def chiffrement(message, i, nb_frag):
    arp = rdpcap(CAPFILE_CLAIR)[0]
    # On extrait l iv du message et on le concatene avec notre cle pour creer notre seed (pour l algo RC4)
    seed = arp.iv + key

    #Calcul CRC
    crc_msg = binascii.crc32(message)

    # on concatene le message et l icv pour avoir le message a chiffrer
    message_a_chiffrer = message + struct.pack('<i', crc_msg)

    # on chiffre le message avec rc4
    message_chiffre = rc4.rc4crypt(message_a_chiffrer, seed)

    # "le ICV est les derniers 4 octets - je le passe en format Long big endian"
    icv_chiffre = message_chiffre[-4:]
    (icv_numerique, ) = struct.unpack('!L', icv_chiffre)

    # le message chiffre sans le ICV
    text_chiffre = message_chiffre[:-4]

    #Ajout des champs avec texte chiffré, ICV et numéro de fragment
    arp.wepdata = text_chiffre
    arp.icv = icv_numerique
    arp.SC = i

    #Repérer dernier fragment
    if i != nb_frag - 1:
        arp.FCfield = arp.FCfield | 0x4

    return arp
def crypt(data, cap):

    # Calcul de l'icv
    icv = struct.pack('<i', binascii.crc32(data))

    # fragment + icv
    data_bloc = data + icv

    # seed
    seed = cap.iv + key

    # encryption
    return rc4.rc4crypt(data_bloc, seed)
Beispiel #3
def encryption(fragment, arp ,key = '\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa'):
    # on calcule le icv (A.K.A CRC 32) et on le converti en unsigned int little-endian
    # To generate the same numeric value across all Python versions and platforms use crc32(data) & 0xffffffff.
    icv = binascii.crc32(fragment) & 0xffffffff  
    icv_clair = struct.pack('<I', icv)
    # on ajoute l'icv au fragment pour le donner en input de RC4
    fragment_clair = fragment+icv_clair
    # on garde la meme seed
    seed = arp.iv + key
    # chiffrement rc4
    return rc4.rc4crypt(fragment_clair,seed)
def encrypt(arp, data, key):
    seed = arp.iv + key

    arp.icv = crc32(data)

    # The crypt process works on data and icv concatenated
    plain_message = data + arp.icv

    # Crypt the data and icv
    cipher = rc4.rc4crypt(plain_message, seed)

    # Gather the for last bytes containg the cryped icv and converts it to an integer
    arp.icv = struct.unpack('!L', cipher[-4:])[0]

    # Wep data is all the cryped datas without the last four bytes(icv)
    arp.wepdata = cipher[:-4]
Beispiel #5
import binascii
import rc4
#Cle wep AA:AA:AA:AA:AA
key = '\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa'

arp = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]
# rc4 seed est composé de IV+clé
seed = arp.iv + key
#message with 36 chars
message = "A new message ! A new message ! A nr"

# create the ICV
icv = struct.pack('<l', binascii.crc32(message))
# concat message and icv
plaintext = message + icv


# encrypt the plaintext
message_crypted = rc4.rc4crypt(plaintext, seed)

# set the data
arp.wepdata = message_crypted[:-4]
# set the icv
icv = struct.unpack('!L', message_crypted[-4:])[0]
arp.icv = icv
# store new request
wrpcap("encrypt.cap", arp)
Beispiel #6
# Création de l'icv
icv=(binascii.crc32(plaintxt) & 0xFFFFFFFF)

print "Base ICV: " + str(icv)

# Converstion de l'icv en littleEndian
icv_LittleEndian=struct.pack('<L', icv)

print "ICV littleEndian: " + icv_LittleEndian.encode("hex")

# Le flux à chiffrer composé de l'icv du bloc et du message en clair
streamClearTxt = plaintxt + icv_LittleEndian

# Chiffrement à l'aide de rc4

print "Encrypted Text Msg: " + encryptedTxt.encode("hex")

# MAJ contenu msg chiffré (msg + icv)
arp.wepdata = encryptedTxt[:-4]

# MAJ contenu ICV (icv chiffré)
icv_chiff = encryptedTxt[-4:]

# Construit valeur numérique de l'ICV chiffrée
(arp.icv,) = struct.unpack('!L', icv_chiff)

wrpcap('exo2.pcap',arp, append=False)

print "Output created : exo2.pcap"
arp = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]

