def __init__(self, url='', topic='radar60', only_latest=True): fps = 60 frame_width = 110 frame_height = 180 #self.out_writer = cv2.VideoWriter('/Users/home/Desktop/stuff/work/code/Junction/light-navigation/stick/output/output.avi', #cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G'), #fps, #(frame_width,frame_height)) self.url = url self.topic = topic self.only_latest = only_latest self.samples_in_total = 0 self.fps = 30 self.startTime = time.time() #cv2.namedWindow('junction',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) ###############our stuff self.Serial_Device = InitLights() self.direction = 5 self.finder = PersonFinder() self.reset = False self.last_cnt = None # connect to RabbitMQ topic self.subscriber = Subscriber(self.url) self.subscriber.subscribe(self.topic, self.process_sample, only_latest=self.only_latest) atexit.register(self.exit) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
class Streamer24(): def __init__(self, url='localhost', topic='radar24', only_latest=False): self.url = url self.topic = topic self.only_latest = only_latest # connect to RabbitMQ topic self.subscriber = Subscriber(self.url) self.subscriber.subscribe(self.topic, self.process_sample, only_latest=self.only_latest) atexit.register(self.exit) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def deserialize_radar_raw_int_data(self, sample): """Deserialize raw radar int data (Vtt24) to dictionary. Return None is case of failure""" try: deserialized_sample = RadarRawIntSample.Sample.GetRootAsSample( sample, 0) except Exception: return None sample_dict = {} sample_dict['time'] = deserialized_sample.Time() sample_dict['seq'] = deserialized_sample.Seq() sample_dict['frame_id'] = deserialized_sample.FrameId() sample_dict['data'] = deserialized_sample.DataAsNumpy().reshape( deserialized_sample.Height(), deserialized_sample.Width()) return sample_dict def process_sample(self, ch, method, properties, body): """Process a single sample from radar""" # data inside a dictionary # {'data':[1.3,4.4,5...]} sample_dict = self.deserialize_radar_raw_int_data(body) if body is None or sample_dict is None: print('Stream stopped.') return data = sample_dict['data'] # your code here print("Variance: %.2f" % np.var(data)) def exit(self): """Perform actions before exit""" print("Exiting..")
def __init__(self, url='localhost', topic='radar24', only_latest=False): self.url = url self.topic = topic self.only_latest = only_latest # connect to RabbitMQ topic self.subscriber = Subscriber(self.url) self.subscriber.subscribe(self.topic, self.process_sample, only_latest=self.only_latest) atexit.register(self.exit) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def __init__(self, url='', topic='radar60', only_latest=False): self.i = 0 self.url = url self.topic = topic self.only_latest = only_latest self.samples_in_total = 0 self.fps = 30 self.startTime = time.time() cv2.namedWindow('junction', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # connect to RabbitMQ topic self.subscriber = Subscriber(self.url) self.subscriber.subscribe(self.topic, self.process_sample, only_latest=self.only_latest) atexit.register(self.exit) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
