Beispiel #1
    def del_data(self, name, fromdisk=False, directory=None):
        """remove variable from radiosonde
        from raso.config import rasodir

        if not hasattr(name, '__iter__'):
            name = [name]

        if directory is None:
            if is None:
                directory = rasodir

                directory =

        default = directory + '/%s' %
        for j in name:
            if hasattr(self, j):
                delattr(self, j)
                self.is_saved = False
                journal('Variable deleted: %s' % j, self.history, 0)

            if fromdisk:
                if os.path.isfile(default+'/%s.h5' % j):
                    os.remove(default+'/%s.h5' % j)
                    self.is_saved = True

                elif os.path.isfile(default+'/%s.pickle' % j):
                    os.remove(default + '/%s.pickle' % j)
                    self.is_saved = True

                    print "%s not saved in %s" % (j, default)
Beispiel #2
def from_igra(ident, var=['p', 't', 'r', 'dpd', 'wd', 'ws'], filename=None, attach=None, save=False, verbose=0, **kwargs):
    """Read IGRA data from text

    ident       Radiosonde ID (WMO or IGRA ID)
    wmo         convert WMO ID to IGRA
    variables   select variables
    filename    filename of txt.gz
    attach      radiosonde object to attach with
    verbose     Verbosity

    radiosonde object / save to HDF5

    wmoid = None
    igraid = wmo2igra(ident)  # try to convert WMO to IGRA ?
    if igraid is not None:
        wmoid = ident   # WMO ID
        ident = igraid  # found IGRA ID
        print_verbose("[IGRA] WMO %s to IGRA %s"%(wmoid, ident), verbose)

    data = from_igra_to_dataframe(ident, filename=filename, verbose=verbose)

    lon = data.ix[-1, 'lon'] / 10000.  # IGRA specific
    lat = data.ix[-1, 'lat'] / 10000.
    data = data[var]
    if isinstance(attach, radiosonde):
        attach.add_data('igra', data)
        attach.add_attr('igraid', ident)
        if 'lon' not in attach.attrs:
            attach.add_attr('lon', lon)
        if 'lat' not in attach.attrs:
            attach.add_attr('lat', lat)

        journal("[IGRA] data read with %s" % ident, attach.history, verbose)

        # try to convert to WMO ID
        if wmoid is None:
            wmoid = igra2wmo(ident)

        if wmoid is None:
            out = radiosonde(id=ident)
            out = radiosonde(id=wmoid)
            out.add_attr('igraid', ident)

        out.add_data('igra', data)
        out.add_attr('lon', lon)
        out.add_attr('lat', lat)  # convert to float
        out.history.append(now() + " IGRA Data read")
        if save:
            return out
Beispiel #3
def gather_information(directory, pattern, force=False, report=None, verbose=0):
    Read Information for NetCDF global attributes about time and position of GPS RO event

    directory   search directory for GPS RO NetCDF files
    pattern     search pattern


    Can take quite long to collect (2h)
    stores info in outdir/GPS_info.h5
    from ncio import read_history
    from raso.config import outdir
    # check midpoints of GPS profiles and create a list with

    filename = outdir + '/GPS_info.h5'
    if os.path.isfile(filename) and not force:
        tmp = pd.read_hdf(filename, 'data')
        journal('GPSRO_info : %s %s' % (filename, tmp.shape), report, verbose)
        return tmp

