def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): kwds["identifier"] = kwds.get("identifier", "hypr") super().__init__(*args, **kwds) self.config.update( hrus=(HYPR.HRU(),), subbasins=( Sub( subbasin_id=1, name="sub_001", downstream_id=-1, profile="None", gauged=True, ), ), ) ######### # R V P # ######### rvp_tmpl = """ :SoilClasses :Attributes, :Units, TOPSOIL, SLOW_RES, FAST_RES, :EndSoilClasses :VegetationClasses :Attributes, MAX_HT, MAX_LAI, MAX_LEAF_COND :Units, m, none, mm_per_s FOREST, 0.0, 0.0, 1e99 :EndVegetationClasses :LandUseClasses :Attributes, IMPERM, FOREST_COV :Units , frac, frac OPEN_1, 0.0, 0.0 :EndLandUseClasses # TRANSLATION OF HYPR PARAMETERS # ------------------------------------------------------- # HYPR --> RAVEN # ................ # TT --> DD_MELT_TEMP x01 # TT --> RAINSNOW_TEMP x02 # CWH --> SNOW_SWI x03 # LP --> FIELD_CAPACITY x04 # K0 --> BASEFLOW_COEFF[2] x05 # K1 --> BASEFLOW_COEFF[1] x06 # B --> PDMROF_B x07 # MAXPA --> MAX_DEP_AREA_FRAC x08 # PWR --> PONDED_EXP = 2/PWR x09 # UZL --> Threshhold storage = STORAGE_THRESHOLD x10 # FC --> max storage capacity = THICKNESS[0]*POROSITY[0] x11 # CRFR --> REFREEZE_FACTOR x12 # MRF --> HBV_MELT_FOR_CORR x13 # CMAX --> DEP_MAX = CMAX/(B+1) x14 # MAXBAS --> TIME_CONC x15 # BETA --> HBV_BETA x16 # C0=KMIN --> MELT_FACTOR x17 # C0=KMIN --> MIN_MELT_FACTOR x18 # TCALT --> AdiabaticLapseRate (from HBV) x19 # PCALT --> PRECIP_LAPSE (from HBV) x20 # SCF --> :SnowCorrection x21 # # # ETF hard coded as 0.5 in Raven (here =0.0687) line 318 evaporation.cpp #--------------------------------------------------------- #:SoilProfiles # name, layers, [soilClass, thickness] x layers # :SoilProfiles DEFAULT_P, 3, TOPSOIL, {params.par_x11}, FAST_RES,1e99, SLOW_RES, 1e99 :EndSoilProfiles # --- Parameter Specification ---------------------------- :GlobalParameter RAINSNOW_TEMP {params.par_x02} # para_x02 = TT :GlobalParameter RAINSNOW_DELTA 0.0 :GlobalParameter SNOW_SWI {params.par_x03} # para_x03 = CWH :AdiabaticLapseRate {params.par_x19} # para_x19 = TCALT :GlobalParameter PRECIP_LAPSE {params.par_x20} # para_x20 = PCALT :SoilParameterList :Parameters, POROSITY, FIELD_CAPACITY, SAT_WILT, HBV_BETA, MAX_CAP_RISE_RATE, MAX_PERC_RATE, BASEFLOW_COEFF, BASEFLOW_N, BASEFLOW_COEFF2, STORAGE_THRESHOLD :Units , none, none, none, none, mm/d, mm/d, 1/d, none, 1/d, mm, # [DEFAULT], 1.0, para_x04, 0.0, para_x16, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, [DEFAULT], 1.0, {params.par_x04}, 0.0, {params.par_x16}, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, # FAST_RES, _DEFAULT, _DEFAULT, 0.0, _DEFAULT, _DEFAULT, 0.0, para_x06, 1.0, para_x05, para_x10, FAST_RES, _DEFAULT, _DEFAULT, 0.0, _DEFAULT, _DEFAULT, 0.0, {params.par_x06}, 1.0, {params.par_x05}, {params.par_x10}, SLOW_RES, _DEFAULT, _DEFAULT, 0.0, _DEFAULT, _DEFAULT, _DEFAULT, 0.01, 1.0, 0.05, 0, :EndSoilParameterList :VegetationParameterList :Parameters, SAI_HT_RATIO, MAX_CAPACITY, MAX_SNOW_CAPACITY, TFRAIN, TFSNOW :Units , none, mm, mm, frac, frac FOREST, 0.0, 10000, 10000, 1.0, 1.0 :EndVegetationParameterList :LandUseParameterList :Parameters , MELT_FACTOR, MIN_MELT_FACTOR, HBV_MELT_FOR_CORR, REFREEZE_FACTOR, HBV_MELT_ASP_CORR, DD_MELT_TEMP, FOREST_COVERAGE :Units , mm/d/K, mm/d/K, none, mm/d/K, none, degC, 0.1 # , KminA, KminB, MRF, CRFR, AM, TT, 0 # [DEFAULT], para_x17, para_x18, para_x13, para_x12, 0.00, para_x01, 0.0 [DEFAULT], {params.par_x17}, {params.par_x18}, {params.par_x13}, {params.par_x12}, 0.00, {params.par_x01}, 0.0 :EndLandUseParameterList :LandUseParameterList :Parameters, PONDED_EXP, PDMROF_B, DEP_MAX, MAX_DEP_AREA_FRAC, :Units , none, none, mm, none, # , 2/PWR, B, SMAX=CMAX*(1/(B+1)), MAXPA, # [DEFAULT], para_x09, para_x07, para_x14, para_x08, [DEFAULT], {params.par_x09}, {params.par_x07}, {params.par_x14}, {params.par_x08}, :EndLandUseParameterList """ self.config.rvp.set_tmpl(rvp_tmpl) ######### # R V I # ######### rvi_tmpl = """ :Routing {routing} :CatchmentRoute TRIANGULAR_UH :Evaporation {evaporation} :OW_Evaporation {ow_evaporation} :RainSnowFraction {rain_snow_fraction} :SWRadiationMethod SW_RAD_DEFAULT :SWCloudCorrect SW_CLOUD_CORR_NONE :SWCanopyCorrect SW_CANOPY_CORR_NONE :LWRadiationMethod LW_RAD_DEFAULT :PotentialMeltMethod POTMELT_HBV :CloudCoverMethod CLOUDCOV_NONE :PrecipIceptFract PRECIP_ICEPT_USER :MonthlyInterpolationMethod MONTHINT_LINEAR_21 :SoilModel SOIL_MULTILAYER 3 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Soil Layer Alias Definitions # :Alias FAST_RESERVOIR SOIL[1] :Alias SLOW_RESERVOIR SOIL[2] :LakeStorage SLOW_RESERVOIR #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hydrologic process order for HYPR Emulation # :HydrologicProcesses :SnowRefreeze FREEZE_DEGREE_DAY SNOW_LIQ SNOW :Precipitation PRECIP_RAVEN ATMOS_PRECIP MULTIPLE :CanopyEvaporation CANEVP_ALL CANOPY ATMOSPHERE :CanopySnowEvap CANEVP_ALL CANOPY_SNOW ATMOSPHERE :SnowBalance SNOBAL_SIMPLE_MELT SNOW PONDED_WATER :Infiltration INF_HBV PONDED_WATER MULTIPLE :Flush RAVEN_DEFAULT SURFACE_WATER PONDED_WATER :Abstraction ABST_PDMROF PONDED_WATER DEPRESSION :Flush RAVEN_DEFAULT SURFACE_WATER FAST_RESERVOIR :SoilEvaporation SOILEVAP_HYPR MULTIPLE ATMOSPHERE #ET from both soils and depressions :Baseflow BASE_LINEAR FAST_RESERVOIR SURFACE_WATER :Baseflow BASE_THRESH_STOR FAST_RESERVOIR SURFACE_WATER :EndHydrologicProcesses """ self.config.rvi.set_tmpl(rvi_tmpl) self.config.rvi.routing = RVI.RoutingOptions.NONE self.config.rvi.rain_snow_fraction = RVI.RainSnowFractionOptions.HBV self.config.rvi.evaporation = RVI.EvaporationOptions.PET_FROMMONTHLY self.config.rvi.ow_evaporation = RVI.EvaporationOptions.PET_FROMMONTHLY ######### # R V H # ######### rvh_tmpl = RVH.tmpl rvh_tmpl += """ :SubBasinProperties # x_15, # MAXBAS, :Parameters, TIME_CONC, :Units , none, d, 1, {par_x15}, :EndSubBasinProperties """ self.config.rvh.set_tmpl(rvh_tmpl) ######### # R V C # ######### self.config.rvc.hru_states[1] = HRUState(soil0=10, soil1=10, depression=20)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): kwds["identifier"] = kwds.get("identifier", "blended") super().