class SteamController(RedditController): @staticmethod def make_post_login_url(): return add_sr("/f2p/steam/postlogin") @validate(VUser(), error=nop("error")) def GET_start(self, error): f2p_status = getattr(c.user, "f2p", None) error = bool(error) if f2p_status == "participated": return SteamPage(content=SteamStart(error=error)).render() elif f2p_status == "claiming": return SteamPage(content=SteamInProgress()).render() elif f2p_status == "claimed": return SteamPage(content=SteamStop()).render() return SteamPage(content=SteamSorry()).render() @validate(VUser(), VModhash()) def POST_auth(self): if getattr(c.user, "f2p", None) != "participated": abort(403) session = {} consumer = openid.consumer.consumer.Consumer(session, store=None) auth_request = consumer.begin(STEAM_AUTH_URL) post_login_url = self.make_post_login_url() url = auth_request.redirectURL(realm=g.origin, return_to=post_login_url) g.f2pcache.set("steam_session_%d" % c.user._id, session) g.log.debug("started steam auth for %s", return redirect_to(url) @validate(VUser()) def GET_postlogin(self): if getattr(c.user, "f2p", None) != "participated": return redirect_to("/f2p/steam") session = g.f2pcache.get("steam_session_%d" % c.user._id) if not session: return redirect_to("/f2p/steam?error=no_session") consumer = openid.consumer.consumer.Consumer(session, store=None) auth_response = consumer.complete(request.params, request.url) if auth_response.status == openid.consumer.consumer.CANCEL: return redirect_to("/f2p/steam?error=cancel") if auth_response.status != openid.consumer.consumer.SUCCESS: return redirect_to("/f2p/steam?error=not_success") steamid_match = if not steamid_match: return redirect_to("/f2p/steam?error=id_mismatch") steamid = g.log.debug("successful steam auth for %r", steamid) with g.make_lock("f2p", "steam_claim_%d" % c.user._id): c.user._sync_latest() if c.user.f2p != "participated": return redirect_to("/f2p/steam") c.user.f2p = "claiming" c.user._commit() message = json.dumps({ "user-id": c.user._id, "steam-id": steamid, }) amqp.add_item(QNAME, message) return redirect_to("/f2p/steam")
class PoliciesController(RedditController): @validate(requested_rev=nop('v')) def GET_policy_page(self, page, requested_rev): if page == 'privacypolicy': wiki_name = g.wiki_page_privacy_policy pagename = _('privacy policy') elif page == 'useragreement': wiki_name = g.wiki_page_user_agreement pagename = _('user agreement') else: abort(404) wp = WikiPage.get(Frontpage, wiki_name) revs = list(wp.get_revisions()) # collapse minor edits into revisions with reasons rev_info = [] last_edit = None for rev in revs: if rev.is_hidden: continue if not last_edit: last_edit = rev if rev._get('reason'): rev_info.append({ 'id': str(last_edit._id), 'title': rev._get('reason'), }) last_edit = None if requested_rev: try: display_rev = WikiRevision.get(requested_rev, wp._id) except (tdb_cassandra.NotFound, ValueError): abort(404) else: display_rev = revs[0] doc_html = wikimarkdown(display_rev.content, include_toc=False) soup = BeautifulSoup(doc_html.decode('utf-8')) toc = generate_table_of_contents(soup, prefix='section') self._number_sections(soup) self._linkify_headings(soup) content = PolicyView( body_html=unsafe(soup), toc_html=unsafe(toc), revs=rev_info, display_rev=str(display_rev._id), ) return PolicyPage( pagename=pagename, content=content, ).render() def _number_sections(self, soup): count = 1 for para in soup.find('div', 'md').findAll(['p'], recursive=False): a = Tag(soup, 'a', [ ('class', 'p-anchor'), ('id', 'p_%d' % count), ('href', '#p_%d' % count), ]) a.append(str(count)) para.insert(0, a) para.insert(1, ' ') count += 1 def _linkify_headings(self, soup): md_el = soup.find('div', 'md') for heading in md_el.findAll(['h1', 'h2', 'h3'], recursive=False): heading_a = Tag(soup, "a", [('href', '#%s' % heading['id'])]) heading_a.contents = heading.contents heading.contents = [] heading.append(heading_a)
class PromoteController(RedditController): @validate(VSponsor()) def GET_new_promo(self): return PromotePage(title=_("create sponsored link"), content=PromoteLinkNew()).render() @validate(VSponsor('link'), link=VLink('link')) def GET_edit_promo(self, link): if not link or link.promoted is None: return self.abort404() rendered = wrap_links(link, skip=False) form = PromoteLinkEdit(link, rendered) page = PromotePage(title=_("edit sponsored link"), content=form, show_sidebar=False, extension_handling=False) return page.render() # admin only because the route might change @validate(VSponsorAdmin('campaign'), campaign=VPromoCampaign('campaign')) def GET_edit_promo_campaign(self, campaign): if not campaign: return self.abort404() link = Link._byID(campaign.link_id) return self.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link)) @validate(VSponsorAdmin(), link=VLink("link"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign")) def GET_refund(self, link, campaign): if link._id != campaign.link_id: return self.abort404() content = RefundPage(link, campaign) return Reddit("refund", content=content, show_sidebar=False).render() @validate(VSponsorAdmin()) def GET_roadblock(self): return PromotePage(title=_("manage roadblocks"), content=Roadblocks()).render() @validate(VSponsor("link"), link=VLink("link"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign")) def GET_pay(self, link, campaign): if link._id != campaign.link_id: return self.abort404() # no need for admins to play in the credit card area if c.user_is_loggedin and c.user._id != link.author_id: return self.abort404() if g.authorizenetapi: data = get_account_info(c.user) content = PaymentForm(link, campaign, customer_id=data.customerProfileId, profiles=data.paymentProfiles, max_profiles=PROFILE_LIMIT) else: content = None res = LinkInfoPage(link=link, content=content, show_sidebar=False) return res.render() @validate(VSponsorAdminOrAdminSecret('secret'), start=VDate('startdate'), end=VDate('enddate'), link_text=nop('link_text'), owner=VAccountByName('owner')) def GET_report(self, start, end, link_text=None, owner=None): now =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end = end or now - timedelta(days=1) start = start or end - timedelta(days=7) links = [] bad_links = [] owner_name = if owner else '' if owner: promo_weights = PromotionWeights.get_campaigns(start, end, author_id=owner._id) campaign_ids = [pw.promo_idx for pw in promo_weights] campaigns = PromoCampaign._byID(campaign_ids, data=True) link_ids = {camp.link_id for camp in campaigns.itervalues()} links.extend(Link._byID(link_ids, data=True, return_dict=False)) if link_text is not None: id36s = link_text.replace(',', ' ').split() try: links_from_text = Link._byID36(id36s, data=True) except NotFound: links_from_text = {} bad_links = [id36 for id36 in id36s if id36 not in links_from_text] links.extend(links_from_text.values()) content = PromoteReport(links, link_text, owner_name, bad_links, start, end) if c.render_style == 'csv': return content.as_csv() else: return PromotePage(title=_("sponsored link report"), content=content).render() @validate( VSponsorAdmin(), start=VDate('startdate', reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now), end=VDate('enddate', reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now), sr_name=nop('sr_name'), ) def GET_promote_inventory(self, start, end, sr_name): if not start or not end: start = promote.promo_datetime_now(offset=1).date() end = promote.promo_datetime_now(offset=8).date() c.errors.remove((errors.BAD_DATE, 'startdate')) c.errors.remove((errors.BAD_DATE, 'enddate')) sr = Frontpage if sr_name: try: sr = Subreddit._by_name(sr_name) except NotFound: c.errors.add(errors.SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST, field='sr_name') content = PromoteInventory(start, end, sr) return PromotePage(title=_("sponsored link inventory"), content=content).render()
class PromoteListingController(ListingController): where = 'promoted' render_cls = PromotePage titles = { 'future_promos': N_('unapproved promoted links'), 'pending_promos': N_('accepted promoted links'), 'unpaid_promos': N_('unpaid promoted links'), 'rejected_promos': N_('rejected promoted links'), 'live_promos': N_('live promoted links'), 'underdelivered': N_('underdelivered promoted links'), 'reported': N_('reported promoted links'), 'house': N_('house promoted links'), 'all': N_('all promoted links'), } def title(self): return _(self.titles[self.sort]) @property def title_text(self): return _('promoted by you') @classmethod @memoize('live_by_subreddit', time=300) def _live_by_subreddit(cls, sr_names): promotuples = promote.get_live_promotions(sr_names) return [ for pt in promotuples] def live_by_subreddit(cls, sr): return cls._live_by_subreddit([]) @classmethod @memoize('house_link_names', time=60) def get_house_link_names(cls): now = promote.promo_datetime_now() pws = PromotionWeights.get_campaigns(now) campaign_ids = {pw.promo_idx for pw in pws} q = PromoCampaign._query(PromoCampaign.c._id.in_(campaign_ids), PromoCampaign.c.priority_name == 'house', data=True) link_names = { Link._fullname_from_id36(to36(camp.link_id)) for camp in q } return sorted(link_names, reverse=True) @property def menus(self): filters = [ NamedButton('all_promos', dest=''), NamedButton('future_promos'), NamedButton('unpaid_promos'), NamedButton('rejected_promos'), NamedButton('pending_promos'), NamedButton('live_promos'), ] menus = [ NavMenu(filters, base_path='/promoted', title='show', type='lightdrop') ] if self.sort == 'live_promos' and c.user_is_sponsor: srnames = promote.all_live_promo_srnames() buttons = [NavButton('all', '')] try: srnames.remove( frontbutton = NavButton('FRONTPAGE',, aliases=[ '/promoted/live_promos/%s' % urllib.quote( ]) buttons.append(frontbutton) except KeyError: pass srnames = sorted(srnames, key=lambda name: name.lower()) buttons.extend([NavButton(name, name) for name in srnames]) menus.append( NavMenu(buttons, base_path='/promoted/live_promos', title='subreddit', type='lightdrop')) return menus def keep_fn(self): def keep(item): if self.sort == "future_promos": # this sort is used to review links that need to be approved # skip links that don't have any paid campaigns campaigns = list(PromoCampaign._by_link(item._id)) if not any( promote.authed_or_not_needed(camp) for camp in campaigns): return False if item.promoted and not item._deleted: return True else: return False return keep def query(self): if c.user_is_sponsor: if self.sort == "future_promos": return queries.get_all_unapproved_links() elif self.sort == "pending_promos": return queries.get_all_accepted_links() elif self.sort == "unpaid_promos": return queries.get_all_unpaid_links() elif self.sort == "rejected_promos": return queries.get_all_rejected_links() elif self.sort == "live_promos" and return self.live_by_subreddit( elif self.sort == 'live_promos': return queries.get_all_live_links() elif self.sort == 'underdelivered': q = queries.get_underdelivered_campaigns() campaigns = PromoCampaign._by_fullname(list(q), data=True, return_dict=False) link_ids = [camp.link_id for camp in campaigns] return [Link._fullname_from_id36(to36(id)) for id in link_ids] elif self.sort == 'reported': return queries.get_reported_links(Subreddit.get_promote_srid()) elif self.sort == 'house': return self.get_house_link_names() elif self.sort == 'all': return queries.get_all_promoted_links() else: if self.sort == "future_promos": return queries.get_unapproved_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "pending_promos": return queries.get_accepted_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "unpaid_promos": return queries.get_unpaid_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "rejected_promos": return queries.get_rejected_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "live_promos": return queries.get_live_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "all": return queries.get_promoted_links(c.user._id) @validate(VSponsor(), sr=nop('sr')) def GET_listing(self, sr=None, sort="all", **env): if not c.user_is_loggedin or not c.user.email_verified: # never reached--see MinimalController.on_validation_error return self.redirect("/ad_inq") if (sort in ('underdelivered', 'reported', 'house') and not c.user_is_sponsor): self.abort403() self.sort = sort = None if sr and sr == = Frontpage elif sr: try: = Subreddit._by_name(sr) except NotFound: pass return ListingController.GET_listing(self, **env)
class WikiApiController(WikiController): @require_oauth2_scope("wikiedit") @validate(VModhash(), pageandprevious=VWikiPageRevise(('page', 'previous'), restricted=True), content=nop(('content')), page_name=VWikiPageName('page'), reason=VPrintable('reason', 256, empty_error=None)) @api_doc(, uri='/api/wiki/edit', uses_site=True) def POST_wiki_edit(self, pageandprevious, content, page_name, reason): """Edit a wiki `page`""" page, previous = pageandprevious if not page: error = c.errors.get(('WIKI_CREATE_ERROR', 'page')) if error: self.handle_error(403, **(error.msg_params or {})) if not c.user._spam: page = WikiPage.create(, page_name) if c.user._spam: error = _("You are doing that too much, please try again later.") self.handle_error(415, 'SPECIAL_ERRORS', special_errors=[error]) renderer = RENDERERS_BY_PAGE.get(, 'wiki') if renderer in ('wiki', 'reddit'): content = VMarkdown(('content'), renderer=renderer).run(content) # Use the raw POST value as we need to tell the difference between # None/Undefined and an empty string. The validators use a default # value with both of those cases and would need to be changed. # In order to avoid breaking functionality, this was done instead. previous = previous._id if previous else request.POST.get('previous') try: if == 'config/stylesheet': css_errors, parsed =, verify=False) if g.css_killswitch: self.handle_error(403, 'STYLESHEET_EDIT_DENIED') if css_errors: error_items = [CssError(x).message for x in css_errors] self.handle_error(415, 'SPECIAL_ERRORS', special_errors=error_items), parsed, previous, reason=reason) else: try: page.revise(content, previous, c.user._id36, reason=reason) except ContentLengthError as e: self.handle_error(403, 'CONTENT_LENGTH_ERROR', max_length=e.max_length) # continue storing the special pages as data attributes on the subreddit # object. TODO: change this to minimize subreddit get sizes. if page.special: setattr(, ATTRIBUTE_BY_PAGE[], content) if page.special or c.is_wiki_mod: description = modactions.get(, 'Page %s edited' % ModAction.create(, c.user, 'wikirevise', details=description) except ConflictException as e: self.handle_error(409, 'EDIT_CONFLICT',, newrevision=page.revision, diffcontent=e.htmldiff) return json.dumps({}) @require_oauth2_scope("modwiki") @validate(VModhash(), VWikiModerator(), page=VWikiPage('page'), act=VOneOf('act', ('del', 'add')), user=VExistingUname('username')) @api_doc(, uri='/api/wiki/alloweditor/{act}', uses_site=True, uri_variants=[ '/api/wiki/alloweditor/%s' % act for act in ('del', 'add') ]) def POST_wiki_allow_editor(self, act, page, user): """Allow/deny `username` to edit this wiki `page`""" if not user: self.handle_error(404, 'UNKNOWN_USER') elif act == 'del': page.remove_editor(user._id36) elif act == 'add': page.add_editor(user._id36) else: self.handle_error(400, 'INVALID_ACTION') return json.dumps({}) @validate( VModhash(), VAdmin(), pv=VWikiPageAndVersion(('page', 'revision')), deleted=VBoolean('deleted'), ) def POST_wiki_revision_delete(self, pv, deleted): page, revision = pv if not revision: self.handle_error(400, 'INVALID_REVISION') if deleted and page.revision == str(revision._id): self.handle_error(400, 'REVISION_IS_CURRENT') revision.admin_deleted = deleted revision._commit() return json.dumps({'status': revision.admin_deleted}) @require_oauth2_scope("modwiki") @validate(VModhash(), VWikiModerator(), pv=VWikiPageAndVersion(('page', 'revision'))) @api_doc(, uri='/api/wiki/hide', uses_site=True) def POST_wiki_revision_hide(self, pv): """Toggle the public visibility of a wiki page revision""" page, revision = pv if not revision: self.handle_error(400, 'INVALID_REVISION') return json.dumps({'status': revision.toggle_hide()}) @require_oauth2_scope("modwiki") @validate(VModhash(), VWikiModerator(), pv=VWikiPageAndVersion(('page', 'revision'))) @api_doc(, uri='/api/wiki/revert', uses_site=True) def POST_wiki_revision_revert(self, pv): """Revert a wiki `page` to `revision`""" page, revision = pv if not revision: self.handle_error(400, 'INVALID_REVISION') content = revision.content reason = 'reverted back %s' % timesince( if == 'config/stylesheet': css_errors, parsed = if css_errors: self.handle_error(403, 'INVALID_CSS'), parsed, prev=None, reason=reason, force=True) else: try: page.revise(content, author=c.user._id36, reason=reason, force=True) # continue storing the special pages as data attributes on the subreddit # object. TODO: change this to minimize subreddit get sizes. if page.special: setattr(, ATTRIBUTE_BY_PAGE[], content) except ContentLengthError as e: self.handle_error(403, 'CONTENT_LENGTH_ERROR', max_length=e.max_length) return json.dumps({}) def pre(self): WikiController.pre(self) c.render_style = 'api' set_extension(request.environ, 'json')
class WebLogController(RedditController): on_validation_error = staticmethod(abort_with_error) @csrf_exempt @validate( VRatelimit(rate_user=False, rate_ip=True, prefix='rate_weblog_'), level=VOneOf('level', ('error', )), logs=VValidatedJSON( 'logs', VValidatedJSON.ArrayOf( VValidatedJSON.PartialObject({ 'msg': VPrintable('msg', max_length=256), 'url': VPrintable('url', max_length=256), 'tag': VPrintable('tag', max_length=32), }))), ) def POST_message(self, level, logs): # Whitelist tags to keep the frontend from creating too many keys in statsd valid_frontend_log_tags = { 'unknown', 'reddit-config-migrate-error', } # prevent simple CSRF by requiring a custom header if not request.headers.get('X-Loggit'): abort(403) uid = c.user._id if c.user_is_loggedin else '-' # only accept a maximum of 3 entries per request for log in logs[:3]: if 'msg' not in log or 'url' not in log: continue tag = 'unknown' if log.get('tag') in valid_frontend_log_tags: tag = log['tag'] g.stats.simple_event('frontend.error.' + tag) g.log.warning('[web frontend] %s: %s | U: %s FP: %s UA: %s', level, log['msg'], uid, log['url'], request.user_agent) VRatelimit.ratelimit(rate_user=False, rate_ip=True, prefix="rate_weblog_", seconds=10) def OPTIONS_report_cache_poisoning(self): """Send CORS headers for cache poisoning reports.""" if "Origin" not in request.headers: return origin = request.headers["Origin"] parsed_origin = UrlParser(origin) if not is_subdomain(parsed_origin.hostname, g.domain): return response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = origin response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "POST" response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = \ "Authorization, X-Loggit, " response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"] = "false" response.headers['Access-Control-Expose-Headers'] = \ self.COMMON_REDDIT_HEADERS @csrf_exempt @validate( VRatelimit(rate_user=False, rate_ip=True, prefix='rate_poison_'), report_mac=VPrintable('report_mac', 255), poisoner_name=VPrintable('poisoner_name', 255), poisoner_id=VInt('poisoner_id'), poisoner_canary=VPrintable('poisoner_canary', 2, min_length=2), victim_canary=VPrintable('victim_canary', 2, min_length=2), render_time=VInt('render_time'), route_name=VPrintable('route_name', 255), url=VPrintable('url', 2048), # To differentiate between web and mweb in the future source=VOneOf('source', ('web', 'mweb')), cache_policy=VOneOf( 'cache_policy', ('loggedin_www', 'loggedin_www_new', 'loggedin_mweb')), # JSON-encoded response headers from when our script re-requested # the poisoned page resp_headers=nop('resp_headers'), ) def POST_report_cache_poisoning( self, report_mac, poisoner_name, poisoner_id, poisoner_canary, victim_canary, render_time, route_name, url, source, cache_policy, resp_headers, ): """Report an instance of cache poisoning and its details""" self.OPTIONS_report_cache_poisoning() if c.errors: abort(400) # prevent simple CSRF by requiring a custom header if not request.headers.get('X-Loggit'): abort(403) # Eh? Why are you reporting this if the canaries are the same? if poisoner_canary == victim_canary: abort(400) expected_mac = make_poisoning_report_mac( poisoner_canary=poisoner_canary, poisoner_name=poisoner_name, poisoner_id=poisoner_id, cache_policy=cache_policy, source=source, route_name=route_name, ) if not constant_time_compare(report_mac, expected_mac): abort(403) if resp_headers: try: resp_headers = json.loads(resp_headers) # Verify this is a JSON map of `header_name => [value, ...]` if not isinstance(resp_headers, dict): abort(400) for hdr_name, hdr_vals in resp_headers.iteritems(): if not isinstance(hdr_name, basestring): abort(400) if not all(isinstance(h, basestring) for h in hdr_vals): abort(400) except ValueError: abort(400) if not resp_headers: resp_headers = {} poison_info = dict( poisoner_name=poisoner_name, poisoner_id=str(poisoner_id), # Convert the JS timestamp to a standard one render_time=render_time * 1000, route_name=route_name, url=url, source=source, cache_policy=cache_policy, resp_headers=resp_headers, ) # For immediate feedback when tracking the effects of caching changes g.stats.simple_event("cache.poisoning.%s.%s" % (source, cache_policy)) # For longer-term diagnosing of caching issues, request=request, context=c) VRatelimit.ratelimit(rate_ip=True, prefix="rate_poison_", seconds=10) return self.api_wrapper({})
