Beispiel #1
  def Init(self):
    self._is_initialized= False
    res= []
    ra= lambda r: res.append(r)

    self.robotiq= TRobotiq()  #Robotiq controller
    self.grippers= [self.robotiq, self.robotiq]

    print 'Initializing and activating Robotiq gripper...'

    if False not in res:  self._is_initialized= True
    return self._is_initialized
Beispiel #2
    def Init(self):
        self._is_initialized = False
        res = []
        ra = lambda r: res.append(r)

        self.default_face = 'config/baymax.jpg'

        self.limbs = [None, None]
        self.limbs[RIGHT] = baxter_interface.Limb(LRTostr(RIGHT))
        self.limbs[LEFT] = baxter_interface.Limb(LRTostr(LEFT))

        #self.joint_names= [[],[]]
        #self.joint_names[RIGHT]= self.limbs[RIGHT].joint_names()
        #self.joint_names[LEFT]=  self.limbs[LEFT].joint_names()

        self.kin = [None, None]
        self.kin[RIGHT] = TKinematics(base_link=None, end_link='right_gripper')
        self.kin[LEFT] = TKinematics(base_link=None, end_link='left_gripper')

        self.head = baxter_interface.Head()


        self.robotiq = TRobotiq()  #Robotiq controller
        self.epgripper = TBaxterEPG('right')
        self.grippers = [self.epgripper, self.robotiq]

        print 'Enabling the robot...'

        print 'Calibrating electric parallel gripper...'

        print 'Initializing and activating Robotiq gripper...'

        if False not in res: self._is_initialized = True
        return self._is_initialized
Beispiel #3
class TRobotRobotiqNB(TMultiArmRobot):
  def __init__(self, name='RobotiqNB'):
    self.currarm= 0

  '''Initialize (e.g. establish ROS connection).'''
  def Init(self):
    self._is_initialized= False
    res= []
    ra= lambda r: res.append(r)

    self.robotiq= TRobotiq()  #Robotiq controller
    self.grippers= [self.robotiq, self.robotiq]

    print 'Initializing and activating Robotiq gripper...'

    if False not in res:  self._is_initialized= True
    return self._is_initialized

  def Cleanup(self):
    #NOTE: cleaning-up order is important. consider dependency

  '''Answer to a query q by {True,False}. e.g. Is('PR2').'''
  def Is(self, q):
    if q in ('RobotiqNB',):  return True
    return super(TRobotRobotiqNB,self).Is(q)

  def BaseFrame(self):
    return 'world'

  '''Return range of gripper.
    arm: arm id, or None (==currarm). '''
  def GripperRange(self, arm=None):
    if arm is None:  arm= self.Arm
    return self.grippers[arm].PosRange()

  '''End effector of an arm.'''
  def EndEff(self, arm=None):
    if arm is None:  arm= self.Arm
    return self.grippers[arm]

  #Dummy FK.
  def FK(self, q=None, x_ext=None, arm=None, with_st=False):
    x_res= [0,0,0, 0,0,0,1]
    return (x_res, True) if with_st else x_res

  '''Open a gripper.
    arm: arm id, or None (==currarm).
    blocking: False: move background, True: wait until motion ends.  '''
  def OpenGripper(self, arm=None, blocking=False):
    self.MoveGripper(pos=0.1, arm=arm, blocking=blocking)

  '''Close a gripper.
    arm: arm id, or None (==currarm).
    blocking: False: move background, True: wait until motion ends.  '''
  def CloseGripper(self, arm=None, blocking=False):
    self.MoveGripper(pos=0.0, arm=arm, blocking=blocking)

  '''High level interface to control a gripper.
    arm: arm id, or None (==currarm).
    pos: target position in meter.
    max_effort: maximum effort to control; 0 (weakest), 100 (strongest).
    speed: speed of the movement; 0 (minimum), 100 (maximum).
    blocking: False: move background, True: wait until motion ends.  '''
  def MoveGripper(self, pos, max_effort=50.0, speed=50.0, arm=None, blocking=False):
    if arm is None:  arm= self.Arm

    gripper= self.grippers[arm]
    if gripper.Is('Robotiq'):
      with self.control_locker:
        gripper.Move(pos, max_effort, speed, blocking=blocking)

  '''Get a gripper position in meter.
    arm: arm id, or None (==currarm). '''
  def GripperPos(self, arm=None):
    if arm is None:  arm= self.Arm

    gripper= self.grippers[arm]
    if gripper.Is('Robotiq'):
      with self.sensor_locker:
        pos= gripper.Position()
      return pos