# creation du message a chiffre
message = "Salut Adaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam"

# on calcule le icv (A.K.A CRC 32) et on le converti en unsigned int little-endian
# To generate the same numeric value across all Python versions and platforms use crc32(data) & 0xffffffff.
icv = binascii.crc32(message) & 0xffffffff
icv_clair = struct.pack('<I', icv)

# on ajoute l'icv au message pour le donner en input de RC4
message_clair = message + icv_clair

# on garde la meme seed
seed = arp.iv + key

# chiffrement rc4
ciphertext = rc4.rc4crypt(message_clair, seed)

print "ciphertext : " + ciphertext.encode("hex")
print "icv_encrypted : " + ciphertext[-4:].encode("hex")

# on recupere le icv chiffre (4 derniers bytes) et le convertit en Long big endian
(icv_num, ) = struct.unpack('!L', ciphertext[-4:])

# on met a jour le icv ainsi que le message chiffre
arp.icv = icv_num
arp.wepdata = ciphertext[:-4]

wrpcap('arpv2.cap', arp)
Beispiel #8
def hex0rcrypt(data, key):
    crypt = rc4.rc4crypt(data, key)
    return "z" + binascii.hexlify(crypt)
#Cle wep AA:AA:AA:AA:AA
key = '\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa'

#Fichier de sortie .cap
output = "output.cap"

#Message secret
plaintext = "Hello World !"

#lecture de message chiffré - rdpcap retourne toujours un array, même si la capture contient un seul paquet
arp = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]

# rc4 seed est composé de IV+clé
seed = arp.iv + key

#Calcule l'ICV sur 4 bytes et l'ajoute au texte
icv_enclair = struct.pack('<i', binascii.crc32(plaintext))
plaintext = plaintext + icv_enclair

#Chiffre le message
ciphertext = rc4.rc4crypt(plaintext, seed)

#Recupère et stock l'ICV chiffré
(arp.icv, ) = struct.unpack('!L', ciphertext[-4:])

#Envoie le message sans l'ICV
arp.wepdata = ciphertext[:-4]

#Genère le fichier
wrpcap(output, arp)
Beispiel #10
key = '\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa'

# setting plain text with 36 chars
quotation = "How strange that all you have to do sometimes to meet somebody is walk up to their house and ring a doorbell, and magically they appear as if from nowhere."

fragments = [quotation[0:36], quotation[36:72], quotation[72:108]]

arps = []
for index in range(0, len(fragments)):
    arp = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]
    ##1. compute ICV of fragment
    icv = binascii.crc32(fragments[index])
    icv = struct.pack("<i", icv)

    ##2. seed -> (RC4) = keystream
    ##3. keystream XOR (fragment + ICV) = cipher
    cipher = rc4.rc4crypt(fragments[index] + icv, arp.iv + key)

    ##4. add fields
    arp.wepdata = cipher[:-4]
    (arp.icv, ) = struct.unpack("!L", cipher[-4:])
    # setting fragment counter
    arp.SC = index
    # if last fragment, no more fragments after
    if (index != len(fragments) - 1):
        # setting more fragments flag to 1
        arp.FCfield = arp.FCfield | 0x04
###5. forge cap file
wrpcap("fragmentsForged.cap", arps)
#fragmentation du message en 3
wep_data_fragmented = [plain_wep_data[i:i+len(plain_wep_data)/3] for i in range(0, len(plain_wep_data), len(plain_wep_data)/3)]
ICV_list = []

#seed pour le chiffrement
seed = IV + key

# on effectue toute les opération nécessaire pour chaque fragment
for i in range (0, len(wep_data_fragmented)) :
	ICV = binascii.crc32(wep_data_fragmented[i])
	ICV = struct.pack('<i', ICV)

	#chiffrement du fragment
	wep_data_fragmented[i] = wep_data_fragmented[i] + ICV
	wep_data_fragmented[i] = rc4.rc4crypt(wep_data_fragmented[i], seed)

	#exctraction de l'ICV
	(numerical_icv,)=struct.unpack('!L', icv_encrypted)
	ICV_list.insert(len(ICV), numerical_icv)
	#exctraction du message sans ICV
	wep_data_fragmented[i] = wep_data_fragmented[i][:-4]

print 'Generating the pcap...'