class OAuth2AccessController(MinimalController): def pre(self): set_extension(request.environ, "json") MinimalController.pre(self) require_https() c.oauth2_client = self._get_client_auth() def _get_client_auth(self): auth = request.headers.get("Authorization") try: client_id, client_secret = parse_http_basic(auth) client = OAuth2Client.get_token(client_id) require(client) require(constant_time_compare(client.secret, client_secret)) return client except RequirementException: abort(401, headers=[("WWW-Authenticate", 'Basic realm="reddit"')]) @validate(grant_type=VOneOf("grant_type", ("authorization_code", "refresh_token")), code=nop("code"), refresh_token=VOAuth2RefreshToken("refresh_token"), redirect_uri=VRequired("redirect_uri", errors.OAUTH2_INVALID_REDIRECT_URI)) def POST_access_token(self, grant_type, code, refresh_token, redirect_uri): """ Exchange an [OAuth 2.0]( authorization code or refresh token (from [/api/v1/authorize](#api_method_authorize)) for an access token. On success, returns a URL-encoded dictionary containing **access_token**, **token_type**, **expires_in**, and **scope**. If an authorization code for a permanent grant was given, a **refresh_token** will be included. If there is a problem, an **error** parameter will be returned instead. Must be called using SSL, and must contain a HTTP `Authorization:` header which contains the application's client identifier as the username and client secret as the password. (The client id and secret are visible on the [app preferences page](/prefs/apps).) Per the OAuth specification, **grant_type** must be ``authorization_code`` for the initial access token or ``refresh_token`` for renewing the access token. In either case, **redirect_uri** must exactly match the value that was used in the call to [/api/v1/authorize](#api_method_authorize) that created this grant. """ resp = {} if not (code or refresh_token): c.errors.add("NO_TEXT", field=("code", "refresh_token")) if not c.errors: access_token = None if grant_type == "authorization_code": auth_token = OAuth2AuthorizationCode.use_token( code, c.oauth2_client._id, redirect_uri) if auth_token: if auth_token.refreshable: refresh_token = OAuth2RefreshToken._new( auth_token.client_id, auth_token.user_id, auth_token.scope) access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new( auth_token.client_id, auth_token.user_id, auth_token.scope, refresh_token._id if refresh_token else None) elif grant_type == "refresh_token" and refresh_token: access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new( refresh_token.client_id, refresh_token.user_id, refresh_token.scope, refresh_token=refresh_token._id) if access_token: resp["access_token"] = access_token._id resp["token_type"] = access_token.token_type resp["expires_in"] = int( access_token._ttl) if access_token._ttl else None resp["scope"] = access_token.scope if refresh_token: resp["refresh_token"] = refresh_token._id else: resp["error"] = "invalid_grant" else: if (errors.INVALID_OPTION, "grant_type") in c.errors: resp["error"] = "unsupported_grant_type" elif (errors.INVALID_OPTION, "scope") in c.errors: resp["error"] = "invalid_scope" else: resp["error"] = "invalid_request" return self.api_wrapper(resp)
class SponsorListingController(PromoteListingController): titles = dict( PromoteListingController.titles.items() + { 'underdelivered': N_('underdelivered promoted links'), 'reported': N_('reported promoted links'), 'house': N_('house promoted links'), }.items()) base_path = '/sponsor/promoted' @property def title_text(self): return _('promos on reddit') @property def menus(self): if self.sort in {'underdelivered', 'reported', 'house'}: menus = [] else: menus = super(SponsorListingController, self).menus menus.append( NavMenu([ QueryButton("exclude managed", dest=None, query_param='include_managed'), QueryButton("include managed", dest="yes", query_param='include_managed'), ], base_path=request.path, type='lightdrop')) if self.sort == 'live_promos': srnames = promote.all_live_promo_srnames() buttons = [NavButton('all', '', use_params=True)] try: srnames.remove( frontbutton = NavButton('FRONTPAGE',, use_params=True, aliases=[ '/promoted/live_promos/%s' % urllib.quote( ]) buttons.append(frontbutton) except KeyError: pass srnames = sorted(srnames, key=lambda name: name.lower()) buttons.extend( NavButton(name, name, use_params=True) for name in srnames) base_path = self.base_path + '/live_promos' menus.append( NavMenu(buttons, base_path=base_path, title='subreddit', type='lightdrop')) return menus @classmethod @memoize('live_by_subreddit', time=300) def _live_by_subreddit(cls, sr_names): promotuples = promote.get_live_promotions(sr_names) return [ for pt in promotuples] def live_by_subreddit(cls, sr): return cls._live_by_subreddit([]) @classmethod @memoize('house_link_names', time=60) def get_house_link_names(cls): now = promote.promo_datetime_now() campaign_ids = PromotionWeights.get_campaign_ids(now) q = PromoCampaign._query(PromoCampaign.c._id.in_(campaign_ids), PromoCampaign.c.priority_name == 'house', data=True) link_names = { Link._fullname_from_id36(to36(camp.link_id)) for camp in q } return sorted(link_names, reverse=True) def keep_fn(self): base_keep_fn = PromoteListingController.keep_fn(self) def keep(item): if not self.include_managed and item.managed_promo: return False return base_keep_fn(item) return keep def query(self): if self.sort == "future_promos": return queries.get_all_unapproved_links() elif self.sort == "pending_promos": return queries.get_all_accepted_links() elif self.sort == "unpaid_promos": return queries.get_all_unpaid_links() elif self.sort == "rejected_promos": return queries.get_all_rejected_links() elif self.sort == "live_promos" and return self.live_by_subreddit( elif self.sort == 'live_promos': return queries.get_all_live_links() elif self.sort == 'underdelivered': q = queries.get_underdelivered_campaigns() campaigns = PromoCampaign._by_fullname(list(q), data=True, return_dict=False) link_ids = [camp.link_id for camp in campaigns] return [Link._fullname_from_id36(to36(id)) for id in link_ids] elif self.sort == 'reported': return queries.get_reported_links(Subreddit.get_promote_srid()) elif self.sort == 'house': return self.get_house_link_names() elif self.sort == 'all': return queries.get_all_promoted_links() @validate( VSponsorAdmin(), srname=nop('sr'), include_managed=VBoolean("include_managed"), ) def GET_listing(self, srname=None, include_managed=False, sort="all", **kw): self.sort = sort = None self.include_managed = include_managed if srname: try: = Subreddit._by_name(srname) except NotFound: pass return ListingController.GET_listing(self, **kw)
class OAuth2AccessController(MinimalController): def pre(self): set_extension(request.environ, "json") MinimalController.pre(self) require_https() c.oauth2_client = self._get_client_auth() def _get_client_auth(self): auth = request.headers.get("Authorization") try: client_id, client_secret = parse_http_basic(auth) client = OAuth2Client.get_token(client_id) require(client) require(constant_time_compare(client.secret, client_secret)) return client except RequirementException: abort(401, headers=[("WWW-Authenticate", 'Basic realm="reddit"')]) @validate(grant_type=VOneOf( "grant_type", ("authorization_code", "refresh_token", "password"))) def POST_access_token(self, grant_type): """ Exchange an [OAuth 2.0]( authorization code or refresh token (from [/api/v1/authorize](#api_method_authorize)) for an access token. On success, returns a URL-encoded dictionary containing **access_token**, **token_type**, **expires_in**, and **scope**. If an authorization code for a permanent grant was given, a **refresh_token** will be included. If there is a problem, an **error** parameter will be returned instead. Must be called using SSL, and must contain a HTTP `Authorization:` header which contains the application's client identifier as the username and client secret as the password. (The client id and secret are visible on the [app preferences page](/prefs/apps).) Per the OAuth specification, **grant_type** must be ``authorization_code`` for the initial access token or ``refresh_token`` for renewing the access token. **redirect_uri** must exactly match the value that was used in the call to [/api/v1/authorize](#api_method_authorize) that created this grant. """ if grant_type == "authorization_code": return self._access_token_code() elif grant_type == "refresh_token": return self._access_token_refresh() elif grant_type == "password": return self._access_token_password() else: resp = {"error": "unsupported_grant_type"} return self.api_wrapper(resp) def _check_for_errors(self): resp = {} if (errors.INVALID_OPTION, "scope") in c.errors: resp["error"] = "invalid_scope" else: resp["error"] = "invalid_request" return resp def _make_token_dict(self, access_token, refresh_token=None): if not access_token: return {"error": "invalid_grant"} expires_in = int(access_token._ttl) if access_token._ttl else None resp = { "access_token": access_token._id, "token_type": access_token.token_type, "expires_in": expires_in, "scope": access_token.scope, } if refresh_token: resp["refresh_token"] = refresh_token._id return resp @validate(code=nop("code"), redirect_uri=VRequired("redirect_uri", errors.OAUTH2_INVALID_REDIRECT_URI)) def _access_token_code(self, code, redirect_uri): if not code: c.errors.add("NO_TEXT", field="code") if c.errors: return self.api_wrapper(self._check_for_errors()) access_token = None refresh_token = None auth_token = OAuth2AuthorizationCode.use_token(code, c.oauth2_client._id, redirect_uri) if auth_token: if auth_token.refreshable: refresh_token = OAuth2RefreshToken._new( auth_token.client_id, auth_token.user_id, auth_token.scope) access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new( auth_token.client_id, auth_token.user_id, auth_token.scope, refresh_token._id if refresh_token else None) resp = self._make_token_dict(access_token, refresh_token) return self.api_wrapper(resp) @validate(refresh_token=VOAuth2RefreshToken("refresh_token")) def _access_token_refresh(self, refresh_token): resp = {} access_token = None if refresh_token: access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new( refresh_token.client_id, refresh_token.user_id, refresh_token.scope, refresh_token=refresh_token._id) else: c.errors.add("NO_TEXT", field="refresh_token") if c.errors: resp = self._check_for_errors() else: resp = self._make_token_dict(access_token) return self.api_wrapper(resp) @validate(user=VThrottledLogin(["username", "password"]), scope=nop("scope")) def _access_token_password(self, user, scope): # username:password auth via OAuth is only allowed for # private use scripts client = c.oauth2_client if client.app_type != "script": return self.api_wrapper({ "error": "unauthorized_client", "error_description": "Only script apps may use password auth" }) dev_ids = client._developer_ids if not user or user._id not in dev_ids: return self.api_wrapper({"error": "invalid_grant"}) if c.errors: return self.api_wrapper(self._check_for_errors()) if scope: scope = OAuth2Scope(scope) if not scope.is_valid(): c.errors.add(errors.INVALID_OPTION, "scope") return self.api_wrapper({"error": "invalid_scope"}) else: scope = OAuth2Scope(OAuth2Scope.FULL_ACCESS) access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new(client._id, user._id36, scope) resp = self._make_token_dict(access_token) return self.api_wrapper(resp)
class PromoteController(ListingController): where = 'promoted' render_cls = PromotePage @property def title_text(self): return _('promoted by you') @classmethod @memoize('live_by_subreddit', time=300) def live_by_subreddit(cls, sr): if sr == Frontpage: sr_id = '' else: sr_id = sr._id r = LiveAdWeights.get([sr_id]) return [ for i in r[sr_id]] @classmethod @memoize('subreddits_with_promos', time=3600) def subreddits_with_promos(cls): sr_ids = LiveAdWeights.get_live_subreddits() srs = Subreddit._byID(sr_ids, return_dict=False) sr_names = sorted([ for sr in srs], key=lambda s: s.lower()) return sr_names @classmethod @memoize('house_campaigns', time=60) def get_house_campaigns(cls): now = promote.promo_datetime_now() pws = PromotionWeights.get_campaigns(now) campaign_ids = {pw.promo_idx for pw in pws} campaigns = PromoCampaign._byID(campaign_ids, data=True, return_dict=False) campaigns = [camp for camp in campaigns if not camp.priority.cpm] return campaigns @property def menus(self): filters = [ NamedButton('all_promos', dest=''), NamedButton('future_promos'), NamedButton('unpaid_promos'), NamedButton('rejected_promos'), NamedButton('pending_promos'), NamedButton('live_promos'), ] menus = [ NavMenu(filters, base_path='/promoted', title='show', type='lightdrop') ] if self.sort == 'live_promos' and c.user_is_sponsor: sr_names = self.subreddits_with_promos() buttons = [NavButton(name, name) for name in sr_names] frontbutton = NavButton('FRONTPAGE',, aliases=[ '/promoted/live_promos/%s' % urllib.quote( ]) buttons.insert(0, frontbutton) buttons.insert(0, NavButton('all', '')) menus.append( NavMenu(buttons, base_path='/promoted/live_promos', title='subreddit', type='lightdrop')) return menus def keep_fn(self): def keep(item): if item.promoted and not item._deleted: return True else: return False return keep def query(self): if c.user_is_sponsor: if self.sort == "future_promos": return queries.get_all_unapproved_links() elif self.sort == "pending_promos": return queries.get_all_accepted_links() elif self.sort == "unpaid_promos": return queries.get_all_unpaid_links() elif self.sort == "rejected_promos": return queries.get_all_rejected_links() elif self.sort == "live_promos" and return self.live_by_subreddit( elif self.sort == 'live_promos': return queries.get_all_live_links() elif self.sort == 'underdelivered': q = queries.get_underdelivered_campaigns() campaigns = PromoCampaign._by_fullname(list(q), data=True, return_dict=False) link_ids = [camp.link_id for camp in campaigns] return [Link._fullname_from_id36(to36(id)) for id in link_ids] elif self.sort == 'reported': return queries.get_reported_links(get_promote_srid()) elif self.sort == 'house': campaigns = self.get_house_campaigns() link_ids = {camp.link_id for camp in campaigns} return [Link._fullname_from_id36(to36(id)) for id in link_ids] return queries.get_all_promoted_links() else: if self.sort == "future_promos": return queries.get_unapproved_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "pending_promos": return queries.get_accepted_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "unpaid_promos": return queries.get_unpaid_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "rejected_promos": return queries.get_rejected_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "live_promos": return queries.get_live_links(c.user._id) return queries.get_promoted_links(c.user._id) @validate(VSponsor(), sr=nop('sr')) def GET_listing(self, sr=None, sort="", **env): if not c.user_is_loggedin or not c.user.email_verified: # never reached--see MinimalController.on_validation_error return self.redirect("/ad_inq") self.sort = sort = None if sr and sr == = Frontpage elif sr: try: = Subreddit._by_name(sr) except NotFound: pass return ListingController.GET_listing(self, **env) GET_index = GET_listing @validate(VSponsor()) def GET_new_promo(self): return PromotePage('content', content=PromoteLinkNew()).render() @validate(VSponsor('link'), link=VLink('link')) def GET_edit_promo(self, link): if not link or link.promoted is None: return self.abort404() rendered = wrap_links(link, wrapper=promote.sponsor_wrapper, skip=False) form = PromoteLinkForm(link, rendered) page = PromotePage('new_promo', content=form) return page.render() # admin only because the route might change @validate(VSponsorAdmin('campaign'), campaign=VPromoCampaign('campaign')) def GET_edit_promo_campaign(self, campaign): if not campaign: return self.abort404() link = Link._byID(campaign.link_id) return self.