Beispiel #1
    def _scale_replicas(self, backends: Dict[BackendTag, BackendInfo],
                        backend_tag: BackendTag, num_replicas: int) -> None:
        """Scale the given backend to the number of replicas.

        NOTE: this does not actually start or stop the replicas, but instead
        adds the intention to start/stop them to self.workers_to_start and
        self.workers_to_stop. The caller is responsible for then first writing
        a checkpoint and then actually starting/stopping the intended replicas.
        This avoids inconsistencies with starting/stopping a worker and then
        crashing before writing a checkpoint.
        logger.debug("Scaling backend '{}' to {} replicas".format(
            backend_tag, num_replicas))
        assert (
            in backends), "Backend {} is not registered.".format(backend_tag)
        assert num_replicas >= 0, ("Number of replicas must be"
                                   " greater than or equal to 0.")

        current_num_replicas = len(self.replicas[backend_tag])
        delta_num_replicas = num_replicas - current_num_replicas

        backend_info = backends[backend_tag]
        if delta_num_replicas > 0:
            can_schedule = try_schedule_resources_on_nodes(requirements=[
                for _ in range(delta_num_replicas)

            if _RESOURCE_CHECK_ENABLED and not all(can_schedule):
                num_possible = sum(can_schedule)
                raise RayServeException(
                    "Cannot scale backend {} to {} replicas. Ray Serve tried "
                    "to add {} replicas but the resources only allows {} "
                    "to be added. To fix this, consider scaling to replica to "
                    "{} or add more resources to the cluster. You can check "
                    "avaiable resources with ray.nodes().".format(
                        backend_tag, num_replicas, delta_num_replicas,
                        num_possible, current_num_replicas + num_possible))

            logger.debug("Adding {} replicas to backend {}".format(
                delta_num_replicas, backend_tag))
            for _ in range(delta_num_replicas):
                replica_tag = "{}#{}".format(backend_tag, get_random_letters())

        elif delta_num_replicas < 0:
            logger.debug("Removing {} replicas from backend '{}'".format(
                -delta_num_replicas, backend_tag))
            assert len(self.replicas[backend_tag]) >= delta_num_replicas
            for _ in range(-delta_num_replicas):
                replica_tag = self.replicas[backend_tag].pop()
                if len(self.replicas[backend_tag]) == 0:
                    del self.replicas[backend_tag]

                del self.workers[backend_tag][replica_tag]
                if len(self.workers[backend_tag]) == 0:
                    del self.workers[backend_tag]

Beispiel #2
def test_mock_scheduler():
    ray_nodes = [{
        "NodeID": "AAA",
        "Alive": True,
        "Resources": {
            "CPU": 2.0,
            "GPU": 2.0
    }, {
        "NodeID": "BBB",
        "Alive": True,
        "Resources": {
            "CPU": 4.0,

    assert try_schedule_resources_on_nodes(
                "CPU": 2,
                "GPU": 2
            },  # node 1
                "CPU": 4
            }  # node 2
        deepcopy(ray_nodes)) == [True, True]

    assert try_schedule_resources_on_nodes([
            "CPU": 100
            "GPU": 1
    ], deepcopy(ray_nodes)) == [False, True]

    assert try_schedule_resources_on_nodes(
                "CPU": 6
            },  # Equals to the sum of cpus but shouldn't be scheduable.
        deepcopy(ray_nodes)) == [False]
Beispiel #3
    def _scale_backend_replicas(
        backend_tag: BackendTag,
        num_replicas: int,
    ) -> bool:
        """Scale the given backend to the number of replicas.

        NOTE: this does not actually start or stop the replicas, but instead
        adds them to ReplicaState.SHOULD_START or ReplicaState.SHOULD_STOP.
        The caller is responsible for then first writing a checkpoint and then
        actually starting/stopping the intended replicas. This avoids
        inconsistencies with starting/stopping a replica and then crashing
        before writing a checkpoint.
        logger.debug("Scaling backend '{}' to {} replicas".format(
            backend_tag, num_replicas))
        assert (backend_tag in self._backend_metadata
                ), "Backend {} is not registered.".format(backend_tag)
        assert num_replicas >= 0, ("Number of replicas must be"
                                   " greater than or equal to 0.")

        current_num_replicas = sum([

        delta_num_replicas = num_replicas - current_num_replicas

        backend_info: BackendInfo = self._backend_metadata[backend_tag]
        if delta_num_replicas == 0:
            return False

        elif delta_num_replicas > 0:
            can_schedule = try_schedule_resources_on_nodes(requirements=[
                for _ in range(delta_num_replicas)

            if _RESOURCE_CHECK_ENABLED and not all(can_schedule):
                num_possible = sum(can_schedule)
                    "Cannot scale backend {} to {} replicas. Ray Serve tried "
                    "to add {} replicas but the resources only allows {} "
                    "to be added. This is not a problem if the cluster is "
                    "autoscaling. To fix this, consider scaling to replica to "
                    "{} or add more resources to the cluster. You can check "
                    "avaiable resources with ray.nodes().".format(
                        backend_tag, num_replicas, delta_num_replicas,
                        num_possible, current_num_replicas + num_possible))

            logger.debug("Adding {} replicas to backend {}".format(
                delta_num_replicas, backend_tag))
            for _ in range(delta_num_replicas):
                replica_tag = "{}#{}".format(backend_tag, get_random_letters())
                    BackendReplica(self._controller_name, self._detached,
                                   replica_tag, backend_tag))

        elif delta_num_replicas < 0:
            logger.debug("Removing {} replicas from backend '{}'".format(
                -delta_num_replicas, backend_tag))
            assert self._target_replicas[backend_tag] >= delta_num_replicas

            for _ in range(-delta_num_replicas):
                replica_state_dict = self._replicas[backend_tag]
                list_to_use = replica_state_dict[ReplicaState.SHOULD_START] \
                    or replica_state_dict[ReplicaState.STARTING] \
                    or replica_state_dict[ReplicaState.RUNNING]

                assert len(list_to_use), replica_state_dict
                replica_to_stop = list_to_use.pop()

                graceful_timeout_s = (backend_info.backend_config.


        return True