Beispiel #1
def predict_skycomponent_visibility(
    vis: Union[Visibility, BlockVisibility], sc: Union[Skycomponent,
) -> Union[Visibility, BlockVisibility]:
    """Predict the visibility from a Skycomponent, add to existing visibility, for Visibility or BlockVisibility

    :param vis: Visibility or BlockVisibility
    :param sc: Skycomponent or list of SkyComponents
    :return: Visibility or BlockVisibility
    if sc is None:
        return vis

    if not isinstance(sc, collections.Iterable):
        sc = [sc]

    if isinstance(vis, Visibility):

        _, im_nchan = list(get_frequency_map(vis, None))

        for comp in sc:
            assert isinstance(comp, Skycomponent), comp

            assert_same_chan_pol(vis, comp)

            l, m, n = skycoord_to_lmn(comp.direction, vis.phasecentre)
            phasor = simulate_point(vis.uvw, l, m)

            comp_flux = comp.flux[im_nchan, :]
  ['vis'][...] += comp_flux[:, :] * phasor[:, numpy.newaxis]

    elif isinstance(vis, BlockVisibility):

        ntimes, nant, _, nchan, npol = vis.vis.shape

        k = numpy.array(vis.frequency) /'m s^-1').value

        for comp in sc:
            #            assert isinstance(comp, Skycomponent), comp
            assert_same_chan_pol(vis, comp)

            flux = comp.flux
            if comp.polarisation_frame != vis.polarisation_frame:
                flux = convert_pol_frame(flux, comp.polarisation_frame,

            l, m, n = skycoord_to_lmn(comp.direction, vis.phasecentre)
            uvw = vis.uvw[..., numpy.newaxis] * k
            phasor = numpy.ones([ntimes, nant, nant, nchan, npol],
            for chan in range(nchan):
                phasor[:, :, :,
                       chan, :] = simulate_point(uvw[..., chan], l,
                                                 m)[..., numpy.newaxis]

  ['vis'][..., :, :] += flux[:, :] * phasor[..., :]

    return vis
Beispiel #2
def simulate_rfi_block(bvis, emitter_location, emitter, attenuation=1.0):
    """ Simulate RFI block

    :param config: ARL telescope Configuration
    :param times: observation times (hour angles)
    :param frequency: frequencies
    :param phasecentre:
    :param emitter_location: EarthLocation of emitter
    :param emitter_power: Power of emitter
    :param attenuation: Attenuation to be applied to signal

    # Calculate the power spectral density of the DTV station: Watts/Hz
    # emitter = simulate_Noise(bvis.frequency, bvis.time, power=emitter_power, timevariable=False)
    # emitter = numpy.load('/home/sunhaomin/re_map/re_map/RFI/yes_rfi100001.npy')
    # emitter =emitter.reshape(500,1024)
    # Calculate the propagators for signals from Perth to the stations in low
    # These are fixed in time but vary with frequency. The ad hoc attenuation
    # is set to produce signal roughly equal to noise at LOW
    propagators = create_propagators(bvis.configuration,
    # Now calculate the RFI at the stations, based on the emitter and the propagators
    rfi_at_station = calculate_rfi_at_station(propagators, emitter)

    # Calculate the rfi correlation using the fringe rotation and the rfi at the station
    # [ntimes, nants, nants, nchan, npol]['vis'][...] = calculate_station_correlation_rfi(rfi_at_station)

    ntimes, nant, _, nchan, npol = bvis.vis.shape

    # Observatory Hour angle & Declination
    pole = SkyCoord(ra=+0.0 * u.deg,
                    dec=-26.0 * u.deg,

    # Calculate phasor needed to shift from the phasecentre to the pole
    l, m, n = skycoord_to_lmn(pole, bvis.phasecentre)
    k = numpy.array(bvis.frequency) /'m s^-1').value
    uvw = bvis.uvw[..., numpy.newaxis] * k
    phasor = numpy.ones([ntimes, nant, nant, nchan, npol], dtype='complex')
    for chan in range(nchan):
        phasor[:, :, :, chan, :] = simulate_point(uvw[..., chan], l,
                                                  m)[..., numpy.newaxis]

    # Now fill this into the BlockVisibility['vis'] =['vis'] * phasor

    return bvis
Beispiel #3
def find_pierce_points(station_locations, ha, dec, phasecentre, height):
    """Find the pierce points for a flat screen at specified height

    A pierce point is where the line of site from a station to a source passes through a thin screen
    :param station_locations: station locations [:3]
    :param ha: Hour angle
    :param dec: Declination
    :param phasecentre: Phase centre
    :param height: Height of screen
    source_direction = SkyCoord(ra=ha, dec=dec, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
    local_locations = xyz_to_uvw(station_locations, ha, dec)
    local_locations -= numpy.average(local_locations, axis=0)

    lmn = numpy.array(skycoord_to_lmn(source_direction, phasecentre))
    lmn[2] += 1.0
    pierce_points = local_locations + height * numpy.array(lmn)
    return pierce_points
Beispiel #4
def sum_visibility(vis: Visibility, direction: SkyCoord) -> numpy.array:
    """ Direct Fourier summation in a given direction

    :param vis: Visibility to be summed
    :param direction: Direction of summation
    :return: flux[nch,npol], weight[nch,pol]
    # TODO: Convert to Visibility or remove?

    assert isinstance(vis, Visibility) or isinstance(vis, BlockVisibility), vis

    svis = copy_visibility(vis)

    l, m, n = skycoord_to_lmn(direction, svis.phasecentre)
    phasor = numpy.conjugate(simulate_point(svis.uvw, l, m))

    # Need to put correct mapping here
    _, frequency = get_frequency_map(svis, None)

    frequency = list(frequency)

    nchan = max(frequency) + 1
    npol = svis.polarisation_frame.npol

    flux = numpy.zeros([nchan, npol])
    weight = numpy.zeros([nchan, npol])

    coords = svis.vis, svis.weight, phasor, list(frequency)
    for v, wt, p, ic in zip(*coords):
        for pol in range(npol):
            flux[ic, pol] += numpy.real(wt[pol] * v[pol] * p)
            weight[ic, pol] += wt[pol]

    flux[weight > 0.0] = flux[weight > 0.0] / weight[weight > 0.0]
    flux[weight <= 0.0] = 0.0
    return flux, weight
Beispiel #5
def fit_visibility(vis, sc, tol=1e-6, niter=20, verbose=False, method='trust-exact', **kwargs):
    """Fit a single component to a visibility
    Uses the scipy.optimize.minimize function.
    :param vis:
    :param sc: Initial component
    :param tol: Tolerance of fit
    :param niter: Number of iterations
    :param verbose:
    :param method: 'CG', 'BFGS', 'Powell', 'trust-ncg', 'trust-exact', 'trust-krylov': default 'trust-exact'
    :param kwargs:
    :return: component, convergence info as a dictionary
    assert vis.polarisation_frame.type == 'stokesI', "Currently restricted to stokesI"

    # These derivative have been calculated using sympy. See
    def J(params):
        # Params are flux, l, m
        S = params[0]
        l = params[1]
        m = params[2]
        u = vis.u[:, numpy.newaxis]
        v = vis.v[:, numpy.newaxis]
        vobs = vis.vis
        p = numpy.exp( -2j * numpy.pi * (u * l + v * m))
        vres = vobs - S * p
        J = numpy.sum(vis.weight * (vres * numpy.conjugate(vres)).real)
        return J

    def Jboth(params):
        # Params are flux, l, m
        S = params[0]
        l = params[1]
        m = params[2]
        u = vis.u[:, numpy.newaxis]
        v = vis.v[:, numpy.newaxis]
        vobs = vis.vis
        p = numpy.exp( -2j * numpy.pi * (u * l + v * m))
        vres = vobs - S * p
        Vrp = vres * numpy.conjugate(p) * vis.weight
        J = numpy.sum(vis.weight * (vres * numpy.conjugate(vres)).real)
        gradJ = numpy.array([- 2.0 * numpy.sum(Vrp.real),
                             + 4.0 * numpy.pi * S * numpy.sum(u * Vrp.imag),
                             + 4.0 * numpy.pi * S * numpy.sum(v * Vrp.imag)])
        return J, gradJ

    def hessian(params):
        S = params[0]
        l = params[1]
        m = params[2]
        u = vis.u[:, numpy.newaxis]
        v = vis.v[:, numpy.newaxis]
        w = vis.w[:, numpy.newaxis]
        wt = vis.weight

        vobs = vis.vis
        p = numpy.exp( -2j * numpy.pi * (u * l + v * m))
        vres = vobs - S * p
        Vrp = vres * numpy.conjugate(p)
        hess = numpy.zeros([3,3])
        hess[0,0] = 2.0 * numpy.sum(wt)
        hess[0,1] = 4.0 * numpy.pi * numpy.sum(wt * u * Vrp.imag)
        hess[0,2] = 4.0 * numpy.pi * numpy.sum(wt * v * Vrp.imag)
        hess[1,1] = 8.0 * numpy.pi**2 * S * numpy.sum(wt * u**2  * (S + Vrp.real))
        hess[1,2] = 8.0 * numpy.pi**2 * S * numpy.sum(wt * u * v * (S + Vrp.real))
        hess[2,2] = 8.0 * numpy.pi**2 * S * numpy.sum(wt * v**2  * (S + Vrp.real))
        hess[1,0] = hess[0,1]
        hess[2,0] = hess[0,2]
        hess[2,1] = hess[1,2]