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link)) @json_validate(sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True), start=VDate('startdate'), end=VDate('enddate')) def GET_check_inventory(self, responder, sr, start, end): sr = sr or Frontpage available_by_datestr = inventory.get_available_pageviews(sr, start, end, datestr=True) return {'inventory': available_by_datestr} @validate(VSponsor(), dates=VDateRange(["startdate", "enddate"], max_range=timedelta(days=28), required=False)) @validate(VSponsorAdmin(), dates=VDateRange(["startdate", "enddate"], max_range=timedelta(days=28), required=False)) def GET_admingraph(self, dates): start, end, bad_dates = _check_dates(dates) content = Promote_Graph(start, end, bad_dates=bad_dates) if c.render_style == 'csv': return content.as_csv() return PromotePage("admingraph", content=content).render() # ## POST controllers below @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), link=VLink("link_id"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_freebie(self, form, jquery, link, campaign): if campaign_has_oversold_error(form, campaign): form.set_html(".freebie", "target oversold, can't freebie") return if promote.is_promo(link) and campaign: promote.free_campaign(link, campaign, c.user) form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link)) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), link=VByName("link"), note=nop("note")) def POST_promote_note(self, form, jquery, link, note): if promote.is_promo(link): text = PromotionLog.add(link, note) form.find(".notes").children(":last").after("<p>" + text + "</p>") @noresponse(VSponsorAdmin(), thing=VByName('id')) def POST_promote(self, thing): if promote.is_promo(thing): promote.accept_promotion(thing) @noresponse(VSponsorAdmin(), thing=VByName('id'), reason=nop("reason")) def POST_unpromote(self, thing, reason): if promote.is_promo(thing): promote.reject_promotion(thing, reason=reason) @validate(VSponsorAdmin(), link=VLink("link"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign")) def GET_refund(self, link, campaign): if campaign.link_id != link._id: return self.abort404() content = RefundPage(link, campaign) return Reddit("refund", content=content, show_sidebar=False).render() @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), link=VLink('link'), campaign=VPromoCampaign('campaign')) def POST_refund_campaign(self, form, jquery, link, campaign): billable_impressions = promote.get_billable_impressions(campaign) billable_amount = promote.get_billable_amount(campaign, billable_impressions) refund_amount = promote.get_refund_amount(campaign, billable_amount) if refund_amount > 0: promote.refund_campaign(link, campaign, billable_amount, billable_impressions) form.set_html('.status', _('refund succeeded')) else: form.set_html('.status', _('refund not needed')) @validatedForm(VSponsor('link_id'), VModhash(), VRatelimit(rate_user=True, rate_ip=True, prefix='create_promo_'), VShamedDomain('url'), username=VLength('username', 100, empty_error=None), l=VLink('link_id'), title=VTitle('title'), url=VUrl('url', allow_self=False, lookup=False), selftext=VSelfText('text'), kind=VOneOf('kind', ['link', 'self']), ip=ValidIP(), disable_comments=VBoolean("disable_comments"), media_width=VInt("media-width", min=0), media_height=VInt("media-height", min=0), media_embed=VLength("media-embed", 1000), media_override=VBoolean("media-override"), domain_override=VLength("domain", 100)) def POST_edit_promo(self, form, jquery, ip, username, l, title, url, selftext, kind, disable_comments, media_height, media_width, media_embed, media_override, domain_override): should_ratelimit = False if not c.user_is_sponsor: should_ratelimit = True if not should_ratelimit: c.errors.remove((errors.RATELIMIT, 'ratelimit')) # check for user override if not l and c.user_is_sponsor and username: try: user = Account._by_name(username) except NotFound: c.errors.add(errors.USER_DOESNT_EXIST, field="username") form.set_error(errors.USER_DOESNT_EXIST, "username") return if not c.errors.add(errors.NO_EMAIL_FOR_USER, field="username") form.set_error(errors.NO_EMAIL_FOR_USER, "username") return if not user.email_verified: c.errors.add(errors.NO_VERIFIED_EMAIL, field="username") form.set_error(errors.NO_VERIFIED_EMAIL, "username") return else: user = c.user # check for shame banned domains if form.has_errors("url", errors.DOMAIN_BANNED): g.stats.simple_event('') return # demangle URL in canonical way if url: if isinstance(url, (unicode, str)): form.set_inputs(url=url) elif isinstance(url, tuple) or isinstance(url[0], Link): # there's already one or more links with this URL, but # we're allowing mutliple submissions, so we really just # want the URL url = url[0].url if kind == 'link': if form.has_errors('url', errors.NO_URL, errors.BAD_URL): return # users can change the disable_comments on promoted links if ((not l or not promote.is_promoted(l)) and (form.has_errors('title', errors.NO_TEXT, errors.TOO_LONG) or jquery.has_errors('ratelimit', errors.RATELIMIT))): return if not l: l = promote.new_promotion(title, url if kind == 'link' else 'self', selftext if kind == 'self' else '', user, ip) elif promote.is_promo(l): # changing link type is not allowed if ((l.is_self and kind == 'link') or (not l.is_self and kind == 'self')): c.errors.add(errors.NO_CHANGE_KIND, field="kind") form.set_error(errors.NO_CHANGE_KIND, "kind") return changed = False # live items can only be changed by a sponsor, and also # pay the cost of de-approving the link trusted = c.user_is_sponsor or c.user.trusted_sponsor if not promote.is_promoted(l) or trusted: if title and title != l.title: l.title = title changed = not trusted if kind == 'link' and url and url != l.url: l.url = url changed = not trusted # only trips if the title and url are changed by a non-sponsor if changed and not promote.is_unpaid(l): promote.unapprove_promotion(l) if trusted and promote.is_unapproved(l): promote.accept_promotion(l) # selftext can be changed at any time if kind == 'self': l.selftext = selftext # comment disabling is free to be changed any time. l.disable_comments = disable_comments if c.user_is_sponsor or c.user.trusted_sponsor: if media_embed and media_width and media_height: l.media_object = dict(height=media_height, width=media_width, content=media_embed, type='custom') else: l.media_object = None l.media_override = media_override if getattr(l, "domain_override", False) or domain_override: l.domain_override = domain_override l._commit() form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(l)) @validate(VSponsorAdmin()) def GET_roadblock(self): return PromotePage('content', content=Roadblocks()).render() @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), dates=VDateRange(['startdate', 'enddate'], reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True)) def POST_add_roadblock(self, form, jquery, dates, sr): if (form.has_errors('startdate', errors.BAD_DATE) or form.has_errors( 'enddate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE)): return if form.has_errors('sr', errors.SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST, errors.SUBREDDIT_NOTALLOWED, errors.SUBREDDIT_REQUIRED): return if dates and sr: sd, ed = dates PromotedLinkRoadblock.add(sr, sd, ed) jquery.refresh() @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), dates=VDateRange(['startdate', 'enddate'], reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True)) def POST_rm_roadblock(self, form, jquery, dates, sr): if dates and sr: sd, ed = dates PromotedLinkRoadblock.remove(sr, sd, ed) jquery.refresh() @validatedForm(VSponsor('link_id'), VModhash(), dates=VDateRange( ['startdate', 'enddate'], earliest=timedelta(days=1), latest=timedelta(days=g.max_promote_future), reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now, business_days=True, sponsor_override=True), link=VLink('link_id'), bid=VBid('bid', min=0, max=g.max_promote_bid, coerce=False, error=errors.BAD_BID), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True), campaign_id36=nop("campaign_id36"), targeting=VLength("targeting", 10), priority=VPriority("priority")) def POST_edit_campaign(self, form, jquery, link, campaign_id36, dates, bid, sr, targeting, priority): if not link: return start, end = dates or (None, None) author = Account._byID(link.author_id, data=True) cpm = author.cpm_selfserve_pennies if (start and end and not promote.is_accepted(link) and not c.user_is_sponsor): # if the ad is not approved already, ensure the start date # is at least 2 days in the future start = end = now = promote.promo_datetime_now() future = make_offset_date(now, g.min_promote_future, business_days=True) if start < day = promote.promo_datetime_now(offset=g.min_promote_future) day = day.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") c.errors.add(errors.DATE_TOO_EARLY, msg_params=dict(day=day), field="startdate") if (form.has_errors('startdate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.DATE_TOO_EARLY, errors.DATE_TOO_LATE) or form.has_errors('enddate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.DATE_TOO_EARLY, errors.DATE_TOO_LATE, errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE)): return # Limit the number of PromoCampaigns a Link can have # Note that the front end should prevent the user from getting # this far existing_campaigns = list(PromoCampaign._by_link(link._id)) if len(existing_campaigns) > g.MAX_CAMPAIGNS_PER_LINK: c.errors.add(errors.TOO_MANY_CAMPAIGNS, msg_params={'count': g.MAX_CAMPAIGNS_PER_LINK}, field='title') form.has_errors('title', errors.TOO_MANY_CAMPAIGNS) return campaign = None if campaign_id36: try: campaign = PromoCampaign._byID36(campaign_id36) except NotFound: pass if priority.cpm: if form.has_errors('bid', errors.BAD_BID): return # you cannot edit the bid of a live ad unless it's a freebie if (campaign and bid != and campaign.start_date < and not campaign.is_freebie()): c.errors.add(errors.BID_LIVE, field='bid') form.has_errors('bid', errors.BID_LIVE) return min_bid = 0 if c.user_is_sponsor else g.min_promote_bid if bid is None or bid < min_bid: c.errors.add(errors.BAD_BID, field='bid', msg_params={ 'min': min_bid, 'max': g.max_promote_bid }) form.has_errors('bid', errors.BAD_BID) return else: bid = 0. # Set bid to 0 as dummy value if targeting == 'one': if form.has_errors('sr', errors.SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST, errors.SUBREDDIT_NOTALLOWED, errors.SUBREDDIT_REQUIRED): # checking to get the error set in the form, but we can't # check for rate-limiting if there's no subreddit return roadblock = PromotedLinkRoadblock.is_roadblocked(sr, start, end) if roadblock and not c.user_is_sponsor: msg_params = { "start": roadblock[0].strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), "end": roadblock[1].strftime('%m/%d/%Y') } c.errors.add(errors.OVERSOLD, field='sr', msg_params=msg_params) form.has_errors('sr', errors.OVERSOLD) return elif targeting == 'none': sr = None # Check inventory campaign_id = campaign._id if campaign else None if (not priority.inventory_override and has_oversold_error( form, campaign_id, start, end, bid, cpm, sr)): return if campaign: promote.edit_campaign(link, campaign, dates, bid, cpm, sr, priority) r = promote.get_renderable_campaigns(link, campaign) jquery.update_campaign(r.campaign_id36, r.start_date, r.end_date, r.duration,, r.spent, r.cpm,, r.priority_name, r.inventory_override, r.status) else: campaign = promote.new_campaign(link, dates, bid, cpm, sr, priority) r = promote.get_renderable_campaigns(link, campaign) jquery.new_campaign(r.campaign_id36, r.start_date, r.end_date, r.duration,, r.spent, r.cpm,, r.priority_name, r.inventory_override, r.status) @validatedForm(VSponsor('link_id'), VModhash(), l=VLink('link_id'), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_delete_campaign(self, form, jquery, l, campaign): if l and campaign: promote.delete_campaign(l, campaign) @validatedForm(VSponsor('container'), VModhash(), user=VExistingUname('name'), thing=VByName('container')) def POST_traffic_viewer(self, form, jquery, user, thing): """ Adds a user to the list of users allowed to view a promoted link's traffic page. """ if not form.has_errors("name", errors.USER_DOESNT_EXIST, errors.NO_USER): form.set_inputs(name="") form.set_html(".status:first", _("added")) if promote.add_traffic_viewer(thing, user): user_row = TrafficViewerList(thing).user_row( 'traffic_viewer', user) jquery(".traffic_viewer-table").show().find( "table").insert_table_rows(user_row) # send the user a message msg = user_added_messages['traffic']['pm']['msg'] subj = user_added_messages['traffic']['pm']['subject'] if msg and subj: d = dict(url=thing.make_permalink_slow(), traffic_url=promote.promo_traffic_url(thing), title=thing.title) msg = msg % d item, inbox_rel = Message._new(c.user, user, subj, msg, request.ip) queries.new_message(item, inbox_rel) @validatedForm(VSponsor('container'), VModhash(), iuser=VByName('id'), thing=VByName('container')) def POST_rm_traffic_viewer(self, form, jquery, iuser, thing): if thing and iuser: promote.rm_traffic_viewer(thing, iuser) @validatedForm(VSponsor('link'), link=VByName("link"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign"), customer_id=VInt("customer_id", min=0), pay_id=VInt("account", min=0), edit=VBoolean("edit"), address=ValidAddress([ "firstName", "lastName", "company", "address", "city", "state", "zip", "country", "phoneNumber" ]), creditcard=ValidCard( ["cardNumber", "expirationDate", "cardCode"])) def POST_update_pay(self, form, jquery, link, campaign, customer_id, pay_id, edit, address, creditcard): # Check inventory if campaign_has_oversold_error(form, campaign): return address_modified = not pay_id or edit form_has_errors = False if address_modified: if (form.has_errors([ "firstName", "lastName", "company", "address", "city", "state", "zip", "country", "phoneNumber" ], errors.BAD_ADDRESS) or form.has_errors( ["cardNumber", "expirationDate", "cardCode"], errors.BAD_CARD)): form_has_errors = True elif g.authorizenetapi: pay_id = edit_profile(c.user, address, creditcard, pay_id) else: pay_id = 1 # if link is in use or finished, don't make a change if pay_id and not form_has_errors: # valid bid and created or existing bid id. # check if already a transaction if g.authorizenetapi: success, reason = promote.auth_campaign( link, campaign, c.user, pay_id) else: success = True if success: form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link)) else: form.set_html( ".status", reason or _("failed to authenticate card. sorry.")) @validate(VSponsor("link"), link=VLink("link"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign")) def GET_pay(self, link, campaign): # no need for admins to play in the credit card area if c.user_is_loggedin and c.user._id != link.author_id: return self.abort404() if not campaign.link_id == link._id: return self.abort404() if g.authorizenetapi: data = get_account_info(c.user) content = PaymentForm(link, campaign, customer_id=data.customerProfileId, profiles=data.paymentProfiles, max_profiles=PROFILE_LIMIT) else: content = None res = LinkInfoPage(link=link, content=content, show_sidebar=False) return res.render() def GET_link_thumb(self, *a, **kw): """ See GET_upload_sr_image for rationale """ return "nothing to see here." @validate(VSponsor("link_id"), link=VByName('link_id'), file=VUploadLength('file', 500 * 1024), img_type=VImageType('img_type')) def POST_link_thumb(self, link=None, file=None, img_type='jpg'): if link and (not promote.is_promoted(link) or c.user_is_sponsor or c.user.trusted_sponsor): errors = dict(BAD_CSS_NAME="", IMAGE_ERROR="") try: # thumnails for promoted links can change and therefore expire force_thumbnail(link, file, file_type=".%s" % img_type) except cssfilter.BadImage: # if the image doesn't clean up nicely, abort errors["IMAGE_ERROR"] = _("bad image") if any(errors.values()): return UploadedImage("", "", "upload", errors=errors, form_id="image-upload").render() else: link._commit() return UploadedImage(_('saved'), thumbnail_url(link), "", errors=errors, form_id="image-upload").render() @validate(VSponsorAdmin(), launchdate=VDate('ondate'), dates=VDateRange(['startdate', 'enddate']), query_type=VOneOf('q', ('started_on', 'between'), default=None)) def GET_admin(self, launchdate=None, dates=None, query_type=None): return PromoAdminTool(query_type=query_type, launchdate=launchdate, start=dates[0], end=dates[1]).render() @validate(VSponsorAdminOrAdminSecret('secret'), start=VDate('startdate'), end=VDate('enddate'), link_text=nop('link_text'), owner=VAccountByName('owner')) def GET_report(self, start, end, link_text=None, owner=None): now =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end = end or now - timedelta(days=1) start = start or end - timedelta(days=7) links = [] bad_links = [] owner_name = if owner else '' if owner: promo_weights = PromotionWeights.get_campaigns(start, end, author_id=owner._id) campaign_ids = [pw.promo_idx for pw in promo_weights] campaigns = PromoCampaign._byID(campaign_ids, data=True) link_ids = {camp.link_id for camp in campaigns.itervalues()} links.extend(Link._byID(link_ids, data=True, return_dict=False)) if link_text is not None: id36s = link_text.replace(',', ' ').split() try: links_from_text = Link._byID36(id36s, data=True) except NotFound: links_from_text = {} bad_links = [id36 for id36 in id36s if id36 not in links_from_text] links.extend(links_from_text.values()) content = PromoteReport(links, link_text, owner_name, bad_links, start, end) if c.render_style == 'csv': return content.as_csv() else: return PromotePage('report', content=content).render()
class PromoteApiController(ApiController): @json_validate(sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True), collection=VCollection('collection'), location=VLocation(), start=VDate('startdate'), end=VDate('enddate'), platform=VOneOf('platform', ('mobile', 'desktop', 'all'), default='all')) def GET_check_inventory(self, responder, sr, collection, location, start, end, platform): if collection: target = Target(collection) sr = None else: sr = sr or Frontpage target = Target( if not allowed_location_and_target(location, target): return abort(403, 'forbidden') available = inventory.get_available_pageviews( target, start, end, location=location, platform=platform, datestr=True) return {'inventory': available} @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), link=VLink("link_id36"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_freebie(self, form, jquery, link, campaign): if not link or not campaign or link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') if campaign_has_oversold_error(form, campaign): form.set_text(".freebie", _("target oversold, can't freebie")) return if promote.is_promo(link) and campaign: promote.free_campaign(link, campaign, c.user) form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link)) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), link=VByName("link"), note=nop("note")) def POST_promote_note(self, form, jquery, link, note): if promote.is_promo(link): text = PromotionLog.add(link, note) form.find(".notes").children(":last").after( format_html("<p>%s</p>", text)) @validatedForm( VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), thing = VByName("thing_id"), is_fraud=VBoolean("fraud"), ) def POST_review_fraud(self, form, jquery, thing, is_fraud): if not promote.is_promo(thing): return promote.review_fraud(thing, is_fraud) button = jquery(".id-%s .fraud-button" % thing._fullname) button.text(_("fraud" if is_fraud else "not fraud")) form.fadeOut() @noresponse(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), thing=VByName('id')) def POST_promote(self, thing): if promote.is_promo(thing): promote.accept_promotion(thing) @noresponse(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), thing=VByName('id'), reason=nop("reason")) def POST_unpromote(self, thing, reason): if promote.is_promo(thing): promote.reject_promotion(thing, reason=reason) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), link=VLink('link'), campaign=VPromoCampaign('campaign')) def POST_refund_campaign(self, form, jquery, link, campaign): if not link or not campaign or link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') billable_impressions = promote.get_billable_impressions(campaign) billable_amount = promote.get_billable_amount(campaign, billable_impressions) refund_amount = promote.get_refund_amount(campaign, billable_amount) if refund_amount > 0: promote.refund_campaign(link, campaign, billable_amount, billable_impressions) form.set_text('.status', _('refund succeeded')) else: form.set_text('.status', _('refund not needed')) @validatedMultipartForm( VSponsor('link_id36'), VModhash(), VRatelimit(rate_user=True, rate_ip=True, prefix='create_promo_'), VShamedDomain('url'), username=VLength('username', 100, empty_error=None), title=VTitle('title'), url=VUrl('url', allow_self=False), selftext=VMarkdownLength('text', max_length=40000), kind=VOneOf('kind', ['link', 'self']), disable_comments=VBoolean("disable_comments"), sendreplies=VBoolean("sendreplies"), media_url=VUrl("media_url", allow_self=False, valid_schemes=('http', 'https')), gifts_embed_url=VUrl("gifts_embed_url", allow_self=False, valid_schemes=('http', 'https')), media_url_type=VOneOf("media_url_type", ("redditgifts", "scrape")), media_autoplay=VBoolean("media_autoplay"), media_override=VBoolean("media-override"), domain_override=VLength("domain", 100), third_party_tracking=VUrl("third_party_tracking"), third_party_tracking_2=VUrl("third_party_tracking_2"), is_managed=VBoolean("is_managed"), thumbnail_file=VUploadLength('file', 500*1024), ) def POST_create_promo(self, form, jquery, username, title, url, selftext, kind, disable_comments, sendreplies, media_url, media_autoplay, media_override, iframe_embed_url, media_url_type, domain_override, third_party_tracking, third_party_tracking_2, is_managed, thumbnail_file): return self._edit_promo(form, jquery, username, title, url, selftext, kind, disable_comments, sendreplies, media_url, media_autoplay, media_override, iframe_embed_url, media_url_type, domain_override, third_party_tracking, third_party_tracking_2, is_managed, thumbnail_file=thumbnail_file) @validatedForm( VSponsor('link_id36'), VModhash(), VRatelimit(rate_user=True, rate_ip=True, prefix='create_promo_'), VShamedDomain('url'), username=VLength('username', 100, empty_error=None), title=VTitle('title'), url=VUrl('url', allow_self=False), selftext=VMarkdownLength('text', max_length=40000), kind=VOneOf('kind', ['link', 'self']), disable_comments=VBoolean("disable_comments"), sendreplies=VBoolean("sendreplies"), media_url=VUrl("media_url", allow_self=False, valid_schemes=('http', 'https')), gifts_embed_url=VUrl("gifts_embed_url", allow_self=False, valid_schemes=('http', 'https')), media_url_type=VOneOf("media_url_type", ("redditgifts", "scrape")), media_autoplay=VBoolean("media_autoplay"), media_override=VBoolean("media-override"), domain_override=VLength("domain", 100), third_party_tracking=VUrl("third_party_tracking"), third_party_tracking_2=VUrl("third_party_tracking_2"), is_managed=VBoolean("is_managed"), l=VLink('link_id36'), ) def