  '''Get fingertip offset in meter.
    The fingertip trajectory of Robotiq gripper has a round shape.
    This function gives the offset from the opening posture.
      pos: Gripper position to get the offset. None: Current position.
      arm: arm id, or None (==currarm).'''
  def FingertipOffset(self, pos=None, arm=None):
    if arm is None:  arm= self.Arm
    gripper= self.grippers[arm]
    if isinstance(gripper, TRobotiq):
      if pos is None:  pos= self.GripperPos(arm)
      return -0.701*pos**3 - 2.229*pos**2 + 0.03*pos + 0.128 - 0.113
Beispiel #4
class TRobotBaxter(TDualArmRobot):
    def __init__(self, name='Baxter', is_sim=False):
        super(TRobotBaxter, self).__init__(name=name)
        self.is_sim = is_sim

        self.joint_names = [[], []]
        self.joint_names[RIGHT] = [
            'right_' + joint
            for joint in ['s0', 's1', 'e0', 'e1', 'w0', 'w1', 'w2']
        self.joint_names[LEFT] = [
            'left_' + joint
            for joint in ['s0', 's1', 'e0', 'e1', 'w0', 'w1', 'w2']

        #Baxter all link names:
        #obtained from /gazebo/link_states
        #obtained from self.planning_scene_req.planning_scene_diff.allowed_collision_matrix.entry_names
        self.links = {}
        self.links['base'] = ['base', 'pedestal', 'torso']
        self.links['head'] = [
            'collision_head_link_1', 'collision_head_link_2', 'display',
            'head', 'screen', 'sonar_ring'
        self.links['l_arm'] = [
            'left_upper_shoulder', 'left_lower_shoulder', 'left_upper_elbow',
            'left_lower_elbow', 'left_upper_forearm', 'left_lower_forearm',
            'left_wrist', 'left_upper_elbow_visual',
        self.links['l_gripper'] = [
            'left_gripper', 'left_gripper_base', 'left_hand',
            'left_hand_accelerometer', 'left_hand_camera', 'left_hand_range'
        self.links['r_arm'] = [
            'right_upper_shoulder', 'right_lower_shoulder',
            'right_upper_elbow', 'right_lower_elbow', 'right_upper_forearm',
            'right_lower_forearm', 'right_wrist', 'right_upper_elbow_visual',
        self.links['r_gripper'] = [
            'right_gripper', 'right_gripper_base', 'right_hand',
            'right_hand_accelerometer', 'right_hand_camera', 'right_hand_range'
        self.links['robot'] = self.links['base'] + self.links[
            'head'] + self.links['l_arm'] + self.links[
                'l_gripper'] + self.links['r_arm'] + self.links['r_gripper']

    '''Initialize (e.g. establish ROS connection).'''

    def Init(self):
        self._is_initialized = False
        res = []
        ra = lambda r: res.append(r)

        self.default_face = 'config/baymax.jpg'

        self.limbs = [None, None]
        self.limbs[RIGHT] = baxter_interface.Limb(LRTostr(RIGHT))
        self.limbs[LEFT] = baxter_interface.Limb(LRTostr(LEFT))

        #self.joint_names= [[],[]]
        #self.joint_names[RIGHT]= self.limbs[RIGHT].joint_names()
        #self.joint_names[LEFT]=  self.limbs[LEFT].joint_names()

        self.kin = [None, None]
        self.kin[RIGHT] = TKinematics(base_link=None, end_link='right_gripper')
        self.kin[LEFT] = TKinematics(base_link=None, end_link='left_gripper')

        self.head = baxter_interface.Head()


        self.robotiq = TRobotiq()  #Robotiq controller
        self.epgripper = TBaxterEPG('right')
        self.grippers = [self.epgripper, self.robotiq]

        print 'Enabling the robot...'

        print 'Calibrating electric parallel gripper...'

        print 'Initializing and activating Robotiq gripper...'

        if False not in res: self._is_initialized = True
        return self._is_initialized

    def Cleanup(self):
        #NOTE: cleaning-up order is important. consider dependency
        for gripper in self.grippers:
        super(TRobotBaxter, self).Cleanup()

    '''Configure a state validity checker.'''

    def ConfigureSVC(self, c):
        c.JointNames = copy.deepcopy(self.joint_names)
        c.Links = copy.deepcopy(self.links)
        c.PaddingLinks = c.Links['l_gripper'] + c.Links['r_gripper']
        c.PaddingValues = [0.002] * len(c.PaddingLinks)
        c.DefaultBaseFrame = 'torso'
        c.HandLinkToGrasp[RIGHT] = 'right_gripper'
        c.HandLinkToGrasp[LEFT] = 'left_gripper'
        c.IgnoredLinksInGrasp[RIGHT] = ['right_gripper'] + c.Links['r_gripper']
        c.IgnoredLinksInGrasp[LEFT] = ['left_gripper'] + c.Links['l_gripper']

