Beispiel #1
    def configure(self, gconfig={}, **options):
        Reconfigures the scheduler with the given options. Can only be done
        when the scheduler isn't running.
        if self.running:
            raise SchedulerAlreadyRunningError

        # Set general options
        config = combine_opts(gconfig, 'apscheduler.', options)
        self.misfire_grace_time = int(config.pop('misfire_grace_time', 1))
        self.coalesce = asbool(config.pop('coalesce', True))
        self.daemonic = asbool(config.pop('daemonic', True))
        self.standalone = asbool(config.pop('standalone', False))

        # Configure the thread pool
        if 'threadpool' in config:
            self._threadpool = maybe_ref(config['threadpool'])
            threadpool_opts = combine_opts(config, 'threadpool.')
            self._threadpool = ThreadPool(**threadpool_opts)