POST_edit_promo(self, form, jquery, username, title, url, selftext, kind, disable_comments, sendreplies, media_url, media_autoplay, media_override, iframe_embed_url, media_url_type, domain_override, third_party_tracking, third_party_tracking_2, is_managed, l): return self._edit_promo(form, jquery, username, title, url, selftext, kind, disable_comments, sendreplies, media_url, media_autoplay, media_override, iframe_embed_url, media_url_type, domain_override, third_party_tracking, third_party_tracking_2, is_managed, l=l) def _edit_promo(self, form, jquery, username, title, url, selftext, kind, disable_comments, sendreplies, media_url, media_autoplay, media_override, iframe_embed_url, media_url_type, domain_override, third_party_tracking, third_party_tracking_2, is_managed, l=None, thumbnail_file=None): should_ratelimit = False is_self = kind == "self" is_link = not is_self if not c.user_is_sponsor: should_ratelimit = True if not should_ratelimit: c.errors.remove((errors.RATELIMIT, 'ratelimit')) # check for user override if not l and c.user_is_sponsor and username: try: user = Account._by_name(username) except NotFound: c.errors.add(errors.USER_DOESNT_EXIST, field="username") form.set_error(errors.USER_DOESNT_EXIST, "username") return if not c.errors.add(errors.NO_EMAIL_FOR_USER, field="username") form.set_error(errors.NO_EMAIL_FOR_USER, "username") return if not user.email_verified: c.errors.add(errors.NO_VERIFIED_EMAIL, field="username") form.set_error(errors.NO_VERIFIED_EMAIL, "username") return else: user = c.user # check for shame banned domains if form.has_errors("url", errors.DOMAIN_BANNED): g.stats.simple_event('') return # demangle URL in canonical way if url: if isinstance(url, (unicode, str)): form.set_inputs(url=url) elif isinstance(url, tuple) or isinstance(url[0], Link): # there's already one or more links with this URL, but # we're allowing mutliple submissions, so we really just # want the URL url = url[0].url if kind == 'link': if form.has_errors('url', errors.NO_URL, errors.BAD_URL): return # users can change the disable_comments on promoted links if ((not l or not promote.is_promoted(l)) and (form.has_errors('title', errors.NO_TEXT, errors.TOO_LONG) or jquery.has_errors('ratelimit', errors.RATELIMIT))): return if kind == 'self' and form.has_errors('text', errors.TOO_LONG): return if not l: # creating a new promoted link l = promote.new_promotion(title, url if kind == 'link' else 'self', selftext if kind == 'self' else '', user, request.ip) if c.user_is_sponsor: l.managed_promo = is_managed l.domain_override = domain_override or None l.third_party_tracking = third_party_tracking or None l.third_party_tracking_2 = third_party_tracking_2 or None l._commit() # only set the thumbnail when creating a link if thumbnail_file: try: force_thumbnail(l, thumbnail_file) l._commit() except IOError: pass form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(l)) elif not promote.is_promo(l): return # changing link type is not allowed if ((l.is_self and kind == 'link') or (not l.is_self and kind == 'self')): c.errors.add(errors.NO_CHANGE_KIND, field="kind") form.set_error(errors.NO_CHANGE_KIND, "kind") return changed = False # live items can only be changed by a sponsor, and also # pay the cost of de-approving the link if not promote.is_promoted(l) or c.user_is_sponsor: if title and title != l.title: l.title = title changed = not c.user_is_sponsor if kind == 'link' and url and url != l.url: l.url = url changed = not c.user_is_sponsor # only trips if the title and url are changed by a non-sponsor if changed: promote.unapprove_promotion(l) # selftext can be changed at any time if kind == 'self': l.selftext = selftext # comment disabling and sendreplies is free to be changed any time. l.disable_comments = disable_comments l.sendreplies = sendreplies if c.user_is_sponsor: if (form.has_errors("media_url", errors.BAD_URL) or form.has_errors("gifts_embed_url", errors.BAD_URL)): return scraper_embed = media_url_type == "scrape" media_url = media_url or None gifts_embed_url = gifts_embed_url or None if c.user_is_sponsor and scraper_embed and media_url != l.media_url: if media_url: media = _scrape_media( media_url, autoplay=media_autoplay, save_thumbnail=False, use_cache=True) if media: l.set_media_object(media.media_object) l.set_secure_media_object(media.secure_media_object) l.media_url = media_url l.gifts_embed_url = None l.media_autoplay = media_autoplay else: c.errors.add(errors.SCRAPER_ERROR, field="media_url") form.set_error(errors.SCRAPER_ERROR, "media_url") return else: l.set_media_object(None) l.set_secure_media_object(None) l.media_url = None l.gifts_embed_url = None l.media_autoplay = False if (c.user_is_sponsor and not scraper_embed and gifts_embed_url != l.gifts_embed_url): if gifts_embed_url: parsed = UrlParser(gifts_embed_url) if not is_subdomain(parsed.hostname, ""): c.errors.add(errors.BAD_URL, field="gifts_embed_url") form.set_error(errors.BAD_URL, "gifts_embed_url") return iframe = """ <iframe class="redditgifts-embed" src="%(embed_url)s" width="710" height="500" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> """ % {'embed_url': websafe(gifts_embed_url)} media_object = { 'oembed': { 'description': 'redditgifts embed', 'height': 500, 'html': iframe, 'provider_name': 'redditgifts', 'provider_url': '', 'title': 'redditgifts secret santa 2014', 'type': 'rich', 'width': 710}, 'type': 'redditgifts' } l.set_media_object(media_object) l.set_secure_media_object(media_object) l.media_url = None l.gifts_embed_url = gifts_embed_url l.media_autoplay = False else: l.set_media_object(None) l.set_secure_media_object(None) l.media_url = None l.gifts_embed_url = None l.media_autoplay = False if c.user_is_sponsor: l.media_override = media_override l.domain_override = domain_override or None l.third_party_tracking = third_party_tracking or None l.third_party_tracking_2 = third_party_tracking_2 or None l.managed_promo = is_managed l._commit() form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(l)) @validatedForm( VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), start=VDate('startdate'), end=VDate('enddate'), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True), ) def POST_add_roadblock(self, form, jquery, start, end, sr): if (form.has_errors('startdate', errors.BAD_DATE) or form.has_errors('enddate', errors.BAD_DATE)): return if end < start: c.errors.add(errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE, field='enddate') form.has_errors('enddate', errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE) return if form.has_errors('sr', errors.SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST, errors.SUBREDDIT_NOTALLOWED, errors.SUBREDDIT_REQUIRED): return PromotedLinkRoadblock.add(sr, start, end) jquery.refresh() @validatedForm( VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), start=VDate('startdate'), end=VDate('enddate'), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True), ) def POST_rm_roadblock(self, form, jquery, start, end, sr): if end < start: c.errors.add(errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE, field='enddate') form.has_errors('enddate', errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE) return if start and end and sr: PromotedLinkRoadblock.remove(sr, start, end) jquery.refresh() @validatedForm( VSponsor('link_id36'), VModhash(), start=VDate('startdate'), end=VDate('enddate'), link=VLink('link_id36'), bid=VFloat('bid', coerce=False), target=VPromoTarget(), campaign_id36=nop("campaign_id36"), priority=VPriority("priority"), location=VLocation(), platform=VOneOf("platform", ("mobile", "desktop", "all"), default="desktop"), mobile_os=VList("mobile_os", choices=["iOS", "Android"]), ) def POST_edit_campaign(self, form, jquery, link, campaign_id36, start, end, bid, target, priority, location, platform, mobile_os): if not link: return if platform in ('mobile', 'all') and not mobile_os: c.errors.add(errors.BAD_PROMO_MOBILE_OS, field='mobile_os') form.set_error(errors.BAD_PROMO_MOBILE_OS, 'mobile_os') return if platform == 'mobile' and priority.cpm: c.errors.add(errors.BAD_PROMO_MOBILE_PRIORITY, field='priority') form.set_error(errors.BAD_PROMO_MOBILE_PRIORITY, 'priority') return if not (c.user_is_sponsor or platform == 'desktop'): return abort(403, 'forbidden') if platform == 'desktop': mobile_os = None if not target: # run form.has_errors to populate the errors in the response form.has_errors('sr', errors.SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST, errors.SUBREDDIT_NOTALLOWED, errors.SUBREDDIT_REQUIRED) form.has_errors('collection', errors.COLLECTION_NOEXIST) form.has_errors('targeting', errors.INVALID_TARGET) return if not allowed_location_and_target(location, target): return abort(403, 'forbidden') cpm = PromotionPrices.get_price(c.user, target, location) if (form.has_errors('startdate', errors.BAD_DATE) or form.has_errors('enddate', errors.BAD_DATE)): return min_start, max_start, max_end = promote.get_date_limits( link, c.user_is_sponsor) if campaign_id36: promo_campaign = PromoCampaign._byID36(campaign_id36) if (promote.is_promoted(link) and <= min_start and start != promo_campaign.start_date and promo_campaign.is_paid): c.errors.add(errors.START_DATE_CANNOT_CHANGE, field='startdate') form.has_errors('startdate', errors.START_DATE_CANNOT_CHANGE) return elif < min_start: c.errors.add(errors.DATE_TOO_EARLY, msg_params={'day': min_start.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")}, field='startdate') form.has_errors('startdate', errors.DATE_TOO_EARLY) return if > max_start: c.errors.add(errors.DATE_TOO_LATE, msg_params={'day': max_start.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")}, field='startdate') form.has_errors('startdate', errors.DATE_TOO_LATE) return if > max_end: c.errors.add(errors.DATE_TOO_LATE, msg_params={'day': max_end.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")}, field='enddate') form.has_errors('enddate', errors.DATE_TOO_LATE) return if end < start: c.errors.add(errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE, field='enddate') form.has_errors('enddate', errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE) return # Limit the number of PromoCampaigns a Link can have # Note that the front end should prevent the user from getting # this far existing_campaigns = list(PromoCampaign._by_link(link._id)) if len(existing_campaigns) > g.MAX_CAMPAIGNS_PER_LINK: c.errors.add(errors.TOO_MANY_CAMPAIGNS, msg_params={'count': g.MAX_CAMPAIGNS_PER_LINK}, field='title') form.has_errors('title', errors.TOO_MANY_CAMPAIGNS) return campaign = None if campaign_id36: try: campaign = PromoCampaign._byID36(campaign_id36, data=True) except NotFound: pass if campaign and (campaign._deleted or link._id != campaign.link_id): campaign = None if not campaign: return abort(404, 'not found') if priority.cpm: min_bid = 0 if c.user_is_sponsor else g.min_promote_bid max_bid = None if c.user_is_sponsor else g.max_promote_bid if bid is None or bid < min_bid or (max_bid and bid > max_bid): c.errors.add(errors.BAD_BID, field='bid', msg_params={'min': min_bid, 'max': max_bid or g.max_promote_bid}) form.has_errors('bid', errors.BAD_BID) return # you cannot edit the bid of a live ad unless it's a freebie if (campaign and bid != and promote.is_live_promo(link, campaign) and not campaign.is_freebie()): c.errors.add(errors.BID_LIVE, field='bid') form.has_errors('bid', errors.BID_LIVE) return else: bid = 0. # Set bid to 0 as dummy value is_frontpage = (not target.is_collection and target.subreddit_name == if not target.is_collection and not is_frontpage: # targeted to a single subreddit, check roadblock sr = target.subreddits_slow[0] roadblock = PromotedLinkRoadblock.is_roadblocked(sr, start, end) if roadblock and not c.user_is_sponsor: msg_params = {"start": roadblock[0].strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), "end": roadblock[1].strftime('%m/%d/%Y')} c.errors.add(errors.OVERSOLD, field='sr', msg_params=msg_params) form.has_errors('sr', errors.OVERSOLD) return # Check inventory campaign = campaign if campaign_id36 else None if not priority.inventory_override: oversold = has_oversold_error(form, campaign, start, end, bid, cpm, target, location) if oversold: return dates = (start, end) if campaign: promote.edit_campaign(link, campaign, dates, bid, cpm, target, priority, location, platform, mobile_os) else: campaign = promote.new_campaign(link, dates, bid, cpm, target, priority, location, platform, mobile_os) rc = RenderableCampaign.from_campaigns(link, campaign) jquery.update_campaign(campaign._fullname, rc.render_html()) @validatedForm(VSponsor('link_id36'), VModhash(), l=VLink('link_id36'), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_delete_campaign(self, form, jquery, l, campaign): if not campaign or not l or l._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') promote.delete_campaign(l, campaign) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), link=VLink('link_id36'), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_terminate_campaign(self, form, jquery, link, campaign): if not link or not campaign or link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') promote.terminate_campaign(link, campaign) rc = RenderableCampaign.from_campaigns(link, campaign) jquery.update_campaign(campaign._fullname, rc.render_html()) @validatedForm( VSponsor('link'), VModhash(), link=VByName("link"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign"), customer_id=VInt("customer_id", min=0), pay_id=VInt("account", min=0), edit=VBoolean("edit"), address=ValidAddress( ["firstName", "lastName", "company", "address", "city", "state", "zip", "country", "phoneNumber"] ), creditcard=ValidCard(["cardNumber", "expirationDate", "cardCode"]), ) def POST_update_pay(self, form, jquery, link, campaign, customer_id, pay_id, edit, address, creditcard): if not g.authorizenetapi: return if not link or not campaign or link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') # Check inventory if campaign_has_oversold_error(form, campaign): return # check the campaign dates are still valid (user may have created # the campaign a few days ago) min_start, max_start, max_end = promote.get_date_limits( link, c.user_is_sponsor) if > max_start: msg = _("please change campaign start date to %(date)s or earlier") date = format_date(max_start, format="short", locale=c.locale) msg %= {'date': date} form.set_text(".status", msg) return if < min_start: msg = _("please change campaign start date to %(date)s or later") date = format_date(min_start, format="short", locale=c.locale) msg %= {'date': date} form.set_text(".status", msg) return new_payment = not pay_id address_modified = new_payment or edit if address_modified: address_fields = ["firstName", "lastName", "company", "address", "city", "state", "zip", "country", "phoneNumber"] card_fields = ["cardNumber", "expirationDate", "cardCode"] if (form.has_errors(address_fields, errors.BAD_ADDRESS) or form.has_errors(card_fields, errors.BAD_CARD)): return pay_id = edit_profile(c.user, address, creditcard, pay_id) if pay_id: promote.new_payment_method(user=c.user, ip=request.ip, address=address, link=link) if pay_id: success, reason = promote.auth_campaign(link, campaign, c.user, pay_id) if success: hooks.get_hook("promote.campaign_paid").call(link=link, campaign=campaign) if not address and g.authorizenetapi: profiles = get_account_info(c.user).paymentProfiles profile = {p.customerPaymentProfileId: p for p in profiles}[pay_id] address = profile.billTo promote.successful_payment(link, campaign, request.ip, address) jquery.payment_redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link), new_payment, return else: promote.failed_payment_method(c.user, link) msg = reason or _("failed to authenticate card. sorry.") form.set_text(".status", msg) else: promote.failed_payment_method(c.user, link) form.set_text(".status", _("failed to authenticate card. sorry.")) @validate( VSponsor("link_name"), VModhash(), link=VByName('link_name'), file=VUploadLength('file', 500*1024), img_type=VImageType('img_type'), ) def POST_link_thumb(self, link=None, file=None, img_type='jpg'): if not link or (promote.is_promoted(link) and not c.user_is_sponsor): # only let sponsors edit thumbnails of live promos return abort(403, 'forbidden') force_thumbnail(link, file, file_type=".%s" % img_type) link._commit() return UploadedImage(_('saved'), thumbnail_url(link), "", errors=errors, form_id="image-upload").render() @validate( VSponsor("link_name"), VModhash(), link=VByName('link_name'), file=VUploadLength('file', 500*1024), img_type=VImageType('img_type'), ) def POST_link_mobile_ad_image(self, link=None, file=None, img_type='jpg'): if not (link and c.user_is_sponsor and file): # only sponsors can set the mobile img return abort(403, 'forbidden') force_mobile_ad_image(link, file, file_type=".%s" % img_type) link._commit() return UploadedImage(_('saved'), link.mobile_ad_url, "", errors=errors, form_id="mobile-ad-image-upload").render()
class OAuth2AccessController(MinimalController): def pre(self): set_extension(request.environ, "json") MinimalController.pre(self) require_https() c.oauth2_client = self._get_client_auth() def _get_client_auth(self): auth = request.headers.get("Authorization") try: client_id, client_secret = parse_http_basic(auth) require(client_id) require(client_secret) client = OAuth2Client.get_token(client_id) require(client) require(constant_time_compare(client.secret, client_secret)) return client except RequirementException: abort(401, headers=[("WWW-Authenticate", 'Basic realm="reddit"')]) @validate(grant_type=VOneOf( "grant_type", ("authorization_code", "refresh_token", "password"))) def POST_access_token(self, grant_type): """ Exchange an [OAuth 2.0]( authorization code or refresh token (from [/api/v1/authorize](#api_method_authorize)) for an access token. On success, returns a URL-encoded dictionary containing **access_token**, **token_type**, **expires_in**, and **scope**. If an authorization code for a permanent grant was given, a **refresh_token** will be included. If there is a problem, an **error** parameter will be returned instead. Must be called using SSL, and must contain a HTTP `Authorization:` header which contains the application's client identifier as the username and client secret as the password. (The client id and secret are visible on the [app preferences page](/prefs/apps).) Per the OAuth specification, **grant_type** must be ``authorization_code`` for the initial access token or ``refresh_token`` for renewing the access token. **redirect_uri** must exactly match the value that was used in the call to [/api/v1/authorize](#api_method_authorize) that created this grant. """ if grant_type == "authorization_code": return self._access_token_code() elif grant_type == "refresh_token": return self._access_token_refresh() elif grant_type == "password": return self._access_token_password() else: resp = {"error": "unsupported_grant_type"} return self.api_wrapper(resp) def _check_for_errors(self): resp = {} if (errors.INVALID_OPTION, "scope") in c.errors: resp["error"] = "invalid_scope" else: resp["error"] = "invalid_request" return resp def _make_token_dict(self, access_token, refresh_token=None): if not access_token: return {"error": "invalid_grant"} expires_in = int(access_token._ttl) if access_token._ttl else None resp = { "access_token": access_token._id, "token_type": access_token.token_type, "expires_in": expires_in, "scope": access_token.scope, } if refresh_token: resp["refresh_token"] = refresh_token._id return resp @validate(code=nop("code"), redirect_uri=VRequired("redirect_uri", errors.OAUTH2_INVALID_REDIRECT_URI)) def _access_token_code(self, code, redirect_uri): if not code: c.errors.add("NO_TEXT", field="code") if c.errors: return self.api_wrapper(self._check_for_errors()) access_token = None refresh_token = None auth_token = OAuth2AuthorizationCode.use_token(code, c.oauth2_client._id, redirect_uri) if auth_token: if auth_token.refreshable: refresh_token = OAuth2RefreshToken._new( auth_token.client_id, auth_token.user_id, auth_token.scope) access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new( auth_token.client_id, auth_token.user_id, auth_token.scope, refresh_token._id