    '''Answer to a query q by {True,False}. e.g. Is('PR2').'''

    def Is(self, q):
        if q in ('Baxter', 'Baxter_SIM'): return True
        return super(TRobotBaxter, self).Is(q)

    def BaseFrame(self):
        return 'torso'

    '''End link of an arm.'''

    def EndLink(self, arm=None):
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm
        if arm == RIGHT: return 'right_gripper'
        elif arm == LEFT: return 'left_gripper'

    '''Names of joints of an arm.'''

    def JointNames(self, arm=None):
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm
        return self.joint_names[arm]

    '''Return limits (lower, upper) of joint angles.
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm). '''

    def JointLimits(self, arm=None):
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm
        return self.kin[arm].joint_limits_lower, self.kin[

    '''Return limits of joint angular velocity.
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm). '''

    def JointVelLimits(self, arm=None):
        #['s0', 's1', 'e0', 'e1', 'w0', 'w1', 'w2']
        return [0.5, 0.5, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8]

    '''Return range of gripper.
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm). '''

    def GripperRange(self, arm=None):
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm
        gripper = self.grippers[arm]
        if gripper.Is('BaxterEPG'): return gripper.PosRange()
        elif gripper.Is('Robotiq'): return gripper.PosRange()

    '''End effector of an arm.'''

    def EndEff(self, arm):
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm
        return self.grippers[arm]

    '''Return joint angles of an arm (list of floats).
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm). '''

    def Q(self, arm=None):
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm
        with self.sensor_locker:
            angles = self.limbs[arm].joint_angles()
            q = [angles[joint] for joint in self.joint_names[arm]]  #Serialize
        return q

    '''Return joint velocities of an arm (list of floats).
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm). '''

    def DQ(self, arm=None):
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm
        with self.sensor_locker:
            velocities = self.limbs[arm].joint_velocities()
            dq = [velocities[joint]
                  for joint in self.joint_names[arm]]  #Serialize
        #return dq
        raise NotImplemented('TRobotBaxter.DQ(not tested)')

    '''Compute a forward kinematics of an arm.
  Return self.EndLink(arm) pose on self.BaseFrame.
    return: x, res;  x: pose (list of floats; None if failure), res: FK status.
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm).
    q: list of joint angles, or None (==self.Q(arm)).
    x_ext: a local pose on self.EndLink(arm) frame.
      If not None, the returned pose is x_ext on self.BaseFrame.
    with_st: whether return FK status. '''

    def FK(self, q=None, x_ext=None, arm=None, with_st=False):
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm
        if q is None: q = self.Q(arm)

        angles = {
            joint: q[j]
            for j, joint in enumerate(self.joint_names[arm])
        }  #Deserialize
        with self.sensor_locker:
            x = self.kin[arm].forward_position_kinematics(joint_values=angles)

        x_res = list(x if x_ext is None else Transform(x, x_ext))
        return (x_res, True) if with_st else x_res

    '''Compute a Jacobian matrix of an arm.
  Return J of self.EndLink(arm).
    return: J, res;  J: Jacobian (numpy.matrix; None if failure), res: status.
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm).
    q: list of joint angles, or None (==self.Q(arm)).
    x_ext: a local pose (i.e. offset) on self.EndLink(arm) frame.
      If not None, we do not consider an offset.
    with_st: whether return the solver status. '''

    def J(self, q=None, x_ext=None, arm=None, with_st=False):
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm
        if q is None: q = self.Q(arm)

        if x_ext is not None:
            #Since KDL does not provide Jacobian computation with an offset x_ext,
            #and converting J with x_ext is not simple, we raise an Exception.
            #TODO: Implement our own FK to solve this issue.
            raise Exception(
                'TRobotBaxter.J: Jacobian with x_ext is not implemented yet.')

        angles = {
            joint: q[j]
            for j, joint in enumerate(self.joint_names[arm])
        }  #Deserialize
        with self.sensor_locker:
            J_res = self.kin[arm].jacobian(joint_values=angles)
        return (J_res, True) if with_st else J_res

    '''Compute an inverse kinematics of an arm.
  Return joint angles for a target self.EndLink(arm) pose on self.BaseFrame.
    return: q, res;  q: joint angles (list of floats; None if failure), res: IK status.
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm).
    x_trg: target pose.
    x_ext: a local pose on self.EndLink(arm) frame.
      If not None, the returned q satisfies self.FK(q,x_ext,arm)==x_trg.
    start_angles: initial joint angles for IK solver, or None (==self.Q(arm)).
    with_st: whether return IK status. '''

    def IK(self,
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm
        if start_angles is None: start_angles = self.Q(arm)

        x_trg[3:] /= la.norm(x_trg[3:])  #Normalize the orientation:
        xw_trg = x_trg if x_ext is None else TransformRightInv(x_trg, x_ext)

        with self.sensor_locker:
            res, q = self.kin[arm].inverse_kinematics(xw_trg[:3],
        if q is not None: q = list(q)

        if res: return (q, True) if with_st else q
        else: return (q, False) if with_st else None

    '''Follow a joint angle trajectory.
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm).
    q_traj: joint angle trajectory [q0,...,qD]*N.
    t_traj: corresponding times in seconds from start [t1,t2,...,tN].
    blocking: False: move background, True: wait until motion ends, 'time': wait until tN. '''

    def FollowQTraj(self, q_traj, t_traj, arm=None, blocking=False):
        assert (len(q_traj) == len(t_traj))
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm

        #Insert current position to beginning.
        if t_traj[0] > 1.0e-4:
            t_traj.insert(0, 0.0)
            q_traj.insert(0, self.Q(arm=arm))

        #copy q_traj, t_traj to goal
        goal = control_msgs.msg.FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
        goal.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Time(0.1)
        goal.trajectory.joint_names = self.joint_names[arm]
        goal.trajectory = ToROSTrajectory(self.JointNames(arm), q_traj, t_traj)

        with self.control_locker:
            actc = self.actc.r_traj if arm == RIGHT else self.actc.l_traj
            BlockAction(actc, blocking=blocking, duration=t_traj[-1])
            #actc.wait_for_result(timeout=rospy.Duration(t_traj[-1]+5.0))  WARNING: Maybe it's better to set timeout

    '''Open a gripper.
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm).
    blocking: False: move background, True: wait until motion ends.  '''

    def OpenGripper(self, arm=None, blocking=False):
        self.MoveGripper(pos=0.1, arm=arm, blocking=blocking)

    '''Close a gripper.
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm).
    blocking: False: move background, True: wait until motion ends.  '''

    def CloseGripper(self, arm=None, blocking=False):
        self.MoveGripper(pos=0.0, arm=arm, blocking=blocking)

    '''High level interface to control a gripper.
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm).
    pos: target position in meter.
    max_effort: maximum effort to control; 0 (weakest), 100 (strongest).
    speed: speed of the movement; 0 (minimum), 100 (maximum).
    blocking: False: move background, True: wait until motion ends.  '''

    def MoveGripper(self,
        if self.is_sim:
            return  #WARNING:We do nothing if the robot is on simulator.
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm

        gripper = self.grippers[arm]
        if gripper.Is('BaxterEPG'):
            with self.gripper_locker:
                gripper.Move(pos, max_effort, speed, blocking=blocking)
        elif gripper.Is('Robotiq'):
            with self.gripper_locker:
                gripper.Move(pos, max_effort, speed, blocking=blocking)

    '''Get a gripper position in meter.
    arm: LEFT, RIGHT, or None (==currarm). '''

    def GripperPos(self, arm=None):
        if self.is_sim:
            return 0.0  #WARNING:We do nothing if the robot is on simulator.
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm

        gripper = self.grippers[arm]
        if gripper.Is('BaxterEPG'):
            with self.sensor_locker:
                pos = gripper.Position()
            return pos
        elif gripper.Is('Robotiq'):
            with self.sensor_locker:
                pos = gripper.Position()
            return pos

    '''Get a fingertip height offset in meter.
    The fingertip trajectory of some grippers has a rounded shape.
    This function gives the offset from the highest (longest) point (= closed fingertip position),
    and the offset is always negative.
    NOTE: In the previous versions (before 2019-12-10), this offset was from the opened fingertip position.
      pos: Gripper position to get the offset. None: Current position.
      arm: arm id, or None (==currarm).'''

    def FingertipOffset(self, pos=None, arm=None):
        if arm is None: arm = self.Arm
        if pos is None: pos = self.GripperPos(arm)
        return self.grippers[arm].FingertipOffset(pos)

    '''Control the head around z.
    angle: target angle in radian.
    speed: movement speed; 0 (minimum), 100 (maximum).
    timeout: timeout in seconds. '''

    def MoveHeadPan(self, angle, speed=100, timeout=10):
        self.head.set_pan(angle, speed, timeout)

    '''Nod head (no controllable parameters). '''

    def NodHead(self):

    '''Change the face image to file_name.'''

    def ChangeFace(self, file_name):
        img = cv2.imread(file_name)
        msg = cv_bridge.CvBridge().cv2_to_imgmsg(img, encoding="bgr8")
        pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay',