Beispiel #1
def test_alg(alg, size_array):

    t_arrays = []

    # Create the random arrays
    for i in range(N_TESTS_ALG):
        a = [randint(-2**N_BITS, 2**N_BITS) for i in range(size_array)]

    # Insertion Sort
    if alg == INSERTION_SORT:
        print("INSERTION_SORT", end=",")
        print("N=%d" % (size_array))

        # Test N times to get a more precise average time
        for test in range(N_TESTS_ALG):
            A = list.copy(t_arrays[test])
            t1 = time()
            t2 = time()
            print("T%d," % test, t2 - t1)

    elif alg == MERGE_SORT:
        print("MERGE_SORT", end=",")
        print("N=%d" % (size_array))

        # Test N times to get a more precise average time
        for test in range(N_TESTS_ALG):
            A = list.copy(t_arrays[test])
            t1 = time()
            merge_sort(A, 0, len(A) - 1)
            t2 = time()
            print("T%d," % test, t2 - t1)

    elif alg == RADIX_SORT:
        print("RADIX_SORT", end=",")
        print("N=%d" % (size_array))

        # Test N times to get a more precise average time
        for test in range(N_TESTS_ALG):
            A = list.copy(t_arrays[test])
            t1 = time()
            t2 = time()
            print("T%d," % test, t2 - t1)

    elif alg == BUCKET_SORT:
        print("BUCKET_SORT", end=",")
        print("N=%d" % (size_array))

        # Test N times to get a more precise average time
        for test in range(N_TESTS_ALG):
            A = list.copy(t_arrays[test])
            t1 = time()
            bucket_sort(A, len(A))
            t2 = time()
            print("T%d," % test, t2 - t1)
Beispiel #2
def test_stable():
    """Test identical items in list retain stable position on sort."""
    from radix_sort import radix_sort
    check_list = [1, 0, 2, 3, 2]
    two_a = check_list[2]
    two_b = check_list[4]
    assert check_list[2] is two_a
    assert check_list[3] is two_b
def test_radix_sort(build_list):
    x, y = build_list
    assert radix_sort(x) == y

    import random
    for i in xrange(100):
        x = [random.randint(10,100) for i in xrange(20)]
        y = radix_sort(x)
        z = quick_sort(x)
        assert y == z
def test_radix_sort(build_list):
    x, y = build_list
    assert radix_sort(x) == y

    import random
    for i in xrange(100):
        x = [random.randint(10, 100) for i in xrange(20)]
        y = radix_sort(x)
        z = quick_sort(x)
        assert y == z
Beispiel #5
def test_stable_random(seq):
    """Test stability property on random lists."""
    from radix_sort import radix_sort
    seq = list(seq)
    index_a, index_b = sorted(random.sample(range(len(seq)), 2))
    val_a, val_b = 0, 0
    seq[index_a], seq[index_b] = val_a, val_b
    assert seq[0] is val_a
    assert seq[1] is val_b
 def test_of_small_array(self):
     a = [
         ['2IYE230', '2RLA629', '3CIO720', '4PGC938',])
Beispiel #7
def menu_de_algoritmos():
    print("Analise de algoritmos separadamente")
    print("(1) - Quick Sort")
    print("(2) - Merge Sort")
    print("(3) - Heap Sort")
    print("(4) - Radix Sort")

    option = input("Escolha uma opção: ")

    quantity = [100, 1000, 10000, 100000]
    limit = 1000**2

    if option == '1':

        for i in quantity:
            lista = cria_lista(i, limit)

            inicio = time.time()
            quick_sort(lista, 0, len(lista))
            fim = time.time()
            result = fim - inicio
            print("O tempo de ordenação do quicksort em um vetor de {} elementos é de {} segundos.".format(i, result))

    elif option == '2':

        for i in quantity:
            lista = cria_lista(i, limit)

            inicio = time.time()
            fim = time.time()
            result = fim - inicio
            print("O tempo de ordenação do mergesort em um vetor de {} elementos é de {} segundos.".format(i, result))

    elif option == '3':

        for i in quantity:
            lista = cria_lista(i, limit)

            inicio = time.time()
            fim = time.time()
            result = fim - inicio
            print("O tempo de ordenação do heap em um vetor de {} elementos é de {} segundos.".format(i, result))

    elif option == '4':

        for i in quantity:
            lista = cria_lista(i, limit)

            inicio = time.time()
            fim = time.time()
            result = fim - inicio
            print("O tempo de ordenação do radix em um vetor de {} elementos é de {} segundos.".format(i, result))
Beispiel #8
def test_stable_random_2(seq):
    """Test that stability fails when sorting to end of list."""
    from radix_sort import radix_sort
    if len(seq) < 3:
    seq = list(seq)
    index_a, index_b = sorted(random.sample(range(len(seq)), 2))
    val_a, val_b = 1000, 1000
    seq[index_a], seq[index_b] = val_a, val_b
    assert seq[-1] is val_a
    assert seq[-2] is val_b
def sort_file(filename, newfilename):
    L = []
    print("Initializing list")
    buildlist(L, filename)
    print("List Initialized. Length:", len(L))
    print("Sorting List")
    print("List sorted")
    print("Writing outfile")
    writefile(L, newfilename)
    print("Outfile written")
Beispiel #10
def test_stable_random_3(seq):
    """Test stability property on random lists with random duplicate values."""
    from radix_sort import radix_sort
    if len(seq) < 2:
    seq = list(seq)
    index_a = random.randrange(len(seq) - 1)
    index_b = random.randrange(index_a + 1, len(seq))
    val_a = seq[index_a]
    val_b = int(val_a)
    seq[index_b] = val_b
    index_a = seq.index(val_a)
    assert seq[index_a + 1] is val_b
Beispiel #11
 def test_short_list(self):
     Tests if a short list of integers has been sorted
     l = [5, 2, 8, 2, 6, 1, 454, 8, 23]
     final = [1, 2, 2, 5, 6, 8, 8, 23, 454]
     self.assertEqual(radix_sort(l), final)
Beispiel #12
def route_sorting():

        toPOST = request.args.get('toPOST')  # user input points
        print("GET failed")
        return jsonify({"message": "request body is not json."}), 400

    if toPOST != {}:
        print("RADIX SORT START!")

        ### Process history data
            history = data_process(url)  # entire historical typhoon tracks
            point_data = history_point_data(history)  # P(i, j)
            return jsonify({"message": "Defective JMA API."}), 406

        ### Process similarity model
            U = json.loads(toPOST)  # convert user inputs to dict
            return jsonify({"message": "Wrong fromat in points data."}), 400

        ### Success
        return jsonify(radix_sort(history, point_data, U))
        print('NO USER INPUTS!')
        return jsonify({"message": "user input is empty."}), 400
Beispiel #13
def test_empty_list():
    """An empty list will return unchanged"""
    lst = []

    expected = []
    actual = radix_sort(lst)
    assert actual == expected
Beispiel #14
def test_randomly_unsorted_list():
    """An unsorted list returns sorted"""
    lst = [23, 22, 476, 35, 1, 86]

    expected = [1, 22, 23, 35, 86, 476]
    actual = radix_sort(lst)
    assert actual == expected
Beispiel #15
def test_sorted_list():
    """A sorted list will return unchanged"""
    lst = [1, 22, 23, 35, 586, 1476]

    expected = [1, 22, 23, 35, 586, 1476]
    actual = radix_sort(lst)
    assert actual == expected
Beispiel #16
def test_radix_sort_against_python_sort():
    """Test radix sort against python's sort method."""
    from radix_sort import radix_sort
    input_list = [randint(0, 100000) for i in range(1000)]
    test_list = radix_sort(input_list)
    assert test_list == input_list
 def test_single_negative(self):
     arr = [-1]
     res = radix_sort(arr)
     expected = [-1]
     self.assertFalse(not res)
     self.assertEqual(expected, res)
     self.assertEqual(len(arr), len(res))
Beispiel #18
def test_backward_list():
    """A backward list will return reversed"""
    lst = [1476, 586, 35, 23, 22, 1]

    expected = [1, 22, 23, 35, 586, 1476]
    actual = radix_sort(lst)
    assert actual == expected
Beispiel #19
 def test_radix_sort(self):
     d = 10
     A = [randint(10**(d - 1), 10**d - 1) for _ in range(30)]
     B = A.copy()
     B = radix_sort(B, d)
     self.assertEqual(A, B)
Beispiel #20
def test_single_item_list():
    """A one-itemed list will return unchanged"""
    lst = [100]

