Beispiel #1
def cartesian(wwinp):
    """This function reads in a Cartesian WWINP file and returns a structured
        mesh tagged with weight window lower bounds.
    wwinp : file name
        The weight window input file to create a mesh from.

    print "Parsing Cartesian WWINP"

    particle_identifier = linecache.getline(wwinp, 1).split()[2]
    if particle_identifier == '1':
        particle = 'n'
    elif particle_identifier =='2':
        particle = 'p'

    # collect easy to parse energy group and mesh sized info
    num_e_bins = int(linecache.getline(wwinp, 2).split()[-1])
    # total number of fine mesh points
    nfx, nfy, nfz = \
        [int(float(x)) for x in linecache.getline(wwinp, 3).split()[0:3]]
    x0, y0, z0 = [float(x) for x in linecache.getline(wwinp, 3).split()[3:6]]
    # number of course points
    ncx, ncy, ncz = \
        [int(float(x)) for x in linecache.getline(wwinp, 4).split()[0:3]]

    # get the x, y, and z bounds
    x_bounds, x_last_line = block_2_bounds(wwinp, 5, ncx)
    y_bounds, y_last_line = block_2_bounds(wwinp, x_last_line + 1, ncy)
    z_bounds, z_last_line = block_2_bounds(wwinp, y_last_line + 1, ncz)

    # create structured mesh these bounds
    sm = ScdMesh(x_bounds, y_bounds, z_bounds)
    # Find the first line of WW values by counting through the e_bin values
    # until the expected number of e_bins is reached
    # Then create a root level tag with energy the energy bounds.
    e_upper_bounds = []
    line_num = z_last_line + 1

    while len(e_upper_bounds) < num_e_bins:
        e_upper_bounds += \
            [float(x) for x in linecache.getline(wwinp, line_num).split()]
        line_num += 1
    ww_first_line = line_num

    # tag structured mesh with WW values
    tag_mesh(sm, wwinp, ww_first_line, num_e_bins, nfx*nfy*nfz, particle)

    # tag root level of sm with energy bounds
    tag_e_bin = sm.imesh.createTag("E_upper_bounds", len(e_upper_bounds), float)
    tag_e_bin[sm.imesh.rootSet] = e_upper_bounds

    return sm
Beispiel #2
    def setUp(self):
        self.mesh = iMesh.Mesh() = ScdMesh( range(10,15), # i = 0,1,2,3
                           range(21,25), # j = 0,1,2
                           range(31,34), # k = 0,1
                           self.mesh )

        self.I = range(0,4)
        self.J = range(0,3)
        self.K = range(0,2)
Beispiel #3
    def test_get_divs(self):
        x = [1, 2.5, 4, 6.9]
        y = [-12, -10, -.5]
        z = [100, 200]

        sm = ScdMesh( x, y, z )

        self.assertEqual( sm.getDivisions('x'), x )
        self.assertEqual( sm.getDivisions('y'), y )
        self.assertEqual( sm.getDivisions('z'), z )
Beispiel #4
    def test_large_iterator(self):

        print "building large mesh"
        big = ScdMesh(range(1,100), range(101,200), range(201,300))
        print "iterating (1)"
        for i in big.iterateHex():
        print "iterating (2)"
        for i in big.iterateHex( 'yzx' ):
Beispiel #5
    def test_hex_volume(self):

        sm = ScdMesh( [0,1,3], [-3,-2,0], [12,13,15] )
        self.assertEqual( sm.getHexVolume(0,0,0), 1 )
        self.assertEqual( sm.getHexVolume(1,0,0), 2 )
        self.assertEqual( sm.getHexVolume(0,1,0), 2 )
        self.assertEqual( sm.getHexVolume(1,1,0), 4 )
        self.assertEqual( sm.getHexVolume(1,1,1), 8 )

        ijk_all = itertools.product(*([[0,1]]*3))