__init__(*args, **kwds) self.config.update( hrus=(BLENDED.ForestHRU(), ), subbasins=(Sub( subbasin_id=1, name="sub_001", downstream_id=-1, profile="None", gauged=True, ), ), land_use_classes=(LU("FOREST", impermeable_frac=0.0, forest_coverage=0.02345), ), evaporation="PET_OUDIN", rain_snow_fraction=RVI.RainSnowFractionOptions.HBV, ) ######### # R V P # ######### rvp_tmpl = """ # tied parameters: # (it is important for OSTRICH to find every parameter place holder somewhere in this file) # (without this "5.421821E-02" and "1.596675E-01" and "2.169724E-01" wouldn't be detectable) # para_1.705806E+00 = 1.705806E+00 = para_x24 + para_x25 = 1.651588E+00 + 5.421821E-02 # para_2.070342E-01 = 2.070342E-01 = para_x13 + para_x14 = 4.736668E-02 + 1.596675E-01 # para_2.518350E-01 = 2.518350E-01 = para_x09 + para_x10 = 3.486263E-02 + 2.169724E-01 # para_2.254976E-04 = 2.254976E-04 = 10^(para_x04) = 10^-3.646858E+00 # para_2.279250E-04 = 2.279250E-04 = 10^(para_x11) = 10^-3.642208E+00 #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilClasses :Attributes, :Units, TOPSOIL, PHREATIC, DEEP_GW :EndSoilClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Land Use Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- {land_use_classes} #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Vegetation Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :VegetationClasses, :Attributes, MAX_HT, MAX_LAI, MAX_LEAF_COND, :Units, m, none, mm_per_s, FOREST, 4, 5, 5, :EndVegetationClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Profiles #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilProfiles LAKE, 0 ROCK, 0 DEFAULT_P, 3, TOPSOIL, {params.par_x29}, PHREATIC, {params.par_x30}, DEEP_GW, 1e6 # DEFAULT_P, 3, TOPSOIL, x(29), PHREATIC, x(30), DEEP_GW, 1e6 :EndSoilProfiles #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Terrain Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :TerrainClasses :Attributes, hillslope_len, drainage_dens, lambda, :Units, ??, ??, ?? DEFAULT_T, 1.0, 1.0, {params.par_x07} # TOPMODEL_LAMBDA x(7) :EndTerrainClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :GlobalParameter SNOW_SWI_MIN {params.par_x13} # x(13) :GlobalParameter SNOW_SWI_MAX {params.par_x14} # x(13)+x(14) :GlobalParameter SWI_REDUCT_COEFF {params.par_x15} # x(15) :GlobalParameter SNOW_SWI {params.par_x19} # x(19) :GlobalParameter RAINSNOW_TEMP {params.par_x31} # x(31) :GlobalParameter RAINSNOW_DELTA {params.par_x32} # x(32) #:GlobalParameter TOC_MULTIPLIER 1.0 # #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilParameterList :Parameters, POROSITY, PERC_COEFF, PET_CORRECTION, BASEFLOW_COEFF, B_EXP, HBV_BETA, MAX_BASEFLOW_RATE, BASEFLOW_N, FIELD_CAPACITY, SAT_WILT, :Units, -, 1/d, -, 1/d, TOPSOIL, 1.0, {params.par_x28}, {params.par_x08}, {params.par_x04}, {params.par_x02}, {params.par_x03}, {params.par_x05}, {params.par_x06}, {params.par_x10}, {params.par_x09}, PHREATIC, 1.0, {params.par_x35}, 0.0, {params.par_x11}, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, {params.par_x12}, 0.0, 0.0, DEEP_GW, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, # TOPSOIL, 1.0, x(28), x(08), x(04), x(02), x(03), x(05), x(06), x(09)+x(10), x(09), # PHREATIC, 1.0, x(35), 0.0, x(11), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, x(12), 0.0, 0.0, # DEEP_GW, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, :EndSoilParameterList #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Land Use Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :LandUseParameterList :Parameters, MIN_MELT_FACTOR, MAX_MELT_FACTOR, DD_MELT_TEMP, DD_AGGRADATION, REFREEZE_FACTOR, REFREEZE_EXP, DD_REFREEZE_TEMP, HMETS_RUNOFF_COEFF, :Units, mm/d/C, mm/d/C, C, 1/mm, mm/d/C, -, C, -, [DEFAULT], {params.par_x24}, {params.par_x25}, {params.par_x26}, {params.par_x27}, {params.par_x18}, {params.par_x17}, {params.par_x16}, {params.par_x01}, # x(24), x(24)+x(25), x(26), x(27), x(18), x(17), x(16), x(01), :EndLandUseParameterList :LandUseParameterList :Parameters, GAMMA_SHAPE, GAMMA_SCALE, GAMMA_SHAPE2, GAMMA_SCALE2, FOREST_SPARSENESS, :Units, -, -, -, -, -, [DEFAULT], {params.par_x20}, {params.par_x21}, {params.par_x22}, {params.par_x23}, 0.0, # x(20), x(21), x(22), x(23), 0.0, :EndLandUseParameterList #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Vegetation Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :VegetationParameterList :Parameters, RAIN_ICEPT_PCT, SNOW_ICEPT_PCT, SAI_HT_RATIO :Units, -, -, - [DEFAULT], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 :EndVegetationParameterList :SeasonalRelativeLAI FOREST, 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 :EndSeasonalRelativeLAI :SeasonalRelativeHeight FOREST, 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 :EndSeasonalRelativeHeight """ self.config.rvp.set_tmpl(rvp_tmpl) ######### # R V I # ######### rvi_tmpl = """ :PotentialMeltMethod POTMELT_HMETS :RainSnowFraction {rain_snow_fraction} :Evaporation {evaporation} # PET_OUDIN :CatchmentRoute ROUTE_DUMP :Routing ROUTE_NONE :SoilModel SOIL_MULTILAYER 3 :Alias DELAYED_RUNOFF CONVOLUTION[1] :HydrologicProcesses :Precipitation RAVEN_DEFAULT ATMOS_PRECIP MULTIPLE :ProcessGroup #infiltration group :Infiltration INF_HMETS PONDED_WATER MULTIPLE :Infiltration INF_VIC_ARNO PONDED_WATER MULTIPLE :Infiltration INF_HBV PONDED_WATER MULTIPLE :EndProcessGroup CALCULATE_WTS {params.par_r01} {params.par_r02} # para_r01 para_r02 :Overflow OVERFLOW_RAVEN SOIL[0] DELAYED_RUNOFF :ProcessGroup #quickflow group :Baseflow BASE_LINEAR_ANALYTIC SOIL[0] SURFACE_WATER # interflow, really :Baseflow BASE_VIC SOIL[0] SURFACE_WATER :Baseflow BASE_TOPMODEL SOIL[0] SURFACE_WATER :EndProcessGroup CALCULATE_WTS {params.par_r03} {params.par_r04} # para_r03 para_r04 :Percolation PERC_LINEAR SOIL[0] SOIL[1] # recharge :Overflow OVERFLOW_RAVEN SOIL[1] DELAYED_RUNOFF :Percolation PERC_LINEAR SOIL[1] SOIL[2] # loss to deep groundwater (simplifies to HMETS when PERC_COEFF DEEP_GW=0) :ProcessGroup #evaporation group :SoilEvaporation SOILEVAP_ALL SOIL[0] ATMOSPHERE # AET :SoilEvaporation SOILEVAP_TOPMODEL SOIL[0] ATMOSPHERE # AET :EndProcessGroup CALCULATE_WTS {params.par_r05} # para_r05 :Convolve CONVOL_GAMMA CONVOLUTION[0] SURFACE_WATER # 'surface runoff' :Convolve CONVOL_GAMMA_2 DELAYED_RUNOFF SURFACE_WATER # 'delayed runoff' :ProcessGroup #quickflow group :Baseflow BASE_LINEAR_ANALYTIC SOIL[1] SURFACE_WATER :Baseflow BASE_POWER_LAW SOIL[1] SURFACE_WATER :EndProcessGroup CALCULATE_WTS {params.par_r06} # para_r06 :ProcessGroup #snow balance group :SnowBalance SNOBAL_HMETS MULTIPLE MULTIPLE :SnowBalance SNOBAL_SIMPLE_MELT SNOW PONDED_WATER :SnowBalance SNOBAL_HBV MULTIPLE MULTIPLE #:SnowBalance SNOBAL_GAWSER MULTIPLE MULTIPLE :EndProcessGroup CALCULATE_WTS {params.par_r07} {params.par_r08} # para_r07 para_r08 :EndHydrologicProcesses """ self.config.rvi.set_tmpl(rvi_tmpl)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): kwds["identifier"] = kwds.get("identifier", "gr4jcn") super().