        return hess
    # Initialize l,m,n to be in the direction of the component as defined in the frame of
    # visibility phasecentre
    l, m, n = skycoord_to_lmn(sc.direction, vis.phasecentre)

    x0 = numpy.array([sc.flux[0, 0], l, m])

    bounds = ((None, None), (-0.1, -0.1), (-0.1, 0.1))
    options = {'maxiter': niter, 'disp': verbose}
    import time
    start = time.time()
    if method == 'BFGS' or method == 'CG' or method == 'Powell':
        res = minimize(J, x0, method=method, options=options, tol=tol)
    elif method == 'Nelder-Mead':
        res = minimize(Jboth, x0, method=method, options=options, tol=tol)
    elif method == 'L-BFGS-B':
        res = minimize(Jboth, x0, method=method, jac=True, bounds=bounds, options=options, tol=tol)
        res = minimize(Jboth, x0, method=method, jac=True, hess=hessian, options=options, tol=tol)
    if verbose:
        print("Solution for %s took %.6f seconds" % (method, time.time() - start))
        print("Solution = %s" % str(res.x))
    sc.flux[...] = res.x[0]
    lmn = (res.x[1], res.x[2], 0.0)
    sc.direction = lmn_to_skycoord(lmn, vis.phasecentre)

    return sc, res
Beispiel #6
def simulate_rfi_block(bvis,
    """ Simulate RFI block

    :param config: RASCIL telescope Configuration
    :param times: observation times (hour angles)
    :param frequency: frequencies
    :param phasecentre:
    :param emitter_location: EarthLocation of emitter
    :param emitter_power: Power of emitter
    :param attenuation: Attenuation to be applied to signal
    :param use_pole: Set the emitter to nbe at the southern celestial pole

    # Calculate the power spectral density of the DTV station: Watts/Hz
    emitter = simulate_DTV(bvis.frequency,

    # Calculate the propagators for signals from Perth to the stations in low
    # These are fixed in time but vary with frequency. The ad hoc attenuation
    # is set to produce signal roughly equal to noise at LOW
    propagators = create_propagators(bvis.configuration,
    # Now calculate the RFI at the stations, based on the emitter and the propagators
    rfi_at_station = calculate_rfi_at_station(propagators, emitter)

    # Calculate the rfi correlation using the fringe rotation and the rfi at the station
    # [ntimes, nants, nants, nchan, npol]['vis'][...] = calculate_station_correlation_rfi(rfi_at_station)

    ntimes, nant, _, nchan, npol = bvis.vis.shape

    s2r = numpy.pi / 43200.0
    k = numpy.array(bvis.frequency) /'m s^-1').value
    uvw = bvis.uvw[..., numpy.newaxis] * k

    pole = SkyCoord(ra=+0.0 * u.deg,
                    dec=-90.0 * u.deg,

    if use_pole:
        # Calculate phasor needed to shift from the phasecentre to the pole
        l, m, n = skycoord_to_lmn(pole, bvis.phasecentre)
        phasor = numpy.ones([ntimes, nant, nant, nchan, npol], dtype='complex')
        for chan in range(nchan):
            phasor[:, :, :, chan, :] = simulate_point(uvw[..., chan], l,
                                                      m)[..., numpy.newaxis]

        # Now fill this into the BlockVisibility['vis'] =['vis'] * phasor
        # We know where the emitter is. Calculate the bearing to the emitter from
        # the site, generate az, el, and convert to ha, dec. ha, dec is static.
        site = bvis.configuration.location
        site_tup = (, site.lon.deg)
        emitter_tup = (, emitter_location.lon.deg)
        az = -calculate_initial_compass_bearing(site_tup,
                                                emitter_tup) * numpy.pi / 180.0
        el = 0.0
        hadec = azel_to_hadec(az, el,

        # Now step through the time stamps, calculating the effective
        # sky position for the emitter, and performing phase rotation
        # appropriately
        for itime, time in enumerate(bvis.time):
            ra = -hadec[0] + s2r * time
            dec = hadec[1]
            emitter_sky = SkyCoord(ra * u.rad, dec * u.rad)
            l, m, n = skycoord_to_lmn(emitter_sky, bvis.phasecentre)

            phasor = numpy.ones([nant, nant, nchan, npol], dtype='complex')
            for chan in range(nchan):
                phasor[:, :, chan, :] = simulate_point(uvw[itime, ..., chan],
                                                       l, m)[...,