    expected = [100]
    actual = radix_sort(lst)
    assert actual == expected
Beispiel #21
 def test_float_list(self):
     Tests if a list of floating point numbers has been 
     l = [4.526378, 3.345, 1.111, 2.89, 0.3456]
     final = [0.3456, 1.111, 2.89, 3.345, 4.526378]
     self.assertEqual(radix_sort(l), final)
Beispiel #22
 def test_radix_sort(self):
     Test that it can sort a list of numbers with the radix algorithm.
     data = [4, 78, 2, 33, 0, 99, 86, 4, 21, 3]
     expected = [0, 2, 3, 4, 4, 21, 33, 78, 86, 99]
     output = radix_sort(data)
     self.assertEqual(output, expected)
 def testRadix(self):
     result = copy(self.original)
     before = time.time()
     result = radix_sort(result)
     after = time.time()
     print("Radix Sort, size: %d time: %f" % (self.list_length, after-before))
     #print "Original List is: ", self.original
     #print "Result of Radix Sort is: ", result
     self.assertEqual(self.sorted_list, result, "Radix Sort Failed")
Beispiel #24
 def test_long_list(self):
     Tests if a long list of integers has been sorted
     l = [
         5, 8, 2, 6, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 5, 789, 2344, 6, 1, 6, 7, 234, 8, 56, 4,
         8, 234, 0, 12, 0
     final = [
         0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 12, 56,
         234, 234, 789, 2344
     self.assertEqual(radix_sort(l), final)
Beispiel #25
def comparativo_de_algoritmos():
    limit = 1000**2
    results_quicksort = []
    results_mergesort = []
    results_heapsort = []
    results_radixsort = []

    for i in range(0,100):
        lista = cria_lista(1000, limit)

        lista_quick = lista
        inicio = time.time()
        quick_sort(lista_quick, 0, len(lista_quick))
        fim = time.time()
        tempo = fim - inicio

        lista_merge = lista
        inicio = time.time()
        fim = time.time()
        tempo = fim - inicio

        lista_heap = lista
        inicio = time.time()
        fim = time.time()
        tempo = fim - inicio

        lista_radix = lista
        inicio = time.time()
        fim = time.time()
        tempo = fim - inicio

    plota_grafico(results_quicksort, results_mergesort, results_heapsort, results_radixsort)
    def test_predictably(self):

        dict_of_base_two_lists = {
            'list_zero': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            'list_one': [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
            'list_two': [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
            'list_three': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
            'list_four': [1101, 1110, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1111, 1000, 1001]

        dict_of_base_ten_lists = {
            'list_six': [10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 27, 28, 29],
            'list_four': [56372, 57353, 98124, 12427, 35243, 25352, 53723],
            'list_nine': [26, 27, 28, 29, 10, 11, 12, 13],
            'list_five': [9, 8, 4, 3, 5, 6, 2, 1, 0, 7]

        for each_key in dict_of_base_two_lists:
            each_list = dict_of_base_two_lists[each_key]
            sorted_list = r_s.radix_sort(each_list, base_of_each_digit=2)

            assert len(sorted_list) == len(each_list)

            for each_number in range(0, (len(each_list) - 1)):
                assert (sorted_list[each_number]
                        <= sorted_list[(each_number + 1)])

        for each_key in dict_of_base_ten_lists:
            each_list = dict_of_base_ten_lists[each_key]
            sorted_list = r_s.radix_sort(each_list)

            assert len(sorted_list) == len(each_list)

            for each_number in range(0, (len(each_list) - 1)):
                assert (sorted_list[each_number]
                        <= sorted_list[(each_number + 1)])
    def test_randomly(self):

        for each_pass in range(0, 1000):

            random_order_of_magnitude = (10 ** random.randint(1, 10))
            random_list = []
            for each_number in range(0, random.randint(3, 40)):
                # E.g., 1000 to 9999 or 10 to 99 or 10000000 to 99999999
                topend = (random_order_of_magnitude * 10) - 1
                random_number = random.randint(random_order_of_magnitude,
            # Verify the above worked...
            # preferably in the most humorously awkward yet direct way
            for each_number_index in range(1, len(random_list)):
                assert (len(str(random_list[each_number_index]))
                        == (len(str(random_list[(each_number_index - 1)]))))