if refresh_token else None) resp = self._make_token_dict(access_token, refresh_token) return self.api_wrapper(resp) @validate(refresh_token=VOAuth2RefreshToken("refresh_token")) def _access_token_refresh(self, refresh_token): resp = {} access_token = None if refresh_token: access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new( refresh_token.client_id, refresh_token.user_id, refresh_token.scope, refresh_token=refresh_token._id) else: c.errors.add("NO_TEXT", field="refresh_token") if c.errors: resp = self._check_for_errors() else: resp = self._make_token_dict(access_token) return self.api_wrapper(resp) @validate(user=VThrottledLogin(["username", "password"]), scope=nop("scope")) def _access_token_password(self, user, scope): # username:password auth via OAuth is only allowed for # private use scripts client = c.oauth2_client if client.app_type != "script": return self.api_wrapper({ "error": "unauthorized_client", "error_description": "Only script apps may use password auth" }) dev_ids = client._developer_ids if not user or user._id not in dev_ids: return self.api_wrapper({"error": "invalid_grant"}) if c.errors: return self.api_wrapper(self._check_for_errors()) if scope: scope = OAuth2Scope(scope) if not scope.is_valid(): c.errors.add(errors.INVALID_OPTION, "scope") return self.api_wrapper({"error": "invalid_scope"}) else: scope = OAuth2Scope(OAuth2Scope.FULL_ACCESS) access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new(client._id, user._id36, scope) resp = self._make_token_dict(access_token) return self.api_wrapper(resp) @validate( VRatelimit(rate_user=False, rate_ip=True, prefix="rate_revoke_token_"), token_id=nop("token"), token_hint=VOneOf("token_type_hint", ("access_token", "refresh_token")), ) def POST_revoke_token(self, token_id, token_hint): '''Revoke an OAuth2 access or refresh token. token_type_hint is optional, and hints to the server whether the passed token is a refresh or access token. A call to this endpoint is considered a success if the passed `token_id` is no longer valid. Thus, if an invalid `token_id` was passed in, a successful 204 response will be returned. See [RFC7009]( ''' # In success cases, this endpoint returns no data. response.status = 204 if not token_id: return types = (OAuth2AccessToken, OAuth2RefreshToken) if token_hint == "refresh_token": types = reversed(types) for token_type in types: try: token = token_type._byID(token_id) except tdb_cassandra.NotFound: continue else: break else: # No Token found. The given token ID is already gone # or never existed. Either way, from the client's perspective, # the passed in token is no longer valid. return if constant_time_compare(token.client_id, c.oauth2_client._id): token.revoke() else: # RFC 7009 is not clear on how to handle this case. # Given that a malicious client could do much worse things # with a valid token then revoke it, returning an error # here is best as it may help certain clients debug issues response.status = 400 return self.api_wrapper({"error": "unauthorized_client"})
class AdzerkApiController(api.ApiController): @csrf_exempt @allow_oauth2_access @validate( srnames=VPrintable("srnames", max_length=2100), is_mobile_web=VBoolean('is_mobile_web'), platform=VOneOf("platform", [ "desktop", "mobile_web", "mobile_native", ], default=None), loid=nop('loid', None), is_refresh=VBoolean("is_refresh", default=False), ) def POST_request_promo(self, srnames, is_mobile_web, platform, loid, is_refresh): self.OPTIONS_request_promo() if not srnames: return # backwards compat if platform is None: platform = "mobile_web" if is_mobile_web else "desktop" srnames = srnames.split('+') # request multiple ads in case some are hidden by the builder due # to the user's hides/preferences response = adzerk_request(srnames, self.get_uid(loid), platform=platform) if not response: g.stats.simple_event('adzerk.request.no_promo') return # for adservers, adzerk returns markup so we pass it to the client if isinstance(response, AdserverResponse): g.stats.simple_event('adzerk.request.adserver') return responsive(response.body) res_by_campaign = {r.campaign: r for r in response} adserver_click_urls = {r.campaign: r.click_url for r in response} tuples = [promote.PromoTuple(, 1., r.campaign) for r in response] builder = CampaignBuilder(tuples, wrap=default_thing_wrapper(), keep_fn=promote.promo_keep_fn, num=1, skip=True) listing = LinkListing(builder, nextprev=False).listing() promote.add_trackers(listing.things,, adserver_click_urls=adserver_click_urls) promote.update_served(listing.things) if listing.things: g.stats.simple_event('adzerk.request.valid_promo') if is_refresh: g.stats.simple_event('adzerk.request.auto_refresh') w = listing.things[0] r = res_by_campaign[w.campaign] up = UrlParser(r.imp_pixel) up.hostname = "" w.adserver_imp_pixel = up.unparse() w.adserver_upvote_pixel = r.upvote_pixel w.adserver_downvote_pixel = r.downvote_pixel w.adserver_click_url = r.click_url w.num = "" return responsive(w.render(), space_compress=True) else: g.stats.simple_event('adzerk.request.skip_promo') def get_uid(self, loid): if c.user_is_loggedin: return c.user._id36 elif loid: return loid else: return None
class StripeController(GoldPaymentController): name = 'stripe' webhook_secret = g.secrets['stripe_webhook'] event_type_mappings = { 'charge.succeeded': 'succeeded', 'charge.failed': 'failed', 'charge.refunded': 'refunded', 'charge.dispute.created': 'noop', 'charge.dispute.updated': 'noop', 'charge.dispute.closed': 'noop', 'customer.created': 'noop', 'customer.card.created': 'noop', 'customer.card.deleted': 'noop', 'transfer.created': 'noop', 'transfer.paid': 'noop', 'balance.available': 'noop', 'invoice.created': 'noop', 'invoice.updated': 'noop', 'invoice.payment_succeeded': 'noop', 'invoice.payment_failed': 'failed_subscription', 'invoiceitem.deleted': 'noop', 'customer.subscription.created': 'noop', 'customer.deleted': 'noop', 'customer.updated': 'noop', 'customer.subscription.deleted': 'noop', 'customer.subscription.trial_will_end': 'noop', 'customer.subscription.updated': 'noop', 'dummy': 'noop', } @classmethod def process_response(cls): event_dict = json.loads(request.body) stripe_secret = g.secrets['stripe_secret_key'] event = stripe.Event.construct_from(event_dict, stripe_secret) status = event.type if status == 'invoice.created': # sent 1 hr before a subscription is charged or immediately for # a new subscription invoice = customer_id = invoice.customer account = account_from_stripe_customer_id(customer_id) # if the charge hasn't been attempted (meaning this is 1 hr before # the charge) check that the account can receive the gold if (not invoice.attempted and (not account or (account and account._banned))): # there's no associated account - delete the subscription # to cancel the charge g.log.error('no account for stripe invoice: %s', invoice) try: customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(customer_id) customer.delete() except stripe.InvalidRequestError: pass elif status == 'invoice.payment_failed': invoice = customer_id = invoice.customer buyer = account_from_stripe_customer_id(customer_id) webhook = Webhook(subscr_id=customer_id, buyer=buyer) return status, webhook event_type = cls.event_type_mappings.get(status) if not event_type: raise ValueError('Stripe: unrecognized status %s' % status) elif event_type == 'noop': return status, None charge = description = charge.description invoice_id = charge.invoice transaction_id = 'S%s' % pennies = charge.amount months, days = months_and_days_from_pennies(pennies) if status == 'charge.failed' and invoice_id: # we'll get an additional failure notification event of # "invoice.payment_failed", don't double notify return 'dummy', None elif status == 'charge.failed' and not description: # create_customer can POST successfully but fail to create a # customer because the card is declined. This will trigger a # 'charge.failed' notification but without description so we can't # do anything with it return 'dummy', None elif invoice_id: # subscription charge - special handling customer_id = charge.customer buyer = account_from_stripe_customer_id(customer_id) if not buyer: charge_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(charge.created, # don't raise exception if charge date is within the past hour # db replication lag may cause the account lookup to fail if charge_date < timeago('1 hour'): raise ValueError('no buyer for charge: %s' % else: abort(404, "not found") webhook = Webhook(transaction_id=transaction_id, subscr_id=customer_id, pennies=pennies, months=months, goldtype='autorenew', buyer=buyer) return status, webhook else: try: passthrough, buyer_name = description.split('-', 1) except (AttributeError, ValueError): g.log.error('stripe_error on charge: %s', charge) raise webhook = Webhook(passthrough=passthrough, transaction_id=transaction_id, pennies=pennies, months=months) return status, webhook @classmethod @handle_stripe_error def create_customer(cls, form, token): description = customer = stripe.Customer.create(card=token, description=description) if (customer['active_card']['address_line1_check'] == 'fail' or customer['active_card']['address_zip_check'] == 'fail'): form.set_html('.status', _('error: address verification failed')) form.find('.stripe-submit').removeAttr('disabled').end() return None elif customer['active_card']['cvc_check'] == 'fail': form.set_html('.status', _('error: cvc check failed')) form.find('.stripe-submit').removeAttr('disabled').end() return None else: return customer @classmethod @handle_stripe_error def charge_customer(cls, form, customer, pennies, passthrough): charge = stripe.Charge.create( amount=pennies, currency="usd", customer=customer['id'], description='%s-%s' % (passthrough, ) return charge @classmethod @handle_stripe_error def set_creditcard(cls, form, user, token): if not user.has_stripe_subscription: return customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(user.gold_subscr_id) customer.card = token return customer @classmethod @handle_stripe_error def set_subscription(cls, form, customer, plan_id): subscription = customer.update_subscription(plan=plan_id) return subscription @classmethod @handle_stripe_error def cancel_subscription(cls, form, user): if not user.has_stripe_subscription: return customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(user.gold_subscr_id) customer.delete() user.gold_subscr_id = None user._commit() subject = _('your gold subscription has been cancelled') message = _('if you have any questions please email %(email)s') message %= {'email': g.goldthanks_email} send_system_message(user, subject, message) return customer @validatedForm(VUser(), token=nop('stripeToken'), passthrough=VPrintable("passthrough", max_length=50), pennies=VInt('pennies'), months=VInt("months"), period=VOneOf("period", ("monthly", "yearly"))) def POST_goldcharge(self, form, jquery, token, passthrough, pennies, months, period): """ Submit charge to stripe. Called by GoldPayment form. This submits the charge to stripe, and gold will be applied once we receive a webhook from stripe. """ try: payment_blob = validate_blob(passthrough) except GoldException as e: # This should never happen. All fields in the payment_blob # are validated on creation form.set_html('.status', _('something bad happened, try again later')) g.log.debug('POST_goldcharge: %s' % e.message) return if period: plan_id = (g.STRIPE_MONTHLY_GOLD_PLAN if period == 'monthly' else g.STRIPE_YEARLY_GOLD_PLAN) if c.user.has_gold_subscription: form.set_html('.status', _('your account already has a gold subscription')) return else: plan_id = None penny_months, days = months_and_days_from_pennies(pennies) if not months or months != penny_months: form.set_html('.status', _('stop trying to trick the form')) return customer = self.create_customer(form, token) if not customer: return if period: subscription = self.set_subscription(form, customer, plan_id) if not subscription: return c.user.gold_subscr_id = c.user._commit() status = _('subscription created') subject = _('reddit gold subscription') body = _('Your subscription is being processed and reddit gold ' 'will be delivered shortly.') else: charge = self.charge_customer(form, customer, pennies, passthrough) if not charge: return status = _('payment submitted') subject = _('reddit gold payment') body = _('Your payment is being processed and reddit gold ' 'will be delivered shortly.') form.set_html('.status', status) body = append_random_bottlecap_phrase(body) send_system_message(c.user, subject, body, distinguished='gold-auto') @validatedForm(VUser(), VModhash(), token=nop('stripeToken')) def POST_modify_subscription(self, form, jquery, token): customer = self.set_creditcard(form, c.user, token) if not customer: return form.set_html('.status', _('your payment details have been updated')) @validatedForm(VUser(), VModhash(), user=VByName('user')) def POST_cancel_subscription(self, form, jquery, user): if user != c.user and not c.user_is_admin: self.abort403() customer = self.cancel_subscription(form, user) if not customer: return form.set_html(".status", _("your subscription has been cancelled"))
class ButtonApiController(ApiController): @validate( VUser(), VModhash(), seconds_remaining=VInt('seconds', min=0, max=60), previous_seconds=VInt('prev_seconds'), tick_time=nop('tick_time'), tick_mac=nop('tick_mac'), ) def POST_press_button(self, seconds_remaining, previous_seconds, tick_time, tick_mac): if not g.live_config['thebutton_is_active']: return if c.user._date > ACCOUNT_CREATION_CUTOFF: return user_has_pressed = ButtonPressByUser.has_pressed(c.user) if user_has_pressed and not c.user.employee: return if has_timer_expired(): # time has expired: no longer possible to press the button return has_started = has_timer_started() if not has_started: # the timer can only be started through reddit-shell return cheater = False if (seconds_remaining is None or previous_seconds is None or tick_time is None or tick_mac is None): # incomplete info from client, just let them press it anyways seconds_remaining = max(0, int(get_seconds_left())) elif not check_tick_mac(previous_seconds, tick_time, tick_mac): # can't trust the values sent by the client seconds_remaining = max(0, int(get_seconds_left())) cheater = True else: # client sent a valid mac so we can trust: # previous_seconds - the timer value at the last tick # tick_time - the datetime at the last tick # check to make sure tick_time wasn't too long ago then = str_to_datetime(tick_time) now = if then and (now - then).total_seconds() > 60: # client sent an old (but potentially valid) mac, etc. seconds_remaining = max(0, int(get_seconds_left())) cheater = True # GOTCHA: the client actually sends the same value for # previous_seconds and seconds_remaining so make sure those match. # If the client sent down its own ticking down timer as # seconds_remaining we would want to compare to previous_seconds to # make sure they weren't too far apart if previous_seconds != seconds_remaining: seconds_remaining = max(0, int(get_seconds_left())) cheater = True press_button(c.user) g.stats.simple_event("") if cheater: g.stats.simple_event("thebutton.cheater") # don't flair on first press (the starter) if not has_started: return if user_has_pressed: # don't flair on multiple employee presses return if cheater: flair_css = "cheater" elif seconds_remaining > 51: flair_css = "press-6" elif seconds_remaining > 41: flair_css = "press-5" elif seconds_remaining > 31: flair_css = "press-4" elif seconds_remaining > 21: flair_css = "press-3" elif seconds_remaining > 11: flair_css = "press-2" else: flair_css = "press-1" flair_text = "%ss" % seconds_remaining setattr(c.user, 'flair_%s_text' % g.live_config["thebutton_srid"], flair_text) setattr(c.user, 'flair_%s_css_class' % g.live_config["thebutton_srid"], flair_css) c.user._commit()
class SponsorController(PromoteController): @validate(VSponsorAdmin()) def GET_roadblock(self): return PromotePage(title=_("manage roadblocks"), content=Roadblocks()).render() @validate(VSponsorAdminOrAdminSecret('secret'), start=VDate('startdate'), end=VDate('enddate'), link_text=nop('link_text'), owner=VAccountByName('owner')) def GET_report(self, start, end, link_text=None, owner=None): now =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) if not start or not end: start = promote.promo_datetime_now(offset=1).date() end = promote.promo_datetime_now(offset=8).date() c.errors.remove((errors.BAD_DATE, 'startdate')) c.errors.remove((errors.BAD_DATE, 'enddate')) end = end or now - timedelta(days=1) start = start or end - timedelta(days=7) links = [] bad_links = [] owner_name = if owner else '' if owner: campaign_ids = PromotionWeights.get_campaign_ids( start, end, author_id=owner._id) campaigns = PromoCampaign._byID(campaign_ids, data=True) link_ids = {camp.link_id for camp in campaigns.itervalues()} links.extend(Link._byID(link_ids, data=True, return_dict=False)) if link_text is not None: id36s = link_text.replace(',', ' ').split() try: links_from_text = Link._byID36(id36s, data=True) except NotFound: links_from_text = {} bad_links = [id36 for id36 in id36s if id36 not in links_from_text] links.extend(links_from_text.values()) content = PromoteReport(links, link_text, owner_name, bad_links, start, end) if c.render_style == 'csv': return content.as_csv() else: return PromotePage(title=_("sponsored link report"), content=content).render() @validate( VSponsorAdmin(), start=VDate('startdate', reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now), end=VDate('enddate', reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now), sr_name=nop('sr_name'), collection_name=nop('collection_name'), ) def GET_promote_inventory(self, start, end, sr_name, collection_name): if not start or not end: start = promote.promo_datetime_now(offset=1).date() end = promote.promo_datetime_now(offset=8).date() c.errors.remove((errors.BAD_DATE, 'startdate')) c.errors.remove((errors.BAD_DATE, 'enddate')) target = Target( if sr_name: try: sr = Subreddit._by_name(sr_name) target = Target( except NotFound: c.errors.add(errors.SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST, field='sr_name') elif collection_name: collection = Collection.by_name(collection_name) if not collection: c.errors.add(errors.COLLECTION_NOEXIST, field='collection_name') else: target = Target(collection) content = PromoteInventory(start, end, target) return PromotePage(title=_("sponsored link inventory"), content=content).render()
