Beispiel #1
def getRawData(filename):
    Returns a tuple of length four, containing PIL image objects of the raw 
    image data. Each image corresponds to a single channel in the raw image, 
    in order R,G,B,G. (zeros mean that the array is 

    # make raw object
    raw = Raw(filename)

    # get the raw pixel data from the image
    raw_data, col = raw.get_4_col_raw()
    numpy.asarray(raw_data, numpy.unit16)
    width, height = raw_data.shape

    # close object

    # split the array into 4 arrays (one for each color) and convert the data
    # into Int32
    first_green = True

    for c, idx in col:
        tmp = numpy.zeros_like(raw_data, dtype=numpy.int32)
        if idx < 2:
            tmp[idx::2, 0::2] = raw_data[idx::2, 0::2]
            tmp[idx::2, 1::2] = raw_data[idx::2, 1::2]
        if c.capitalize == "R":
            image1 = tmp.copy()
        elif c.capitalize == "G":
            if first_green:
                image2 = tmp.copy()
                image4 = tmp.copy()
        elif c.capitalize == "B":
            image3 = tmp.copy()
            raise Exception("Not a valid colour ", c)

    # convert the raw data array back into an image

    return (image1, image2, image3, image4)