            sorted_random_list = r_s.radix_sort(random_list)
            assert len(random_list) == len(sorted_random_list)
            for each_number in range(0, (len(sorted_random_list) - 1)):
                assert (sorted_random_list[each_number]
                        <= sorted_random_list[(each_number + 1)])
Beispiel #28
 def test_common(self):
     arr = [123, 43, 54536565, 134, 220, 562, 6, 54, 0, 87, 4547585756456, 555, 100, 555, 555, 777, 777, 777, 776]
     res = radix_sort.radix_sort(arr)
     exp = [0, 6, 43, 54, 87, 100, 123, 134, 220, 555, 555, 555, 562, 776, 777, 777, 777, 54536565, 4547585756456]
     self.assertEqual(exp, res)
Beispiel #29
 def test_radix_sort_already_sorted(self):
     d = 10
     A = sorted([randint(10**(d - 1), 10**d - 1) for _ in range(30)])
     B = A.copy()
     B = radix_sort(B, d)
     self.assertEqual(A, B)
def test_worst_case():
    worst_case = [random.randint(10 ** 3, 10 ** 4) for x in range(10000)]
    assert radix_sort(worst_case) == sorted(worst_case)
def test_empty_list():
    assert radix_sort([]) == []
def test_repeating_list():
    repeating = [2] * 50
    assert radix_sort(repeating) == [2] * 50
Beispiel #33
def test_all_zeros_in_ones_place():
    """Handels zeros in ones place."""
    assert radix_sort([110, 10, 20, 150]) == [10, 20, 110, 150]
 def test_trivial_2(self):
     arr = [123456789]
     res = radix_sort(arr)
     expected = [123456789]
     self.assertFalse(not res)
     self.assertEqual(expected, res)
 def test_empty(self):
     arr = []
     res = radix_sort(arr)
     expected = []
     self.assertEqual(expected, res)
def test_radix_sort_on_empty():
    assert radix_sort([]) == []
def test_radix_sort_on_list_length_one():
    assert radix_sort([1]) == [1]
Beispiel #38
 def test_sorted(self):
     arr = [5, 123, 352, 456, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238]
     res = radix_sort.radix_sort(arr)
     self.assertEqual(arr, res)
Beispiel #39
def test_odd_list():
    """Making sure the radix sort works with an odd list."""
    numbers = [17, 11, 14, 99, 20]
    assert radix_sort(numbers) == sorted(numbers)
    attr_dict, attr_values, attr_value_NO, attr_list, data_pic_path = data_pickle.openfile(
    attr_num = len(attr_list)
    lists = [[] for i in xrange(attr_num)]
    key = [[] for i in xrange(attr_num)]
    offset = [[] for i in xrange(attr_num)]

    # attr_num = 1
    total_row = len(attr_values[0])
    for idx in range(attr_num):
        input_data = numpy.array(attr_values[idx])
        length = input_data.shape[0]
        rid = numpy.arange(0, length, dtype='int64')

        #step1 sort
        radix_sort.radix_sort(input_data, rid)
        print rid
        print rid.dtype
        cardinality = len(attr_value_NO[idx].items())
        literal = numpy.zeros(length, dtype='uint32')
        chunk_id = numpy.zeros(length, dtype='int64')

        stream =
        #d_rid = cuda.to_device(rid, stream)
        d_chunk_id = cuda.to_device(chunk_id, stream)
        d_literal = cuda.to_device(literal, stream)
        #step2 produce chunk_id and literal
        produce_chId_lit_gpu[length / tpb + 1, tpb](rid, d_literal, d_chunk_id,
Beispiel #41
def test_single_item_in_list():
    """When there is only one value, what will it do."""
    assert radix_sort([1]) == [1]
def test_radix_sort_on_reverse_order_list():
    assert radix_sort([4, 3, 2, 1, 1]) == [1, 1, 2, 3, 4]
def test_random():
    random_case = [random.randint(0, 50) for i in range(50)]
    assert radix_sort(random_case) == sorted(random_case)
 def test_long_array(self):
     arr = [random.randint(0, 1000000) for i in range(200000)]
     res = radix_sort(arr)
     self.assertEqual(len(arr), len(res))
def test_reversed_sorted():
    reversed_case = range(50, -1, -1)
    assert radix_sort(reversed_case) == range(51)
def test_radix_sort_on_ordered_list():
    assert radix_sort([1, 2, 2, 3, 4]) == [1, 2, 2, 3, 4]
def test_list_len_one():
    assert radix_sort([2]) == [2]
 def test_multiple_negative(self):
     arr = [random.randint(-1000000, -1) for i in range(100000)]
     res = radix_sort(arr)
     self.assertEqual(len(arr), len(res))
def test_radix_sort_on_unordered_list():
    assert radix_sort([4, 1, 9, 200, 15]) == [1, 4, 9, 15, 200]
 def test_random_input_3(self):
     arr = [random.randint(-1000000, 1000000) for i in range(100000)]
     res = radix_sort(arr)
     self.assertEqual(len(arr), len(res))
Beispiel #51
		offset[i] = offset[i-1] + key_idx_length[i-1]
	return key_idx_length,offset

if __name__ == '__main__':
	path = 'data.txt'	#file path
	attr_dict,attr_values,attr_value_NO = data.openfile(path)
	print attr_dict['worker_class'], attr_value_NO[0]
	total_row = len(attr_values[0])
	input_data = numpy.array(attr_values[0])
	print input_data
	length = input_data.shape[0]
	rid = numpy.arange(0,length)