#modification du paquet pris en template
#writer afin de générer le pcap
pktdump = PcapWriter("fragmented.pcap", append=True, sync=True)
Beispiel #12
# wep key AA:AA:AA:AA:AA

# We read the original encrypted message from the wireshark file - rdpcap always returns an array, even if the pcap only contains one frame
arp = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]

# Construct the seed
seed = arp.iv+key 
# Set the message
message = 'Hello sadness'
# Compute the ICV
icv = crc32(message) & 0xffffffff
icv = struct.pack('<L', icv)

#Encrypt the data
message_encrpyted = rc4.rc4crypt(message+str(icv), seed)

# Edit the packet
arp.icv = struct.unpack('!L', message_encrpyted[-4:])[0]
arp.wepdata = message_encrpyted[:-4]

#Write the pdacket
wrpcap('newarp.pcap', arp)

print 'Encrypted Message: ' + arp.wepdata.encode("hex")

Beispiel #13
# The message that I want to encrypt
message = "SU 2019".ljust(36, '\0')[:36]

icv = binascii.crc32(message) & 0xffffffff
to_enc_icv = struct.pack('<L', icv)

# msg + icv
to_encrypt = message + to_enc_icv

# IV
iv = arp.iv

# The rc4 seed is composed by the IV+key
seed = iv + key

#to_encrypt = message+icv
encrypted = rc4.rc4crypt(to_encrypt, seed)

#restructuring the ICV
icv_num = encrypted[-4:]
icv_num, = struct.unpack('!L', icv_num)

#forging the packet
arp.wepdata = encrypted[:-4]
arp.icv = icv_num

#writing the pcap file
wrpcap('su19.cap', arp)
# Take the data to send from the user input
data = raw_input("Please enter a message of length below 37 bytes:\n").ljust(
    36, '\0')[:36]

# Define the icv by computing the crc32 of the data and keeping only the last 4 bytes
icv = crc32(data) & 0xffffffff

# Encrypt the icv as little-endian long
icv_enc = struct.pack('<L', icv)

# Construct the message (cleartext)
message = data + icv_enc

# Encrypt this message with rc4 with the seed being iv|wepkey
message_enc = rc4.rc4crypt(message, seed)

# Get the encrypted icv from the (encrypted) message
icv_enc = message_enc[-4:]
# Unpack it as big-endian long
icv_numerique, = struct.unpack('!L', icv_enc)

# Get the encrypted data from the (encrypted) message
text_encrypted = message_enc[:-4]

# Complete the packet
arp.wepdata = text_encrypted
arp.icv = icv_numeriqu

# Saving it in a pcap file
wrpcap('arp_custom.cap', arp)
Beispiel #15
arp = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]

# rc4 seed est composé de IV+clé
seed = arp.iv + key

# Calcul du nouvel ICV en effectuant un CRC du message
# l'instruction & 0xffffffff permet de toujours retourner un icv positif
icv = binascii.crc32(message) & 0xffffffff
# Conversion de l'ICV au format int
icv_int = struct.pack('I', icv)

# Concaténation du message et de l'ICV
message_clear = message + icv_int

# Calcul du frame body en faisant keystream xor message_clear
cryptedText = rc4.rc4crypt(message_clear, seed)

# Récupération de l'ICV crypté
icv_crypted = cryptedText[-4:]
(icv_numerique, ) = struct.unpack('!L', icv_crypted)

# Récupération du message crypté
text_crypte = cryptedText[:-4]

# Remplacement du wepData par le message crypté
arp.wepdata = text_crypte

# Remplacement de l'icv par l'icv crypté
arp.icv = icv_numerique

# Affichage de quelques information
Beispiel #16
import rc4

#Cle wep AA:AA:AA:AA:AA

#lecture de message chiffré - rdpcap retourne toujours un array, même si la capture contient un seul paquet
arp = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]  

# rc4 seed est composé de IV+clé
seed = arp.iv+key 

# recuperation de icv dans le message (arp.icv) (en chiffre) -- je passe au format "text". Il y a d'autres manières de faire ceci...

