def view_mesh(body, obj_filename): # """Displays mesh in .obj file. Useful for checking that files are rendering properly.""" reader = rc.WavefrontReader(obj_filename) mesh = reader.get_mesh(body, position=(0, 0, -1)) print(mesh.vertices.shape) mesh.scale.x = .2 / np.ptp(mesh.vertices, axis=0).max() camera = rc.Camera(projection=rc.PerspectiveProjection(fov_y=20)) light = rc.Light(position=( scene = rc.Scene(meshes=[mesh], camera=camera, light=light, bgColor=(.2, .4, .2)) scene.gl_states = scene.gl_states[:-1] display = pyglet.window.get_platform().get_default_display() screen = display.get_screens()[0] window = pyglet.window.Window(fullscreen=True, screen=screen) fbo = rc.FBO(rc.Texture(width=4096, height=4096)) quad = rc.gen_fullscreen_quad() quad.texture = fbo.texture label = pyglet.text.Label() @window.event def on_draw(): with rc.resources.genShader, fbo: scene.draw() with rc.resources.deferredShader: quad.draw() verts_mean = np.ptp(mesh.vertices, axis=0) label.text = 'Name: {}\nRotation: {}\nSize: {} x {} x {}'.format(, mesh.rotation, verts_mean[0], verts_mean[1], verts_mean[2]) label.draw() @window.event def on_resize(width, height): camera.projection.aspect = float(width) / height @window.event def on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy): x, y = x / float(window.width) - .5, y / float(window.height) - .5 mesh.rotation.x = -360 * y mesh.rotation.y = 360 * x
monkey = obj_reader.get_mesh("Monkey") monkey.uniforms['flat_shading'] = False = 0, 0, -4 = .25 monkey.point_size = .1 plane = obj_reader.get_mesh('Plane') = 0, 0, -5 plane.rotation.x = 0 = 8 plane.uniforms['spec_weight'] = 0 fps_display = pyglet.window.FPSDisplay(window) light = rc.Light() light.projection.fov_y = 75. light.position.z = 3 light.time = 0. fbo_shadow = rc.FBO(texture=rc.DepthTexture(width=2048, height=2048)) plane.textures.append(fbo_shadow.texture) plane.textures.append(rc.Texture.from_image(rc.resources.img_colorgrid)) monkey.textures.append(fbo_shadow.texture) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() with ExitStack() as stack: for shader in [rc.resources.shadow_shader, rc.default_shader]:
def main(): #gettign positions of rigib bodies in real time client = NatClient() arena_rb = client.rigid_bodies['Arena'] rat_rb = client.rigid_bodies['Rat'] window = pyglet.window.Window(resizable=True, fullscreen=True, screen=get_screen(1)) # Opening the basic pyglet window # Load Arena remove_image_lines_from_mtl('assets/3D/grass_scene.mtl') arena_filename = 'assets/3D/grass_scene.obj'# we are taking an arena which has been opened in blender and rendered to 3D after scanning it does not have flipped normals arena_reader = rc.WavefrontReader(arena_filename) # loading the mesh of the arena thought a wavefrontreader arena = arena_reader.get_mesh("Arena", position=arena_rb.position) # making the wafrotn into mesh so we can extrude texture ont top of it. arena.uniforms['diffuse'] = 1., 1., 1. # addign a white diffuse material to the arena arena.rotation = arena.rotation.to_quaternion() # we also need to get arena's rotation not just xyz so it can be tracked and moved if it gets bumped # Load the projector as a Ratcave camera, set light to its position projector = rc.Camera.from_pickle('assets/3D/projector.pkl') # settign the pickle filled of the projector, which gives us the coordinates of where the projector is projector.position.x += .004 projector.projection = rc.PerspectiveProjection(fov_y =40.5, aspect=1.777777778) light = rc.Light(position=projector.position) ## Make Virtual Scene ## fields = [] for x, z in itertools.product([-.8, 0, .8], [-1.6, 0, 1.6]): field = load_textured_mesh(arena_reader, 'grass', 'grass.png') field.position.x += x field.position.z += z fields.append(field) ground = load_textured_mesh(arena_reader, 'Ground', 'dirt.png') sky = load_textured_mesh(arena_reader, 'Sky', 'sky.png') snake = load_textured_mesh(arena_reader, 'Snake', 'snake.png') rat_camera = rc.Camera(projection=rc.PerspectiveProjection(aspect=1, fov_y=90, z_near=.001, z_far=10), position=rat_rb.position) # settign the camera to be on top of the rats head meshes = [ground, sky, snake] + fields for mesh in meshes: mesh.uniforms['diffuse'] = 1., 1., 1. mesh.uniforms['flat_shading'] = False mesh.parent = arena virtual_scene = rc.Scene(meshes=meshes, light=light, camera=rat_camera, bgColor=(0, 0, 255)) # seetign aset virtual scene to be projected as the mesh of the arena virtual_scene.gl_states.states = virtual_scene.gl_states.states[:-1] ## Make Cubemapping work on arena cube_texture = rc.TextureCube(width=4096, height=4096) # usign cube mapping to import eh image on the texture of the arena framebuffer = rc.FBO(texture=cube_texture) ## creating a fr`amebuffer as the texture - in tut 4 it was the blue screen arena.textures.append(cube_texture) # Stereo vr_camgroup = rc.StereoCameraGroup(distance=.05) vr_camgroup.rotation = vr_camgroup.rotation.to_quaternion() # updating the posiotn of the arena in xyz and also in rotational perspective def update(dt): """main update function: put any movement or tracking steps in here, because it will be run constantly!""" vr_camgroup.position, vr_camgroup.rotation.xyzw = rat_rb.position, rat_rb.quaternion # setting the actual osiont of the rat camera to vbe of the rat position arena.uniforms['playerPos'] = rat_rb.position arena.position, arena.rotation.xyzw = arena_rb.position, arena_rb.quaternion arena.position.y -= .02 pyglet.clock.schedule(update) # making it so that the app updates in real time @window.event def on_draw(): ## Render virtual scene onto cube texture with framebuffer: with cube_shader: for mask, camside in zip([(True, False, False, True), (False, True, True, True)], [vr_camgroup.left, vr_camgroup.right]): gl.glColorMask(*mask) = camside.position_global virtual_scene.draw360_to_texture(cube_texture) ## Render real scene onto screen gl.glColorMask(True, True, True, True) window.clear() with cube_shader: # usign cube shader to create the actuall 6 sided virtual cube which gets upated with position and angle of the camera/viewer rc.clear_color(255, 0, 0) # why is it here 39? e with projector, light: arena.draw() # actually run everything.
def view_arenafit(motive_filename, projector_filename, arena_filename, screen): # """Displays mesh in .obj file. Useful for checking that files are rendering properly.""" reader = rc.WavefrontReader(arena_filename) arena = reader.get_mesh('Arena', mean_center=True) arena.rotation = arena.rotation.to_quaternion() print('Arena Loaded. Position: {}, Rotation: {}'.format(arena.position, arena.rotation)) camera = rc.Camera.from_pickle(projector_filename) camera.projection.fov_y = 39 light = rc.Light(position=( root = rc.EmptyEntity() root.add_child(arena) sphere = rc.WavefrontReader(rc.resources.obj_primitives).get_mesh('Sphere', scale=.05) root.add_child(sphere) scene = rc.Scene(meshes=root, camera=camera, light=light, bgColor=(.2, .4, .2)) scene.gl_states = scene.gl_states[:-1] display = pyglet.window.get_platform().get_default_display() screen = display.get_screens()[screen] window = pyglet.window.Window(fullscreen=True, screen=screen) label = pyglet.text.Label() fps_display = FPSDisplay(window) shader = rc.Shader.from_file(*rc.resources.genShader) @window.event def on_draw(): with shader: scene.draw() # label.draw() # window.clear() fps_display.draw() @window.event def on_resize(width, height): camera.projection.aspect = float(width) / height @window.event def on_key_release(sym, mod): if sym == key.UP: += .5 elif sym == key.DOWN: -= .5 import motive motive.initialize() motive.load_project(motive_filename.encode()) motive.update() rb = motive.get_rigid_bodies()['Arena'] # for el in range(3): # rb.reset_orientation() def update_arena_position(dt): motive.update() = rb.location arena.rotation.xyzw = rb.rotation_quats arena.update() = rb.location label.text = "aspect={}, fov_y={}, ({:2f}, {:2f}, {:2f}), ({:2f}, {:2f}, {:2f})".format(,, *( + rb.location)) pyglet.clock.schedule(update_arena_position)
arena_reader = rc.WavefrontReader( arena_filename) # loading the mesh of the arena thought a wavefrontreader arena = arena_reader.get_mesh( "Arena", position=arena_rb.position ) # making the wafrotn into mesh so we can extrude texture ont top of it. arena.uniforms[ 'diffuse'] = 1., 1., 1. # addign a white diffuse material to the arena arena.rotation = arena.rotation.to_quaternion( ) # we also need to get arena's rotation not just xyz so it can be tracked and moved if it gets bumped # Load the projector as a Ratcave camera, set light to its position projector = rc.Camera.from_pickle( 'calibration_assets/projector.pkl' ) # settign the pickle filled of the projector, which gives us the coordinates of where the projector is projector.projection = rc.PerspectiveProjection(fov_y=41.5, aspect=1.777777778) light = rc.Light(position=projector.position) ## Make Virtual Scene ## virtual_arena = arena_reader.get_mesh('Arena') wall = arena_reader.get_mesh("Plane") wall.parent = virtual_arena rat_camera = rc.Camera(projection=rc.PerspectiveProjection(aspect=1, fov_y=90, z_near=.001), position=rat_rb.position ) # settign the camera to be on top of the rats head virtual_scene = rc.Scene( meshes=[wall, virtual_arena], light=light, camera=rat_camera, bgColor=(0, 0, 255)
GROWING = 1 SHRINKING = 2 PLASMA = 3 # pyglet inits window = pyglet.window.Window(width=1280, height=960, screen=0) keys = key.KeyStateHandler() window.push_handlers(keys) # ratcave inits default = rc.WavefrontReader(rc.resources.obj_primitives) scene = rc.Scene( meshes=[], bgColor=(45 / 255, 45 / 255, 45 / 255), light=rc.Light(position=(0, 10_000, 0)), camera=rc.Camera(position=(0, 7, 7), rotation=(-45, 0, 0))) class Planet: def __init__(self, diameter, pos=(0, 0, 0), day=24, period=None, name="", children=None, schedule=False): """ :param diameter: radius of planet (0-1, not to scale) :param pos: distance from the sun in 3 axis (AU) :param period: orbital period (days to encircle the parent-celestial-object), 365.2 in earth's case :param day: hours in this object's day """