__init__(*args, **kwds) self.config.update( hrus=(GR4JCN.LandHRU(), ), subbasins=(Sub( subbasin_id=1, name="sub_001", downstream_id=-1, profile="None", gauged=True, ), ), ) ######### # R V P # ######### rvp_tmpl = """ # -Global snow parameters------------------------------------- :RainSnowTransition 0 1.0 :AirSnowCoeff {one_minus_CEMANEIGE_X2} # [1/d] = 1.0 - CEMANEIGE_X2 = 1.0 - x6 :AvgAnnualSnow {params.CEMANEIGE_X1} # [mm] = CEMANEIGE_X1 = x5 # -Orographic Corrections------------------------------------- :PrecipitationLapseRate 0.0004 :AdiabaticLapseRate 0.0065 # - Soil classes --------------------------------------------- :SoilClasses :Attributes :Units SOIL_PROD SOIL_ROUT SOIL_TEMP SOIL_GW AQUIFER :EndSoilClasses :SoilParameterList :Parameters, POROSITY , GR4J_X3, GR4J_X2 :Units , none , mm, mm/d [DEFAULT], 1.0 , {params.GR4J_X3}, {params.GR4J_X2} :EndSoilParameterList # ----Soil Profiles-------------------------------------------- # name,#horizons,(soiltype,thickness)x(#horizons) # GR4J_X1 is thickness of first layer (SOIL_PROD), here {params.GR4J_X1} :SoilProfiles DEFAULT_P, 4, SOIL_PROD , {params.GR4J_X1}, SOIL_ROUT , 0.300, SOIL_TEMP , 1.000, SOIL_GW , 1.000, LAKE, 0 :EndSoilProfiles # ----Vegetation Classes--------------------------------------- :VegetationClasses :Attributes, MAX_HT, MAX_LAI, MAX_LEAF_COND :Units, m, none, mm_per_s VEG_ALL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 VEG_WATER, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 :EndVegetationClasses # --Land Use Classes------------------------------------------ :LandUseClasses :Attributes, IMPERM, FOREST_COV :Units , frac, frac LU_ALL, 0.0, 0.0 LU_WATER, 0.0, 0.0 :EndLandUseClasses :LandUseParameterList :Parameters, GR4J_X4, MELT_FACTOR :Units , d, mm/d/C [DEFAULT], {params.GR4J_X4}, 7.73 :EndLandUseParameterList {avg_annual_runoff} # List of channel profiles {channel_profiles} """ self.config.rvp.set_tmpl(rvp_tmpl) ######### # R V I # ######### rvi_tmpl = """ :SoilModel SOIL_MULTILAYER 4 :Routing {routing} :CatchmentRoute ROUTE_DUMP :Evaporation {evaporation} :RainSnowFraction {rain_snow_fraction} :PotentialMeltMethod POTMELT_DEGREE_DAY :OroTempCorrect OROCORR_SIMPLELAPSE :OroPrecipCorrect OROCORR_SIMPLELAPSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Soil Layer Alias Definitions # :Alias PRODUCT_STORE SOIL[0] :Alias ROUTING_STORE SOIL[1] :Alias TEMP_STORE SOIL[2] :Alias GW_STORE SOIL[3] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hydrologic process order for GR4J Emulation # :HydrologicProcesses :Precipitation PRECIP_RAVEN ATMOS_PRECIP MULTIPLE :SnowTempEvolve SNOTEMP_NEWTONS SNOW_TEMP :SnowBalance SNOBAL_CEMA_NIEGE SNOW PONDED_WATER :OpenWaterEvaporation OPEN_WATER_EVAP PONDED_WATER ATMOSPHERE # Pn :Infiltration INF_GR4J PONDED_WATER MULTIPLE # Ps- :SoilEvaporation SOILEVAP_GR4J PRODUCT_STORE ATMOSPHERE # Es :Percolation PERC_GR4J PRODUCT_STORE TEMP_STORE # Perc :Flush RAVEN_DEFAULT SURFACE_WATER TEMP_STORE # Pn-Ps :Split RAVEN_DEFAULT TEMP_STORE CONVOLUTION[0] CONVOLUTION[1] 0.9 # Split Pr :Convolve CONVOL_GR4J_1 CONVOLUTION[0] ROUTING_STORE # Q9 :Convolve CONVOL_GR4J_2 CONVOLUTION[1] TEMP_STORE # Q1 :Percolation PERC_GR4JEXCH ROUTING_STORE GW_STORE # F(x1) :Percolation PERC_GR4JEXCH2 TEMP_STORE GW_STORE # F(x1) :Flush RAVEN_DEFAULT TEMP_STORE SURFACE_WATER # Qd :Baseflow BASE_GR4J ROUTING_STORE SURFACE_WATER # Qr :EndHydrologicProcesses """ self.config.rvi.set_tmpl(rvi_tmpl) self.config.rvi.rain_snow_fraction = RVI.RainSnowFractionOptions.DINGMAN self.config.rvi.evaporation = "PET_OUDIN"
def test_routing(self): """We need at least 2 subbasins to activate routing.""" model = GR4JCN() ts_2d = get_local_testdata( "raven-gr4j-cemaneige/" ) ######### # R V I # ######### model.config.rvi.start_date = dt.datetime(2000, 1, 1) model.config.rvi.end_date = dt.datetime(2002, 1, 1) model.config.rvi.run_name = "test_gr4jcn_routing" model.config.rvi.routing = "ROUTE_DIFFUSIVE_WAVE" ######### # R V H # ######### # Here we assume that we have two subbasins. The first one (subbasin_id=10) # has a lake (hru_id=2; area-100km2) and the rest is covered by land (hru_id=1; # area=4250.6km2). The second subbasin (subbasin_id=20) does not contain a # lake and is hence only land (hru_id=3; area=2000km2). # # Later the routing product will tell us which basin flows into which. Here # we assume that the first subbasin (subbasin_id=10) drains into the second # (subbasin_id=20). At the outlet of this second one we have an observation # station (see :ObservationData in RVT). We will compare these observations # with the simulated streamflow. That is the reason why "gauged=True" for # the second basin. # HRU IDs are 1 to 3 model.config.rvh.hrus = ( GR4JCN.LandHRU(hru_id=1, subbasin_id=10, **salmon_land_hru_1), GR4JCN.LakeHRU(hru_id=2, subbasin_id=10, **salmon_lake_hru_1), GR4JCN.LandHRU(hru_id=3, subbasin_id=20, **salmon_land_hru_2), ) # Sub-basin IDs are 10 and 20 (not 1 and 2), to help disambiguate model.config.rvh.subbasins = ( # gauged = False: # Usually this output would only be written for user's convenience. # There is usually no observation of streamflow available within # catchments; only at the outlet. That's most commonly the reason # why a catchment is defined as it is defined. Sub( name="upstream", subbasin_id=10, downstream_id=20, profile="chn_10", gauged=False, ), # gauged = True: # Since this is the outlet, this would usually be what we calibrate # against (i.e. we try to match this to Qobs). Sub( name="downstream", subbasin_id=20, downstream_id=-1, profile="chn_20", gauged=True, ), ) model.config.rvh.land_subbasin_property_multiplier = ( SBGroupPropertyMultiplierCommand("Land", "MANNINGS_N", 1.0)) model.config.rvh.lake_subbasin_property_multiplier = ( SBGroupPropertyMultiplierCommand("Lakes", "RESERVOIR_CREST_WIDTH", 1.0)) ######### # R V T # ######### gws = GridWeightsCommand( number_hrus=3, number_grid_cells=1, # Here we have a special case: station is 0 for every row because the example NC # has only one region/station (which is column 0) data=((1, 0, 1.0), (2, 0, 1.0), (3, 0, 1.0)), ) # These will be shared (inline) to all the StationForcing commands in the RVT model.config.rvt.grid_weights = gws ######### # R V P # ######### model.config.rvp.params = model.Params(0.529, -3.396, 407.29, 1.072, 16.9, 0.947) total_area_in_km2 = sum(hru.area for hru in model.config.rvh.hrus) total_area_in_m2 = total_area_in_km2 * 1000 * 1000 model.config.rvp.avg_annual_runoff = get_average_annual_runoff( ts_2d, total_area_in_m2) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(model.config.rvp.avg_annual_runoff, 139.5407534171111) # These channel profiles describe the geometry of the actual river crossection. # The eight points (x) to describe the following geometry are given in each # profile: # # ----x x--- # \ FLOODPLAIN / # x----x x----x # \ / # \ RIVERBED / # x----------x # model.config.rvp.channel_profiles = [ ChannelProfileCommand( name="chn_10", bed_slope=7.62066e-05, survey_points=[ (0, 463.647), (16.0, 459.647), (90.9828, 459.647), (92.9828, 458.647), (126.4742, 458.647), (128.4742, 459.647), (203.457, 459.647), (219.457, 463.647), ], roughness_zones=[ (0, 0.0909167), (90.9828, 0.035), (128.4742, 0.0909167), ], ), ChannelProfileCommand( name="chn_20", bed_slope=9.95895e-05, survey_points=[ (0, 450.657), (16.0, 446.657), (85.0166, 446.657), (87.0166, 445.657), (117.5249, 445.657), (119.5249, 446.657), (188.54149999999998, 446.657), (204.54149999999998, 450.657), ], roughness_zones=[ (0, 0.0915769), (85.0166, 0.035), (119.5249, 0.0915769), ], ), ] ############# # Run model # ############# model(ts_2d) ########### # Verify # ########### hds = model.q_sim assert len(hds.nbasins) == 1 # number of "gauged" basins is 1 # We only have one SB with gauged=True, so the output has a single column. # The number of time steps simulated between (2000, 1, 1) and # (2002, 1, 1) is 732. assert hds.shape == (732, 1) # Check simulated streamflow at first three timesteps and three simulated # timesteps in the middle of the simulation period. dates = ( "2000-01-01", "2000-01-02", "2000-01-03", "2001-01-30", "2001-01-31", "2001-02-01", ) target_q_sim = [ 0.0, 0.304073, 0.980807, 17.54049, 17.409493, 17.437954 ] for t in range(6): np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hds.sel(nbasins=0, time=dates[t]), target_q_sim[t], 4) # For lumped GR4J model we have 1 subbasin and 1 HRU as well as no routing, no # channel profiles, and the area of the entire basin is 4250.6 [km2]. Comparison # of simulated and observed streamflow at outlet yielded: # np.testing.assert_almost_equal(d["DIAG_NASH_SUTCLIFFE"], -0.116971, 4) # # This is now a different value due to: # - basin we have here is larger (4250.6 [km2] + 100 [km2] + 2000.0 [km2]) # - we do routing: so water from subbasin 1 needs some time to arrive at the # outlet of subbasin 2 d = model.diagnostics np.testing.assert_almost_equal(d["DIAG_NASH_SUTCLIFFE"], -0.0141168, 4)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): kwds["identifier"] = kwds.get("identifier", "mohyse") super().__init__(*args, **kwds) self.config.update( hrus=(GR4JCN.LandHRU(), ), subbasins=(Sub( subbasin_id=1, name="sub_001", downstream_id=-1, profile="None", gauged=True, ), ), ) ######### # R V P # ######### rvp_tmpl = """ #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilClasses :Attributes, :Units, TOPSOIL GWSOIL :EndSoilClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Land Use Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :LandUseClasses, :Attributes, IMPERM, FOREST_COV, :Units, frac, frac, LU_ALL, 0.0, 1.0 :EndLandUseClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Vegetation Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :VegetationClasses, :Attributes, MAX_HT, MAX_LAI, MAX_LEAF_COND, :Units, m, none, mm_per_s, VEG_ALL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 :EndVegetationClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Profiles #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilProfiles LAKE, 0 ROCK, 0 # DEFAULT_P, 2, TOPSOIL, MOHYSE_PARA_5, GWSOIL, 10.0 DEFAULT_P, 2, TOPSOIL, {params.par_x05}, GWSOIL, 10.0 :EndSoilProfiles #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- #:GlobalParameter RAINSNOW_TEMP -2.0 :GlobalParameter TOC_MULTIPLIER 1.0 # :GlobalParameter MOHYSE_PET_COEFF MOHYSE_PARA_1 :GlobalParameter MOHYSE_PET_COEFF {params.par_x01} #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilParameterList :Parameters, POROSITY, PET_CORRECTION, HBV_BETA, BASEFLOW_COEFF, PERC_COEFF, :Units, -, -, -, 1/d, 1/d, # (units not generated by .rvp template) # TOPSOIL, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0, MOHYSE_PARA_7, MOHYSE_PARA_6, # GWSOIL, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0, MOHYSE_PARA_8, 0.0, TOPSOIL, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0, {params.par_x07}, {params.par_x06}, GWSOIL, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0, {params.par_x08}, 0.0, :EndSoilParameterList #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Land Use Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :LandUseParameterList :Parameters, MELT_FACTOR, AET_COEFF, FOREST_SPARSENESS, DD_MELT_TEMP, :Units, mm/d/K, mm/d, -, degC, # [DEFAULT], MOHYSE_PARA_3, MOHYSE_PARA_2, 0.0,MOHYSE_PARA_4, [DEFAULT], {params.par_x03}, {params.par_x02}, 0.0, {params.par_x04}, :EndLandUseParameterList #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Vegetation Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :VegetationParameterList :Parameters, SAI_HT_RATIO, RAIN_ICEPT_PCT, SNOW_ICEPT_PCT, :Units, -, -, -, [DEFAULT], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, :EndVegetationParameterList """ self.config.rvp.set_tmpl(rvp_tmpl) ######### # R V I # ######### rvi_tmpl = """ :SoilModel SOIL_TWO_LAYER :PotentialMeltMethod POTMELT_DEGREE_DAY :Routing ROUTE_NONE :CatchmentRoute ROUTE_GAMMA_CONVOLUTION :Evaporation {evaporation} # PET_MOHYSE :DirectEvaporation :RainSnowFraction {rain_snow_fraction} :HydrologicProcesses :SoilEvaporation SOILEVAP_LINEAR SOIL[0] ATMOSPHERE :SnowBalance SNOBAL_SIMPLE_MELT SNOW PONDED_WATER :Precipitation RAVEN_DEFAULT ATMOS_PRECIP MULTIPLE :Infiltration INF_HBV PONDED_WATER SOIL[0] :Baseflow BASE_LINEAR SOIL[0] SURFACE_WATER :Percolation PERC_LINEAR SOIL[0] SOIL[1] :Baseflow BASE_LINEAR SOIL[1] SURFACE_WATER :EndHydrologicProcesses #:CreateRVPTemplate # :Alias MOHYSE_PARA_1 1.5589 # :GlobalParameter MOHYSE_PET_COEFF # :Alias MOHYSE_PARA_2 0.9991 # LandUseParameterList --> AET_COEFF # :Alias MOHYSE_PARA_3 2.1511 # LandUseParameterList --> MELT_FACTOR # :Alias MOHYSE_PARA_4 -1.6101 # LandUseParameterList --> DD_MELT_TEMP # :Alias MOHYSE_PARA_5 0.5000 # SoilProfiles --> thickness of TOPSOIL (in mm????? must be m!!!) # :Alias MOHYSE_PARA_6 0.1050 # SoilParameterList --> PERC_COEFF (TOPSOIL) # :Alias MOHYSE_PARA_7 0.0533 # SoilParameterList --> BASEFLOW_COEFF (TOPSOIL) # :Alias MOHYSE_PARA_8 0.0132 # SoilParameterList --> BASEFLOW_COEFF (GWSOIL) # :Alias MOHYSE_PARA_9 1.0474 # :SubBasinProperties --> GAMMA_SHAPE # :Alias MOHYSE_PARA_10 7.9628 # :SubBasinProperties --> TIME_CONC = MOHYSE_PARA_10 / 0.3 = 26.542666666 """ self.config.rvi.set_tmpl(rvi_tmpl) ######### # R V H # ######### rvh_tmpl = """ {subbasins} {hrus} :SubBasinProperties # 1.0 / MOHYSE_PARA_10, MOHYSE_PARA_9 :Parameters, GAMMA_SCALE, GAMMA_SHAPE, :Units, 1/d, - 1, {par_rezi_x10}, {par_x09} :EndSubBasinProperties """ self.config.rvh.set_tmpl(rvh_tmpl) ######### # R V I # ######### self.config.rvi.rain_snow_fraction = RVI.RainSnowFractionOptions.DATA self.config.rvi.evaporation = "PET_MOHYSE"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): kwds["identifier"] = kwds.get("identifier", "canadianshield") super().