        for V, ijk in itertools.izip_longest(sm.iterateHexVolumes(), ijk_all):
            self.assertEqual( V, sm.getHexVolume(*ijk) )
Beispiel #6
    def test_unequal_grid_size(self):
        """Test creating an mmgrid on a mesh with uneven grid spacing"""
        grid_side = [-3, 0, .1, .2, 3]
        sm = ScdMesh(*([grid_side] * 3))
        grid = mmgrid.mmGrid(sm)
        grid.generate(5)  #, True)

        for ijk, x in numpy.ndenumerate(grid.grid):
                                   msg='Normality at ijk={0}:\n'
                                   '    sum({1}) = {2} != 1.0'.format(
                                       ijk, x['mats'], sum(x['mats'])))
Beispiel #7
    def test_get_vtx(self):
        # mesh with valid i values 0-4, j values 0-3, k values 0-2
        x_range = numpy.array(range(10,15),dtype=numpy.float64)
        y_range = numpy.array(range(21,24),dtype=numpy.float64)
        z_range = numpy.array(range(31,33),dtype=numpy.float64)

        sm = ScdMesh( x_range, y_range, z_range, self.mesh ) 

        for i,x in enumerate(x_range):
            for j,y in enumerate(y_range):
                for k,z in enumerate(z_range):
                    vtx = sm.getVtx(i,j,k)
                    vcoord = self.mesh.getVtxCoords( vtx )
                    self.assertTrue( all( vcoord == [x,y,z]) )
Beispiel #8
    def test_get_hex(self):
        # mesh with valid i values 0-4, j values 0-3, k values 0-2
        sm = ScdMesh( range(11,16), range(21,25), range(31,34) )
        def check( e ):
            self.assertTrue( isinstance(e, iBase.Entity) )
        check(sm.getHex(0, 0, 0))
        check(sm.getHex(1, 1, 1))
        check(sm.getHex(3, 0, 0))
        check(sm.getHex(3, 2, 1))

        self.assertRaises(ScdMeshError, sm.getHex, -1,-1,-1)
        self.assertRaises(ScdMeshError, sm.getHex, 4, 0, 0)
        self.assertRaises(ScdMeshError, sm.getHex, 0, 3, 0)
        self.assertRaises(ScdMeshError, sm.getHex, 0, 0, 2)
Beispiel #9
    def test_mmgrid_generate(self):
        grid_side = [-5, -3.75, -2.5, -1.25, 0, 1.25, 2.5, 3.75, 5]
        sm = ScdMesh(*([grid_side] * 3))
        grid = mmgrid.mmGrid(sm)
        grid.generate(2, True)

        for ijk, x in numpy.ndenumerate(grid.grid):
                                   msg='Normality at ijk={0}:\n'
                                   '    sum({1}) = {2} != 1.0'.format(
                                       ijk, x['mats'], sum(x['mats'])))

Beispiel #10
    def test_rayframes(self):

        # a mesh with divisions at -1, 0, and 1 for all three dimensions
        sm = ScdMesh(*([(-1, 0, 1)] * 3))
        mg = mmgrid.mmGrid(sm)

        squares = [(-1, 0, -1, 0), (-1, 0, 0, 1), (0, 1, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0, 1)]

        ijks = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]]

        for (ijk, ab), ab_test, ijk_test in itertools.izip_longest(
                mg._rayframe('x'), squares, ijks):
            self.assertEqual(ab, ab_test)
            self.assertEqual(ijk, ijk_test)
Beispiel #11
def create_ww_mesh(flux_mesh, e_group_names):
    This function reads a flux mesh and returns a weight window mesh tagged with 
    all zeros in every energy group. This is used for the intial MAGIC weight
    window generation, for which no preexisting weight window mesh is given.

    flux_mesh : ScdMesh
        A ScdMesh tagged with fluxes in the form X_group_YYY and or
        X_group_total. Addition required tags are "particle" (1 for n, 2 for p) 
        and E_group_bounds (vector of energy upper bounds).
    e_group_names : vector of energy names
        In the form X_group_YYY or X_group_total.

