Beispiel #1
def lint(files):
    lint(files: [str]) -> boolean

    Runs the configured linter for each file in files, and returns
    True if no linter issues are found, False otherwise.
    config = get_config()
        lint_engine = config['linter']
    except KeyError:
        print_colored('No linter configured for this project.', color='yellow')
        return True

    print_colored('Running Linter...', color='none')

    err_codes = 0
    for filename in files:
        for lint_rule in lint_engine:
            regex = lint_rule['pattern']
            if re.match(regex, filename):
                linter = lint_rule['command']
                cmd = '%s %s' % (linter, filename)
                err_codes += call_command(cmd)
    return err_codes == 0
Beispiel #2
def callback(args):
    push_callback() -> bool
    runs custom push hooks, returns True if everythink ok, False if should

        remote_name = args[2]
        branch_name = args[3].split(':')[1]
    except IndexError:
        print_colored('Raptor doesnt support pushing without '+\
                      'arguments (yet). Sadface.', color='red')
        return False

    # fetch the remote so we have the most up-to-date information
    call_command('git fetch %s' % (remote_name, ))

    output = run_command('git diff HEAD %s/%s --name-status' %\
                             (remote_name, branch_name))
    stdout = output['stdout'].strip()
    stderr = output['stderr'].strip()

    if stderr.startswith('fatal'):
        print 'remote has no branch "%s"' % (branch_name,), \
            '- falling back to master'
        output = run_command('git diff HEAD %s/master --name-status' %\
                                 (remote_name, ))

        stdout = output['stdout'].strip()
        stderr = output['stderr'].strip()

        if stderr.startswith('fatal'):
            print "couldn't push to master. bailing."
            return False

    git_files = get_diffed_files(stdout)
    return prompt_lint(git_files)