _("approved by a moderator")

                if item.trial_info is not None:
                    item.reveal_trial_info = True
                    item.use_big_modbuttons = True

        if user_is_loggedin:

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Beispiel #7
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        #TODO global-ish functions that shouldn't be here?
        #reset msgtime after this request
        msgtime = c.have_messages

        # make sure there is a sr_id set:
        for w in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(w, "sr_id"):
                w.sr_id = None

        # load the to fields if one exists
        to_ids = set(w.to_id for w in wrapped if w.to_id is not None)
        tos = Account._byID(to_ids, True) if to_ids else {}

        # load the subreddit field if one exists:
        sr_ids = set(w.sr_id for w in wrapped if w.sr_id is not None)
        m_subreddits = Subreddit._byID(sr_ids, data=True, return_dict=True)

        # load the links and their subreddits (if comment-as-message)
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped if l.was_comment),
        # subreddits of the links (for comment-as-message)
        l_subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(l.sr_id for l in links.values()),

        parents = Comment._byID(set(l.parent_id for l in wrapped
                                    if l.parent_id and l.was_comment),

        # load the inbox relations for the messages to determine new-ness
        # TODO: query cache?
        inbox = Inbox._fast_query(c.user,
                                  [item.lookups[0] for item in wrapped],
                                  ['inbox', 'selfreply'])

        # we don't care about the username or the rel name
        inbox = dict(
            (m._fullname, v) for (u, m, n), v in inbox.iteritems() if v)

        msgs = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x.lookups[0], Message), wrapped)

        modinbox = ModeratorInbox._fast_query(m_subreddits.values(), msgs,

        # best to not have to eager_load the things
        def make_message_fullname(mid):
            return "t%s_%s" % (utils.to36(Message._type_id), utils.to36(mid))

        modinbox = dict((make_message_fullname(v._thing2_id), v)
                        for (u, m, n), v in modinbox.iteritems() if v)

        for item in wrapped:
   = tos.get(item.to_id)
            if item.sr_id:
                item.recipient = (item.author_id != c.user._id)
                item.recipient = (item.to_id == c.user._id)

            # new-ness is stored on the relation
            if item.author_id == c.user._id:
       = False
            elif item._fullname in inbox:
       = getattr(inbox[item._fullname], "new", False)
                # wipe new messages if preferences say so, and this isn't a feed
                # and it is in the user's personal inbox
                if ( and c.user.pref_mark_messages_read
                        and c.extension not in ("rss", "xml", "api", "json")):
                    queries.set_unread(inbox[item._fullname]._thing2, c.user,
            elif item._fullname in modinbox:
       = getattr(modinbox[item._fullname], "new", False)
       = False

            item.score_fmt = Score.none

            item.message_style = ""
            # comment as message:
            if item.was_comment:
                link = links[item.link_id]
                sr = l_subreddits[link.sr_id]
                item.to_collapse = False
                item.author_collapse = False
                item.link_title = link.title
                item.link_permalink = link.make_permalink(sr)
                if item.parent_id:
                    item.subject = _('comment reply')
                    item.message_style = "comment-reply"
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent = parent._fullname
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(link, sr)
                    item.subject = _('post reply')
                    item.message_style = "post-reply"
            elif item.sr_id is not None:
                item.subreddit = m_subreddits[item.sr_id]

            if c.user.pref_no_profanity:
                item.subject = profanity_filter(item.subject)

            item.is_collapsed = None
            if not
                if item.recipient:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.to_collapse
                if item.author_id == c.user._id:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.author_collapse
                if c.user.pref_collapse_read_messages:
                    item.is_collapsed = (item.is_collapsed is not False)

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)