__init__(*args, **kwds) self.config.update( hrus=(CANADIANSHIELD.HRU_ORGANIC(), CANADIANSHIELD.HRU_BEDROCK()), subbasins=( Sub( subbasin_id=1, name="sub_001", downstream_id=-1, profile="None", gauged=True, ), ), ) ######### # R V P # ######### rvp_tmpl = """ # tied parameters: # (it is important for OSTRICH to find every parameter place holder somewhere in this file) # (without this some parameters wouldn't be detectable) # para_sum_x05_x06 = sum_x05_x06 = {params.par_x05} + {params.par_x06} = para_x05 + para_x06 # para_sum_x16_x17 = sum_x16_x17 = {params.par_x16} + {params.par_x17} = para_x16 + para_x17 # para_pow_x08 = par_pow_x08 = 10^({params.par_x08}) = 10^para_x08 # para_pow_x09 = par_pow_x09 = 10^({params.par_x09}) = 10^para_x09 #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilClasses :Attributes, :Units, TOPSOIL, VADOSE, FRACBEDROCK, :EndSoilClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Profiles #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilProfiles LAKE, 0 ROCK, 0 SOILP_ORG, 3, TOPSOIL, {params.par_x01}, VADOSE, {params.par_x02}, FRACBEDROCK, {params.par_x03}, SOILP_BEDROCK, 3, TOPSOIL, {params.par_x01}, VADOSE, 0.00, FRACBEDROCK, {params.par_x03}, # SOILP_ORG, 3, TOPSOIL, para_x01, VADOSE, para_x02, FRACBEDROCK, para_x03, # SOILP_BEDROCK, 3, TOPSOIL, para_x01, VADOSE, 0.00, FRACBEDROCK, para_x03, :EndSoilProfiles #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Land Use Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- {land_use_classes} #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Vegetation Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :VegetationClasses, :Attributes, MAX_HT, MAX_LAI, MAX_LEAF_COND, :Units, m, none, mm_per_s, FOREST, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, :EndVegetationClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :GlobalParameter SNOW_SWI {params.par_x15} # para_x15 :GlobalParameter SNOW_SWI_MIN {params.par_x16} # para_x16 :GlobalParameter SNOW_SWI_MAX {params.par_x17} # para_x16+para_x17 :GlobalParameter SWI_REDUCT_COEFF {params.par_x18} # para_x18 :GlobalParameter RAINSNOW_TEMP {params.par_x19} # para_x19 :GlobalParameter RAINSNOW_DELTA {params.par_x20} # para_x20 :GlobalParameter MAX_SWE_SURFACE {params.par_x21} # para_x21 :GlobalParameter TOC_MULTIPLIER {params.par_x22} # para_x22 #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilParameterList :Parameters, POROSITY, HBV_BETA, BASEFLOW_COEFF, BASEFLOW_N, MAX_INTERFLOW_RATE, FIELD_CAPACITY, SAT_WILT, MAX_PERC_RATE, PET_CORRECTION, :Units, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, TOPSOIL, 1.0, {params.par_x07}, 0.0, 0.0, {params.par_x12}, {params.par_x06}, {params.par_x05}, {params.par_x13}, {params.par_x04}, VADOSE, 1.0, 0.0, {params.par_x08}, {params.par_x10}, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, {params.par_x14}, 0.0, FRACBEDROCK, 1.0, 0.0, {params.par_x09}, {params.par_x11}, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, # TOPSOIL, 1.0, para_x07, 0.0, 0.0, para_x12, para_sum_x05_x06, para_x05, para_x13, para_x04, # VADOSE, 1.0, 0.0, para_pow_x08, para_x10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, para_x14, 0.0, # FRACBEDROCK, 1.0, 0.0, para_pow_x09, para_x11, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, :EndSoilParameterList # note: TOPSOIL FIELD_CAPACITY calculated as {params.par_x05} + {params.par_x06} # note: TOPSOIL BASEFLOW_COEFF calculated as 10^({params.par_x08}) # note: PHREATIC BASEFLOW_COEFF calculated as 10^({params.par_x09}) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Land Use Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :LandUseParameterList :Parameters, FOREST_SPARSENESS, MELT_FACTOR, DD_MELT_TEMP, REFREEZE_FACTOR, DEP_MAX, OW_PET_CORR, :Units, -, -, -, -, -, -, FOREST, 0.0, {params.par_x25}, {params.par_x24}, {params.par_x23}, {params.par_x26}, {params.par_x27}, # FOREST, 0.0, para_x25, para_x24, para_x23, para_x26, para_x27, :EndLandUseParameterList #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Vegetation Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :VegetationParameterList :Parameters, SVF_EXTINCTION, SAI_HT_RATIO, RAIN_ICEPT_FACT, SNOW_ICEPT_FACT, MAX_CAPACITY, MAX_SNOW_CAPACITY, :Units, -, -, -, -, -, -, FOREST, 0.5, 1.0, {params.par_x28}, {params.par_x29}, {params.par_x30}, {params.par_x31}, # FOREST, 0.5, 1.0, para_x28, para_x29, para_x30, para_x31, :EndVegetationParameterList # Can leave all as 1.0 to keep generic across any watershed. In Ontario would hardcode to reduce ratio over winter months. :SeasonalRelativeLAI # J F M A M J J A S O N D [DEFAULT] 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 :EndSeasonalRelativeLAI :SeasonalRelativeHeight # J F M A M J J A S O N D [DEFAULT] 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 :EndSeasonalRelativeHeight """ self.config.rvp.set_tmpl(rvp_tmpl) ######### # R V I # ######### rvi_tmpl = """ :Routing {routing} :CatchmentRoute ROUTE_TRI_CONVOLUTION :Evaporation {evaporation} :OW_Evaporation {ow_evaporation} :SWCanopyCorrect SW_CANOPY_CORR_STATIC :RainSnowFraction {rain_snow_fraction} :PotentialMeltMethod POTMELT_DEGREE_DAY :PrecipIceptFract PRECIP_ICEPT_LAI :SoilModel SOIL_MULTILAYER 3 :MonthlyInterpolationMethod MONTHINT_LINEAR_MID :Alias TOPSOIL SOIL[0] :Alias VADOSE SOIL[1] :Alias FRACBEDROCK SOIL[2] :HydrologicProcesses :SnowRefreeze FREEZE_DEGREE_DAY SNOW_LIQ SNOW :Precipitation PRECIP_RAVEN ATMOS_PRECIP MULTIPLE :CanopyEvaporation CANEVP_MAXIMUM CANOPY ATMOSPHERE :CanopySnowEvap CANEVP_MAXIMUM CANOPY_SNOW ATMOSPHERE :SnowBalance SNOBAL_TWO_LAYER MULTIPLE MULTIPLE :Abstraction ABST_FILL PONDED_WATER DEPRESSION :OpenWaterEvaporation OPEN_WATER_EVAP DEPRESSION ATMOSPHERE :Infiltration INF_HBV PONDED_WATER MULTIPLE :Interflow INTERFLOW_PRMS TOPSOIL SURFACE_WATER :Baseflow BASE_POWER_LAW VADOSE SURFACE_WATER :-->Conditional HRU_TYPE IS SOIL_ORG :Baseflow BASE_POWER_LAW FRACBEDROCK SURFACE_WATER :Percolation PERC_GAWSER TOPSOIL VADOSE :-->Conditional HRU_TYPE IS SOIL_ORG :Percolation PERC_GAWSER VADOSE FRACBEDROCK :-->Conditional HRU_TYPE IS SOIL_ORG :Percolation PERC_GAWSER TOPSOIL FRACBEDROCK :-->Conditional HRU_TYPE IS SOIL_BEDROCK :SoilEvaporation SOILEVAP_ROOT TOPSOIL ATMOSPHERE :EndHydrologicProcesses """ self.config.rvi.set_tmpl(rvi_tmpl) self.config.rvi.routing = RVI.RoutingOptions.NONE self.config.rvi.rain_snow_fraction = RVI.RainSnowFractionOptions.DINGMAN self.config.rvi.evaporation = RVI.EvaporationOptions.PET_HARGREAVES_1985 self.config.rvi.ow_evaporation = RVI.EvaporationOptions.PET_HARGREAVES_1985