class Streamer60(): def __init__(self, url='', topic='radar60', only_latest=True): fps = 60 frame_width = 110 frame_height = 180 #self.out_writer = cv2.VideoWriter('/Users/home/Desktop/stuff/work/code/Junction/light-navigation/stick/output/output.avi', #cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G'), #fps, #(frame_width,frame_height)) self.url = url self.topic = topic self.only_latest = only_latest self.samples_in_total = 0 self.fps = 30 self.startTime = time.time() #cv2.namedWindow('junction',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) ###############our stuff self.Serial_Device = InitLights() self.direction = 5 self.finder = PersonFinder() self.reset = False self.last_cnt = None # connect to RabbitMQ topic self.subscriber = Subscriber(self.url) self.subscriber.subscribe(self.topic, self.process_sample, only_latest=self.only_latest) atexit.register(self.exit) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def deserialize_vtt_60_processed(self, sample): """Deserialize raw data and config dictionary. Return None is case of failure""" try: deserialized_sample = Vtt60Processed.Sample.GetRootAsSample( sample, 0) except Exception: return None sample_dict = {} sample_dict['amplitude'] = deserialized_sample.AmplitudeAsNumpy() sample_dict['angle'] = deserialized_sample.AngleAsNumpy() self.samples_in_total += 1 return sample_dict def process_sample(self, ch, method, properties, body): """Process a single sample from radar""" # data inside a dictionary # {'amplitude':[1.3,4.4,5...], # 'angle': [0.04,0.1,...]} sample_dict = self.deserialize_vtt_60_processed(body) if body is None or sample_dict is None: print('Stream stopped.') return if self.samples_in_total % self.fps == 0: endTime = time.time() print('FPS: {:.1f}'.format(self.fps / (endTime - self.startTime))) self.startTime = endTime # your code here amplitude = sample_dict['amplitude'] amplitude = np.reshape(amplitude, (180, 110)) amplitude = np.where(amplitude > 130, 130, amplitude) amplitude = np.uint8(255 * amplitude / 130) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) thresh, contours = get_contours(new_frame) self.direction, final_cnt = self.finder.get_new_cors( contours, self.direction) if self.last_cnt is not None: last_rect = cv2.minAreaRect(self.last_cnt) new_rect = cv2.minAreaRect(final_cnt) if ((last_rect[0][0] - new_rect[0][0])**2 + (last_rect[0][1] - new_rect[0][1])**2) > 50: self.reset = True self.last_cnt = final_cnt for row in thresh: for i in range(len(row)): row[i] = 255 #for cnt in contours: # cv2.drawContours(thresh, [cnt], 0, (183,23,100), -1) cv2.drawContours(thresh, [final_cnt], 0, (183, 23, 100), -1) if self.reset == True: if thread.active_count() == 1: thread.Thread(target=Off, args=(2, self.Serial_Device)).start() self.reset = False print("OFF") elif self.direction > 9 and thread.active_count() == 1: thread.Thread(target=Blink, args=(1, "EC86", self.Serial_Device)).start() print("further EC86") elif thread.active_count() == 1: thread.Thread(target=Blink, args=(1, "ECC5", self.Serial_Device)).start() print("closer ECC5"), (50, 130), 1, color=(0,255,255), thickness=2, lineType=8, shift=0) #namedWindow("Display frame", WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow("Display frame", 400, 400) cv2.imshow('Display frame', thresh) #out_writer.write(thresh) cv2.waitKey(25) #out = cv2.cvtColor(amplitude,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # out = cv2.applyColorMap(out,cv2.COLORMAP_MAGMA) #self.out_writer.write(out) #cv2.imshow('junction',out) #cv2.waitKey(10) def exit(self): """Perform actions before exit""" self.out_writer.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() print("Exiting..")
