def POST(self, name):
     session = cherrypy.request.db
     cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = "text/plain"
     body =
     if cherrypy.request.process_request_body == True:
         element = User.get_one(session, name)
         if isinstance(element, User):
             element = User.import_one(session, body, element=element)
             if isinstance(element, User):
                     {"backend": None, "monitor": None}, "POST", "user", name, None, body, "text/xml"
                 return "User %s updated" % name
             elif element == User.ERROR_VALUE_NOT_VALID:
                 raise cherrypy.HTTPError("403", "Value of attribute not valid")
             elif element == User.ERROR_TAG_NOT_VALID:
                 raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400", "Tag not valid")
         elif element == User.ERROR_ELEMENT_NOT_EXISTS:
             raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404", "User %s not found" % name)
         raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400", "No body specified")
 def PUT(self, name, attrib=None):
     session = cherrypy.request.db
     cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = "text/plain"
     body =
     if cherrypy.request.process_request_body == True:
         if attrib == None:
             element = User.import_one(session, body, name=name)
             if isinstance(element, User):
                 element = User.add_one(session, element)
                 if isinstance(element, User):
                         {"backend": None, "monitor": None}, "PUT", "user", name, attrib, body, "text/xml"
                     return "User %s added" % name
                 elif element == User.ERROR_ELEMENT_ALREADY_EXISTS:
                     raise cherrypy.HTTPError("403", "User %s alread exists" % name)
             elif element == User.ERROR_VALUE_NOT_VALID:
                 raise cherrypy.HTTPError("403", "Value of attribute not valid")
             elif element == User.ERROR_TAG_NOT_VALID:
                 raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400", "Tag not valid")
             element = User.get_one(session, name)
             if isinstance(element, User):
                 element = User.edit_one(session, element, attrib, body)
                 if isinstance(element, User):
                         {"backend": None, "monitor": None}, "PUT", "user", name, attrib, body, "text/plain"
                     return "User %s attribute %s value %s changed" % (name, attrib, body)
                 elif element == User.ERROR_VALUE_NOT_VALID:
                     raise cherrypy.HTTPError("403", "Value %s of attribute %s not valid" % (body, attrib))
                 elif element == User.ERROR_ATTRIB_NOT_VALID:
                     raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404", "Attribute %s not found" % attrib)
             elif element == User.ERROR_ELEMENT_NOT_EXISTS:
                 raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404", "User %s not found" % name)
         raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400", "No body specified")