    # filenames , lon, lat, time
    files = find_files(directory, pattern, recursive=True)
    data = {}
    pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(files))
    for i, ifile in enumerate(files):
        hist = read_history(ifile)
        data[i] = {'file': ifile, 'lon': hist['lon'],
                   'lat': hist['lat'],
                   'date': datetime(hist['year'], hist['month'], hist['day'], hist['hour'], hist['minute'])}
        pbar.update(i + 1)
    data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index')
    # save
    data.to_hdf(filename, 'data', format='table', append=False)
    journal('GPSRO_info : %s %s' % (filename, data.shape), report, verbose)
    return data
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, id=None, verbose=0):
        """Initialize Radiosonde
        self.attrs = []
        if isinstance(id, (float, int)):
            id = "%06d" % id = str(id)  # always convert this to a string
        # Information
        self.history = []
        self.notes = ""
        # Variables
        self.vars = []
        self.is_saved = False
        self.var_saved = {}
        self.is_empty = True = None
        journal("%s Radiosonde created! " % id, self.history, verbose)
Beispiel #5
    def add_data(self, name, data, replace=False, verbose=0):
        """add variable to radiosonde class
        if name in self.vars:
            # replace it ?
            if replace:
                print "[%s] Variable %s already attached!" % (, name)
        setattr(self, name, data)
        self.is_empty = False
        self.var_saved[name] = False
        if replace:
            journal("Variable replaced: %s" % name, self.history, verbose)

            journal("Variable added: %s" % name, self.history, verbose)

        self.is_saved = False
Beispiel #6
def standard(isonde, var='data', save=True, update=False, force=False, verbose=0, **kwargs):
    """Standardize radiosonde data
       1. Quality Control
       2. Datetime fix (0/12 Soundings)
       3. Interpolation / std levels (ERA Levels)
       4. Variable conversion (td, vp, dpd)
       5. Final Quality Control
       6. Merge with ERA-Interim Data if availbale

       isonde       radiossonde     Radiosonde class object
       var          str             Radiosonde variable to use
       save         bool            Save after complettion?
       update       bool            Restandard?
       force        bool            force write file
       verbose      int             verboseness

       Additional Parameters
       interpolate  bool            Interpolate to levels (default: era_plevels)
       esat         str             saturation water vapor pressure formulation
       levels       list            pressure levels for interpolation
       remove       bool            Repalce Flagged values with nan ?

       radiosonde class object / or nothing (save=True)


    funcid = "[STD] Sonde "

    if not isinstance(isonde, radiosonde):
        raise ValueError(funcid+"requires a radiosonde object")

    if not isinstance(var, str):
        raise ValueError(funcid + "Requires a string")

    if var not in isonde.vars:
        raise ValueError(funcid + "No Variable found: %s in %s" % (var, )

    svar = "std_%s" % var

    if not hasattr(isonde, svar) or update:
        journal(funcid+"Creating (%s) %s" %(update, svar), isonde.history, verbose)
        tmp = getattr(isonde, var)  # Get Data
        tmp = control(tmp, replace=False)  # MAke Report
        isonde.add_attr('qc_%s' % var, report(tmp, show=False))  # Save Report
        newdata = standard_data(tmp, report=isonde.history, verbose=verbose - 1, **kwargs)
        isonde.add_attr('qc_%s' % svar, report(newdata, show=False))  # Save Report
        isonde.add_data(svar, newdata, replace=True)

        # Check if Quality Reports are missing
        if 'qc_%s' % var not in isonde.attrs or update:
            journal(funcid + "QC %s : %s " % (, var), isonde.history, verbose)
            tmp = control(getattr(isonde, var), replace=False)
            isonde.add_attr('qc_%s' % var, report(tmp, show=False))  # Add

        if 'qc_%s' % svar not in isonde.attrs or update:
            journal(funcid + "QC %s : %s " % (, svar), isonde.history, verbose)
            isonde.add_attr('qc_%s' % svar, report(getattr(isonde, svar), show=False))  # Add

        journal(funcid + "%s : %s unchanged" % (, var), isonde.history, verbose)

    if hasattr(isonde, svar) and hasattr(isonde, 'eradata'):
        if not getattr(isonde, svar).columns.str.contains('era').any() or update:
            newdata = merge(getattr(isonde, svar), getattr(isonde, 'eradata'), report=isonde.history, verbose=verbose - 1)
            isonde.add_data('%s' % svar, newdata, replace=True)
            journal(funcid + "Merged ERA: %s" % svar, isonde.history, verbose)

            journal(funcid + "%s : %s not merged" % (str(, var), isonde.history, verbose)