            # Now fill this into the BlockVisibility
                             ...] =['vis'][itime, ...] * phasor

    return bvis
Beispiel #7
def phaserotate_visibility(vis: Visibility, newphasecentre: SkyCoord, tangent=True, inverse=False) -> Visibility:
    Phase rotate from the current phase centre to a new phase centre

    If tangent is False the uvw are recomputed and the visibility phasecentre is updated.
    Otherwise only the visibility phases are adjusted

    :param vis: Visibility to be rotated
    :param newphasecentre:
    :param tangent: Stay on the same tangent plane? (True)
    :param inverse: Actually do the opposite
    :return: Visibility
    l, m, n = skycoord_to_lmn(newphasecentre, vis.phasecentre)

    # No significant change?
    if numpy.abs(n) < 1e-15:
        return vis

    # Make a new copy
    newvis = copy_visibility(vis)

    if isinstance(vis, Visibility):
        phasor = simulate_point(newvis.uvw, l, m)
        if len(newvis.vis.shape) > len(phasor.shape):
            phasor = phasor[:, numpy.newaxis]
        if inverse:
  ['vis'] *= phasor
  ['vis'] *= numpy.conj(phasor)
        # To rotate UVW, rotate into the global XYZ coordinate system and back. We have the option of
        # staying on the tangent plane or not. If we stay on the tangent then the raster will
        # join smoothly at the edges. If we change the tangent then we will have to reproject to get
        # the results on the same image, in which case overlaps or gaps are difficult to deal with.
        if not tangent:
            if inverse:
                xyz = uvw_to_xyz(['uvw'], ha=-newvis.phasecentre.ra.rad, dec=newvis.phasecentre.dec.rad)
      ['uvw'][...] = \
                    xyz_to_uvw(xyz, ha=-newphasecentre.ra.rad, dec=newphasecentre.dec.rad)[...]
                # This is the original (non-inverse) code
                xyz = uvw_to_xyz(['uvw'], ha=-newvis.phasecentre.ra.rad, dec=newvis.phasecentre.dec.rad)
      ['uvw'][...] = xyz_to_uvw(xyz, ha=-newphasecentre.ra.rad, dec=newphasecentre.dec.rad)[
            newvis.phasecentre = newphasecentre
        return newvis

    elif isinstance(vis, BlockVisibility):
        k = numpy.array(vis.frequency) /'m s^-1').value

        uvw = vis.uvw[..., numpy.newaxis] * k
        phasor = numpy.ones_like(vis.vis, dtype='complex')
        _, _, _, nchan, npol = vis.vis.shape
        for chan in range(nchan):
            phasor[:, :, :, chan, :] = simulate_point(uvw[..., chan], l, m)[..., numpy.newaxis]

        if inverse:
  ['vis'] *= phasor
  ['vis'] *= numpy.conj(phasor)
        # To rotate UVW, rotate into the global XYZ coordinate system and back. We have the option of
        # staying on the tangent plane or not. If we stay on the tangent then the raster will
        # join smoothly at the edges. If we change the tangent then we will have to reproject to get
        # the results on the same image, in which case overlaps or gaps are difficult to deal with.
        if not tangent:
            # UVW is shape [nants, nants, 3], we want [nants * nants, 3]
            nrows, nants, _, _ = vis.uvw.shape
            uvw_linear = vis.uvw.reshape([nrows * nants * nants, 3])
            if inverse:
                xyz = uvw_to_xyz(uvw_linear, ha=-newvis.phasecentre.ra.rad, dec=newvis.phasecentre.dec.rad)
                uvw_linear = \
                    xyz_to_uvw(xyz, ha=-newphasecentre.ra.rad, dec=newphasecentre.dec.rad)[...]
                # This is the original (non-inverse) code
                xyz = uvw_to_xyz(uvw_linear, ha=-newvis.phasecentre.ra.rad, dec=newvis.phasecentre.dec.rad)
                uvw_linear = \
                    xyz_to_uvw(xyz, ha=-newphasecentre.ra.rad, dec=newphasecentre.dec.rad)[...]
            newvis.phasecentre = newphasecentre
  ['uvw'][...] = uvw_linear.reshape([nrows, nants, nants, 3])
        return newvis
        raise ValueError("vis argument neither Visibility or BlockVisibility")