def __init__(self, url=None): """Create a new instance of the Connection object""" super(Connection, self).__init__() # Create a name for the connection self._name = '0x%x' % id(self) # Extract parts of connection URL for use later self._args = self._process_url(url or self.DEFAULT_URL) # General events and queues shared across threads self._events = events.Events() # A queue for the child threads to put exceptions in self._exceptions = queue.Queue() # One queue for writing frames, regardless of the channel sending them self._write_queue = queue.Queue() # Lock used when managing the channel stack self._channel_lock = threading.Lock() # Attributes for core object threads self._channel0 = None self._channels = dict() self._heartbeat_checker = None self._io = None # Used by Message for breaking up body frames self._max_frame_size = None # Connect to RabbitMQ self._connect()
def channel(self, blocking_read=False): """Create a new channel If blocking_read is True, the cross-thread Queue.get use will use blocking operations that lower resource utilization and increase throughput. However, due to how Python's blocking Queue.get is implemented, KeyboardInterrupt is not raised when CTRL-C is pressed. :param bool blocking_read: Enable for higher throughput :raises: rabbitpy.exceptions.AMQPException :raises: rabbitpy.exceptions.RemoteClosedChannelException """ with self._channel_lock: channel_id = self._get_next_channel_id() channel_frames = queue.Queue() self._channels[channel_id] = \ channel.Channel(channel_id, self.capabilities, self._events, self._exceptions, channel_frames, self._write_queue, self._max_frame_size, self._io.write_trigger, blocking_read) self._add_channel_to_io(self._channels[channel_id], channel_frames) self._channels[channel_id].open() return self._channels[channel_id]
def __init__(self, connection_args, events_obj, exception_queue, write_queue, write_trigger, connection): super(Channel0, self).__init__(exception_queue, write_trigger, connection) self._channel_id = 0 self._args = connection_args self._events = events_obj self._exceptions = exception_queue self._read_queue = queue.Queue() self._write_queue = write_queue self._write_trigger = write_trigger self._state = self.CLOSED self._max_channels = connection_args['channel_max'] self._max_frame_size = connection_args['frame_max'] self._heartbeat_interval = connection_args['heartbeat'] = None