    # batch = kwargs.get('batch', False)
    # if batch:
    #, force=force, verbose=verbose - 1)
    #     return inquire_extended(isonde)

    elif save:, force=force, verbose=verbose - 1)

        return isonde
Beispiel #7
def from_gpsro(directory, pattern, ident, radius, save=True, esat='murphy_koop', verbose=0):
    Read GPS RO events into a timeseries for a certain location

    directory   str         search directory
    pattern     str         search pattern
    ident       int/str     radiosonde ID
    radius      float       allowed distance to ilon, ilat of GPS RO events [km]
    save        bool        save radiosonde class object
    verbose     int         verbosity

    ValueError     wrong input types
    RuntimeError   no GPS RO event within specified distance
    from . import from_store
    from raso.config import rasodir
    from raso import radiosonde

    if not isinstance(directory, str):
        raise ValueError("Require a string: directory")

    if not isinstance(pattern, str):
        raise ValueError("Require a string: pattern")

    if not isinstance(ident, (int, str, float)):
        raise ValueError("Require a int, str, float: ident")

    if not isinstance(radius, (float, int)):
        raise ValueError("Require a int, float: radius")

    if isinstance(ident, (int, float)):
        ident = "%06d" % ident

    name = "gpsro_%06d" % int(radius)
    iname = "gpsro_infos_%06d" % int(radius)
    filename = rasodir + "/%s/%s.h5" % (ident, name)
    if os.path.isfile(filename):
        print_verbose("Recovering previous: %s" % filename, verbose)
        sonde = from_store(ident, variables=[name, iname])
        return sonde

    if not os.path.isdir(rasodir + "/%s" % ident):
        os.makedirs(rasodir + "/%s" % ident)

        sonde = from_store(ident, variables=[])  # Reads the empty Radiosonde class >> IOError
        ilon = sonde.lon  # >> Attribute Error
        ilat =

    except IOError:
        sonde = radiosonde(ident)  # Make a new one
        sondes = radiosondelist()
        ilon = sondes.ix[ident, 'lon'].values
        ilat = sondes.ix[ident, 'lat'].values

    except AttributeError:
        sondes = radiosondelist()
        ilon = sondes.ix[ident, 'lon'].values
        ilat = sondes.ix[ident, 'lat'].values

    if ilon is None or ilat is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Can't find any useful lon, lat Information on Radiosonde: %s" % ident)

    infos, data = read_nearest_events(directory, pattern, ilon, ilat, radius, esat=esat, verbose=verbose)
    journal("GPSRO Data: r=%d km [%s/%s]" % (radius, directory, pattern), sonde.history, verbose)
    sonde.add_attr('lon', ilon)
    sonde.add_attr('lat', ilat)
    sonde.add_data(iname, infos)
    sonde.add_data(name, data)
    if save:
        return sonde
Beispiel #8
def datasets(
    Create standard radiosonde datasets
    1. Read Radiosonde data (MARS / IGRA)
    2. Read ERA-Interim data at RS location
    3. Read IGRAv2 data if available
    4. Standardize the data
    4.1. Quality Control
    4.2. Interpolate to std levels
    4.3. Convert to td, dpd, vp
    4.4. Final Quality Control
    5. Save as store

    isonde      radiosonde      Radiosonde class
    mars_std    bool            Standardize MARS Data ?
    igra_std    bool            Standardize IGRA Data ?
    update_mars bool            Update MARS data ?
    update_igra bool            Update IGRA data?
    update_era  bool            Update ERA data ?
    save        bool            save radiosonde ?
    mars_vars   list            MARS variables: data, an, fg, bias
    debug       bool            raises Errors
    verbose     int             verboseness
    kwargs      dict

    attach to isonde
    from import from_era, from_igra, from_mars

    funcid = "[DS] "
    if not isinstance(isonde, radiosonde):
        raise ValueError(funcid + "requires a radiosonde object")

    std_vars = []
    status = True

    if mars_vars is None:
        mars_vars = ["data", "an"]

        if "data" not in isonde.vars or update_mars:
            from_mars(, var=mars_vars, attach=isonde, verbose=verbose - 1)
            journal(funcid + "from mars: %s" % str(mars_vars), isonde.history, verbose)
            if mars_std:

    except Exception, e:
        journal(funcid + " MARS failed: %s" % repr(e), isonde.history, verbose)
        status = False
Beispiel #9
        if "data" not in isonde.vars or update_mars:
            from_mars(, var=mars_vars, attach=isonde, verbose=verbose - 1)
            journal(funcid + "from mars: %s" % str(mars_vars), isonde.history, verbose)
            if mars_std:

    except Exception, e:
        journal(funcid + " MARS failed: %s" % repr(e), isonde.history, verbose)
        status = False

    # IGRA
        if "igra" not in isonde.vars or update_igra:
            from_igra(, attach=isonde, verbose=verbose - 1)
            journal(funcid + "from igra: %s" % isonde.igraid, isonde.history, verbose)
            if igra_std:

    except Exception, e:
        journal(funcid + " IGRA failed: %s" % repr(e), isonde.history, verbose)
        status = False

    # ERA
        if "eradata" not in isonde.vars or "surface" not in isonde.vars or update_era:
            surf, prof = from_era(
                alt=getattr(isonde, "alt", 0),
                lon=getattr(isonde, "lon", None),
                lat=getattr(isonde, "lat", None),
def detect_and_correct(isonde, data='std_data', var='dpd', quality_controlled=True, savename='sdcor', save=True,
                       tfirst=True, daynight=False, verbose=0, **kwargs):
    """Detect and Correct Radiosonde biases from Departure Statistics
    Use ERA-Interim departures to detect breakpoints and
    correct these with a mean and a quantile adjustment going back in time.

    uses raso.timeseries.breakpoint.detection / correction

    isonde              radiosonde      Radiosonde class object
    data                str             Radiosonde variable
    var                 str             Variable
    quality_controlled  bool            Use QC to remove flagged values?
    savename            str             store name
    save                bool            Save?
    tfirst              bool            Correct Temperature first ?
    daynight            bool            Correct Day and Night Soundings separate?
    verbose             int             verbosness

    Additional Parameters
    thres               int             [50]    SNHT Threshold
    quantilen           list/array      [0-100] Quantile Ranges
    levels              list            [None]  Pressure levels
    sample_size         int             [730]   minimum Sample size
    borders             int             [180]   biased sample before and after a break
    bias30k             bool            [T]     remove 30K Bias for dpd ?
    verbose             int             [0]     verboseness
    kwargs              dict                    breakpoint.detection, breakpoint.correction ...


    from ..detect_and_correct import detect_and_correct as detect_and_correct_data
    from ..detect_and_correct import detect_and_correct_daynight
    from .. import standard_dewpoint_depression, standard_water_vapor

    funcid = "[DC] Sonde "
    if not isinstance(isonde, radiosonde):
        raise ValueError(funcid + "requires a radiosonde object!")

    if isonde.is_empty:
        raise ValueError(funcid + "Radiosonde is empty!")

    funcid = "[DC] %s " %
    if data not in isonde.vars:
        raise ValueError(funcid + "Required variable (%s) not present" % data)

    prof = getattr(isonde, data).copy()  # GET DATA
    print_verbose(funcid+"Savename: %s" % savename, verbose)
    if hasnames(prof, 'qual'):
        # drop all the values that have a qual flag
        if quality_controlled:
            journal(funcid + "QC of %s " % data, isonde.history, verbose)
            prof = enforcer(prof)  # Work on FLAGS, but not DPD 30, makes a copy
            # set DPD30 to missing
            if hasnames(prof, 'dpd'):
                prof['dpd'] = np.where(prof.qual.str.contains('3'), np.nan, prof.dpd.values)  # Apply? BAD, GOOD

            if hasnames(prof, 'td'):
                prof['td'] = np.where(prof.qual.str.contains('3'), np.nan,  # Apply? BAD, GOOD

        del prof['qual']  # prof.drop('qual', 1, inplace=True)  # remove all flag information
        print_verbose(funcid + " dropping qual ...", verbose)

