Beispiel #1
    def _resolve_intent_response_key(
            self, label: Dict[Text, Optional[Text]]) -> Optional[Text]:
        """Given a label, return the response key based on the label id.

            label: predicted label by the selector

            The match for the label that was found in the known responses.
            It is always guaranteed to have a match, otherwise that case should have been caught
            earlier and a warning should have been raised.

        for key, responses in self.responses.items():

            # First check if the predicted label was the key itself
            search_key = util.template_key_to_intent_response_key(key)
            if hash(search_key) == label.get("id"):
                return search_key

            # Otherwise loop over the responses to check if the text has a direct match
            for response in responses:
                if hash(response.get(TEXT, "")) == label.get("id"):
                    return search_key
        return None
Beispiel #2
def test_template_key_to_intent_response_key():
    intent_response_key = "chitchat/ask_name"
    template_key = "utter_chitchat/ask_name"
    assert template_key_to_intent_response_key(template_key) == intent_response_key