# text chiffré y-compris l'icv

# déchiffrement avec rc4

# le ICV est les derniers 4 octets - je le passe en format Long big endian
(icv_numerique,)=struct.unpack('!L', icv_enclair)

# le message sans le ICV

print 'Text: ' + text_enclair.encode("hex")
print 'icv:  ' + icv_enclair.encode("hex")
print 'icv(num): ' + str(icv_numerique)
Beispiel #17
#Cle wep AA:AA:AA:AA:AA
key = '\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa'

# On recupere un message qui va nous servir de base
arp = rdpcap(CAPFILE_CLAIR)[0]

# On extrait l iv du message et on le concatene avec notre cle pour creer notre seed (pour l algo RC4)
seed = arp.iv + key

crc_msg = binascii.crc32(MESSAGE)

# on concatene le message et l icv pour avoir le message a chiffrer
message_a_chiffrer = MESSAGE + struct.pack('<i', crc_msg)

# on chiffre le message avec rc4
message_chiffre = rc4.rc4crypt(message_a_chiffrer, seed)

# "le ICV est les derniers 4 octets - je le passe en format Long big endian"
icv_chiffre = message_chiffre[-4:]
(icv_numerique, ) = struct.unpack('!L', icv_chiffre)

# le message chiffre sans le ICV
text_chiffre = message_chiffre[:-4]

#Vérification des entrées et sorties
print("Message clair   = " + message_a_chiffrer.encode("hex"))
print("Texte clair     = " + MESSAGE.encode("hex"))
print("Message chiffré = " + message_chiffre.encode("hex"))
print("Texte chiffré   = " + text_chiffre.encode("hex"))

arp.wepdata = text_chiffre
# rc4 seed est composé de IV+clé
seed = arp.iv + key

# le texte en clair
text_en_clair = 'Suspendisse quis neque a risus amet.'

# calcul de l'icv
icv = binascii.crc32(text_en_clair)

# Ivc en big endian
icv_big_endian = struct.pack('<i', icv)

# Chiffrement avec rc4
text_rc4 = text_en_clair + icv_big_endian
encrypted_text = rc4.rc4crypt(text_rc4, seed)

# extraction du message sans icv
arp.wepdata = encrypted_text[:-4]

# le ICV est les derniers 4 octets - je le passe en format Long big endian
icv_encrypted = encrypted_text[-4:]

# Ivc en big endian
(icv_numerique, ) = struct.unpack('!L', icv_encrypted)

# le message sans le ICV
text_enclair = text_en_clair[:-4]

#modification du champ icv
arp.icv = icv_numerique
Beispiel #19
from base64 import b32encode
from string import translate, maketrans
from rc4 import rc4crypt
import sys

key = "abcd"
msg = ""

for line in sys.stdin:
    msg += line

# remove final newlines
msg = msg.strip()

# pad msg with spaces to 5 byte boundary to avoid '==='
if len(msg) % 5:
    msg += ' ' * (5 - len(msg) % 5)

crypt = rc4crypt(msg, key)
b32crypt = b32encode(crypt)
remapped = translate(b32crypt,

print "msg: %s (size=%d)" % (msg, len(msg))
print "crypt: %s" % [ord(i) for i in crypt]
print "b32crypt: %s" % b32crypt
print "remapped: %s (size %d)" % (remapped, len(remapped))
print 'q*s = "%s";' % remapped
Beispiel #20
Sender_ip = '\xc0\xa8\x01\xc8'
Target_mac = '\x90\x27\xe4\xea\x61\xf2'
Target_ip = '\xc0\xa8\x01\x64'

plain_wep_data = LLC_header + Hardware_type + Prot + Hardware_size + Prot_size + Opcode + Sender_mac + Sender_ip + Target_mac + Target_ip

seed = IV + key

# calcul de l'ICV du message et concatenation de celui-ci avec le message en clair
ICV = binascii.crc32(plain_wep_data)
ICV = struct.pack('<i', ICV)

plain_wep_data_with_ICV = plain_wep_data + ICV

#chiffrement du texte
cipher_wep_data_with_ICV = rc4.rc4crypt(plain_wep_data_with_ICV, seed)

# le ICV correspond aux 4 derniers octets - on le passe en format Long big endian
(numerical_icv,)=struct.unpack('!L', icv_encrypted)

# le message sans le ICV

print 'Generating the ARP packet...'

#modification du paquet pris en template
forged_arp = arp
forged_arp.icv = numerical_icv
forged_arp.wepdata = cipher_wep_data
Beispiel #21
# We read the original encrypted message from the wireshark file - rdpcap always returns an array,
# even if the pcap only contains one frame
arp = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]

# We create a new message.
message = "Encrypt me please"
# We use CRC-32 to calculate the ICV and we cast it in unsigned long
# Thank to Filipe Fortunato to show us that the result of the crc32 function was too long.
icvMessage = zlib.crc32(message) & 0xffffffff
# We generate the full "Payload"
payload = message + struct.pack('<L', icvMessage)
# We kept the old way to calculate the seed.
seed = arp.iv + key

# Now we need to encrypt the payload, the cipherText contains crypted Data + icv
cipherText = rc4.rc4crypt(payload, seed)
# We kept the hex format.
print 'Message to encrypt :' + message + ' with the ICV ' + '{:x}'.format(
print 'Encrypted message : ' + cipherText[:
                                          -4] + ' and the encrypted ICV is ' + cipherText[

# We change the data in the frame so it contains our new ciphered data.
arp.wepdata = cipherText[:-4]

# We change the ICV too.
arp.icv = struct.unpack('!L', cipherText[-4:])[0]

# We are writing the pcap file name openme.pcap
# This file contains the data "Encrypt me please" and can be opened with wireshark if
Beispiel #22
seed = arp.iv + key

# I recover the ICV from the message (arp.icv). This is a long integer
# Wireshark likes to show this number in hex. And even if Wireshark knows the correct key and
# can decrypt the ICV, it will show the encrypted version only.

# I convert the icv to hex using '{:x}.format and then to it's ascii representation using decode("hex")
# This conversion is requiered by the rc4 implementation we are using.

icv_encrypted = '{:x}'.format(arp.icv).decode("hex")

print 'icv as shown by Wireshark (encrypted): ' + '{:x}'.format(arp.icv)

# Encrypted text including the icv. You need to produce this if you want to decrypt the ICV

message_encrypted = arp.wepdata + icv_encrypted

# Decryption using rc4
cleartext = rc4.rc4crypt(message_encrypted, seed)

# The ICV the last 4 bytes - I convert it to Long big endian using unpack
icv_unencrypted = cleartext[-4:]
(icv_numerique, ) = struct.unpack('!L', icv_unencrypted)

# The payload is the messge minus the 4 last bytes
text_unencrypted = cleartext[:-4]

print 'Unencrypted Message: ' + text_unencrypted.encode("hex")
print 'Unencrypte icv (hex):  ' + icv_unencrypted.encode("hex")
print 'Numerical value of icv: ' + str(icv_numerique)
# We read the original encrypted message from the wireshark file - rdpcap always returns an array, even if the pcap only contains one frame
# We will use the arp frame as a template for our own frame
templateFrame = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]

# Same data as the arp frame
data = "\xaa\xaa\x03\x00\x00\x00\x08\x06\x00\x01\x08\x00\x06\x04\x00\x01\x90'\xe4\xeaa\xf2\xc0\xa8\x01d\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc0\xa8\x01\xc8"

# ICV calculated with CRC 32
icv = binascii.crc32(data)
icv = struct.pack('<l', icv)

# Same IV as the arp frame
iv = templateFrame.iv

# Data and ICV to crypt
toCrypt = data + icv
# Seed formed by IV and key
seed = iv + key

# Crypt the data and ICV using RC4
crypted = rc4.rc4crypt(toCrypt, seed)

# We get back the encrypted ICV and unpack it to have a Long int
(intIcv, ) = struct.unpack('!L', crypted[-4:])

# We change the fields' value in the template frame to replace them with our own
templateFrame.wepdata = crypted[:-4]
templateFrame.icv = intIcv

# Write a new pcap file
wrpcap("crypted.cap", templateFrame)
# Calcul du nouvel ICV en effectuant un CRC du message
icv1 = binascii.crc32(message1) & 0xffffffff
icv2 = binascii.crc32(message2) & 0xffffffff
icv3 = binascii.crc32(message3) & 0xffffffff

a1 = struct.pack('I', icv1)
a2 = struct.pack('I', icv2)
a3 = struct.pack('I', icv3)

#texte en clair (message + ICV)
message_clear1=message1 + a1
message_clear2=message2 + a2
message_clear3=message3 + a3

#Calcul du keystream
cryptedText1 = rc4.rc4crypt(message_clear1, seed1)
cryptedText2 = rc4.rc4crypt(message_clear2, seed2)
cryptedText3 = rc4.rc4crypt(message_clear3, seed3)  

#récupération del'ICV crypté

(icv_numerique1,)=struct.unpack('!L', icv_crypted1)
(icv_numerique2,)=struct.unpack('!L', icv_crypted2)
(icv_numerique3,)=struct.unpack('!L', icv_crypted3)

#calcul du frame body en faisant keystream xor (data + ICV)
Beispiel #25

# Initialization (generate IV and payload)
iv = trame_template.iv # Get the same IV from the original cap file.
payload = "\xaa\xaa\x03\x00\x00\x00\x08\x06\x00\x01\x08\x00\x06\x04\x00\x01\x90'\xe4\xeaa\xf2\xc0\xa8\x01d\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc0\xa8\x01\xc8"
# Calculate the CRC (A.K.A ICV) over the data payload
crc = binascii.crc32(payload)

# Concatenate the ICV to the end of the data
crc_little_endian = struct.pack("<l",crc) # pack as little endian
data = payload + crc_little_endian
# Concatenate the 24 bits IV with shared key (40 bits or 104 bits)
# to create the RC4 seed.
seed = iv+key 

# Calculate the XOR of the keystream with the (payload + ICV)
data_encrypt = rc4.rc4crypt(data, seed)

# Extract crc encrypted and unpack using big endian network
crc_big_endian_unpack = struct.unpack("!L",data_encrypt[-4:])

trame_template.wepdata = data_encrypt[:-4] #store encrypted data in the wepdata field
trame_template.icv = crc_big_endian_unpack[0] #store the extracted icv in the frame

# Add frame in a new cap file

print "Frame has been rebuilt."
Beispiel #26
#!/usr/bin/env python

import binascii, rc4

data = "db43194d8b49fd48af606868d6e142b483d0b98a443ca9c910071f259b8383d0991b9c9a5fb157cdfcc08bd87fe4baba37e06f9eab6e909b4e9c0c80c94be1dbbd007369b7cbd6daaf983b61e408869c1d1d6e863aa2bc0dfe91f71d30946532c12a8db9bcc6498e493350c6e9ea9a1421a12233d89d6f25c62e798c25aa610558c7c47a1dea7841b41946c905e7"
data = "8c1418158048f548ab363b6b8cb013ec83d0b98a443ca9c910071f259b8383d0991b9c9a5fb157cdfcc08bd87fe4baba37e06f9eab6e909b4e9c0c80c94be1dbbd007369b7cbd6daaf983b61e408869c1d1d6e863aa2bc0dfe91f71d30946532c12a8db9bcc6498e493350c6e9ea9a1421a12233d89d6f25c62e798c25aa610558c7c47a1dea7841b41946c905e7"
datagoed = "8b101147dc49fc12ab606f6fd7b54cb383d0b98a443ca9c910071f259b8383d0991b9c9a5fb157cdfcc08bd87fe4baba37e06f9eab6e909b4e9c0c80c94be1dbbd007369b7cbd6daaf983b61e408869c1d1d6e863aa2bc0dfe91f71d30946532c12a8db9bcc6498e493350c6e9ea9a1421a12233d89d6f25c62e798c25aa610558c7c47a1dea7841b41946c905e7"
# datagoed = '8b154b178b1ff41fff636c3fd9e316e683d0b98a443ca9c910071f259b8383d0991b9c9a5fb157cdfcc08bd87fe4baba37e06f9eab6e909b4e9c0c80c94be1dbbd007369b7cbd6daaf983b61e408869c1d1d6e863aa2bc0dfe91f71d30946532c12a8db9bcc6498e493350c6e9ea9a1421a12233d89d6f25c62e798c25aa610558c7c47a1dea7841b41946c905e7'
# datagoed = '8f1318468949a919a8663a68dcb613b683d0b98a443ca9c910071f259b8383d0991b9c9a5fb157cdfcc08bd87fe4baba37e06f9eab6e909b4e9c0c80c94be1dbbd007369b7cbd6daaf983b61e408869c1d1d6e863aa2bc0dfe91f71d30946532c12a8db9bcc6498e493350c6e9ea9a1421a12233d89d6f25c62e798c25aa610558c7c47a1dea7841b41946c905e7'
datanepp = "db43194d8b49fd48af606868d6e142b483dfb68b4d6aa8cf4200152092858380cf1b9e905fbb0eeffcc08bd172ebbcac28e460d5b0218c9f00c31996d25ce4c5bc1e7275b2d4d7dba9912369e70c8f9f1d1c73873bb8b40eff98f418308b6432d9228ebfb2c5488d543251dce1e99c1a23a0202dd99d772dc528778f25a80e045cc7b4280efd4114af5d5cdc07bb59"
key = "wodrocks"

ding = binascii.unhexlify(datagoed)
dong = binascii.unhexlify(datanepp)

print rc4.rc4crypt(ding, key)
print rc4.rc4crypt(dong, key)
arp = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]

#rc4 seed is the result of IV+key
seed = arp.iv + key

#the message in clear
message = 'Bienvenu au cours Teaching-SWI-2019'

#calculate icv
icv = binascii.crc32(message) & 0xffffffff
icv_bigedian_hex = struct.pack('<L', icv) 

message_Rc4 = message + icv_bigedian_hex

# encrypt message + icv  with rc4
message_encrypted = rc4.rc4crypt(message_Rc4, seed)

# extract message without icv
arp.wepdata = message_encrypted[:-4]

# the 4th last octects represents icv 
icv_crypte = message_encrypted[-4:]

# icv in Long big endian format
(icv_numerique,)=struct.unpack('!L', icv_crypte )

# icv's packet
arp.icv = icv_numerique

#save pcap file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from scapy.all import *
import binascii
import rc4

#Cle wep AA:AA:AA:AA:AA
key = '\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa'
arp = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]

# setting plain text with 36 chars
plain = "hello-world hello-world hello-world "

##1. compute ICV of plain
icv = binascii.crc32(plain)
icv = struct.pack("<i", icv)
##2. seed -> (RC4) = keystream
##3. keystream XOR (plain + ICV) = cipher
cipher = rc4.rc4crypt(plain + icv, arp.iv + key)

##4. add fields
arp.wepdata = cipher[:-4]
(arp.icv, ) = struct.unpack("!L", cipher[-4:])

###5. forge cap file
wrpcap('arpForged.cap', arp)
from scapy.all import *
import binascii
import rc4

#Cle wep AA:AA:AA:AA:AA
key = '\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa'

#lecture de message chiffré - rdpcap retourne toujours un array, même si la capture contient un seul paquet
arp = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]

# rc4 seed est composé de IV+clé
seed = arp.iv + key

# message à envoyer
msg = "123456789012345678901234567890123456"

# calculer l'icv en utilisant crc32
icv_enclair = crc32(msg)

# chiffrer le cleartext
cleartext = msg + struct.pack('<l', icv_enclair)
ciphertext = rc4.rc4crypt(cleartext, seed)

# mettre les données dans le packet
arp.wepdata = ciphertext[:-4]
arp.icv = struct.unpack('!L', ciphertext[-4:])[0]

# écrire le packet
wrpcap('arp2.cap', arp)
    # Trame de départ pour avoir le template
    arp = rdpcap('arp.cap')[0]

    for fragment in fragments:
        # La seed est composé de IV + clé
        seed = arp.iv + key

        # Calcul de l'ICV
        icv = zlib.crc32(fragment)
        icv_clair = struct.pack('<i', icv)

        # on concatene l'icv et le plaintext
        fragment = fragment + icv_clair

        # Chiffrement par RC4
        ciphertext = rc4.rc4crypt(fragment, seed)

        # Prepare les datas
        arp.wepdata = ciphertext[:-4]
        (arp.icv, ) = struct.unpack('!L', ciphertext[-4:])
        arp.SC = frameIndex
        frameIndex += 1

        if frameIndex == (len(fragments) - 1):
            # FC Field pour le dernier bit - Lors du dernier fragment, bit à 0
            arp.FCfield = arp.FCfield and 0x4

        # Write packet to a pcap file
        wrpcap('fragmentsWepEncrypted.cap', arp, append=True)