Beispiel #1
    "framework": "tf",
    # Tweak the default model provided automatically by RLlib,
    # given the environment's observation- and action spaces.
    "model": {
        "fcnet_hiddens": [64, 64],
        "fcnet_activation": "relu",
    # Set up a separate evaluation worker set for the
    # `algo.evaluate()` call after training (see below).
    "evaluation_num_workers": 1,
    # Only for evaluation runs, render the env.
    "evaluation_config": {
        "render_env": True,

# Create our RLlib Trainer.
algo = PPO(config=config)

# Run it for n training iterations. A training iteration includes
# parallel sample collection by the environment workers as well as
# loss calculation on the collected batch and a model update.
for _ in range(3):

# Evaluate the trained Trainer (and render each timestep to the shell's
# output).

# __rllib-in-60s-end__
Beispiel #2
    "framework": "tf",
    # Tweak the default model provided automatically by RLlib,
    # given the environment's observation- and action spaces.
    "model": {
        "fcnet_hiddens": [64, 64],
        "fcnet_activation": "relu",
    # Set up a separate evaluation worker set for the
    # `trainer.evaluate()` call after training (see below).
    "evaluation_num_workers": 1,
    # Only for evaluation runs, render the env.
    "evaluation_config": {
        "render_env": True,

# Create our RLlib Trainer.
trainer = PPO(config=config)

# Run it for n training iterations. A training iteration includes
# parallel sample collection by the environment workers as well as
# loss calculation on the collected batch and a model update.
for _ in range(3):

# Evaluate the trained Trainer (and render each timestep to the shell's
# output).

# __rllib-in-60s-end__