class Streamer60(): def __init__(self, url='', topic='radar60', only_latest=False): self.i = 0 self.url = url self.topic = topic self.only_latest = only_latest self.samples_in_total = 0 self.fps = 30 self.startTime = time.time() cv2.namedWindow('junction', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # connect to RabbitMQ topic self.subscriber = Subscriber(self.url) self.subscriber.subscribe(self.topic, self.process_sample, only_latest=self.only_latest) atexit.register(self.exit) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def deserialize_vtt_60_processed(self, sample): """Deserialize raw data and config dictionary. Return None is case of failure""" try: deserialized_sample = Vtt60Processed.Sample.GetRootAsSample( sample, 0) except Exception: return None sample_dict = {} sample_dict['amplitude'] = deserialized_sample.AmplitudeAsNumpy() sample_dict['angle'] = deserialized_sample.AngleAsNumpy() self.samples_in_total += 1 return sample_dict def report_people(self, number): if number > 0: number = number - 1 if number == 0: light = 5 temperature = 6500 elif number == 1: light = 20 temperature = 5750 elif number == 2: light = 30 temperature = 4850 else: light = 60 temperature = 3450'', json={ "device_id": "EC22", "type": "brightness", "user": "******", "settings": { "light_level_value": light, "color_temperature_value": temperature } }) def process_sample(self, ch, method, properties, body): """Process a single sample from radar""" # data inside a dictionary # {'amplitude':[1.3,4.4,5...], # 'angle': [0.04,0.1,...]} sample_dict = self.deserialize_vtt_60_processed(body) with open('sample_test_run.txt', 'a') as f: x_arrstr = np.char.mod('%d', sample_dict['amplitude']) # x_arrstr -> should be 2d array "frame". raw_data = ",".join(x_arrstr.flatten()) f.write(raw_data) f.write('\n') arr = np.array(sample_dict['amplitude']) frame = np.reshape(arr, (180, 110)) frame_transposed_flipped = np.flip(np.transpose(frame)) frame_transposed_flipped = np.flip(np.transpose(frame)) details_removed = frame_transposed_flipped details_removed = np.clip(frame_transposed_flipped, a_min=frame_transposed_flipped.max() - 15, a_max=None) self.i = self.i + 1 if self.i % 10 == 0: b = sum( pd.DataFrame(frame).max().diff() / pd.DataFrame(frame).max() > 0.13) self.report_people(b) if body is None or sample_dict is None: print('Stream stopped.') return if self.samples_in_total % self.fps == 0: endTime = time.time() print('FPS: {:.1f}'.format(self.fps / (endTime - self.startTime))) self.startTime = endTime # your code here amplitude = sample_dict['amplitude'] amplitude = np.reshape(amplitude, (180, 110)) amplitude = np.where(amplitude > 130, 130, amplitude) amplitude = np.uint8(255 * amplitude / 130) out = cv2.cvtColor(amplitude, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) out = cv2.applyColorMap(out, cv2.COLORMAP_MAGMA) cv2.imshow('junction', out) cv2.waitKey(10) def exit(self): """Perform actions before exit""" cv2.destroyAllWindows() print("Exiting..")
class Streamer60(): def __init__(self, url='localhost', topic='radar60', only_latest=False): self.url = url self.topic = topic self.only_latest = only_latest self.samples_in_total = 0 self.fps = 30 self.startTime = time.time() cv2.namedWindow('junction', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # connect to RabbitMQ topic self.subscriber = Subscriber(self.url) self.subscriber.subscribe(self.topic, self.process_sample, only_latest=self.only_latest) atexit.register(self.exit) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def deserialize_vtt_60_processed(self, sample): """Deserialize raw data and config dictionary. Return None is case of failure""" try: deserialized_sample = Vtt60Processed.Sample.GetRootAsSample( sample, 0) except Exception: return None sample_dict = {} sample_dict['amplitude'] = deserialized_sample.AmplitudeAsNumpy() sample_dict['angle'] = deserialized_sample.AngleAsNumpy() self.samples_in_total += 1 return sample_dict def process_sample(self, ch, method, properties, body): """Process a single sample from radar""" # data inside a dictionary # {'amplitude':[1.3,4.4,5...], # 'angle': [0.04,0.1,...]} sample_dict = self.deserialize_vtt_60_processed(body) if body is None or sample_dict is None: print('Stream stopped.') return if self.samples_in_total % self.fps == 0: endTime = time.time() print('FPS: {:.1f}'.format(self.fps / (endTime - self.startTime))) self.startTime = endTime # your code here amplitude = sample_dict['amplitude'] amplitude = np.reshape(amplitude, (180, 110)) amplitude = np.where(amplitude > 130, 130, amplitude) amplitude = np.uint8(255 * amplitude / 130) out = cv2.cvtColor(amplitude, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) out = cv2.applyColorMap(out, cv2.COLORMAP_MAGMA) cv2.imshow('junction', out) cv2.waitKey(10) def exit(self): """Perform actions before exit""" cv2.destroyAllWindows() print("Exiting..")