class StripeController(GoldPaymentController): name = 'stripe' webhook_secret = g.STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET event_type_mappings = { 'charge.succeeded': 'succeeded', 'charge.failed': 'failed', 'charge.refunded': 'refunded', 'customer.created': 'noop', 'customer.card.created': 'noop', 'transfer.created': 'noop', 'transfer.paid': 'noop', 'balance.available': 'noop', } @classmethod def process_response(cls): event_dict = json.loads(request.body) event = stripe.Event.construct_from(event_dict, g.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY) status = event.type event_type = cls.event_type_mappings.get(status) if not event_type: raise ValueError('Stripe: unrecognized status %s' % status) elif event_type == 'noop': return status, None, None, None, None charge = description = charge.description try: passthrough, buyer_name = description.split('-', 1) except ValueError: g.log.error('stripe_error on charge: %s', charge) raise transaction_id = 'S%s' % pennies = charge.amount months, days = months_and_days_from_pennies(pennies) return status, passthrough, transaction_id, pennies, months @validatedForm(VUser(), token=nop('stripeToken'), passthrough=VPrintable("passthrough", max_length=50), pennies=VInt('pennies'), months=VInt("months")) def POST_goldcharge(self, form, jquery, token, passthrough, pennies, months): """ Submit charge to stripe. Called by GoldPayment form. This submits the charge to stripe, and gold will be applied once we receive a webhook from stripe. """ try: payment_blob = validate_blob(passthrough) except GoldException as e: # This should never happen. All fields in the payment_blob # are validated on creation form.set_html('.status', _('something bad happened, try again later')) g.log.debug('POST_goldcharge: %s' % e.message) return penny_months, days = months_and_days_from_pennies(pennies) if not months or months != penny_months: form.set_html('.status', _('stop trying to trick the form')) return stripe.api_key = g.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY try: customer = stripe.Customer.create(card=token) if (customer['active_card']['address_line1_check'] == 'fail' or customer['active_card']['address_zip_check'] == 'fail'): form.set_html('.status', _('error: address verification failed')) form.find('.stripe-submit').removeAttr('disabled').end() return if customer['active_card']['cvc_check'] == 'fail': form.set_html('.status', _('error: cvc check failed')) form.find('.stripe-submit').removeAttr('disabled').end() return charge = stripe.Charge.create(amount=pennies, currency="usd", customer=customer['id'], description='%s-%s' % (passthrough, except stripe.CardError as e: form.set_html('.status', 'error: %s' % e.message) form.find('.stripe-submit').removeAttr('disabled').end() except stripe.InvalidRequestError as e: form.set_html('.status', _('invalid request')) except stripe.APIConnectionError as e: form.set_html('.status', _('api error')) except stripe.AuthenticationError as e: form.set_html('.status', _('connection error')) except stripe.StripeError as e: form.set_html('.status', _('error')) g.log.error('stripe error: %s' % e) else: form.set_html('.status', _('payment submitted')) # webhook usually sends near instantly, send a message in case subject = _('reddit gold payment') msg = _('Your payment is being processed and reddit gold will be ' 'delivered shortly.') send_system_message(c.user, subject, msg)
class PromoteApiController(ApiController): @json_validate(sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True), collection=VCollection('collection'), location=VLocation(), start=VDate('startdate'), end=VDate('enddate')) def GET_check_inventory(self, responder, sr, collection, location, start, end): if collection: target = Target(collection) sr = None else: sr = sr or Frontpage target = Target( if not allowed_location_and_target(location, target): return abort(403, 'forbidden') available = inventory.get_available_pageviews(target, start, end, location=location, datestr=True) return {'inventory': available} @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), link=VLink("link_id36"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_freebie(self, form, jquery, link, campaign): if not link or not campaign or link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') if campaign_has_oversold_error(form, campaign): form.set_text(".freebie", _("target oversold, can't freebie")) return if promote.is_promo(link) and campaign: promote.free_campaign(link, campaign, c.user) form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link)) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), link=VByName("link"), note=nop("note")) def POST_promote_note(self, form, jquery, link, note): if promote.is_promo(link): text = PromotionLog.add(link, note) form.find(".notes").children(":last").after("<p>" + websafe(text) + "</p>") @noresponse(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), thing=VByName('id')) def POST_promote(self, thing): if promote.is_promo(thing): promote.accept_promotion(thing) @noresponse(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), thing=VByName('id'), reason=nop("reason")) def POST_unpromote(self, thing, reason): if promote.is_promo(thing): promote.reject_promotion(thing, reason=reason) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), link=VLink('link'), campaign=VPromoCampaign('campaign')) def POST_refund_campaign(self, form, jquery, link, campaign): if not link or not campaign or link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') billable_impressions = promote.get_billable_impressions(campaign) billable_amount = promote.get_billable_amount(campaign, billable_impressions) refund_amount = promote.get_refund_amount(campaign, billable_amount) if refund_amount > 0: promote.refund_campaign(link, campaign, billable_amount, billable_impressions) form.set_text('.status', _('refund succeeded')) else: form.set_text('.status', _('refund not needed')) @validatedForm( VSponsor('link_id36'), VModhash(), VRatelimit(rate_user=True, rate_ip=True, prefix='create_promo_'), VShamedDomain('url'), username=VLength('username', 100, empty_error=None), l=VLink('link_id36'), title=VTitle('title'), url=VUrl('url', allow_self=False), selftext=VMarkdownLength('text', max_length=40000), kind=VOneOf('kind', ['link', 'self']), disable_comments=VBoolean("disable_comments"), sendreplies=VBoolean("sendreplies"), media_url=VUrl("media_url", allow_self=False, valid_schemes=('http', 'https')), media_autoplay=VBoolean("media_autoplay"), media_override=VBoolean("media-override"), domain_override=VLength("domain", 100), is_managed=VBoolean("is_managed"), ) def POST_edit_promo(self, form, jquery, username, l, title, url, selftext, kind, disable_comments, sendreplies, media_url, media_autoplay, media_override, domain_override, is_managed): should_ratelimit = False if not c.user_is_sponsor: should_ratelimit = True if not should_ratelimit: c.errors.remove((errors.RATELIMIT, 'ratelimit')) # check for user override if not l and c.user_is_sponsor and username: try: user = Account._by_name(username) except NotFound: c.errors.add(errors.USER_DOESNT_EXIST, field="username") form.set_error(errors.USER_DOESNT_EXIST, "username") return if not c.errors.add(errors.NO_EMAIL_FOR_USER, field="username") form.set_error(errors.NO_EMAIL_FOR_USER, "username") return if not user.email_verified: c.errors.add(errors.NO_VERIFIED_EMAIL, field="username") form.set_error(errors.NO_VERIFIED_EMAIL, "username") return else: user = c.user # check for shame banned domains if form.has_errors("url", errors.DOMAIN_BANNED): g.stats.simple_event('') return # demangle URL in canonical way if url: if isinstance(url, (unicode, str)): form.set_inputs(url=url) elif isinstance(url, tuple) or isinstance(url[0], Link): # there's already one or more links with this URL, but # we're allowing mutliple submissions, so we really just # want the URL url = url[0].url if kind == 'link': if form.has_errors('url', errors.NO_URL, errors.BAD_URL): return # users can change the disable_comments on promoted links if ((not l or not promote.is_promoted(l)) and (form.has_errors('title', errors.NO_TEXT, errors.TOO_LONG) or jquery.has_errors('ratelimit', errors.RATELIMIT))): return if kind == 'self' and form.has_errors('text', errors.TOO_LONG): return if not l: l = promote.new_promotion(title, url if kind == 'link' else 'self', selftext if kind == 'self' else '', user, request.ip) l.domain_override = domain_override or None if c.user_is_sponsor: l.managed_promo = is_managed l._commit() elif promote.is_promo(l): # changing link type is not allowed if ((l.is_self and kind == 'link') or (not l.is_self and kind == 'self')): c.errors.add(errors.NO_CHANGE_KIND, field="kind") form.set_error(errors.NO_CHANGE_KIND, "kind") return changed = False # live items can only be changed by a sponsor, and also # pay the cost of de-approving the link if not promote.is_promoted(l) or c.user_is_sponsor: if title and title != l.title: l.title = title changed = not c.user_is_sponsor if kind == 'link' and url and url != l.url: l.url = url changed = not c.user_is_sponsor # only trips if the title and url are changed by a non-sponsor if changed: promote.unapprove_promotion(l) # selftext can be changed at any time if kind == 'self': l.selftext = selftext # comment disabling and sendreplies is free to be changed any time. l.disable_comments = disable_comments l.sendreplies = sendreplies if c.user_is_sponsor: if (not media_url and form.has_errors("media_url", errors.BAD_URL)): return media_url = media_url or None media_changed = (media_url != l.media_url or media_autoplay != l.media_autoplay) if media_changed: if media_url: media = _scrape_media(media_url, autoplay=media_autoplay, save_thumbnail=False, use_cache=True) if media: l.set_media_object(media.media_object) l.set_secure_media_object( media.secure_media_object) l.media_url = media_url l.media_autoplay = media_autoplay else: c.errors.add(errors.SCRAPER_ERROR, field="media_url") form.set_error(errors.SCRAPER_ERROR, "media_url") return else: l.set_media_object(None) l.set_secure_media_object(None) l.media_url = None l.media_autoplay = False l.media_override = media_override l.domain_override = domain_override or None l.managed_promo = is_managed l._commit() form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(l)) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), dates=VDateRange(['startdate', 'enddate'], reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True)) def POST_add_roadblock(self, form, jquery, dates, sr): if (form.has_errors('startdate', errors.BAD_DATE) or form.has_errors( 'enddate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE)): return if form.has_errors('sr', errors.SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST, errors.SUBREDDIT_NOTALLOWED, errors.SUBREDDIT_REQUIRED): return if dates and sr: sd, ed = dates PromotedLinkRoadblock.add(sr, sd, ed) jquery.refresh() @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), dates=VDateRange(['startdate', 'enddate'], reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True)) def POST_rm_roadblock(self, form, jquery, dates, sr): if dates and sr: sd, ed = dates PromotedLinkRoadblock.remove(sr, sd, ed) jquery.refresh() @validatedForm( VSponsor('link_id36'), VModhash(), dates=VDateRange(['startdate', 'enddate'], earliest=timedelta(days=g.min_promote_future), latest=timedelta(days=g.max_promote_future), reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now, business_days=True, sponsor_override=True), link=VLink('link_id36'), bid=VFloat('bid', coerce=False), target=VPromoTarget(), campaign_id36=nop("campaign_id36"), priority=VPriority("priority"), location=VLocation(), ) def POST_edit_campaign(self, form, jquery, link, campaign_id36, dates, bid, target, priority, location): if not link: return if not target: # run form.has_errors to populate the errors in the response form.has_errors('sr', errors.SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST, errors.SUBREDDIT_NOTALLOWED, errors.SUBREDDIT_REQUIRED) form.has_errors('collection', errors.COLLECTION_NOEXIST) form.has_errors('targeting', errors.INVALID_TARGET) return start, end = dates or (None, None) if not allowed_location_and_target(location, target): return abort(403, 'forbidden') cpm = PromotionPrices.get_price(target, location) if (form.has_errors('startdate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.DATE_TOO_EARLY, errors.DATE_TOO_LATE) or form.has_errors('enddate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.DATE_TOO_EARLY, errors.DATE_TOO_LATE, errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE)): return # check that start is not so late that authorization hold will expire if not c.user_is_sponsor: max_start = promote.get_max_startdate() if start > max_start: c.errors.add( errors.DATE_TOO_LATE, msg_params={'day': max_start.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")}, field='startdate') form.has_errors('startdate', errors.DATE_TOO_LATE) return # Limit the number of PromoCampaigns a Link can have # Note that the front end should prevent the user from getting # this far existing_campaigns = list(PromoCampaign._by_link(link._id)) if len(existing_campaigns) > g.MAX_CAMPAIGNS_PER_LINK: c.errors.add(errors.TOO_MANY_CAMPAIGNS, msg_params={'count': g.MAX_CAMPAIGNS_PER_LINK}, field='title') form.has_errors('title', errors.TOO_MANY_CAMPAIGNS) return campaign = None if campaign_id36: try: campaign = PromoCampaign._byID36(campaign_id36) except NotFound: pass if campaign and link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') if priority.cpm: min_bid = 0 if c.user_is_sponsor else g.min_promote_bid max_bid = None if c.user_is_sponsor else g.max_promote_bid if bid is None or bid < min_bid or (max_bid and bid > max_bid): c.errors.add(errors.BAD_BID, field='bid', msg_params={ 'min': min_bid, 'max': max_bid or g.max_promote_bid }) form.has_errors('bid', errors.BAD_BID) return # you cannot edit the bid of a live ad unless it's a freebie if (campaign and bid != and promote.is_live_promo(link, campaign) and not campaign.is_freebie()): c.errors.add(errors.BID_LIVE, field='bid') form.has_errors('bid', errors.BID_LIVE) return else: bid = 0. # Set bid to 0 as dummy value is_frontpage = (not target.is_collection and target.subreddit_name == if not target.is_collection and not is_frontpage: # targeted to a single subreddit, check roadblock sr = target.subreddits_slow[0] roadblock = PromotedLinkRoadblock.is_roadblocked(sr, start, end) if roadblock and not c.user_is_sponsor: msg_params = { "start": roadblock[0].strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), "end": roadblock[1].strftime('%m/%d/%Y') } c.errors.add(errors.OVERSOLD, field='sr', msg_params=msg_params) form.has_errors('sr', errors.OVERSOLD) return # Check inventory campaign = campaign if campaign_id36 else None if not priority.inventory_override: oversold = has_oversold_error(form, campaign, start, end, bid, cpm, target, location) if oversold: return if campaign: promote.edit_campaign(link, campaign, dates, bid, cpm, target, priority, location) else: campaign = promote.new_campaign(link, dates, bid, cpm, target, priority, location) rc = RenderableCampaign.from_campaigns(link, campaign) jquery.update_campaign(campaign._fullname, rc.render_html()) @validatedForm(VSponsor('link_id36'), VModhash(), l=VLink('link_id36'), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_delete_campaign(self, form, jquery, l, campaign): if not campaign or not l or l._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') promote.delete_campaign(l, campaign) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), link=VLink('link_id36'), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_terminate_campaign(self, form, jquery, link, campaign): if not link or not campaign or link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') promote.terminate_campaign(link, campaign) rc = RenderableCampaign.from_campaigns(link, campaign) jquery.update_campaign(campaign._fullname, rc.render_html()) @validatedForm(VSponsor('link'), VModhash(), link=VByName("link"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign"), customer_id=VInt("customer_id", min=0), pay_id=VInt("account", min=0), edit=VBoolean("edit"), address=ValidAddress([ "firstName", "lastName", "company", "address", "city", "state", "zip", "country", "phoneNumber" ]), creditcard=ValidCard( ["cardNumber", "expirationDate", "cardCode"])) def POST_update_pay(self, form, jquery, link, campaign, customer_id, pay_id, edit, address, creditcard): if not g.authorizenetapi: return if not link or not campaign or link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') # Check inventory if campaign_has_oversold_error(form, campaign): return # check that start is not so late that authorization hold will expire max_start = promote.get_max_startdate() if campaign.start_date > max_start: msg = _("please change campaign start date to %(date)s or earlier") date = format_date(max_start, format="short", locale=c.locale) msg %= {'date': date} form.set_text(".status", msg) return # check the campaign start date is still valid (user may have created # the campaign a few days ago) now = promote.promo_datetime_now() min_start = now + timedelta(days=g.min_promote_future) if < msg = _("please change campaign start date to %(date)s or later") date = format_date(min_start, format="short", locale=c.locale) msg %= {'date': date} form.set_text(".status", msg) return address_modified = not pay_id or edit if address_modified: address_fields = [ "firstName", "lastName", "company", "address", "city", "state", "zip", "country", "phoneNumber" ] card_fields = ["cardNumber", "expirationDate", "cardCode"] if (form.has_errors(address_fields, errors.BAD_ADDRESS) or form.has_errors(card_fields, errors.BAD_CARD)): return pay_id = edit_profile(c.user, address, creditcard, pay_id) reason = None if pay_id: success, reason = promote.auth_campaign(link, campaign, c.user, pay_id) if success: form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link)) return msg = reason or _("failed to authenticate card. sorry.") form.set_text(".status", msg) @validate(VSponsor("link_name"), VModhash(), link=VByName('link_name'), file=VUploadLength('file', 500 * 1024), img_type=VImageType('img_type')) def POST_link_thumb(self, link=None, file=None, img_type='jpg'): if link and (not promote.is_promoted(link) or c.user_is_sponsor): errors = dict(BAD_CSS_NAME="", IMAGE_ERROR="") # thumnails for promoted links can change and therefore expire force_thumbnail(link, file, file_type=".%s" % img_type) if any(errors.values()): return UploadedImage("", "", "upload", errors=errors, form_id="image-upload").render() else: link._commit() return UploadedImage(_('saved'), thumbnail_url(link), "", errors=errors, form_id="image-upload").render()
class PromoteApiController(ApiController): @json_validate(sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True), location=VLocation(), start=VDate('startdate'), end=VDate('enddate')) def GET_check_inventory(self, responder, sr, location, start, end): sr = sr or Frontpage if not location or not available = inventory.get_available_pageviews(sr, start, end, datestr=True) else: available = inventory.get_available_pageviews_geotargeted( sr, location, start, end, datestr=True) return {'inventory': available} @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), link=VLink("link_id36"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_freebie(self, form, jquery, link, campaign): if not link or not campaign or link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') if campaign_has_oversold_error(form, campaign): form.set_html(".freebie", "target oversold, can't freebie") return if promote.is_promo(link) and campaign: promote.free_campaign(link, campaign, c.user) form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link)) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), link=VByName("link"), note=nop("note")) def POST_promote_note(self, form, jquery, link, note): if promote.is_promo(link): text = PromotionLog.add(link, note) form.find(".notes").children(":last").after("<p>" + websafe(text) + "</p>") @noresponse(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), thing=VByName('id')) def POST_promote(self, thing): if promote.is_promo(thing): promote.accept_promotion(thing) @noresponse(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), thing=VByName('id'), reason=nop("reason")) def POST_unpromote(self, thing, reason): if promote.is_promo(thing): promote.reject_promotion(thing, reason=reason) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), link=VLink('link'), campaign=VPromoCampaign('campaign')) def POST_refund_campaign(self, form, jquery, link, campaign): if not link or not campaign or link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') billable_impressions = promote.get_billable_impressions(campaign) billable_amount = promote.get_billable_amount(campaign, billable_impressions) refund_amount = promote.get_refund_amount(campaign, billable_amount) if refund_amount > 0: promote.refund_campaign(link, campaign, billable_amount, billable_impressions) form.set_html('.status', _('refund succeeded')) else: form.set_html('.status', _('refund not needed')) @validatedForm(VSponsor('link_id36'), VModhash(), VRatelimit(rate_user=True, rate_ip=True, prefix='create_promo_'), VShamedDomain('url'), username=VLength('username', 100, empty_error=None), l=VLink('link_id36'), title=VTitle('title'), url=VUrl('url', allow_self=False), selftext=VSelfText('text'), kind=VOneOf('kind', ['link', 'self']), ip=ValidIP(), disable_comments=VBoolean("disable_comments"), sendreplies=VBoolean("sendreplies"), media_width=VInt("media-width", min=0), media_height=VInt("media-height", min=0), media_embed=VLength("media-embed", 1000), media_override=VBoolean("media-override"), domain_override=VLength("domain", 100)) def POST_edit_promo(self, form, jquery, ip, username, l, title, url, selftext, kind, disable_comments, sendreplies, media_height, media_width, media_embed, media_override, domain_override): should_ratelimit = False if not c.user_is_sponsor: should_ratelimit = True if not should_ratelimit: c.errors.remove((errors.RATELIMIT, 'ratelimit')) # check for user override if not l and c.user_is_sponsor and username: try: user = Account._by_name(username) except NotFound: c.errors.add(errors.USER_DOESNT_EXIST, field="username") form.set_error(errors.USER_DOESNT_EXIST, "username") return if not c.errors.add(errors.NO_EMAIL_FOR_USER, field="username") form.set_error(errors.NO_EMAIL_FOR_USER, "username") return if not user.email_verified: c.errors.add(errors.NO_VERIFIED_EMAIL, field="username") form.set_error(errors.NO_VERIFIED_EMAIL, "username") return else: user = c.user # check for shame banned domains if form.has_errors("url", errors.DOMAIN_BANNED): g.stats.simple_event('') return # demangle URL in canonical way if url: if isinstance(url, (unicode, str)): form.set_inputs(url=url) elif isinstance(url, tuple) or isinstance(url[0], Link): # there's already one or more links with this URL, but # we're allowing mutliple submissions, so we really just # want the URL url = url[0].url if kind == 'link': if form.has_errors('url', errors.NO_URL, errors.BAD_URL): return # users can change the disable_comments on promoted links if ((not l or not promote.is_promoted(l)) and (form.has_errors('title', errors.NO_TEXT, errors.TOO_LONG) or jquery.has_errors('ratelimit', errors.RATELIMIT))): return if not l: l = promote.new_promotion(title, url if kind == 'link' else 'self', selftext if kind == 'self' else '', user, ip) elif promote.is_promo(l): # changing link type is not allowed if ((l.is_self and kind == 'link') or (not l.is_self and kind == 'self')): c.errors.add(errors.NO_CHANGE_KIND, field="kind") form.set_error(errors.NO_CHANGE_KIND, "kind") return changed = False # live items can only be changed by a sponsor, and also # pay the cost of de-approving the link trusted = c.user_is_sponsor or c.user.trusted_sponsor if not promote.is_promoted(l) or trusted: if title and title != l.title: l.title = title changed = not trusted if kind == 'link' and url and url != l.url: l.url = url changed = not trusted # only trips if the title and url are changed by a non-sponsor if changed: promote.unapprove_promotion(l) # selftext can be changed at any time if kind == 'self': l.selftext = selftext # comment disabling and sendreplies is free to be changed any time. l.disable_comments = disable_comments l.sendreplies = sendreplies if c.user_is_sponsor or c.user.trusted_sponsor: if media_embed and media_width and media_height: l.media_object = dict(height=media_height, width=media_width, content=media_embed, type='custom') else: l.media_object = None l.media_override = media_override if getattr(l, "domain_override", False) or domain_override: l.domain_override = domain_override l._commit() form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(l)) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), dates=VDateRange(['startdate', 'enddate'], reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True)) def POST_add_roadblock(self, form, jquery, dates, sr): if (form.has_errors('startdate', errors.BAD_DATE) or form.has_errors( 'enddate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE)): return if form.has_errors('sr', errors.SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST, errors.SUBREDDIT_NOTALLOWED, errors.SUBREDDIT_REQUIRED): return if dates and sr: sd, ed = dates PromotedLinkRoadblock.add(sr, sd, ed) jquery.refresh() @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), dates=VDateRange(['startdate', 'enddate'], reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True)) def POST_rm_roadblock(self, form, jquery, dates, sr): if dates and sr: sd, ed = dates PromotedLinkRoadblock.remove(sr, sd, ed) jquery.refresh() @validatedForm(VSponsor('link_id36'), VModhash(), dates=VDateRange( ['startdate', 'enddate'], earliest=timedelta(days=g.min_promote_future), latest=timedelta(days=g.max_promote_future), reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now, business_days=True, sponsor_override=True), link=VLink('link_id36'), bid=VFloat('bid', coerce=False), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True), campaign_id36=nop("campaign_id36"), targeting=VLength("targeting", 10), priority=VPriority("priority"), location=VLocation()) def POST_edit_campaign(self, form, jquery, link, campaign_id36, dates, bid, sr, targeting, priority, location): if not link: return start, end = dates or (None, None) if location and sr and not c.user_is_sponsor: # only sponsors can geotarget on subreddits location = None if location and location.metro: cpm = g.cpm_selfserve_geotarget_metro.pennies elif location: cpm = g.cpm_selfserve_geotarget_country.pennies else: author = Account._byID(link.author_id, data=True) cpm = author.cpm_selfserve_pennies if (form.has_errors('startdate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.DATE_TOO_EARLY, errors.DATE_TOO_LATE) or form.has_errors('enddate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.DATE_TOO_EARLY, errors.DATE_TOO_LATE, errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE)): return # Limit the number of PromoCampaigns a Link can have # Note that the front end should prevent the user from getting # this far existing_campaigns = list(PromoCampaign._by_link(link._id)) if len(existing_campaigns) > g.MAX_CAMPAIGNS_PER_LINK: c.errors.add(errors.TOO_MANY_CAMPAIGNS, msg_params={'count': g.MAX_CAMPAIGNS_PER_LINK}, field='title') form.has_errors('title', errors.TOO_MANY_CAMPAIGNS) return campaign = None if campaign_id36: try: campaign = PromoCampaign._byID36(campaign_id36) except NotFound: pass if campaign and link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') if priority.cpm: min_bid = 0 if c.user_is_sponsor else g.min_promote_bid max_bid = None if c.user_is_sponsor else g.max_promote_bid if bid is None or bid < min_bid or (max_bid and bid > max_bid): c.errors.add(errors.BAD_BID, field='bid', msg_params={ 'min': min_bid, 'max': max_bid or g.max_promote_bid }) form.has_errors('bid', errors.BAD_BID) return # you cannot edit the bid of a live ad unless it's a freebie if (campaign and bid != and promote.is_live_promo(link, campaign) and not campaign.is_freebie()): c.errors.add(errors.BID_LIVE, field='bid') form.has_errors('bid', errors.BID_LIVE) return else: bid = 0. # Set bid to 0 as dummy value if targeting == 'one': if form.has_errors('sr', errors.SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST, errors.SUBREDDIT_NOTALLOWED, errors.SUBREDDIT_REQUIRED): # checking to get the error set in the form, but we can't # check for rate-limiting if there's no subreddit return roadblock = PromotedLinkRoadblock.is_roadblocked(sr, start, end) if roadblock and not c.user_is_sponsor: msg_params = { "start": roadblock[0].strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), "end": roadblock[1].strftime('%m/%d/%Y') } c.errors.add(errors.OVERSOLD, field='sr', msg_params=msg_params) form.has_errors('sr', errors.OVERSOLD) return elif targeting == 'none': sr = None # Check inventory campaign = campaign if campaign_id36 else None if not priority.inventory_override: oversold = has_oversold_error(form, campaign, start, end, bid, cpm, sr, location) if oversold: return if campaign: promote.edit_campaign(link, campaign, dates, bid, cpm, sr, priority, location) else: campaign = promote.new_campaign(link, dates, bid, cpm, sr, priority, location) rc = RenderableCampaign.from_campaigns(link, campaign) jquery.update_campaign(campaign._fullname, rc.render_html()) @validatedForm(VSponsor('link_id36'), VModhash(), l=VLink('link_id36'), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_delete_campaign(self, form, jquery, l, campaign): if not campaign or not l or l._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') promote.delete_campaign(l, campaign) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), link=VLink('link_id36'), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_terminate_campaign(self, form, jquery, link, campaign): if not link or not campaign or link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') promote.terminate_campaign(link, campaign) rc = RenderableCampaign.from_campaigns(link, campaign) jquery.update_campaign(campaign._fullname, rc.render_html()) @validatedForm(VSponsor('link'), VModhash(), link=VByName("link"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign"), customer_id=VInt("customer_id", min=0), pay_id=VInt("account", min=0), edit=VBoolean("edit"), address=ValidAddress([ "firstName", "lastName", "company", "address", "city", "state", "zip", "country", "phoneNumber" ]), creditcard=ValidCard( ["cardNumber", "expirationDate", "cardCode"])) def POST_update_pay(self, form, jquery, link, campaign, customer_id, pay_id, edit, address, creditcard): if not link or not campaign or link._id != campaign.link_id: return abort(404, 'not found') # Check inventory if campaign_has_oversold_error(form, campaign): return address_modified = not pay_id or edit form_has_errors = False if address_modified: if (form.has_errors([ "firstName", "lastName", "company", "address", "city", "state", "zip", "country", "phoneNumber" ], errors.BAD_ADDRESS) or form.has_errors( ["cardNumber", "expirationDate", "cardCode"], errors.BAD_CARD)): form_has_errors = True elif g.authorizenetapi: pay_id = edit_profile(c.user, address, creditcard, pay_id) else: pay_id = 1 # if link is in use or finished, don't make a change if pay_id and not form_has_errors: # valid bid and created or existing bid id. # check if already a transaction if g.authorizenetapi: success, reason = promote.auth_campaign( link, campaign, c.user, pay_id) else: success = True if success: form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link)) else: form.set_html( ".status", reason or _("failed to authenticate card. sorry.")) @validate(VSponsor("link_name"), VModhash(), link=VByName('link_name'), file=VUploadLength('file', 500 * 1024), img_type=VImageType('img_type')) def POST_link_thumb(self, link=None, file=None, img_type='jpg'): if link and (not promote.is_promoted(link) or c.user_is_sponsor or c.user.trusted_sponsor): errors = dict(BAD_CSS_NAME="", IMAGE_ERROR="") try: # thumnails for promoted links can change and therefore expire force_thumbnail(link, file, file_type=".%s" % img_type) except cssfilter.BadImage: # if the image doesn't clean up nicely, abort errors["IMAGE_ERROR"] = _("bad image") if any(errors.values()): return UploadedImage("", "", "upload", errors=errors, form_id="image-upload").render() else: link._commit() return UploadedImage(_('saved'), thumbnail_url(link), "", errors=errors, form_id="image-upload").render()
class OAuth2AccessController(MinimalController): handles_csrf = True def pre(self): if g.disallow_db_writes: abort(403) set_extension(request.environ, "json") MinimalController.pre(self) require_https() if request.method != "OPTIONS": c.oauth2_client = self._get_client_auth() def _get_client_auth(self): auth = request.headers.get("Authorization") try: client_id, client_secret = parse_http_basic(auth) require(client_id) client = OAuth2Client.get_token(client_id) require(client) if client.is_confidential(): require(client_secret) require(constant_time_compare(client.secret, client_secret)) return client except RequirementException: abort(401, headers=[("WWW-Authenticate", 'Basic realm="reddit"')]) def OPTIONS_access_token(self): """Send CORS headers for access token requests * Allow all origins * Only POST requests allowed to /api/v1/access_token * No ambient credentials * Authorization header required to identify the client * Expose common reddit headers """ if "Origin" in request.headers: response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = \ "POST" response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = \ "Authorization, " response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"] = "false" response.headers['Access-Control-Expose-Headers'] = \ self.COMMON_REDDIT_HEADERS @validate( grant_type=VOneOf("grant_type", ( "authorization_code", "refresh_token", "password", "client_credentials", "", )), ) def POST_access_token(self, grant_type): """ Exchange an [OAuth 2.0]( authorization code or refresh token (from [/api/v1/authorize](#api_method_authorize)) for an access token. On success, returns a URL-encoded dictionary containing **access_token**, **token_type**, **expires_in**, and **scope**. If an authorization code for a permanent grant was given, a **refresh_token** will be included. If there is a problem, an **error** parameter will be returned instead. Must be called using SSL, and must contain a HTTP `Authorization:` header which contains the application's client identifier as the username and client secret as the password. (The client id and secret are visible on the [app preferences page](/prefs/apps).) Per the OAuth specification, **grant_type** must be one of: * ``authorization_code`` for the initial access token ("standard" OAuth2 flow) * ``refresh_token`` for renewing the access token. * ``password`` for script-type apps using password auth * ``client_credentials`` for application-only (signed out) access - confidential clients * ```` extension grant for application-only (signed out) access - non-confidential (installed) clients **redirect_uri** must exactly match the value that was used in the call to [/api/v1/authorize](#api_method_authorize) that created this grant. See reddit's [OAuth2 wiki]( for more information. """ self.OPTIONS_access_token() if grant_type == "authorization_code": return self._access_token_code() elif grant_type == "refresh_token": return self._access_token_refresh() elif grant_type == "password": return self._access_token_password() elif grant_type == "client_credentials": return self._access_token_client_credentials() elif grant_type == "": return self._access_token_extension_client_credentials() else: resp = {"error": "unsupported_grant_type"} return self.api_wrapper(resp) def _check_for_errors(self): resp = {} if (errors.INVALID_OPTION, "scope") in c.errors: resp["error"] = "invalid_scope" else: resp["error"] = "invalid_request" return resp @classmethod def _make_new_token_response(cls, access_token, refresh_token=None): if not access_token: return {"error": "invalid_grant"} access_token_ttl = getattr(access_token, 'token_ttl', None) if access_token_ttl: g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.access_token.expires_in.valid_token_ttl') expires_in = int(access_token_ttl) else: g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.access_token.expires_in.default_token_ttl') expires_in = g.default_access_token_ttl resp = { "access_token": access_token._id, "token_type": access_token.token_type, "expires_in": expires_in, "scope": access_token.scope, } if refresh_token: resp["refresh_token"] = refresh_token._id if access_token.device_id: resp['device_id'] = access_token.device_id return resp @validate(code=nop("code"), redirect_uri=VRequired("redirect_uri", errors.OAUTH2_INVALID_REDIRECT_URI)) def _access_token_code(self, code, redirect_uri): if not code: c.errors.add("NO_TEXT", field="code") if c.errors: return self.api_wrapper(self._check_for_errors()) access_token = None refresh_token = None client = c.oauth2_client auth_token = OAuth2AuthorizationCode.use_token(code, client._id, redirect_uri) if auth_token: if auth_token.refreshable: refresh_token = OAuth2RefreshToken._new( client_id=auth_token.client_id, user_id=auth_token.user_id, scope=auth_token.scope, ) g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.access_token_code.refresh_token_create') device_id = get_device_id(client) access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new( client_id=auth_token.client_id, user_id=auth_token.user_id, scope=auth_token.scope, refresh_token=refresh_token._id if refresh_token else "", device_id=device_id, ) g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.access_token_code.access_token_create') resp = self._make_new_token_response(access_token, refresh_token) return self.api_wrapper(resp) @validate(refresh_token=VOAuth2RefreshToken("refresh_token")) def _access_token_refresh(self, refresh_token): access_token = None if refresh_token: if refresh_token.client_id == c.oauth2_client._id: access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new( refresh_token.client_id, refresh_token.user_id, refresh_token.scope, refresh_token=refresh_token._id, device_id=refresh_token.device_id) g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.access_token_refresh.access_token_create') else: g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.errors.OAUTH2_INVALID_REFRESH_TOKEN') c.errors.add(errors.OAUTH2_INVALID_REFRESH_TOKEN) else: g.stats.simple_event('oauth2.errors.NO_TEXT') c.errors.add("NO_TEXT", field="refresh_token") if c.errors: resp = self._check_for_errors() response.status = 400 else: g.stats.simple_event('oauth2.access_token_refresh.success') resp = self._make_new_token_response(access_token) return self.api_wrapper(resp) @validate(user=VThrottledLogin(["username", "password"]), scope=nop("scope")) def _access_token_password(self, user, scope): # username:password auth via OAuth is only allowed for # private use scripts client = c.oauth2_client if client.app_type != "script": g.stats.simple_event('oauth2.errors.PASSWORD_UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT') return self.api_wrapper({ "error": "unauthorized_client", "error_description": "Only script apps may use password auth" }) dev_ids = client._developer_ids if not user or user._id not in dev_ids: g.stats.simple_event('oauth2.errors.INVALID_GRANT') return self.api_wrapper({"error": "invalid_grant"}) if c.errors: return self.api_wrapper(self._check_for_errors()) if scope: scope = OAuth2Scope(scope) if not scope.is_valid(): g.stats.simple_event('oauth2.errors.PASSWORD_INVALID_SCOPE') c.errors.add(errors.INVALID_OPTION, "scope") return self.api_wrapper({"error": "invalid_scope"}) else: scope = OAuth2Scope(OAuth2Scope.FULL_ACCESS) device_id = get_device_id(client) access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new( client_id=client._id, user_id=user._id36, scope=scope, device_id=device_id, ) g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.access_token_password.access_token_create') resp = self._make_new_token_response(access_token) return self.api_wrapper(resp) @validate( scope=nop("scope"), ) def _access_token_client_credentials(self, scope): client = c.oauth2_client if not client.is_confidential(): g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.errors.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT') return self.api_wrapper({ "error": "unauthorized_client", "error_description": "Only confidential clients may use client_credentials auth" }) if scope: scope = OAuth2Scope(scope) if not scope.is_valid(): g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.errors.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_INVALID_SCOPE') c.errors.add(errors.INVALID_OPTION, "scope") return self.api_wrapper({"error": "invalid_scope"}) else: scope = OAuth2Scope(OAuth2Scope.FULL_ACCESS) device_id = get_device_id(client) access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new( client_id=client._id, user_id="", scope=scope, device_id=device_id, ) g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.access_token_client_credentials.access_token_create') resp = self._make_new_token_response(access_token) return self.api_wrapper(resp) @validate( scope=nop("scope"), device_id=VLength("device_id", 50, min_length=20), ) def _access_token_extension_client_credentials(self, scope, device_id): if ((errors.NO_TEXT, "device_id") in c.errors or (errors.TOO_SHORT, "device_id") in c.errors or (errors.TOO_LONG, "device_id") in c.errors): g.stats.simple_event('oauth2.errors.BAD_DEVICE_ID') return self.api_wrapper({ "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "bad device_id", }) client = c.oauth2_client if scope: scope = OAuth2Scope(scope) if not scope.is_valid(): g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.errors.EXTENSION_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_INVALID_SCOPE') c.errors.add(errors.INVALID_OPTION, "scope") return self.api_wrapper({"error": "invalid_scope"}) else: scope = OAuth2Scope(OAuth2Scope.FULL_ACCESS) access_token = OAuth2AccessToken._new( client_id=client._id, user_id="", scope=scope, device_id=device_id, ) g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.access_token_extension_client_credentials.' 'access_token_create') resp = self._make_new_token_response(access_token) return self.api_wrapper(resp) def OPTIONS_revoke_token(self): """Send CORS headers for token revocation requests * Allow all origins * Only POST requests allowed to /api/v1/revoke_token * No ambient credentials * Authorization header required to identify the client * Expose common reddit headers """ if "Origin" in request.headers: response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = \ "POST" response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = \ "Authorization, " response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"] = "false" response.headers['Access-Control-Expose-Headers'] = \ self.COMMON_REDDIT_HEADERS @validate( VRatelimit(rate_user=False, rate_ip=True, prefix="rate_revoke_token_"), token_id=nop("token"), token_hint=VOneOf("token_type_hint", ("access_token", "refresh_token")), ) def POST_revoke_token(self, token_id, token_hint): '''Revoke an OAuth2 access or refresh token. token_type_hint is optional, and hints to the server whether the passed token is a refresh or access token. A call to this endpoint is considered a success if the passed `token_id` is no longer valid. Thus, if an invalid `token_id` was passed in, a successful 204 response will be returned. See [RFC7009]( ''' self.OPTIONS_revoke_token() # In success cases, this endpoint returns no data. response.status = 204 if not token_id: return types = (OAuth2AccessToken, OAuth2RefreshToken) if token_hint == "refresh_token": types = reversed(types) for token_type in types: try: token = token_type._byID(token_id) except tdb_cassandra.NotFound: g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.POST_revoke_token.cass_not_found.%s' % token_type.__name__) continue else: break else: # No Token found. The given token ID is already gone # or never existed. Either way, from the client's perspective, # the passed in token is no longer valid. return if constant_time_compare(token.client_id, c.oauth2_client._id): token.revoke() else: # RFC 7009 is not clear on how to handle this case. # Given that a malicious client could do much worse things # with a valid token then revoke it, returning an error # here is best as it may help certain clients debug issues response.status = 400 g.stats.simple_event( 'oauth2.errors.REVOKE_TOKEN_UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT') return self.api_wrapper({"error": "unauthorized_client"})