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): kwds["identifier"] = kwds.get("identifier", "hbvec") super().__init__(*args, **kwds) self.config.update( hrus=(GR4JCN.LandHRU(),), subbasins=( Sub( subbasin_id=1, name="sub_001", downstream_id=-1, profile="None", gauged=True, ), ), ) ######### # R V P # ######### rvp_tmpl = """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Global parameters # # HBV_PARA_13=TCALT :AdiabaticLapseRate {params.par_x13} # HBV_PARA_01, CONSTANT, :RainSnowTransition {params.par_x01}, 2.0 # HBV_PARA_04, :IrreducibleSnowSaturation {params.par_x04} # HBV_PARA_12=PCALT :GlobalParameter PRECIP_LAPSE {params.par_x12} #--------------------------------------------------------- # Soil classes :SoilClasses :Attributes, :Units, TOPSOIL, 1.0, 0.0, 0 SLOW_RES, 1.0, 0.0, 0 FAST_RES, 1.0, 0.0, 0 :EndSoilClasses :SoilParameterList :Parameters, POROSITY,FIELD_CAPACITY, SAT_WILT, HBV_BETA, MAX_CAP_RISE_RATE,MAX_PERC_RATE,BASEFLOW_COEFF, BASEFLOW_N :Units , none, none, none, none, mm/d, mm/d, 1/d, none # HBV_PARA_05, HBV_PARA_06, HBV_PARA_14, HBV_PARA_07, HBV_PARA_16, CONSTANT, CONSTANT, CONSTANT, [DEFAULT], {params.par_x05}, {params.par_x06}, {params.par_x14}, {params.par_x07}, {params.par_x16}, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # CONSTANT, HBV_PARA_08, HBV_PARA_09, 1+HBV_PARA_15=1+ALPHA, FAST_RES, _DEFAULT, _DEFAULT, 0.0, _DEFAULT, _DEFAULT, {params.par_x08}, {params.par_x09}, {one_plus_par_x15} # CONSTANT, HBV_PARA_10, CONSTANT, SLOW_RES, _DEFAULT, _DEFAULT, 0.0, _DEFAULT, _DEFAULT, _DEFAULT, {params.par_x10}, 1.0 :EndSoilParameterList #--------------------------------------------------------- # Soil profiles # name, layers, (soilClass, thickness) x layers # :SoilProfiles # HBV_PARA_17, CONSTANT, CONSTANT, DEFAULT_P, 3, TOPSOIL, {params.par_x17}, FAST_RES, 100.0, SLOW_RES, 100.0 :EndSoilProfiles #--------------------------------------------------------- # Vegetation classes # :VegetationClasses :Attributes, MAX_HT, MAX_LAI, MAX_LEAF_COND :Units, m, none, mm_per_s VEG_ALL, 25, 6.0, 5.3 :EndVegetationClasses :VegetationParameterList :Parameters, MAX_CAPACITY, MAX_SNOW_CAPACITY, TFRAIN, TFSNOW, :Units, mm, mm, frac, frac, VEG_ALL, 10000, 10000, 0.88, 0.88, :EndVegetationParameterList #--------------------------------------------------------- # LandUse classes # :LandUseClasses :Attributes, IMPERM, FOREST_COV :Units, frac, frac LU_ALL, 0.0, 1 :EndLandUseClasses :LandUseParameterList :Parameters, MELT_FACTOR, MIN_MELT_FACTOR, HBV_MELT_FOR_CORR, REFREEZE_FACTOR, HBV_MELT_ASP_CORR :Units , mm/d/K, mm/d/K, none, mm/d/K, none # HBV_PARA_02, CONSTANT, HBV_PARA_18, HBV_PARA_03, CONSTANT [DEFAULT], {params.par_x02}, 2.2, {params.par_x18}, {params.par_x03}, 0.48 :EndLandUseParameterList :LandUseParameterList :Parameters, HBV_MELT_GLACIER_CORR, HBV_GLACIER_KMIN, GLAC_STORAGE_COEFF, HBV_GLACIER_AG :Units , none, 1/d, 1/d, 1/mm # CONSTANT, CONSTANT, HBV_PARA_19, CONSTANT, [DEFAULT], 1.64, 0.05, {params.par_x19}, 0.05 :EndLandUseParameterList """ self.config.rvp.set_tmpl(rvp_tmpl) ######### # R V I # ######### rvi_tmpl = """ :Routing ROUTE_NONE :CatchmentRoute TRIANGULAR_UH :Evaporation {evaporation} # PET_FROM_MONTHLY :OW_Evaporation {ow_evaporation} # PET_FROM_MONTHLY :SWRadiationMethod SW_RAD_DEFAULT :SWCloudCorrect SW_CLOUD_CORR_NONE :SWCanopyCorrect SW_CANOPY_CORR_NONE :LWRadiationMethod LW_RAD_DEFAULT :RainSnowFraction {rain_snow_fraction} :PotentialMeltMethod POTMELT_HBV :OroTempCorrect OROCORR_HBV :OroPrecipCorrect OROCORR_HBV :OroPETCorrect OROCORR_HBV :CloudCoverMethod CLOUDCOV_NONE :PrecipIceptFract PRECIP_ICEPT_USER :MonthlyInterpolationMethod MONTHINT_LINEAR_21 :SoilModel SOIL_MULTILAYER 3 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Soil Layer Alias Definitions # :Alias FAST_RESERVOIR SOIL[1] :Alias SLOW_RESERVOIR SOIL[2] :LakeStorage SLOW_RESERVOIR #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hydrologic process order for HBV-EC Emulation # :HydrologicProcesses :SnowRefreeze FREEZE_DEGREE_DAY SNOW_LIQ SNOW :Precipitation PRECIP_RAVEN ATMOS_PRECIP MULTIPLE :CanopyEvaporation CANEVP_ALL CANOPY ATMOSPHERE :CanopySnowEvap CANEVP_ALL CANOPY_SNOW ATMOSPHERE :SnowBalance SNOBAL_SIMPLE_MELT SNOW SNOW_LIQ :-->Overflow RAVEN_DEFAULT SNOW_LIQ PONDED_WATER :Flush RAVEN_DEFAULT PONDED_WATER GLACIER :-->Conditional HRU_TYPE IS GLACIER :GlacierMelt GMELT_HBV GLACIER_ICE GLACIER :GlacierRelease GRELEASE_HBV_EC GLACIER SURFACE_WATER :Infiltration INF_HBV PONDED_WATER MULTIPLE :Flush RAVEN_DEFAULT SURFACE_WATER FAST_RESERVOIR :-->Conditional HRU_TYPE IS_NOT GLACIER :SoilEvaporation SOILEVAP_HBV SOIL[0] ATMOSPHERE :CapillaryRise RISE_HBV FAST_RESERVOIR SOIL[0] :LakeEvaporation LAKE_EVAP_BASIC SLOW_RESERVOIR ATMOSPHERE :Percolation PERC_CONSTANT FAST_RESERVOIR SLOW_RESERVOIR :Baseflow BASE_POWER_LAW FAST_RESERVOIR SURFACE_WATER :Baseflow BASE_LINEAR SLOW_RESERVOIR SURFACE_WATER :EndHydrologicProcesses """ self.config.rvi.set_tmpl(rvi_tmpl) ######### # R V H # ######### rvh_tmpl = """ {subbasins} {hrus} :SubBasinProperties # HBV_PARA_11, DERIVED FROM HBV_PARA_11, # MAXBAS, MAXBAS/2, :Parameters, TIME_CONC, TIME_TO_PEAK :Units , d, d, 1, {par_x11}, {par_x11_half}, :EndSubBasinProperties """ self.config.rvh.set_tmpl(rvh_tmpl) ######### # R V I # ######### self.config.rvi.evaporation = "PET_FROMMONTHLY" self.config.rvi.ow_evaporation = "PET_FROMMONTHLY" self.config.rvi.rain_snow_fraction = "RAINSNOW_HBV"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): kwds["identifier"] = kwds.get("identifier", "sacsma") super().