    ww_mesh = ScdMesh(flux_mesh.getDivisions('x'),\

    # create ww tags
    for e_group_name in e_group_names:
        ww_tag = ww_mesh.imesh.createTag('ww_{0}'.format(e_group_name), 1,
        for voxel in ww_mesh.iterateHex('xyz'):
            ww_tag[voxel] = 0

    # create e_upper_bound tags
    e_upper_bounds = \
    if isinstance(e_upper_bounds, float):
        e_upper_bounds = [e_upper_bounds]

    e_tag = ww_mesh.imesh.createTag("E_upper_bounds", len(e_upper_bounds),
    e_tag[ww_mesh.imesh.rootSet] = \

    # create  particle tag
    particle = flux_mesh.imesh.getTagHandle("particle")[
    particle_tag = ww_mesh.imesh.createTag("particle", 1, int)
    particle_tag[ww_mesh.imesh.rootSet] = particle

    return ww_mesh
Beispiel #12
 def test_create(self):
     sm = ScdMesh( range(1,5), range(1,4), range(1,3), self.mesh )
     self.assertEqual( sm.dims, (0,0,0,3,2,1) )
Beispiel #13
 def test_mmgrid_create(self):
     sm = ScdMesh(*([(-1, 0, 1)] * 3))
     grid = mmgrid.mmGrid(sm)
     self.assertEqual(grid.grid.shape, (2, 2, 2))
     self.assertEqual(grid.grid[0, 0, 0]['mats'].shape, (3, ))
     self.assertEqual(grid.grid[0, 0, 0]['errs'].shape, (3, ))
Beispiel #14
def read_meshtal(filename, tally_line, norm=1.0, **kw):
    """Read an MCNP meshtal file and return a tagged structured mesh for it

    The optional normalization factor will be multiplied into each flux value.
    This can be used to rescale a tally if a tally multiplier was not used
    in the original MCNP problem.

    filename : string
        File path to meshtal file.
    tally_line : int
        Line number in file where tally begins
    norm : float, optional
       Normalization factor to multiply into each flux value. 
    Keyword arguments:
        smesh: An existing scdmesh on which to tag the fluxes.  
               A ScdMeshError is raised if this mesh has incompatible ijk dims

    sm : ScdMesh object
        Opened structured mesh from filename, with meshtally data tagged
    # Getting relevant information from meshtal header
    meshtal_type = find_meshtal_type(filename, tally_line)
    m = find_first_line(filename, tally_line)
    x_bounds, y_bounds, z_bounds, e_groups = \
            find_mesh_bounds( filename, tally_line )

    # Calculating pertinent information from meshtal header and input
    spatial_points = (len(x_bounds) - 1) * (len(y_bounds) -
                                            1) * (len(z_bounds) - 1)
    if len(e_groups) > 2:
        e_bins = len(e_groups)  #don't substract 1; cancels with totals bin
    elif len(e_groups
             ) == 2:  #for 1 energy bin, meshtal doesn't have TOTALS group
        e_bins = 1
    sm = ScdMesh(x_bounds, y_bounds, z_bounds)

    if 'smesh' in kw:
        dims = kw['smesh'].dims
        if dims != sm.dims:
            raise ScdMeshError( \
                    "Incorrect dimension in preexisting structured mesh")
        sm = kw['smesh']

    # Tagging structured mesh with particle type at root level
    tag_particle = sm.imesh.createTag("particle", 1, int)

    if meshtal_type == 'n':
        tag_particle[sm.imesh.rootSet] = 1

    elif meshtal_type == 'p':
        tag_particle[sm.imesh.rootSet] = 2

    # Tagging structured mesh with energy lower bounds (at root level)
    # only the upper bounds are tagged, so the first value in e_groups,
    # which is always 0.000 is ommitted.
    tag_e_bin = sm.imesh.createTag("E_upper_bounds", len(e_groups) - 1, float)
    tag_e_bin[sm.imesh.rootSet] = e_groups[1:]

    # Tagging structured mesh
    tag_fluxes(filename, meshtal_type, m, spatial_points, e_bins, sm, norm)

    return sm