class PromoteController(ListingController): where = 'promoted' render_cls = PromotePage @property def title_text(self): return _('promoted by you') def keep_fn(self): def keep(item): if item.promoted and not item._deleted: return True else: return False return keep def query(self): if c.user_is_sponsor: if self.sort == "future_promos": return queries.get_all_unapproved_links() elif self.sort == "pending_promos": return queries.get_all_accepted_links() elif self.sort == "unpaid_promos": return queries.get_all_unpaid_links() elif self.sort == "rejected_promos": return queries.get_all_rejected_links() elif self.sort == "live_promos": return queries.get_all_live_links() return queries.get_all_promoted_links() else: if self.sort == "future_promos": return queries.get_unapproved_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "pending_promos": return queries.get_accepted_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "unpaid_promos": return queries.get_unpaid_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "rejected_promos": return queries.get_rejected_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "live_promos": return queries.get_live_links(c.user._id) return queries.get_promoted_links(c.user._id) @validate(VSponsor()) def GET_listing(self, sort="", **env): if not c.user_is_loggedin or not c.user.email_verified: return self.redirect("/ad_inq") self.sort = sort return ListingController.GET_listing(self, **env) GET_index = GET_listing @validate(VSponsor()) def GET_new_promo(self): return PromotePage('content', content=PromoteLinkForm()).render() @validate(VSponsor('link'), link=VLink('link')) def GET_edit_promo(self, link): if not link or link.promoted is None: return self.abort404() rendered = wrap_links(link, wrapper=promote.sponsor_wrapper, skip=False) form = PromoteLinkForm(link=link, listing=rendered, timedeltatext="") page = PromotePage('new_promo', content=form) return page.render() # For development. Should eventually replace GET_edit_promo @validate(VSponsor('link'), link=VLink('link')) def GET_edit_promo_cpm(self, link): if not link or link.promoted is None: return self.abort404() rendered = wrap_links(link, wrapper=promote.sponsor_wrapper, skip=False) form = PromoteLinkFormCpm(link=link, listing=rendered, timedeltatext="") page = PromotePage('new_promo', content=form) return page.render() # admin only because the route might change @validate(VSponsorAdmin('campaign'), campaign=VPromoCampaign('campaign')) def GET_edit_promo_campaign(self, campaign): if not campaign: return self.abort404() link = Link._byID(campaign.link_id) return self.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link)) @validate(VSponsor(), dates=VDateRange(["startdate", "enddate"], max_range=timedelta(days=28), required=False)) def GET_graph(self, dates): start, end, bad_dates = _check_dates(dates) return PromotePage("graph", content=Promote_Graph( start, end, bad_dates=bad_dates) ).render() @validate(VSponsorAdmin(), dates=VDateRange(["startdate", "enddate"], max_range=timedelta(days=28), required=False)) def GET_admingraph(self, dates): start, end, bad_dates = _check_dates(dates) content = Promote_Graph(start, end, bad_dates=bad_dates, admin_view=True) if c.render_style == 'csv': return content.as_csv() return PromotePage("admingraph", content=content).render() def GET_inventory(self, sr_name): ''' Return available inventory data as json for use in ajax calls ''' inv_start_date = promote.promo_datetime_now() inv_end_date = inv_start_date + timedelta(60) inventory = promote.get_available_impressions( sr_name, inv_start_date, inv_end_date, fuzzed=(not c.user_is_admin) ) dates = [] impressions = [] max_imps = 0 for date, imps in inventory.iteritems(): dates.append(date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")) impressions.append(imps) max_imps = max(max_imps, imps) return json.dumps({'sr':sr_name, 'dates': dates, 'imps':impressions, 'max_imps':max_imps}) # ## POST controllers below @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), link=VLink("link_id"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_freebie(self, form, jquery, link, campaign): if promote.is_promo(link) and campaign: promote.free_campaign(link, campaign, c.user) form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link)) @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), link=VByName("link"), note=nop("note")) def POST_promote_note(self, form, jquery, link, note): if promote.is_promo(link): text = PromotionLog.add(link, note) form.find(".notes").children(":last").after( "<p>" + text + "</p>") @noresponse(VSponsorAdmin(), thing=VByName('id')) def POST_promote(self, thing): if promote.is_promo(thing): promote.accept_promotion(thing) @noresponse(VSponsorAdmin(), thing=VByName('id'), reason=nop("reason")) def POST_unpromote(self, thing, reason): if promote.is_promo(thing): promote.reject_promotion(thing, reason=reason) @validatedForm(VSponsor('link_id'), VModhash(), VRatelimit(rate_user=True, rate_ip=True, prefix='create_promo_'), l=VLink('link_id'), title=VTitle('title'), url=VUrl('url', allow_self=False, lookup=False), ip=ValidIP(), disable_comments=VBoolean("disable_comments"), set_clicks=VBoolean("set_maximum_clicks"), max_clicks=VInt("maximum_clicks", min=0), set_views=VBoolean("set_maximum_views"), max_views=VInt("maximum_views", min=0), media_width=VInt("media-width", min=0), media_height=VInt("media-height", min=0), media_embed=VLength("media-embed", 1000), media_override=VBoolean("media-override"), domain_override=VLength("domain", 100) ) def POST_edit_promo(self, form, jquery, ip, l, title, url, disable_comments, set_clicks, max_clicks, set_views, max_views, media_height, media_width, media_embed, media_override, domain_override): should_ratelimit = False if not c.user_is_sponsor: set_clicks = False set_views = False should_ratelimit = True if not set_clicks: max_clicks = None if not set_views: max_views = None if not should_ratelimit: c.errors.remove((errors.RATELIMIT, 'ratelimit')) # demangle URL in canonical way if url: if isinstance(url, (unicode, str)): form.set_inputs(url=url) elif isinstance(url, tuple) or isinstance(url[0], Link): # there's already one or more links with this URL, but # we're allowing mutliple submissions, so we really just # want the URL url = url[0].url # users can change the disable_comments on promoted links if ((not l or not promote.is_promoted(l)) and (form.has_errors('title', errors.NO_TEXT, errors.TOO_LONG) or form.has_errors('url', errors.NO_URL, errors.BAD_URL) or jquery.has_errors('ratelimit', errors.RATELIMIT))): return if not l: l = promote.new_promotion(title, url, c.user, ip) elif promote.is_promo(l): changed = False # live items can only be changed by a sponsor, and also # pay the cost of de-approving the link trusted = c.user_is_sponsor or c.user.trusted_sponsor if not promote.is_promoted(l) or trusted: if title and title != l.title: l.title = title changed = not trusted if url and url != l.url: l.url = url changed = not trusted # only trips if the title and url are changed by a non-sponsor if changed and not promote.is_unpaid(l): promote.unapprove_promotion(l) if trusted and promote.is_unapproved(l): promote.accept_promotion(l) if c.user_is_sponsor: l.maximum_clicks = max_clicks l.maximum_views = max_views # comment disabling is free to be changed any time. l.disable_comments = disable_comments if c.user_is_sponsor or c.user.trusted_sponsor: if media_embed and media_width and media_height: l.media_object = dict(height=media_height, width=media_width, content=media_embed, type='custom') else: l.media_object = None l.media_override = media_override if getattr(l, "domain_override", False) or domain_override: l.domain_override = domain_override l._commit() form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(l)) @validate(VSponsorAdmin()) def GET_roadblock(self): return PromotePage('content', content=Roadblocks()).render() @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), dates=VDateRange(['startdate', 'enddate'], future=1, reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now, business_days=False, sponsor_override=True), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True)) def POST_add_roadblock(self, form, jquery, dates, sr): if (form.has_errors('startdate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.BAD_FUTURE_DATE) or form.has_errors('enddate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.BAD_FUTURE_DATE, errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE)): return if form.has_errors('sr', errors.SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST, errors.SUBREDDIT_NOTALLOWED, errors.SUBREDDIT_REQUIRED): return if dates and sr: sd, ed = dates promote.roadblock_reddit(,, jquery.refresh() @validatedForm(VSponsorAdmin(), VModhash(), dates=VDateRange(['startdate', 'enddate'], future=1, reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now, business_days=False, sponsor_override=True), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True)) def POST_rm_roadblock(self, form, jquery, dates, sr): if dates and sr: sd, ed = dates promote.unroadblock_reddit(,, jquery.refresh() @validatedForm(VSponsor('link_id'), VModhash(), dates=VDateRange(['startdate', 'enddate'], future=1, reference_date=promote.promo_datetime_now, business_days=False, sponsor_override=True), l=VLink('link_id'), bid=VFloat('bid', min=0, max=g.max_promote_bid, coerce=False, error=errors.BAD_BID), sr=VSubmitSR('sr', promotion=True), campaign_id36=nop("campaign_id36"), targeting=VLength("targeting", 10)) def POST_edit_campaign(self, form, jquery, l, campaign_id36, dates, bid, sr, targeting): if not l: return start, end = dates or (None, None) if (start and end and not promote.is_accepted(l) and not c.user_is_sponsor): # if the ad is not approved already, ensure the start date # is at least 2 days in the future start = end = now = promote.promo_datetime_now() future = make_offset_date(now, g.min_promote_future, business_days=True) if start < c.errors.add(errors.BAD_FUTURE_DATE, msg_params=dict(day=g.min_promote_future), field="startdate") if (form.has_errors('startdate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.BAD_FUTURE_DATE) or form.has_errors('enddate', errors.BAD_DATE, errors.BAD_FUTURE_DATE, errors.BAD_DATE_RANGE)): return # Limit the number of PromoCampaigns a Link can have # Note that the front end should prevent the user from getting # this far existing_campaigns = list(PromoCampaign._by_link(l._id)) if len(existing_campaigns) > g.MAX_CAMPAIGNS_PER_LINK: c.errors.add(errors.TOO_MANY_CAMPAIGNS, msg_params={'count': g.MAX_CAMPAIGNS_PER_LINK}, field='title') form.has_errors('title', errors.TOO_MANY_CAMPAIGNS) return duration = max((end - start).days, 1) if form.has_errors('bid', errors.BAD_BID): return # minimum bid depends on user privilege and targeting, checked here # instead of in the validator b/c current duration is needed if c.user_is_sponsor: min_daily_bid = 0 elif targeting == 'one': min_daily_bid = g.min_promote_bid * 1.5 else: min_daily_bid = g.min_promote_bid if campaign_id36: # you cannot edit the bid of a live ad unless it's a freebie try: campaign = PromoCampaign._byID36(campaign_id36) if (bid != and campaign.start_date < and not campaign.is_freebie()): c.errors.add(errors.BID_LIVE, field='bid') form.has_errors('bid', errors.BID_LIVE) return except NotFound: pass if bid is None or bid / duration < min_daily_bid: c.errors.add(errors.BAD_BID, field='bid', msg_params={'min': min_daily_bid, 'max': g.max_promote_bid}) form.has_errors('bid', errors.BAD_BID) return if targeting == 'one': if form.has_errors('sr', errors.SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST, errors.SUBREDDIT_NOTALLOWED, errors.SUBREDDIT_REQUIRED): # checking to get the error set in the form, but we can't # check for rate-limiting if there's no subreddit return oversold = promote.is_roadblocked(, start, end) if oversold and not c.user_is_sponsor: msg_params = {"start": oversold[0].strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), "end": oversold[1].strftime('%m/%d/%Y')} c.errors.add(errors.OVERSOLD, field='sr', msg_params=msg_params) form.has_errors('sr', errors.OVERSOLD) return if targeting == 'none': sr = None if campaign_id36 is not None: campaign = PromoCampaign._byID36(campaign_id36) promote.edit_campaign(l, campaign, dates, bid, sr) r = promote.get_renderable_campaigns(l, campaign) jquery.update_campaign(r.campaign_id36, r.start_date, r.end_date, r.duration,,, r.status) else: campaign = promote.new_campaign(l, dates, bid, sr) r = promote.get_renderable_campaigns(l, campaign) jquery.new_campaign(r.campaign_id36, r.start_date, r.end_date, r.duration,,, r.status) @validatedForm(VSponsor('link_id'), VModhash(), l=VLink('link_id'), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign_id36")) def POST_delete_campaign(self, form, jquery, l, campaign): if l and campaign: promote.delete_campaign(l, campaign) @validatedForm(VSponsor('container'), VModhash(), user=VExistingUname('name'), thing=VByName('container')) def POST_traffic_viewer(self, form, jquery, user, thing): """ Adds a user to the list of users allowed to view a promoted link's traffic page. """ if not form.has_errors("name", errors.USER_DOESNT_EXIST, errors.NO_USER): form.set_inputs(name="") form.set_html(".status:first", _("added")) if promote.add_traffic_viewer(thing, user): user_row = TrafficViewerList(thing).user_row('traffic', user) jquery("#traffic-table").show( ).find("table").insert_table_rows(user_row) # send the user a message msg = user_added_messages['traffic']['pm']['msg'] subj = user_added_messages['traffic']['pm']['subject'] if msg and subj: d = dict(url=thing.make_permalink_slow(), traffic_url=promote.promo_traffic_url(thing), title=thing.title) msg = msg % d item, inbox_rel = Message._new(c.user, user, subj, msg, request.ip) queries.new_message(item, inbox_rel) @validatedForm(VSponsor('container'), VModhash(), iuser=VByName('id'), thing=VByName('container')) def POST_rm_traffic_viewer(self, form, jquery, iuser, thing): if thing and iuser: promote.rm_traffic_viewer(thing, iuser) @validatedForm(VSponsor('link'), link=VByName("link"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign"), customer_id=VInt("customer_id", min=0), pay_id=VInt("account", min=0), edit=VBoolean("edit"), address=ValidAddress( ["firstName", "lastName", "company", "address", "city", "state", "zip", "country", "phoneNumber"], allowed_countries=g.allowed_pay_countries), creditcard=ValidCard(["cardNumber", "expirationDate", "cardCode"])) def POST_update_pay(self, form, jquery, link, campaign, customer_id, pay_id, edit, address, creditcard): address_modified = not pay_id or edit form_has_errors = False if address_modified: if (form.has_errors(["firstName", "lastName", "company", "address", "city", "state", "zip", "country", "phoneNumber"], errors.BAD_ADDRESS) or form.has_errors(["cardNumber", "expirationDate", "cardCode"], errors.BAD_CARD)): form_has_errors = True elif g.authorizenetapi: pay_id = edit_profile(c.user, address, creditcard, pay_id) else: pay_id = 1 # if link is in use or finished, don't make a change if pay_id and not form_has_errors: # valid bid and created or existing bid id. # check if already a transaction if g.authorizenetapi: success, reason = promote.auth_campaign(link, campaign, c.user, pay_id) else: success = True if success: form.redirect(promote.promo_edit_url(link)) else: form.set_html(".status", reason or _("failed to authenticate card. sorry.")) @validate(VSponsor("link"), link=VLink("link"), campaign=VPromoCampaign("campaign")) def GET_pay(self, link, campaign): # no need for admins to play in the credit card area if c.user_is_loggedin and c.user._id != link.author_id: return self.abort404() if not campaign.link_id == link._id: return self.abort404() if g.authorizenetapi: data = get_account_info(c.user) content = PaymentForm(link, campaign, customer_id=data.customerProfileId, profiles=data.paymentProfiles, max_profiles=PROFILE_LIMIT) else: content = None res = LinkInfoPage(link=link, content=content, show_sidebar=False) return res.render() def GET_link_thumb(self, *a, **kw): """ See GET_upload_sr_image for rationale """ return "nothing to see here." @validate(VSponsor("link_id"), link=VByName('link_id'), file=VLength('file', 500 * 1024)) def POST_link_thumb(self, link=None, file=None): if link and (not promote.is_promoted(link) or c.user_is_sponsor or c.user.trusted_sponsor): errors = dict(BAD_CSS_NAME="", IMAGE_ERROR="") try: # thumnails for promoted links can change and therefore expire force_thumbnail(link, file, file_type=".jpg") except cssfilter.BadImage: # if the image doesn't clean up nicely, abort errors["IMAGE_ERROR"] = _("bad image") if any(errors.values()): return UploadedImage("", "", "upload", errors=errors, form_id="image-upload").render() else: link._commit() return UploadedImage(_('saved'), thumbnail_url(link), "", errors=errors, form_id="image-upload").render() @validate(VSponsorAdmin(), launchdate=VDate('ondate'), dates=VDateRange(['startdate', 'enddate']), query_type=VOneOf('q', ('started_on', 'between'), default=None)) def GET_admin(self, launchdate=None, dates=None, query_type=None): return PromoAdminTool(query_type=query_type, launchdate=launchdate, start=dates[0], end=dates[1]).render()