__init__(*args, **kwds) self.config.update( hrus=(SACSMA.HRU(), ), subbasins=(Sub( subbasin_id=1, name="sub_001", downstream_id=-1, profile="None", gauged=True, ), ), ) ######### # R V P # ######### rvp_tmpl = """ # -------------------------- # Parameters and description # (adopted from Table 1 under # -------------------------- # para_x01 0.001 0.015 # LZPK; The ratio of water in LZFPM, which drains as base flow each day.; fraction; default=0.01 # para_x02 0.03 0.2 # LZSK; The ratio of water in LZFSM which drains as base flow each day.; fraction; default=0.05 # para_x03 0.2 0.5 # UZK; The fraction of water in UZFWM, which drains as interflow each day.; fraction; default=0.3 # para_x04 0.025 0.125 # UZTWM; Upper Zone Tension Water Maximum. The maximum volume of water held by the upper zone between # field capacity and the wilting point which can be lost by direct evaporation and evapotranspiration # from soil surface. This storage is filled before any water in the upper zone is transferred to # other storages.; m; default=0.050 # para_x05 0.010 0.075 # UZFWM; Upper Zone Free Water Maximum, this storage is the source of water for interflow and the driving # force for transferring water to deeper depths.; m; default=0.040 # para_x06 0.075 0.300 # LZTWM; Lower Zone Tension Water Maximum, the maximum capacity of lower zone tension water. Water from # this store can only be removed through evapotranspiration.; m; default=0.130 # para_x07 0.015 0.300 # LZFSM; Lower Zone Free Water Supplemental Maximum, the maximum volume from which supplemental base flow # can be drawn.; m; default=0.025 # para_x08 0.040 0.600 # LZFPM; Lower Zone Free Water Primary Maximum, the maximum capacity from which primary base flow can be # drawn.; m; default=0.060 # para_x09 0.0 0.5 # PFREE; The minimum proportion of percolation from the upper zone to the lower zone directly available # for recharging the lower zone free water stores.; percent/100; default=0.06 # para_x10 0.0 3.0 # REXP; An exponent determining the rate of change of the percolation rate with changing lower zone water # storage.; none; default=1.0 # para_x11 0.0 80 # ZPERC; The proportional increase in Pbase that defines the maximum percolation rate.; # none; default=40 # para_x12 0.0 0.8 # SIDE; The ratio of non-channel baseflow (deep recharge) to channel (visible) baseflow.; ratio; # default=0.0 # n/a 0.0 0.1 # SSOUT; The volume of the flow which can be conveyed by porous material in the bed of stream.; mm; # default=0.0 # para_x13 0.0 0.05 # PCTIM; The permanently impervious fraction of the basin contiguous with stream channels, which # contributes to direct runoff.; percent/100; default=0.01 # para_x14 0.0 0.2 # ADIMP; The additional fraction of the catchment which develops impervious characteristics under # soil saturation conditions.; percent/100; default=0.0 # para_x15 0.0 0.1 # RIVA=SARVA; A decimal fraction representing that portion of the basin normally covered by streams, # lakes and vegetation that can deplete stream flow by evapotranspiration.; percent/100; # default=0.0 # para_x16 0.0 0.4 # RSERV; Fraction of lower zone free water unavailable for transpiration; percent/100; default=0.3 # n/a 0.0 1.0 # UH1; The first component of the unit hydrograph, i.e. the proportion of instantaneous runoff # not lagged; percent/100; default=1.0 # n/a 0.0 1.0 # UH2; The second component of the unit hydrograph, i.e. the proportion of instantaneous runoff # not lagged; percent/100; default=1.0 # n/a 0.0 1.0 # UH3; The third component of the unit hydrograph, i.e. the proportion of instantaneous runoff # not lagged; percent/100; default=1.0 # n/a 0.0 1.0 # UH4; The fourth component of the unit hydrograph, i.e. the proportion of instantaneous runoff # not lagged; percent/100; default=1.0 # n/a 0.0 1.0 # UH5; The fifth component of the unit hydrograph, i.e. the proportion of instantaneous runoff # not lagged; percent/100; default=1.0 # para_x17 0.0 8.0 # MELT_FACTOR; maximum snow melt factor used in degree day models (not in original SAC-SMA # model); mm/d/C; default=1.5 # para_x18 0.3 20.0 # GAMMA_SHAPE; used to build unit hydrograph, LandUseParameterList; none ; default=1.0 # para_x19 0.01 5.0 # GAMMA_SCALE; used to build unit hydrograph, LandUseParameterList; none ; default=1.0 # para_x20 0.8 1.2 # RAINCORRECTION; Muliplier to correct rain, Gauge; none ; default=1.0 # para_x21 0.8 1.2 # SNOWCORRECTION; Muliplier to correct snow, Gauge; none ; default=1.0 # tied parameters: # (it is important for OSTRICH to find every parameter place holder somewhere in this file) # (without this parameters that are used to derive parameters wouldn't be detectable by Ostrich) # para_x04_mm = par_soil0_mm = para_x04 * 1000 = par_x04 * 1000 # para_x06_mm = par_soil0_mm = para_x06 * 1000 = par_x06 * 1000 # para_bf_loss_frac = PAR_BF_LOSS_FRAC = para_x12/(1+para_x12) = par_x12/(1+par_x12) # para_pow_x01 = POW_X01 = 10^(para_x01) = 10^par_x01 # para_pow_x02 = POW_X02 = 10^(para_x02) = 10^par_x02 # para_pow_x03 = POW_X03 = 10^(para_x03) = 10^par_x03 #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilClasses :Attributes, :Units, UZT, UZF, LZT, LZFP, LZFS, ADIM, GW :EndSoilClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Land Use Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :LandUseClasses, :Attributes, IMPERM, FOREST_COV, :Units, frac, frac, FOREST, {params.par_x13}, 1.0, # FOREST, <PCTIM>, 1.0, # FOREST, para_x13, 1.0, # :EndLandUseClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Vegetation Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :VegetationClasses, :Attributes, MAX_HT, MAX_LAI, MAX_LEAF_COND, :Units, m, none, mm_per_s, FOREST, 4, 5, 5, # FOREST, 4, 5, 5, :EndVegetationClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Profiles #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilProfiles LAKE, 0 DEFAULT_P, 7, UZT, {params.par_x04}, UZF, {params.par_x05}, LZT, {params.par_x06}, LZFP, {params.par_x08}, LZFS, {params.par_x07}, ADIM, 100, GW, 100 # DEFAULT_P, 7, UZT, <UZTWM>, UZF, <UZFWM>, LZT, <LZTWM>, LZFP, <LZFPM>, LZFS, <LZFSM>, ADIM, 100, GW, 100 # DEFAULT_P, 7, UZT, para_x04, UZF, para_x05, LZT, para_x06, LZFP, para_x08, LZFS, para_x07, ADIM, 100, GW, 100 :EndSoilProfiles #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilParameterList :Parameters, POROSITY, SAC_PERC_ALPHA, SAC_PERC_EXPON, SAC_PERC_PFREE, :Units, [-], [-], [-], [0..1], [DEFAULT], 1.0, {params.par_x11}, {params.par_x10}, {params.par_x09}, # [DEFAULT], 1.0, <ZPERC>, <REXP>, <PFREE>, # [DEFAULT], 1.0, para_x11, para_x10, para_x09, :EndSoilParameterList :SoilParameterList :Parameters, BASEFLOW_COEFF, UNAVAIL_FRAC :Units, 1/d, 0..1 [DEFAULT], 0.0, 0.0 UZF, {params.par_x03}, 0.0 LZFP, {params.par_x01}, {params.par_x16} LZFS, {params.par_x02}, 0.0 # [DEFAULT], 0.0, 0.0 # UZF, <UZK>, 0.0 # LZFP, <LZPK>, <RSERV> # LZFS, <LZSK>, 0.0 # [DEFAULT], 0.0, 0.0 # UZF, 10^para_x03, 0.0 # LZFP, 10^para_x01, para_x16 # LZFS, 10^para_x02, 0.0 :EndSoilParameterList #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Land Use Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :LandUseParameterList :Parameters, GAMMA_SHAPE, GAMMA_SCALE, MELT_FACTOR, STREAM_FRACTION, MAX_SAT_AREA_FRAC, BF_LOSS_FRACTION :Units, -, -, mm/d/C, [0..1], [0..1], [0..1] [DEFAULT], {params.par_x18}, {params.par_x19}, {params.par_x17}, {params.par_x15}, {params.par_x14}, {params.par_x12} # para_x18, para_x19, para_x17, <RIVA>, <ADIMP>, <SIDE>/(1+<SIDE>) # para_x18, para_x19, para_x17, para_x15, para_x14, para_x12/(1+para_x12) :EndLandUseParameterList #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Vegetation Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :VegetationParameterList :Parameters, RAIN_ICEPT_PCT, SNOW_ICEPT_PCT, :Units, -, -, [DEFAULT], 0.0, 0.0, :EndVegetationParameterList """ self.config.rvp.set_tmpl(rvp_tmpl) ######### # R V I # ######### rvi_tmpl = """ :PotentialMeltMethod POTMELT_DEGREE_DAY :RainSnowFraction {rain_snow_fraction} :Evaporation {evaporation} :CatchmentRoute ROUTE_GAMMA_CONVOLUTION :Routing ROUTE_NONE :SoilModel SOIL_MULTILAYER 7 :Alias UZ_T SOIL[0] :Alias UZ_F SOIL[1] :Alias LZ_T SOIL[2] :Alias LZ_PF SOIL[3] :Alias LZ_PS SOIL[4] :HydrologicProcesses :SnowBalance SNOBAL_SIMPLE_MELT SNOW PONDED_WATER :Precipitation RAVEN_DEFAULT ATMOS_PRECIP MULTIPLE :SoilEvaporation SOILEVAP_SACSMA MULTIPLE ATMOSPHERE :SoilBalance SOILBAL_SACSMA MULTIPLE MULTIPLE :OpenWaterEvaporation OPEN_WATER_RIPARIAN SURFACE_WATER ATMOSPHERE :EndHydrologicProcesses """ self.config.rvi.set_tmpl(rvi_tmpl) self.config.rvi.rain_snow_fraction = RVI.RainSnowFractionOptions.DATA self.config.rvi.evaporation = RVI.EvaporationOptions.PET_OUDIN
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): kwds["identifier"] = kwds.get("identifier", "hmets") super().__init__(*args, **kwds) self.config.update( hrus=(HMETS.ForestHRU(), ), subbasins=(Sub( subbasin_id=1, name="sub_001", downstream_id=-1, profile="None", gauged=True, ), ), ) ######### # R V P # ######### rvp_tmpl = """ #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilClasses :Attributes, :Units, TOPSOIL, PHREATIC, :EndSoilClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Land Use Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :LandUseClasses, :Attributes, IMPERM, FOREST_COV, :Units, frac, frac, FOREST, 0.0, 1.0, :EndLandUseClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Vegetation Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------- :VegetationClasses, :Attributes, MAX_HT, MAX_LAI, MAX_LEAF_COND, :Units, m, none, mm_per_s, FOREST, 4, 5, 5, :EndVegetationClasses #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Profiles #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilProfiles LAKE, 0 ROCK, 0 DEFAULT_P, 2, TOPSOIL, {TOPSOIL_m}, PHREATIC, {PHREATIC_m}, # DEFAULT_P, 2, TOPSOIL, x(20)/1000, PHREATIC, x(21)/1000, :EndSoilProfiles #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :GlobalParameter SNOW_SWI_MIN {params.SNOW_SWI_MIN} # x(9) :GlobalParameter SNOW_SWI_MAX {SUM_SNOW_SWI} # x(9)+x(10) :GlobalParameter SWI_REDUCT_COEFF {params.SWI_REDUCT_COEFF} # x(11) :GlobalParameter SNOW_SWI 0.05 # not sure why/if needed... #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Soil Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :SoilParameterList :Parameters, POROSITY, PERC_COEFF, PET_CORRECTION, BASEFLOW_COEFF :Units, -, 1/d, -, 1/d TOPSOIL, 1.0, {params.PERC_COEFF},{params.PET_CORRECTION},{params.BASEFLOW_COEFF_1} PHREATIC, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, {params.BASEFLOW_COEFF_2} # TOPSOIL, 1.0, x(17), x(15), x(18) # PHREATIC, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, x(19) :EndSoilParameterList #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Land Use Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :LandUseParameterList :Parameters, MIN_MELT_FACTOR, MAX_MELT_FACTOR, DD_MELT_TEMP, DD_AGGRADATION, REFREEZE_FACTOR, REFREEZE_EXP, DD_REFREEZE_TEMP, HMETS_RUNOFF_COEFF, :Units, mm/d/C, mm/d/C, C, 1/mm, mm/d/C, -, C, -, [DEFAULT],{params.MIN_MELT_FACTOR},{SUM_MELT_FACTOR}, {params.DD_MELT_TEMP},{params.DD_AGGRADATION},{params.REFREEZE_FACTOR}, {params.REFREEZE_EXP},{params.DD_REFREEZE_TEMP},{params.HMETS_RUNOFF_COEFF}, # x(5), x(5)+x(6), x(7), x(8), x(13), x(14), x(12), x(16), :EndLandUseParameterList :LandUseParameterList :Parameters, GAMMA_SHAPE, GAMMA_SCALE, GAMMA_SHAPE2, GAMMA_SCALE2, :Units, -, 1/d, -, 1/d, [DEFAULT], {params.GAMMA_SHAPE}, {params.GAMMA_SCALE}, {params.GAMMA_SHAPE2}, {params.GAMMA_SCALE2}, # x(1), x(2), x(3), x(4), :EndLandUseParameterList #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Vegetation Parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------- :VegetationParameterList :Parameters, RAIN_ICEPT_PCT, SNOW_ICEPT_PCT, :Units, -, -, [DEFAULT], 0.0, 0.0, :EndVegetationParameterList """ self.config.rvp.set_tmpl(rvp_tmpl) ######### # R V I # ######### rvi_tmpl = """ :PotentialMeltMethod POTMELT_HMETS :RainSnowFraction {rain_snow_fraction} :Evaporation {evaporation} # PET_OUDIN :CatchmentRoute ROUTE_DUMP :Routing ROUTE_NONE :SoilModel SOIL_TWO_LAYER :Alias DELAYED_RUNOFF CONVOLUTION[1] :HydrologicProcesses :SnowBalance SNOBAL_HMETS MULTIPLE MULTIPLE :Precipitation RAVEN_DEFAULT ATMOS_PRECIP MULTIPLE :Infiltration INF_HMETS PONDED_WATER MULTIPLE :Overflow OVERFLOW_RAVEN SOIL[0] DELAYED_RUNOFF :Baseflow BASE_LINEAR SOIL[0] SURFACE_WATER # interflow, really :Percolation PERC_LINEAR SOIL[0] SOIL[1] # recharge :Overflow OVERFLOW_RAVEN SOIL[1] DELAYED_RUNOFF :SoilEvaporation SOILEVAP_ALL SOIL[0] ATMOSPHERE # AET :Convolve CONVOL_GAMMA CONVOLUTION[0] SURFACE_WATER #'surface runoff' :Convolve CONVOL_GAMMA_2 DELAYED_RUNOFF SURFACE_WATER #'delayed runoff' :Baseflow BASE_LINEAR SOIL[1] SURFACE_WATER :EndHydrologicProcesses """ self.config.rvi.set_tmpl(rvi_tmpl) self.config.rvi.evaporation = "PET_OUDIN" self.config.rvi.rain_snow_fraction = RVI.RainSnowFractionOptions.DATA