	#step1 sort
	print input_data
	f1 = open('input_data.txt', 'w')
	f2 = open("rid.txt", 'w')

	#cardinality = input_data[-1]+1 
	cardinality = len(attr_dict['worker_class'])
	print 'rid:\n',rid
	literal = numpy.zeros(length, dtype = 'uint32')
	chunk_id = numpy.zeros(length, dtype = 'int64')
Beispiel #52
def test_radixs_0_1():
    """Another radix test."""
    sorted_list = [11, 1, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11]
    assert radix_sort([11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 1]) == sorted_list
 def test_trivial_3(self):
     arr = [0]
     res = radix_sort(arr)
     expected = [0]
     self.assertFalse(not res)
     self.assertEqual(expected, res)
Beispiel #54
 def test_negative(self):
     arr = [5, -4, -35, -2, 0, 21, -21, 88]
     res = radix_sort.radix_sort(arr)
     exp = [-35, -21, -4, -2, 0, 5, 21, 88]
     self.assertEqual(res, exp)
def get_pic_path(path):
    #print 'open source file in bitmap_pickle: '.strip()
    start = time.time()
    attr_dict, attr_values, attr_value_NO, attr_list, data_pic_path = data_pickle.openfile(
    end = time.time()
    #print str(end-start)

    #print 'index part(get bitmap, keylength and offset): '.strip()
    start = time.time()
    attr_num = len(attr_list)
    lists = [[] for i in xrange(attr_num)]
    key = [[] for i in xrange(attr_num)]
    offset = [[] for i in xrange(attr_num)]

    # attr_num = 1
    total_row = len(attr_values[0])
    for idx in range(attr_num):
        input_data = numpy.array(attr_values[idx])
        length = input_data.shape[0]
        rid = numpy.arange(0, length)
        #step1 sort
        #print 'time in step1--sort:'
        start = time.time()
        radix_sort.radix_sort(input_data, rid)
        end = time.time()
        #print str(end-start)

        cardinality = len(attr_value_NO[idx].items())
        literal = numpy.zeros(length, dtype='uint32')
        chunk_id = numpy.zeros(length, dtype='int64')

        #print 'time in step2--produce chId_lit:'
        start = time.time()
        stream =
        #d_rid = cuda.to_device(rid, stream)
        d_chunk_id = cuda.to_device(chunk_id, stream)
        d_literal = cuda.to_device(literal, stream)
        #step2 produce chunk_id and literal
        produce_chId_lit_gpu[length / tpb + 1, tpb](rid, d_literal, d_chunk_id,

        end = time.time()
        #print str(end-start)

        #step3 reduce by key(value, chunk_id)
        #print 'time in step3--reduce by key:'
        start = time.time()
        reduced_input_data, reduced_chunk_id, reduced_literal = reduce_by_key(
            input_data, chunk_id, literal, length)
        reduced_length = reduced_input_data.shape[0]  #row
        end = time.time()
        #print str(end-start)
        #print '##############################reduced############################'
        #for i in xrange(reduced_length):
        #	print reduced_input_data[i], reduced_chunk_id[i], bin(reduced_literal[i])

        #step4 produce 0-Fill word
        #print 'time in step4--produce 0-fill word:'
        start = time.time()
        fill_word, head = produce_fill(reduced_input_data, reduced_chunk_id,
        end = time.time()
        #print str(end-start)

        #step 5 & 6: get index by interleaving 0-Fill word and literal(also remove all-zeros word)
        #print 'time in step5--get out_index & length & offset:'
        start = time.time()
        out_index, offsets, key_length = getIdx(fill_word, reduced_literal,
                                                reduced_length, head,
        end = time.time()
        #print str(end-start)

        lists[idx] = out_index
        key[idx] = key_length
        offset[idx] = offsets
    end = time.time()
    #print str(end-start)
	print '*****************index:'
	print lists
	print '*****************length:'
	print key
	print '*****************offset:'
	print offset

    print 'put index result into file: '.strip()
    start = time.time()
    bitmap_pic_path = 'bitmap_pic.pkl'
    f1 = open(bitmap_pic_path, 'wb')
    pickle.dump(lists, f1, True)
    pickle.dump(key, f1, True)
    pickle.dump(offset, f1, True)
    end = time.time()
    print str(end - start)
    return data_pic_path, bitmap_pic_path, attr_num
 def test_different_length_ints(self):
     arr = [random.randint(0, 1000000) for i in range(1000)]
     res = radix_sort(arr)
     self.assertEqual(len(arr), len(res))