Beispiel #1
def shapes(image, mask=None, connectivity=4, transform=IDENTITY):
    """Yields a (shape, image_value) pair for each feature in the image.
    The shapes are GeoJSON-like dicts and the image values are ints.
    Features are found using a connected-component labeling algorithm.

    The image must be of unsigned 8-bit integer (rasterio.byte or
    numpy.uint8) data type. If a mask is provided, pixels for which the
    mask is `False` will be excluded from feature generation.
    if np.dtype(image.dtype) != np.dtype(rasterio.ubyte):
        raise ValueError("Image must be dtype uint8/ubyte")

    if mask is not None and np.dtype(mask.dtype) != np.dtype(rasterio.bool_):
        raise ValueError("Mask must be dtype rasterio.bool_")

    if connectivity not in (4, 8):
        raise ValueError("Connectivity Option must be 4 or 8")

    transform = guard_transform(transform)

    with rasterio.drivers():
        for s, v in _shapes(image, mask, connectivity, transform.to_gdal()):
            yield s, v
Beispiel #2
def shapes(image, mask=None, connectivity=4, transform=IDENTITY):
    """Yields a (shape, image_value) pair for each feature in the image.
    The shapes are GeoJSON-like dicts and the image values are ints.
    Features are found using a connected-component labeling algorithm.

    The image must be of unsigned 8-bit integer (rasterio.byte or
    numpy.uint8) data type. If a mask is provided, pixels for which the
    mask is `False` will be excluded from feature generation.
    if np.dtype(image.dtype) != np.dtype(rasterio.ubyte):
        raise ValueError("Image must be dtype uint8/ubyte")

    if mask is not None and np.dtype(mask.dtype) != np.dtype(rasterio.bool_):
        raise ValueError("Mask must be dtype rasterio.bool_")

    if connectivity not in (4, 8):
        raise ValueError("Connectivity Option must be 4 or 8")

    transform = guard_transform(transform)

    with rasterio.drivers():
        for s, v in _shapes(image, mask, connectivity, transform.to_gdal()):
            yield s, v
Beispiel #3
def shapes(image, mask=None, connectivity=4, transform=IDENTITY):
    """Yields a (shape, image_value) pair for each feature in the image.

    The shapes are GeoJSON-like dicts and the image values are ints or floats
    depending on the data type of the image.

    Features are found using a connected-component labeling algorithm.

    The image must be one of int16, int32, uint8, uint16, float32 data types.
    Note: due to floating point precision issues, the floating point values
    returned from a floating point image may not exactly match the original

    If a mask is provided, pixels for which the mask is `False` will be
    excluded from feature generation.

    valid_dtypes = ('int16', 'int32', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'float32')

    if np.dtype(image.dtype).name not in valid_dtypes:
        raise ValueError('image dtype must be one of: %s'
                         % (', '.join(valid_dtypes)))

    if mask is not None and np.dtype(mask.dtype) != np.dtype(rasterio.bool_):
        raise ValueError("Mask must be dtype rasterio.bool_")

    if connectivity not in (4, 8):
        raise ValueError("Connectivity Option must be 4 or 8")

    transform = guard_transform(transform)

    with rasterio.drivers():
        for s, v in _shapes(image, mask, connectivity, transform.to_gdal()):
            yield s, v
Beispiel #4
def shapes(image, mask=None, connectivity=4, transform=IDENTITY):
    Return a generator of (polygon, value) for each each set of adjacent pixels
    of the same value.

    image : numpy ndarray or rasterio Band object
        (RasterReader, bidx namedtuple).
        Data type must be one of rasterio.int16, rasterio.int32,
        rasterio.uint8, rasterio.uint16, or rasterio.float32.
    mask : numpy ndarray or rasterio Band object, optional
        Values of False or 0 will be excluded from feature generation
        Must evaluate to bool (rasterio.bool_ or rasterio.uint8)
    connectivity : int, optional
        Use 4 or 8 pixel connectivity for grouping pixels into features
    transform : Affine transformation, optional
        If not provided, feature coordinates will be generated based on pixel

    Generator of (polygon, value)
        Yields a pair of (polygon, value) for each feature found in the image.
        Polygons are GeoJSON-like dicts and the values are the associated value
        from the image, in the data type of the image.
        Note: due to floating point precision issues, values returned from a
        floating point image may not exactly match the original values.

    The amount of memory used by this algorithm is proportional to the number
    and complexity of polygons produced.  This algorithm is most appropriate
    for simple thematic data.  Data with high pixel-to-pixel variability, such
    as imagery, may produce one polygon per pixel and consume large amounts of


    valid_dtypes = ('int16', 'int32', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'float32')

    if np.dtype(image.dtype).name not in valid_dtypes:
        raise ValueError('image dtype must be one of: %s'
                         % (', '.join(valid_dtypes)))

    if mask is not None and np.dtype(mask.dtype).name not in ('bool', 'uint8'):
        raise ValueError("Mask must be dtype rasterio.bool_ or rasterio.uint8")

    if connectivity not in (4, 8):
        raise ValueError("Connectivity Option must be 4 or 8")

    transform = guard_transform(transform)

    with rasterio.drivers():
        for s, v in _shapes(image, mask, connectivity, transform.to_gdal()):
            yield s, v
Beispiel #5
def shapes(source, mask=None, connectivity=4, transform=IDENTITY):
    """Get shapes and values of connected regions in a dataset or array.

    source : array, dataset object, Band, or tuple(dataset, bidx)
        Data type must be one of rasterio.int16, rasterio.int32,
        rasterio.uint8, rasterio.uint16, or rasterio.float32.
    mask : numpy ndarray or rasterio Band object, optional
        Must evaluate to bool (rasterio.bool_ or rasterio.uint8). Values
        of False or 0 will be excluded from feature generation.  Note
        well that this is the inverse sense from Numpy's, where a mask
        value of True indicates invalid data in an array. If `source` is
        a Numpy masked array and `mask` is None, the source's mask will
        be inverted and used in place of `mask`.
    connectivity : int, optional
        Use 4 or 8 pixel connectivity for grouping pixels into features
    transform : Affine transformation, optional
        If not provided, feature coordinates will be generated based on
        pixel coordinates

    polygon, value
        A pair of (polygon, value) for each feature found in the image.
        Polygons are GeoJSON-like dicts and the values are the
        associated value from the image, in the data type of the image.
        Note: due to floating point precision issues, values returned
        from a floating point image may not exactly match the original

    The amount of memory used by this algorithm is proportional to the
    number and complexity of polygons produced.  This algorithm is most
    appropriate for simple thematic data.  Data with high pixel-to-pixel
    variability, such as imagery, may produce one polygon per pixel and
    consume large amounts of memory.

    Because the low-level implementation uses either an int32 or float32
    buffer, uint32 and float64 data cannot be operated on without
    truncation issues.

    if hasattr(source, 'mask') and mask is None:
        mask = ~source.mask
        source =

    transform = guard_transform(transform)
    for s, v in _shapes(source, mask, connectivity, transform):
        yield s, v
Beispiel #6
def shapes(source, mask=None, connectivity=4, transform=IDENTITY):
    """Yield (polygon, value for each set of adjacent pixels of the same value.

    source : array or dataset object opened in 'r' mode or Band or tuple(dataset, bidx)
        Data type must be one of rasterio.int16, rasterio.int32,
        rasterio.uint8, rasterio.uint16, or rasterio.float32.
    mask : numpy ndarray or rasterio Band object, optional
        Must evaluate to bool (rasterio.bool_ or rasterio.uint8). Values
        of False or 0 will be excluded from feature generation.  Note
        well that this is the inverse sense from Numpy's, where a mask
        value of True indicates invalid data in an array. If `source` is
        a Numpy masked array and `mask` is None, the source's mask will
        be inverted and used in place of `mask`.
    connectivity : int, optional
        Use 4 or 8 pixel connectivity for grouping pixels into features
    transform : Affine transformation, optional
        If not provided, feature coordinates will be generated based on pixel

        A pair of (polygon, value) for each feature found in the image.
        Polygons are GeoJSON-like dicts and the values are the associated value
        from the image, in the data type of the image.
        Note: due to floating point precision issues, values returned from a
        floating point image may not exactly match the original values.

