def test_client_actor_ref_basics(ray_start_regular):
    with ray_start_client_server_pair() as pair:
        ray, server = pair

        class Counter:
            def __init__(self):
                self.acc = 0

            def inc(self):
                self.acc += 1

            def get(self):
                return self.acc

        counter = Counter.remote()
        ref = counter.actor_ref

        # Make sure ClientActorRef is a subclass of ActorID
        assert isinstance(ref, ClientActorRef)
        assert isinstance(ref, ActorID)

        # Invalid ref format.
        with pytest.raises(Exception):

        actor_id = b"\0" * 16
        fut = Future()
        server_ref = ActorID(actor_id)
        for client_ref in [ClientActorRef(actor_id), ClientActorRef(fut)]:
            client_members = {
                for m in client_ref.__dir__() if not m.startswith("_")
            server_members = {
                for m in server_ref.__dir__() if not m.startswith("_")
            assert client_members.difference(server_members) == {"id"}
            assert server_members.difference(client_members) == set()

            # Test __eq__()
            assert client_ref == ClientActorRef(actor_id)
            assert client_ref != ref
            assert client_ref != server_ref

            # Test other methods
            assert client_ref.__repr__() == f"ClientActorRef({actor_id.hex()})"
            assert client_ref.binary() == actor_id
            assert client_ref.hex() == actor_id.hex()
            assert not client_ref.is_nil()
Beispiel #2
 def get_actor(self, name: str) -> ClientActorHandle:
     task = ray_client_pb2.ClientTask()
     task.type = ray_client_pb2.ClientTask.NAMED_ACTOR = name
     ids = self._call_schedule_for_task(task)
     assert len(ids) == 1
     return ClientActorHandle(ClientActorRef(ids[0]))
Beispiel #3
 def persistent_load(self, pid):
     assert isinstance(pid, PickleStub)
     if pid.type == "Object":
         return ClientObjectRef(pid.ref_id)
     elif pid.type == "Actor":
         return ClientActorHandle(ClientActorRef(pid.ref_id))
         raise NotImplementedError("Being passed back an unknown stub")
Beispiel #4
 def get_actor(self, name: str,
               namespace: Optional[str] = None) -> ClientActorHandle:
     task = ray_client_pb2.ClientTask()
     task.type = ray_client_pb2.ClientTask.NAMED_ACTOR = name
     task.namespace = namespace or ""
     ids = self._call_schedule_for_task(task, num_returns=1)
     assert len(ids) == 1
     return ClientActorHandle(ClientActorRef(ids[0]))
Beispiel #5
 def get_actor(self,
               name: str,
               namespace: Optional[str] = None) -> ClientActorHandle:
     task = ray_client_pb2.ClientTask()
     task.type = ray_client_pb2.ClientTask.NAMED_ACTOR = name
     task.namespace = namespace or ""
     futures = self._call_schedule_for_task(task, 1)
     assert len(futures) == 1
     handle = ClientActorHandle(ClientActorRef(futures[0]))
     # `actor_ref.is_nil()` waits until the underlying ID is resolved.
     # This is needed because `get_actor` is often used to check the
     # existence of an actor.
     if handle.actor_ref.is_nil():
         raise ValueError(f"ActorID for {name} is empty")
     return handle
Beispiel #6
def test_client_actor_ref_basics(ray_start_regular):
    with ray_start_client_server_pair() as pair:
        ray, server = pair

        class Counter:
            def __init__(self):
                self.acc = 0

            def inc(self):
                self.acc += 1

            def get(self):
                return self.acc

        counter = Counter.remote()
        ref = counter.actor_ref

        # Make sure ClientActorRef is a subclass of ActorID
        assert isinstance(ref, ClientActorRef)
        assert isinstance(ref, ActorID)

        # Invalid ref format.
        with pytest.raises(Exception):

        # Test __eq__()
        id = b"\0" * 16
        assert ClientActorRef(id) == ClientActorRef(id)
        assert ClientActorRef(id) != ref
        assert ClientActorRef(id) != ActorID(id)

        assert ClientActorRef(id).__repr__() == f"ClientActorRef({id.hex()})"
        assert ClientActorRef(id).binary() == id
        assert ClientActorRef(id).hex() == id.hex()
        assert not ClientActorRef(id).is_nil()