def applyRasterMap(data_nt, n_X=30): import numpy as np from rastermap import Rastermap model = Rastermap(n_components=1, n_X=30, nPC=200, init='pca') model = isort_full = np.argsort(model.embedding[:, 0]) return isort_full
def ROI_selection(self, loaded=False): self.colormat = np.zeros((0, 10, 3), dtype=np.int64) lROI = len(self.Rselected) if lROI > 0: self.selected = np.array( [item for sublist in self.Rselected for item in sublist]) self.colormat = np.concatenate(self.Rcolors, axis=0) if not loaded: print('yo') if lROI > 4: self.Ur = np.zeros((lROI, self.U.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) ugood = np.zeros((lROI, )).astype(np.int32) for r, rc in enumerate(self.Rselected): if len(rc) > 0: self.Ur[r, :] = self.U[rc, :].mean(axis=0) ugood[r] = 1 ugood = ugood.astype(bool) if ugood.sum() > 4: model = Rastermap(n_components=1, n_X=20, init=np.arange( 0, ugood.sum()).astype( np.int32)[:, np.newaxis]) y = model.fit_transform(self.Ur[ugood, :]) y = y.flatten() y2 = np.zeros((lROI, )) y2[(ugood).nonzero()[0]] = y print(y2) rsort = np.argsort(y2) print(rsort) roiorder = [] for r in self.ROIorder: roiorder.append((rsort == r).nonzero()[0][0]) self.ROIorder = roiorder self.ROIs = [self.ROIs[i] for i in rsort] self.Rselected = [self.Rselected[i] for i in rsort] self.Rcolors = [self.Rcolors[i] for i in rsort] self.selected = np.array([ item for sublist in self.Rselected for item in sublist ]) self.colormat = np.concatenate(self.Rcolors, axis=0) else: self.selected = np.argsort(self.embedding[:, 0]) self.colormat = 255 * np.ones( (self.sp.shape[0], 10, 3), dtype=np.int32) self.colormat_plot = self.colormat.copy() self.plot_activity() self.plot_colorbar()
def getRastermapEmbeddings(PV, nX=50, nbin=50): """ Parameters ---------- PV : float32/float64 population vector: Time x Number of cells matrix Returns ------- isort : manifold embedding Sfilt : sorted signals from all neurons. """ # raster map to find underlying embeddings model = Rastermap(n_components=1, n_X=nX).fit(PV.T) # the manifold embedding is in model.embedding isort = np.argsort(model.embedding[:,0]) # sort by embedding and smooth over neurons Sfilt = running_average(PV.T[isort, :], nbin) Sfilt = zscore(Sfilt, axis=1) return isort, Sfilt
iscell = iscell[:, 0].astype(np.bool) else: iscell = iscell.astype(np.bool) if iscell.size == S.shape[0]: S = S[iscell, :] print('iscell found and used to select neurons') print('size of rastermap matrix') print(S.shape) if len(S.shape) > 2: S = S.mean(axis=-1) S = zscore(S, axis=1) ops['mode'] = 'basic' model = Rastermap(n_components=ops['n_components'], n_X=ops['n_X'], nPC=ops['nPC'], init=ops['init'], alpha=ops['alpha'], K=ops['K'], constraints=ops['constraints'], annealing=ops['annealing']) if ops['end_time'] == -1: ops['end_time'] = S.shape[1] ops['start_time'] = 0 train_time = np.zeros((S.shape[1], )).astype(bool) print(train_time.shape) train_time[np.arange(ops['start_time'], ops['end_time']).astype(int)] = 1[:, train_time]) proc = { 'embedding': model.embedding, 'uv': [model.u, model.v], 'ops': ops,
def rastermap_comp(dff_path, rastermap_save_path): dff = np.load(dff_path) model = Rastermap(n_components=1, n_X=100).fit(dff), model.embedding[:, 0])
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='spikes') parser.add_argument('--S', default=[], type=str, help='spiking matrix') parser.add_argument('--ops', default=[], type=str, help='options file') parser.add_argument('--iscell', default=[], type=str, help='which cells to use') args = parser.parse_args() if len(args.S)>0: S = np.load(args.S) ops = np.load(args.ops) ops = ops.item() if len(args.iscell) > 0: iscell = np.load(args.iscell) if iscell.ndim > 1: iscell = iscell[:, 0].astype(np.bool) else: iscell = iscell.astype(np.bool) if iscell.size == S.shape[0]: S = S[iscell, :] print('iscell found and used to select neurons') print(S.shape) S = zscore(S,axis=1) model = Rastermap(ops['n_components'], ops['n_X'], ops['n_Y'], ops['nPC'], ops['sig_Y'], ops['init'], ops['alpha'], ops['K']) proc = {'embedding': model.embedding, 'usv': [model.u,, model.v], 'cmap': model.cmap, 'A': model.A, 'ops': ops, 'filename': args.S} basename, fname = os.path.split(args.S), 'embedding.npy'), proc) else: