Beispiel #1
        # get negative gradient
        # note that we only update the movies that this user has seen!
        negprods[ratingsForUser[:, 0], :, :] += rbm.probProduct(
            negData, negHiddenProb)

        # we average over the number of users in the batch (if we use mini-batch)
        grad = gradientLearningRate * (posprods - negprods)
        # print(W)
        W = 0.5 * W + 0.5 * grad
    # Print the current RMSE for training and validation sets
    # this allows you to control for overfitting e.g
    # We predict over the training set
    tr_r_hat = rbm.predict(trStats["movies"],
    trRMSE = lib.rmse(trStats["ratings"], tr_r_hat)

    # We predict over the validation set
    vl_r_hat = rbm.predict(vlStats["movies"],
    vlRMSE = lib.rmse(vlStats["ratings"], vl_r_hat)

    print "### EPOCH %d ###" % epoch
    print "Training loss = %f" % trRMSE
    print "Validation loss = %f" % vlRMSE
Beispiel #2
                                    # grad = gradientLearningRate * (posprods - negprods)
                                    # | Extension | Regularisation and Adaptive Learning Rate
                                    grad += adapativeLearningRate * (
                                        (posprods - negprods) /
                                        trStats["n_users"] - _lambda * W)

                                    #W[ratingsForUser[:, 0], :, :] += grad[ratingsForUser[:, 0], :, :]

                                # | Extension | Momentum
                                W += grad + momentum * prevGrad

                                # Print the current RMSE for training and validation sets
                                # this allows you to control for overfitting e.g
                                # We predict over the training set
                                tr_r_hat = rbm.predict(trStats["movies"],
                                                       trStats["users"], W,
                                trRMSE = lib.rmse(trStats["ratings"], tr_r_hat)

                                # We predict over the validation set
                                vl_r_hat = rbm.predict(vlStats["movies"],
                                                       vlStats["users"], W,
                                vlRMSE = lib.rmse(vlStats["ratings"], vl_r_hat)

                                # print("### EPOCH %d ###" % epoch)
                                # print("Training loss = %f" % trRMSE)
                                # print("Validation loss = %f" % vlRMSE)

                                # | Extension | Early Stopping
                                if vlRMSE < min_rmse:
Beispiel #3
import load_data as load
import rbm

test_size = load.max_test_size

print "Loading %d/%d testing instances" % (test_size, load.max_test_size)
test_instances = load.load_data('test', test_size)

print "Loading model parameters"
t = 100  # number of training iterations
k = 10 # number of hidden units
b = 100 # number of batches of data cases
c = 100 # number of Gibbs chains
w_c = load.load_params("Wc-t%d-k%d-b%d-c%d" % (t, k, b, c))
w_b = load.load_params("Wb-t%d-k%d-b%d-c%d" % (t, k, b, c))
w_p = load.load_params("Wp-t%d-k%d-b%d-c%d" % (t, k, b, c))

# compute embeddings for train and test data
print "Predicting missing values"
marginals = np.log(rbm.predict(w_c, w_b, w_p, test_instances))
print "Writing log marginals"
output_file = open(output_fname, 'w')
rows, cols = marginals.shape
for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(cols):
        if(test_instances[i,j] == -1):
            output_file.write("%g " % (marginals[i,j]))
def run_RBM(F, epochs, epsilon, B, weightcost, momentum, f, mode):
    # Initialise all our arrays
    W = rbm.getInitialWeights(trStats["n_movies"], F, K)
    bestW = np.zeros(W.shape)
    bestRMSE = 100

    posprods = np.zeros(W.shape)
    negprods = np.zeros(W.shape)
    grad = np.zeros(W.shape)

    for epoch in range(1, epochs):
        # in each epoch, we'll visit all users in a random order
        visitingOrder = np.array(trStats["u_users"])
        visitingOrder = np.array_split(visitingOrder, visitingOrder.shape[0] / B)
        # print(visitingOrder)
        for batch in visitingOrder:
            # print(batch)
            temp = np.zeros(W.shape)
            for user in batch:
                # get the ratings of that user
                ratingsForUser = lib.getRatingsForUser(user, training)
                # build the visible input
                v = rbm.getV(ratingsForUser)
                # get the weights associated to movies the user has seen
                ratingsWithBias = np.append(ratingsForUser[:,0],W.shape[0]-1)
                weightsForUser = W[ratingsWithBias, :, :]
                ### LEARNING ###
                # propagate visible input to hidden units

                posHiddenProb = rbm.visibleToHiddenVec(v, weightsForUser)

                # get positive gradient
                # note that we only update the movies that this user has seen!
                posprods[ratingsWithBias, :, :] += rbm.probProduct(v, posHiddenProb)

                ### UNLEARNING ###
                # sample from hidden distribution
                sampledHidden = rbm.sample(posHiddenProb)
                # propagate back to get "negative data"
                negData = rbm.hiddenToVisible(sampledHidden, weightsForUser)
                # propagate negative data to hidden units
                negData[-1,:] = np.array([1,1,1,1,1])
                negHiddenProb = rbm.visibleToHiddenVec(negData, weightsForUser)
                # get negative gradient
                # note that we only update the movies that this user has seen!
                negprods[ratingsWithBias, :, :] += rbm.probProduct(negData, negHiddenProb)
                # we average over the number of users
                delta = epsilon / epochs
                gradientLearningRate = epsilon - epoch * delta
                # print(gradientLearningRate)
                grad = momentum * grad + (1 - momentum) * gradientLearningRate * (
                    (posprods - negprods) / trStats['n_users'] - weightcost * np.linalg.norm(W))

                temp += grad
                # hiddenBiases += hiddenBiasGrad
                # visibleBiases += visibleBiasGrad
            W += temp

        # Print the current RMSE for training and validation sets
        # this allows you to control for overfitting e.g
        # We predict over the training set
        tr_r_hat = rbm.predict(trStats["movies"], trStats["users"], W, training)
        trRMSE = lib.rmse(trStats["ratings"], tr_r_hat)

        # We predict over the validation set
        vl_r_hat = rbm.predict(vlStats["movies"], vlStats["users"], W, training)
        vlRMSE = lib.rmse(vlStats["ratings"], vl_r_hat)

        if vlRMSE < bestRMSE:
            bestRMSE = vlRMSE
            bestW = W

        # if mode == 'single':
        print("### EPOCH %d ###" % epoch)
        print("Learning rate = %f" % gradientLearningRate)
        print("Training loss = %f" % trRMSE)
        print("Validation loss = %f" % vlRMSE)

        content_to_be_written = "" + str(F) + ", " + str(epoch) + ", " + str(epsilon) + ", " + str(B) + ", " + str(
            weightcost) + ", "
        content_to_be_written += str(momentum) + ", " + str(trRMSE) + ", " + str(vlRMSE) + '\n'

    #'best_weight.npy', bestW)
    return (bestW,bestRMSE)
Beispiel #5
def main_rbm(training=training, validation=validation, trStats=trStats, vlStats=vlStats, 
             K=5, F=5, epochs=30, gradientLearningRate=0.0001,gradientLearningRate_v = 0.001,
             gradientLearningRate_h = 0.001, minibatch_size=10, alpha=0.9, 
             stopping=False, momentum=False, learning_rate_type='time', learning_rate_k=0.1, 
             learning_rate_drop=0.5, learning_rate_epochs_drop=10.0, _lambda = 0.3):
    # Print current hyperparams
#     frame = inspect.currentframe()
#     args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame)
#     print ('Training and Predicting with the following hyperparameters:')
#     for i in args[4:]:
#         print ("    %s = %s" % (i, values[i]))
    # Initialise all our arrays
    W = rbm.getInitialWeights(trStats["n_movies"], F, K)
    posprods = np.zeros(W.shape)
    negprods = np.zeros(W.shape)
    grad_w = np.zeros(W.shape)
    train_loss = []
    validation_loss = []
    best_train_loss = 100
    best_validation_loss = 100
    for epoch in range(1, epochs+1):
    #     mini_batch_grads = []
        # in each epoch, we'll visit all users in a random order
        visitingOrder = np.array(trStats["u_users"])
#         for i in range(0, visitingOrder.shape[0], minibatch_size):
#                 # Get pair of (X, y) of the current minibatch/chunk
#             visitingOrderMini = visitingOrder[i:i + minibatch_size]
#                 y_train_mini = y_train[i:i + minibatch_size]
#         for i in range(0, visitingOrder.shape[0], minibatch_size):
        batches = batch_get(visitingOrder, minibatch_size)
        for batch in batches:
            prev_grad = grad_w
            grad_w = np.zeros(W.shape)
            for user in batch:
                # get the ratings of that user
                ratingsForUser = lib.getRatingsForUser(user, training)

                # build the visible input
                v = rbm.getV(ratingsForUser)

                # get the weights associated to movies the user has seen
                weightsForUser = W[ratingsForUser[:, 0], :, :]

                ### LEARNING ###
                # propagate visible input to hidden units
                posHiddenProb = rbm.visibleToHiddenVec(v, weightsForUser) #, hid_bias)
                # get positive gradient
                # note that we only update the movies that this user has seen!
                posprods[ratingsForUser[:, 0], :, :] += probProduct(v, posHiddenProb)

                ### UNLEARNING ###
                # sample from hidden distribution
                sampledHidden = rbm.sample(posHiddenProb)
                # propagate back to get "negative data"
                negData = rbm.hiddenToVisible(sampledHidden, weightsForUser)#, vis_bias[ratingsForUser[:,0]])
                # propagate negative data to hidden units
                negHiddenProb = rbm.visibleToHiddenVec(negData, weightsForUser) #, hid_bias)
                # get negative gradient
                # note that we only update the movies that this user has seen!
                negprods[ratingsForUser[:, 0], :, :] += rbm.probProduct(negData, negHiddenProb)

                poshidact = sum(posHiddenProb)
                posvisact = sum(v)
                neghidact = sum(negHiddenProb)
                negvisact = sum(negData)
                # we average over the number of users in the batch (if we use mini-batch)
    #             grad = (gradientLearningRate/epoch)*(posprods-negprods)
                Regularization - 
                grad_w += adaptiveLearn(learning_rate_type=learning_rate_type, k=learning_rate_k, 
                                        drop=learning_rate_drop, epochs_drop=learning_rate_epochs_drop, 
        #         mini_batch_grads.append(grad)

            #     m = alpha*m+grad
                Ask about the implementation of biases (should we create matrix of biases for hidden and visible layers?)
            m_w = alpha*m_w + grad_w
#             m_v = alpha*m_v+(gradientLearningRate_v) * (posvisact - negvisact)
#             m_h = alpha*m_h+(gradientLearningRate_h) * (poshidact - neghidact)

            if momentum == False:
                W += grad_w
                W += m_w

            vis_bias += m_v
            hid_bias += m_h

        # Print the current RMSE for training and validation sets
        # this allows you to control for overfitting e.g
        # We predict over the training set
        tr_r_hat = rbm.predict(trStats["movies"], trStats["users"], W, training) #, vis_bias, hid_bias, predictType='exp')
    #     print (tr_r_hat)
        trRMSE = lib.rmse(trStats["ratings"], tr_r_hat)
    #     print (trRMSE)
        if trRMSE < best_train_loss:
            best_train_loss = trRMSE
            best_training_weights = W
            best_train_predictions = tr_r_hat

        # We predict over the validation set
        vl_r_hat = rbm.predict(vlStats["movies"], vlStats["users"], W, training) #, vis_bias, hid_bias, predictType='exp')
    #     vl_r_hat
        vlRMSE = lib.rmse(vlStats["ratings"], vl_r_hat)
        if vlRMSE < best_validation_loss:
            best_validation_loss = vlRMSE
            best_validation_weights = W
            best_validation_predictions = vl_r_hat
#             best_momentum = momentum
#             best_reg = regularization
#             best_epoch = epoch
#             best_alpha = alpha
#             best_B = B
#             best_F = F
#             min_rmse = vlRMSE
#                     print('Best RMSE:', min_rmse)


        print ("### EPOCH %d ###" % epoch)
        print ("Training loss = %f" % trRMSE)
        print ("Validation loss = %f" % vlRMSE)

    ### END ###
    # This part you can write on your own
    # you could plot the evolution of the training and validation RMSEs for example
    # predictedRatings = np.array([predictForUser(user, W, training) for user in trStats["u_users"]])
    # np.savetxt("predictedRatings.txt", predictedRatings)
    # fig1 = plt.figure()
    # ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(121)
    # ax1.plot(train_loss)
    # ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(122)
    # ax2.plot(validation_loss)
    if stopping==True:
        print('Best training loss = %f' % best_train_loss)
        print('Best validation loss = %f' % best_validation_loss)
        print('Final training loss = %f' % trRMSE)
        print('Final validation loss = %f' % vlRMSE)
    return [best_validation_loss, best_validation_predictions]
Beispiel #6
                                    hidbiasinc = momentum * hidbiasinc + (
                                        alpha / trStats["n_users"]) * (
                                            poshidact - neghidact)

                                    visbias = visbias + visbiasinc
                                    hidbias = hidbias + hidbiasinc

                                # | Extension | Momentum
                                W += grad + momentum * prevGrad

                                # Print the current RMSE for training and validation sets
                                # this allows you to control for overfitting e.g
                                # We predict over the training set
                                tr_r_hat = rbm.predict(trStats["movies"],
                                trRMSE = lib.rmse(trStats["ratings"], tr_r_hat)

                                # We predict over the validation set
                                vl_r_hat = rbm.predict(vlStats["movies"],
                                vlRMSE = lib.rmse(vlStats["ratings"], vl_r_hat)

                                # print("### EPOCH %d ###" % epoch)
                                print("Training loss = %f" % trRMSE)
                                # print("Validation loss = %f" % vlRMSE)
Beispiel #7
def run_RBM(F, epochs, epsilon, B, weightcost, momentum, f, mode):
    # Initialise all our arrays
    W = rbm.getInitialWeights(trStats["n_movies"], F, K)
    bestW = np.zeros(W.shape)
    bestRMSE = 100

    posprods = np.zeros(W.shape)
    negprods = np.zeros(W.shape)
    grad = np.zeros(W.shape)

    for epoch in range(1, epochs):
        # in each epoch, we'll visit all users in a random order
        visitingOrder = np.array(trStats["u_users"])
        visitingOrder = np.array_split(visitingOrder,
                                       visitingOrder.shape[0] / B)
        # print(visitingOrder)
        for batch in visitingOrder:
            # print(batch)
            temp = np.zeros(W.shape)
            for user in batch:
                # get the ratings of that user
                ratingsForUser = lib.getRatingsForUser(user, training)
                # build the visible input
                v = rbm.getV(ratingsForUser)
                # get the weights associated to movies the user has seen
                ratingsWithBias = np.append(ratingsForUser[:, 0],
                                            W.shape[0] - 1)
                weightsForUser = W[ratingsWithBias, :, :]
                ### LEARNING ###
                # propagate visible input to hidden units

                posHiddenProb = rbm.visibleToHiddenVec(v, weightsForUser)

                # get positive gradient
                # note that we only update the movies that this user has seen!
                posprods[ratingsWithBias, :, :] += rbm.probProduct(
                    v, posHiddenProb)

                ### UNLEARNING ###
                # sample from hidden distribution
                sampledHidden = rbm.sample(posHiddenProb)
                # propagate back to get "negative data"
                negData = rbm.hiddenToVisible(sampledHidden, weightsForUser)
                # propagate negative data to hidden units
                negData[-1, :] = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
                negHiddenProb = rbm.visibleToHiddenVec(negData, weightsForUser)
                # get negative gradient
                # note that we only update the movies that this user has seen!
                negprods[ratingsWithBias, :, :] += rbm.probProduct(
                    negData, negHiddenProb)
                # we average over the number of users
                delta = epsilon / epochs
                gradientLearningRate = epsilon - epoch * delta
                # print(gradientLearningRate)
                grad = momentum * grad + (
                    1 - momentum) * gradientLearningRate * (
                        (posprods - negprods) / trStats['n_users'] -
                        weightcost * np.linalg.norm(W))

                temp += grad
                # hiddenBiases += hiddenBiasGrad
                # visibleBiases += visibleBiasGrad
            W += temp

        # Print the current RMSE for training and validation sets
        # this allows you to control for overfitting e.g
        # We predict over the training set
        tr_r_hat = rbm.predict(trStats["movies"], trStats["users"], W,
        trRMSE = lib.rmse(trStats["ratings"], tr_r_hat)

        # We predict over the validation set
        vl_r_hat = rbm.predict(vlStats["movies"], vlStats["users"], W,
        vlRMSE = lib.rmse(vlStats["ratings"], vl_r_hat)

        if vlRMSE < bestRMSE:
            bestRMSE = vlRMSE
            bestW = W

        # if mode == 'single':
        print("### EPOCH %d ###" % epoch)
        print("Learning rate = %f" % gradientLearningRate)
        print("Training loss = %f" % trRMSE)
        print("Validation loss = %f" % vlRMSE)

        content_to_be_written = "" + str(F) + ", " + str(epoch) + ", " + str(
            epsilon) + ", " + str(B) + ", " + str(weightcost) + ", "
        content_to_be_written += str(momentum) + ", " + str(
            trRMSE) + ", " + str(vlRMSE) + '\n'

    #'best_weight.npy', bestW)
    return (bestW, bestRMSE)