Beispiel #1
def test_checkpoint_distributed_handle(ray_start_cluster_2_nodes):
    cluster = ray_start_cluster_2_nodes
    counter, ids = setup_counter_actor(test_checkpoint=True)

    def fork_many_incs(counter, num_incs):
        x = None
        for _ in range(num_incs):
            x =
        # Only call ray.get() on the last task submitted.
        return ray.get(x)

    # Fork num_iters times.
    count = ray.get(ids[-1])
    num_incs = 100
    num_iters = 10
    forks = [
        fork_many_incs.remote(counter, num_incs) for _ in range(num_iters)
    ray.wait(forks, num_returns=len(forks))
    count += num_incs * num_iters

    # Kill the second plasma store to get rid of the cached objects and
    # trigger the corresponding raylet to exit.

    # Check that the actor restored from a checkpoint.
    assert ray.get(counter.test_restore.remote())
    # Check that we can submit another call on the actor and get the
    # correct counter result.
    x = ray.get(
    assert x == count + 1
Beispiel #2
def test_remote_checkpoint_distributed_handle(ray_start_cluster_2_nodes):
    cluster = ray_start_cluster_2_nodes
    counter, ids = setup_counter_actor(test_checkpoint=True)

    def fork_many_incs(counter, num_incs):
        x = None
        for _ in range(num_incs):
            x =
        # Only call ray.get() on the last task submitted.
        return ray.get(x)

    # Fork num_iters times.
    count = ray.get(ids[-1])
    num_incs = 100
    num_iters = 10
    forks = [
        fork_many_incs.remote(counter, num_incs) for _ in range(num_iters)
    ray.wait(forks, num_returns=len(forks))
    count += num_incs * num_iters

    # Kill the second plasma store to get rid of the cached objects and
    # trigger the corresponding raylet to exit.
    # TODO: kill raylet instead once this test is not skipped.

    # Check that the actor restored from a checkpoint.
    assert ray.get(counter.test_restore.remote())
    # Check that the number of inc calls since actor initialization is
    # exactly zero, since there could not have been another inc call since
    # the remote checkpoint.
    num_inc_calls = ray.get(counter.get_num_inc_calls.remote())
    assert num_inc_calls == 0
    # Check that we can submit another call on the actor and get the
    # correct counter result.
    x = ray.get(
    assert x == count + 1
Beispiel #3
def test_actor_restart_on_node_failure(ray_start_cluster):
    config = json.dumps({
        "num_heartbeats_timeout": 10,
        "raylet_heartbeat_timeout_milliseconds": 100,
        "initial_reconstruction_timeout_milliseconds": 1000,
        "task_retry_delay_ms": 100,
    cluster = ray_start_cluster
    # Head node with no resources.
    cluster.add_node(num_cpus=0, _internal_config=config)
    # Node to place the actor.
    cluster.add_node(num_cpus=1, _internal_config=config)

    @ray.remote(num_cpus=1, max_restarts=1, max_task_retries=-1)
    class RestartableActor:
        """An actor that will be reconstructed at most once."""
        def __init__(self):
            self.value = 0

        def increase(self):
            self.value += 1
            return self.value

        def ready(self):

    actor = RestartableActor.remote()
    results = [actor.increase.remote() for _ in range(100)]
    # Kill actor node, while the above task is still being executed.
    cluster.add_node(num_cpus=1, _internal_config=config)
    # Check that none of the tasks failed and the actor is restarted.
    seq = list(range(1, 101))
    results = ray.get(results)
    failed_task_index = None
    # Make sure that all tasks were executed in order before and after the
    # actor's death.
    for i, res in enumerate(results):
        elm = seq.pop(0)
        if res != elm:
            if failed_task_index is None:
                failed_task_index = i
            assert res + failed_task_index == elm
    # Check that we can still call the actor.
    result = ray.get(actor.increase.remote())
    assert result == 1 or result == results[-1] + 1
Beispiel #4

iteration = 0
previous_ids = [1 for _ in range(100)]
start_time = time.time()
previous_time = start_time
while True:
    for _ in range(100):
        previous_ids = [f.remote(previous_id) for previous_id in previous_ids]


    for _ in range(100):
        previous_ids = [f.remote(previous_id) for previous_id in previous_ids]

    node_to_kill = get_non_head_nodes(cluster)[0]
    # Remove the first non-head node.

    new_time = time.time()
    print("Iteration {}:\n"
          "  - Iteration time: {}.\n"
          "  - Absolute time: {}.\n"
          "  - Total elapsed time: {}.".format(iteration,
                                               new_time - previous_time,
                                               new_time - start_time))
    previous_time = new_time
    iteration += 1