    if hasnames(prof, 'orig'):
        del prof['orig']  # prof.drop('orig', 1, inplace=True)  # indicates interpolated or not

    if 'dpd' in var:
        if not hasnames(prof, 'dpd_era'):
            prof['dpd_era'] = prof['t_era'] - prof['td_era']
            print_verbose(funcid + " Calculating dpd_era ...", verbose)

    tbreaks = None
    if var == 't' and tfirst:
        tfirst = False
        print_verbose(funcid + "tfirst=True only with temperature dependent variables", 1)

    if tfirst:
        journal(funcid + "Running T D&C first! ", isonde.history, verbose)
        # Only Mean Adjustment for Temperature
        if not daynight:
            prof, tbreaks = detect_and_correct_data(prof, var='t', correct_q=False, bounded=None,
                                                    report=isonde.history, verbose=verbose - 1, **kwargs)
            prof, tbreaks = detect_and_correct_daynight(prof, var='t', correct_q=False, bounded=None,
                                                        report=isonde.history, verbose=verbose - 1, **kwargs)
            tbreaks['breaks'] = tbreaks['00Z'] + tbreaks['12Z']  # 00Z and 12Z breaks
        # new Columns: t_mcor, t_dep, t_dep_breaks, t_dep_snht
        if len(tbreaks['breaks']) > 0:
            journal(funcid + "T-breaks: %s" % str(tbreaks['breaks']), isonde.history, verbose)
            # = 'date'
            # = 'p'
            # prof = panel_to_database(prof)  # to DataFrame -> Function requires it > Deprecated now
            # Recalculate Temperature Dependent Variables:
            prof = standard_water_vapor(prof, tvar='t_mcor', vpvar='vp_tcor', replace=True, report=isonde.history)
            prof = standard_dewpoint_depression(prof, tvar='t_mcor', dpdvar='dpd_tcor', vpvar='vp_tcor',
                                                tdvar='td_tcor', replace=True, report=isonde.history)
            del prof['qual']  # prof.drop('qual', 1, inplace=True)  # remove quality Flag again
            # prof.rename(items={var: '%s_orig' % var}, inplace=True)  # Rochade
            # prof.rename(items={'%s_tcor' % var: var}, inplace=True)  #
            if hasnames(prof, '%s_tcor' % var):
                journal(funcid + "Running t-correct %s D&C ..." % var, isonde.history, verbose)
                prof['%s_tcor_era' % var] = prof['%s_era' % var]
                if not daynight:
                    prof, dbreaks = detect_and_correct_data(prof, var='%s_tcor' % var, report=isonde.history,
                                                            verbose=verbose - 1, **kwargs)
                    prof, dbreaks = detect_and_correct_daynight(prof, var='%s_tcor' % var, report=isonde.history,
                                                                verbose=verbose - 1, **kwargs)
                    dbreaks['breaks'] = dbreaks['00Z'] + dbreaks['12Z']  # Combine

                del prof['%s_tcor_era' % var]
            # prof.rename(items={var: '%s_tcor' % var,
            #                    '%s_mcor' % var: '%s_tcor_mcor' % var,
            #                    '%s_qcor' % var: '%s_tcor_qcor' % var,
            #                    '%s_qecor' % var: '%s_tcor_qecor' % var,
            #                    '%s_dep' % var: '%s_tcor_dep' % var,
            #                    '%s_dep_breaks' % var: '%s_tcor_dep_breaks' % var,
            #                    '%s_dep_snht' % var: '%s_tcor_dep_snht' % var,
            #                    '%s_orig' % var: var}, inplace=True)

            journal(funcid + "No T breakpoints. ", isonde.history, verbose)