    The amount of memory used by this algorithm is proportional to the number
    and complexity of polygons produced.  This algorithm is most appropriate
    for simple thematic data.  Data with high pixel-to-pixel variability, such
    as imagery, may produce one polygon per pixel and consume large amounts of

    if hasattr(source, 'mask') and mask is None:
        mask = ~source.mask
        source =

    transform = guard_transform(transform)
    for s, v in _shapes(source, mask, connectivity, transform):
        yield s, v
Beispiel #7
def shapes(image, mask=None, connectivity=4, transform=None):
    """Yields a (shape, image_value) pair for each feature in the image.
    The shapes are GeoJSON-like dicts and the image values are ints.
    Features are found using a connected-component labeling algorithm.

    The image must be of unsigned 8-bit integer (rasterio.byte or
    numpy.uint8) data type. If a mask is provided, pixels for which the
    mask is `True` will be excluded from feature generation.
    if image.dtype.type != rasterio.ubyte:
        raise ValueError("Image must be dtype uint8/ubyte")

    if mask is not None and mask.dtype.type != rasterio.bool_:
        raise ValueError("Mask must be dtype rasterio.bool_")

    with rasterio.drivers():
        for s, v in _shapes(image, mask, transform):
            yield s, v
Beispiel #8
def shapes(image, mask=None, connectivity=4, transform=IDENTITY):
    """Yield (polygon, value for each set of adjacent pixels of the same value.

    image : numpy ndarray or rasterio Band object
        (RasterReader, bidx namedtuple).
        Data type must be one of rasterio.int16, rasterio.int32,
        rasterio.uint8, rasterio.uint16, or rasterio.float32.
    mask : numpy ndarray or rasterio Band object, optional
        Values of False or 0 will be excluded from feature generation
        Must evaluate to bool (rasterio.bool_ or rasterio.uint8)
    connectivity : int, optional
        Use 4 or 8 pixel connectivity for grouping pixels into features
    transform : Affine transformation, optional
        If not provided, feature coordinates will be generated based on pixel

        A pair of (polygon, value) for each feature found in the image.
        Polygons are GeoJSON-like dicts and the values are the associated value
        from the image, in the data type of the image.
        Note: due to floating point precision issues, values returned from a
        floating point image may not exactly match the original values.

    The amount of memory used by this algorithm is proportional to the number
    and complexity of polygons produced.  This algorithm is most appropriate
    for simple thematic data.  Data with high pixel-to-pixel variability, such
    as imagery, may produce one polygon per pixel and consume large amounts of

    transform = guard_transform(transform)
    for s, v in _shapes(image, mask, connectivity, transform.to_gdal()):
        yield s, v
Beispiel #9
def shapes(image, mask=None, connectivity=4, transform=IDENTITY):
    """Yield (polygon, value for each set of adjacent pixels of the same value.

    image : numpy ndarray or rasterio Band object
        (RasterReader, bidx namedtuple).
        Data type must be one of rasterio.int16, rasterio.int32,
        rasterio.uint8, rasterio.uint16, or rasterio.float32.
    mask : numpy ndarray or rasterio Band object, optional
        Values of False or 0 will be excluded from feature generation
        Must evaluate to bool (rasterio.bool_ or rasterio.uint8)
    connectivity : int, optional
        Use 4 or 8 pixel connectivity for grouping pixels into features
    transform : Affine transformation, optional
        If not provided, feature coordinates will be generated based on pixel

        A pair of (polygon, value) for each feature found in the image.
        Polygons are GeoJSON-like dicts and the values are the associated value
        from the image, in the data type of the image.
        Note: due to floating point precision issues, values returned from a
        floating point image may not exactly match the original values.

    The amount of memory used by this algorithm is proportional to the number
    and complexity of polygons produced.  This algorithm is most appropriate
    for simple thematic data.  Data with high pixel-to-pixel variability, such
    as imagery, may produce one polygon per pixel and consume large amounts of

    transform = guard_transform(transform)
    for s, v in _shapes(image, mask, connectivity, transform.to_gdal()):
        yield s, v