        # prof = panel_to_database(prof)  # Convert to DataFrame (after Detection) > Deprecated now

    journal(funcid + "Running %s D&C" % var, isonde.history, verbose)
    if not daynight:
        prof, stat = detect_and_correct_data(prof, var=var, report=isonde.history, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)

        prof, stat = detect_and_correct_daynight(prof, var=var, report=isonde.history, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
        stat['breaks'] = stat['00Z'] + stat['12Z']  # Combine lists

    isonde.add_data(savename, prof, replace=True, verbose=verbose)  # DID anything change ?
    # Options
    thres = kwargs.get('thres', 50)
    borders = kwargs.get('borders', 180)
    sample_size = kwargs.get('sample_size', 730)
    quantilen = kwargs.get('quantilen', np.arange(0, 101, 10))  # missing from history > add
    journal(funcid + "%s (T:%d, N:%d, B:%d, Q:%d)" % (var, int(thres), sample_size, borders, len(quantilen)),
            isonde.history, 0)
    if tbreaks is not None:
        if len(tbreaks['breaks']) > 0:
            stat['t-breaks'] = tbreaks['breaks']
            if len(dbreaks['breaks']) > 0:
                stat['t-dpd-breaks'] = dbreaks['breaks']

    stat['thres'] = thres
    stat['borders'] = borders
    stat['sample_size'] = sample_size
    stat['quantilen'] = quantilen
    stat['source'] = data
    stat['savename'] = savename
    stat['variable'] = var
    stat['daynight'] = daynight

    if 'detect_opts' not in isonde.attrs:
        isonde.add_attr('detect_opts', {"%s_%s" % (savename, var): stat})  # sdcor_dpd
        isonde.detect_opts["%s_%s" % (savename, var)] = stat  # update

    if save:, update=True, verbose=verbose)

    return stat
Beispiel #11
    def save(self, var=None, directory=None, update=False, hdfformat='table', hdfcomplevel=9, hdfcomplib='blosc', verbose=0):
        """ Write Radiosonde Class Object to Directory

        var             str/list
        directory       str
        update          bool
        force           bool
        mode            str
        hdfformat       str
        hdfcomplevel    int
        hdfcomplib      str
        verbose         int
        from raso.config import rasodir
        import pickle

        if directory is None:
            if is None:
                directory = rasodir
                directory =

        default = directory + '/%s/' %
        if not os.path.isdir(default):

        if var is None:
            varis = self.vars  # All Variables

            if isinstance(var, str):
                varis = [var]
                varis = var
            update = True  # Make sure we write it

        journal("Saving to dir: %s" % default, self.history, verbose)
        for ivar in varis:
            written = False
            if self.var_saved[ivar] and not update:
                if os.path.isfile(default + "%s.h5" % ivar) or os.path.isfile(default + "%s.pickle" % ivar):
                    print_verbose("%20s [%5s]" % (ivar, color_boolean(written)), verbose)

            tmp = getattr(self, ivar)
            # Try as HDF
            if isinstance(tmp, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, pd.Panel)):
                    tmp.to_hdf(default + "%s.h5" % ivar, ivar, mode='a', format=hdfformat, complevel=hdfcomplevel, complib=hdfcomplib)
                    fio = 'H5'
                    written = True
                    n = tmp.shape

                except Exception as e:
                    if verbose:
                        print ivar, " >> ", repr(e)
            # And as Pickle
            if not written:
                    pickle.dump(tmp, open(default + "%s.pickle" % ivar, 'w'))
                    fio = 'PKL'
                    written = True
                    n = len(tmp)

                except Exception as e:
                    if verbose:
                        print ivar, " >> ", repr(e)

            print_verbose("%20s %20s [%5s] %s" % (ivar, n, color_boolean(written), fio), verbose)

        attrs = {}
        for iatt in self.attrs:
            attrs[iatt] = getattr(self, iatt)

        pickle.dump(attrs, open(default + 'attributes.pickle', 'w'))
        attrs = {}
        for s in self.history:
            if 'Saved' in s:

        journal("Saved", self.history, 0)
        for iatt in ['id', 'is_saved', 'is_empty']:
            attrs[iatt] = getattr(self, iatt)

        pickle.dump(attrs, open(default + 'radiosonde.pickle', 'w'))
        f = open(default+'history.txt', 'w')

        if self.notes != "":
            f = open(default + 'notes.txt', 'w')
            f.close() = directory