Beispiel #1
def intro_sparql(request):
    """ Introduction to using SPARQL to query an rdflib graph - """
    g = Graph()
    FOAF = Namespace("")
        g.add((s, FOAF['name'], n))
        for s, _, n in g.triples((None, FOAF['member_name'], None))
    graph_as_list = []
    """ The Graph.parse 'initNs' argument is a dictionary of namespaces to be expanded in the query string """
    """ Example 'row': (rdflib.Literal('Dan Brickley', language=u'en', datatype=None), rdflib.Literal('Brad Fitzpatrick', language=u'en', datatype=None))  """
    for row in g.query(
            'SELECT ?aname ?bname \
         WHERE {\
             ?a foaf:knows ?b .\
             ?a foaf:name ?aname .\
             ?b foaf:name ?bname .\
        exec "line = '%s knows %s'" % row
        row = row  # explore...
    context = {
        'row': row,
        'graph': graph_as_list,
    return render_to_response('rdf/intro_sparql.html', context)
Beispiel #2
def len_graph(request):
    """ This Works..."""

    #store = Graph()
    #store.bind("contact", "")
    #store.bind("person", "")
    #store.bind("xs", "")
    #store.bind("rdfs", "")
    #store.bind("rdf", "")
    #store.bind("owl", "")

    # Declare namespaces to use.
    ns_sn = Namespace("")
    ns_sd = Namespace("")
    ns_dc = Namespace("")
    ns_pr = Namespace("")

    myfile = '/var/rdf/municipality.rdf'

    # Create storage object for triples.
    store = Graph()

    # Add triples to store.
        (ns_sd["d1001"], ns_dc["title"], Literal("Sample Acrobat document")))
    graph.add((ns_sd["d1001"], ns_dc["format"], Literal("PDF")))
    graph.add((ns_sd["d1001"], ns_dc["creator"], Literal("Billy Shears")))
        (ns_sd["d1001"], ns_pr["publicationTime"], Literal("2002-12-19")))

    graph.add((ns_sd["d1002"], ns_dc["title"], Literal("Sample RTF document")))
    graph.add((ns_sd["d1002"], ns_dc["format"], Literal("RTF")))
    graph.add((ns_sd["d1002"], ns_dc["creator"], Literal("Nanker Phelge")))
        (ns_sd["d1002"], ns_pr["publicationTime"], Literal("2002-12-15")))

        (ns_sd["d1003"], ns_dc["title"], Literal("Sample LaTeX document")))
    graph.add((ns_sd["d1003"], ns_dc["format"], Literal("LaTeX")))
    graph.add((ns_sd["d1003"], ns_dc["creator"], Literal("Richard Mutt")))
        (ns_sd["d1003"], ns_pr["publicationTime"], Literal("2002-12-16")))
    graph.add((ns_sd["d1003"], ns_sn["quality"], Literal("pretty good")))

    #store.parse (myfile)
    rdf_subjects = graph.subjects()
    rdf_predicates = graph.predicates()
    rdf_objects = graph.objects()

    select_predicate_by_subject = graph.predicates(subject=ns_sd["d1001"])
    select_object_by_predicate = graph.objects(predicate=ns_dc["title"])

    g = Graph()
    g.parse(myfile, format="xml")
    exec "html = 'the lenght of the graph is: %s'" % len(g)

    context = {'html': html, 'g': select_predicate_by_subject}

    return render_to_response('len_graph.html', context)
    def __init__(self, graphs):
        Constructor takes a list of URLs that point to RDF/OWL files.
        :type graphs: list
        :param graphs: a list RDF/OWL files 
        self.g = Graph()

        if type(graphs) == str:
            for i in range(0, len(graphs)):

        # for testing - todo: load all namespaces from a merged graph in the code below
        self.owl = Namespace("")
        self.rdf = Namespace("")
        self.biblio = Namespace(
        self.goldbib = Namespace(
        ) = Namespace("")
        self.rdfs = Namespace("")
        self.bibtex = Namespace("")
        self.person = Namespace(

        # get namespaces from graph
        self.namespaces = []
        namespaces = self.g.namespaces()
Beispiel #4
def get_people(name_or_nick):
    model = get_model()
    sources = ""
    FOAF = Namespace("")
    sources = model.subjects(FOAF['name'], Literal(name_or_nick))
    if not sources:
        sources = model.subjects(FOAF['nick'], Literal(name_or_nick))
    people = dict()
    for source in sources:
        people[source] = {}
        props = get_props()
        for prop in props.keys():
            people[source][prop] = list()
            available = model.objects(source, URIRef(props[prop][1]))
            for i in available:
    if len(people) < 1:
        sources = model.subjects(FOAF['nick'], Literal(name_or_nick))
        for source in sources:
            people[source] = {}
            props = get_props()
            for prop in props.keys():
                people[source][prop] = list()
                available = model.objects(source, URIRef(props[prop][1]))
                for i in available:
    return people
Beispiel #5
def testAggregateSPARQL():
    memStore = plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)()
    graph1 = Graph(memStore, URIRef("graph1"))
    graph2 = Graph(memStore, URIRef("graph2"))
    graph3 = Graph(memStore, URIRef("graph3"))

    for n3Str, graph in [(testGraph1N3, graph1), (testGraph2N3, graph2),
                         (testGraph3N3, graph3)]:
        graph.parse(StringIO(n3Str), format='n3')
    print '-------------------testAggregateSPARQL()----------------------'
    print RDFS.RDFSNS
    print '---------------------------------------------------------------'
    graph4 = Graph(memStore, RDFS.RDFSNS)

    #print graph4.serialize()

    G = ConjunctiveGraph(memStore)
    rt = G.query(sparqlQ)
    print '-------------------G.query(sparqlQ)----------------------'
    #print rt.serialize(format='xml')
    print '---------------------------------------------------------------'

    assert len(rt) > 1
    #print rt.serialize(format='xml')
    LOG_NS = Namespace(u'')
    rt = G.query(sparqlQ2, initBindings={u'?graph': URIRef("graph3")})

    #print rt.serialize(format='json')
    assert rt.serialize('python')[0] == LOG_NS.N3Document, str(rt)
Beispiel #6
class RDF2Employee(object):
    """ RDF to employee

    first_name = u''
    last_name = u''
    personnelNb = u''
    email = u''
    employment_start = u''
    employment_end = u''
    job_title = u''
    organisation_code = u''
    organisation_name = u''
    manager = u''

    NS = Namespace('')

    def __init__(self, empInfo):
        fieldNSmapping = {}
        for fieldName in getFieldNames(IEmployee):
            fieldNSmapping[self.NS[fieldName]] = fieldName
        # predicate, object
        for p, o in empInfo:
            fieldName = fieldNSmapping.get(p, None)
            if fieldName:
                setattr(self, fieldName, o.encode('utf8'))

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return getattr(self, key, '')

    def __str__(self):
        result = ''
        for fieldName in getFieldNames(IEmployee):
            result += '%s: %s\n' % (fieldName, getattr(self, fieldName))
        return result

    def items(self):
        """ Items
        return [(key, getattr(self, key, '')) for
                key in getFieldNames(IEmployee)]
Beispiel #7
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace

RDFSNS = Namespace("")

Resource = RDFSNS["Resource"]
Class = RDFSNS["Class"]
subClassOf = RDFSNS["subClassOf"]
subPropertyOf = RDFSNS["subPropertyOf"]
comment = RDFSNS["comment"]
label = RDFSNS["label"]
domain = RDFSNS["domain"]
range = RDFSNS["range"]
seeAlso = RDFSNS["seeAlso"]
isDefinedBy = RDFSNS["isDefinedBy"]
Literal = RDFSNS["Literal"]
Container = RDFSNS["Container"]
ContainerMembershipProperty = RDFSNS["ContainerMembershipProperty"]
member = RDFSNS["member"]
Datatype = RDFSNS["Datatype"]

Beispiel #8
        sources = model.subjects(FOAF['nick'], Literal(name_or_nick))
        for source in sources:
            people[source] = {}
            props = get_props()
            for prop in props.keys():
                people[source][prop] = list()
                available = model.objects(source, URIRef(props[prop][1]))
                for i in available:
    return people

if __name__ == "__main__":
    mem_model = TripleStore()
    wordlist = get_words()
    FOAF = Namespace("")
    GEO = Namespace("")
    RDF = Namespace("")
    DC = Namespace("")
    CYC = Namespace("")
    print "Image Annotation Tool"
    print "Enter the URI of a photo to annotate:"
    uri = raw_input("> ")
    print "Should I add a thumbnail for this image, by adding '.sized' before the extension?"
    thumbnail = raw_input("> ")
    if thumbnail:
        thumb = "%ssized.%s" % (uri[:-3], uri[-3:])
        mem_model.add((URIRef(uri), FOAF['thumbnail'], URIRef(thumb)))
Beispiel #9
from FuXi.Rete.TopDown import *
from FuXi.Rete.Proof import ProofBuilder, PML, GMP_NS
from FuXi.Rete.Magic import *
from FuXi.Rete.SidewaysInformationPassing import *
from rdflib.sparql.bison.Query import Prolog
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
from rdflib import plugin, RDF, RDFS, URIRef, URIRef, Literal, Variable
from import Store
from cStringIO import StringIO
from rdflib.Graph import Graph, ReadOnlyGraphAggregate, ConjunctiveGraph
from rdflib.syntax.NamespaceManager import NamespaceManager
from rdflib.sparql.parser import parse as ParseSPARQL
from rdflib.sparql.Algebra import ReduceGraphPattern
import unittest, time, warnings, sys

TEMPLATES = Namespace(


def main():
    from optparse import OptionParser
    op = OptionParser(
        'usage: %prog [options] factFile1 factFile2 ... factFileN')
 def testNamedGraph(self):
     from sets import Set
     OWL_NS = Namespace("")
     rt =  self.testGraph.query(sparqlQ4)
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace

# The RDF Namespace
RDFNS = Namespace("")

# Syntax names
DESCRIPTION = RDFNS["Description"]
ABOUT = RDFNS["about"]
PARSE_TYPE = RDFNS["parseType"]
RESOURCE = RDFNS["resource"]
LI = RDFNS["li"]
DATATYPE = RDFNS["datatype"]

# RDF Classes
SEQ = RDFNS["Seq"]
BAG = RDFNS["Bag"]
ALT = RDFNS["Alt"]
STATEMENT = RDFNS["Statement"]
PROPERTY = RDFNS["Property"]
XMLLiteral = RDFNS["XMLLiteral"]
LIST = RDFNS["List"]

# RDF Properties
SUBJECT = RDFNS["subject"]
PREDICATE = RDFNS["predicate"]
OBJECT = RDFNS["object"]
TYPE = RDFNS["type"]
Beispiel #12
class TestStore(Graph):
    def __init__(self, expected):
        super(TestStore, self).__init__()
        self.expected = expected

    def add(self, (s, p, o)):
        if not isinstance(s, BNode) and not isinstance(o, BNode):
            if not (s, p, o) in self.expected:
                m = u"Triple not in expected result: %s, %s, %s" % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3())
                if verbose: write(m)
                #raise Exception(m)
        super(TestStore, self).add((s, p, o))

TEST = Namespace("")

import os
def resolve(rel):
    return "" + rel

def _testPositive(uri, manifest):
    if verbose: write(u"TESTING: %s" % uri)
    result = 0 # 1=failed, 0=passed
    inDoc = first(manifest.objects(uri, TEST["inputDocument"]))
    outDoc = first(manifest.objects(uri, TEST["outputDocument"]))
    expected = Graph()
    if outDoc[-3:]==".nt":
        format = "nt"
        format = "xml"
Beispiel #13
    def __init__(self,
		@param node: the current DOM Node
		@param graph: the RDFLib Graph
		@keyword inherited_state: the state as inherited
		from upper layers. This inherited_state is mixed with the state information
		retrieved from the current node.
		@type inherited_state: L{State.ExecutionContext}
		@keyword base: string denoting the base URI for the specific node. This is
		overridden by a possible C{@xml:base}, but it overrides the possible
		base inherited from the upper layers. Note: C{@xml:base} is not officially part of the
		XHTML+RDFa syntax, but this could/should handle by the DTD validation of the
		incoming document. The code itself is prepared for the C{@xml:base} usage, in 
		accordnace with the reference (in the RDFa syntax document) to other XML dialects that might use it.
		@keyword options: invocation option
		@type options: L{Options<pyRdfa.Options>}
        # settling the base
        # note that, strictly speaking, it is not necessary to add the base to the
        # context, because there is only one place to set it (<base> element of the <header>).
        # It is done because it is prepared for a possible future change in direction of
        # accepting xml:base on each element.
        # At the moment, it is invoked with a 'None' at the top level of parsing, that is
        # when the <base> element is looked for.
        if inherited_state:
            self.base = inherited_state.base
            self.warning_URI_ref = inherited_state.warning_URI_ref
            self.options = inherited_state.options
            # this is the branch called from the very top
            self.base = ""
            for bases in node.getElementsByTagName("base"):
                if bases.hasAttribute("href"):
                    self.base = bases.getAttribute("href")
            if self.base == "":
                self.base = base
            if node.hasAttribute("xml:base"):
                self.base = node.getAttribute("xml:base")
            self.warning_URI_ref = URIRef(base)
            # this is just to play safe. I believe this branch should actually not happen...
            if options == None:
                from pyRdfa import Options
                self.options = Options()
                self.options = options

            # check the the presense of the @profile and or @version attribute for the RDFa profile...
            # (Not 100% sure that is necessary...)
            html = node.ownerDocument.documentElement
            if not (html.hasAttribute("version")
                    and RDFa_VERSION == html.getAttribute("version")):
                # see if least the profile has been set

                # Find the <head> element
                head = None
                for index in range(0, html.childNodes.length - 1):
                    if html.childNodes.item(index).nodeName == "head":
                        head = html.childNodes.item(index)

                if not (head != None and head.hasAttribute("profile")
                        and RDFa_PROFILE
                        in head.getAttribute("profile").strip().split()):
                        "Neither an RDFa profile nor an RFDa version is set")

        # Settling the language tags
        # check first the lang or xml:lang attribute
        # RDFa does not allow the lang attribute. XHTML5 relies :-( on @lang;
        # I just want to be prepared here...
        if node.hasAttribute("lang"):
            self.lang = node.getAttribute("lang")
            if len(self.lang) == 0: self.lang = None
        elif node.hasAttribute("xml:lang"):
            self.lang = node.getAttribute("xml:lang")
            if len(self.lang) == 0: self.lang = None
        elif inherited_state:
            self.lang = inherited_state.lang
            self.lang = None

        # Handling namespaces
        # First get the local xmlns declarations/namespaces stuff.
        dict = {}
        for i in range(0, node.attributes.length):
            attr = node.attributes.item(i)
            if'xmlns:') == 0:
                # yep, there is a namespace setting
                key = attr.localName
                if key != "":
                    # exclude the top level xmlns setting...
                    uri = attr.value
                    # 1. create a new Namespace entry
                    ns = Namespace(uri)
                    # 2. 'bind' it in the current graph to
                    # get a nicer output
                    graph.bind(key, uri)
                    # 3. Add an entry to the dictionary
                    dict[key] = ns

        # See if anything has been collected at all.
        # If not, the namespaces of the incoming state is
        # taken over
        self.ns = {}
        if len(dict) == 0 and inherited_state:
            self.ns = inherited_state.ns
            if inherited_state:
                for k in inherited_state.ns:
                    self.ns[k] = inherited_state.ns[k]
                # copying the newly found namespace, possibly overwriting
                # incoming values
                for k in dict:
                    self.ns[k] = dict[k]
                self.ns = dict

        # see if the xhtml core vocabulary has been set
        self.xhtml_prefix = None
        for key in self.ns.keys():
            if XHTML_URI == str(self.ns[key]):
                self.xhtml_prefix = key
        if self.xhtml_prefix == None:
            if XHTML_PREFIX not in self.ns:
                self.ns[XHTML_PREFIX] = Namespace(XHTML_URI)
                self.xhtml_prefix = XHTML_PREFIX
                # the most disagreeable thing, the user has used
                # the prefix for something else...
                self.xhtml_prefix = XHTML_PREFIX + '_' + (
                    "%d" % random.randint(1, 1000))
                self.ns[self.xhtml_prefix] = Namespace(XHTML_URI)
            graph.bind(self.xhtml_prefix, XHTML_URI)

        # extra tricks for unusual usages...
        # if the 'rdf' prefix is not used, it is artificially added...
        if "rdf" not in self.ns:
            self.ns["rdf"] = ns_rdf
        if "rdfs" not in self.ns:
            self.ns["rdfs"] = ns_rdfs

        # Final touch: setting the default namespace...
        if node.hasAttribute("xmlns"):
            self.defaultNS = node.getAttribute("xmlns")
        elif inherited_state and inherited_state.defaultNS != None:
            self.defaultNS = inherited_state.defaultNS
            self.defaultNS = None
Beispiel #14
class TextIndex(ConjunctiveGraph):
    An rdflib graph event handler than indexes text literals that are
    added to a another graph.

    This class lets you 'search' the text literals in an RDF graph.
    Typically in RDF to search for a substring in an RDF graph you
    would have to 'brute force' search every literal string looking
    for your substring.

    Instead, this index stores the words in literals into another
    graph whose structure makes searching for terms much less
    expensive.  It does this by chopping up the literals into words,
    removing very common words (currently only in English) and then
    adding each of those words into an RDF graph that describes the
    statements in the original graph that the word came from.

    First, let's create a graph that will transmit events and a text
    index that will receive those events, and then subscribe the text
    index to the event graph:

      >>> e = ConjunctiveGraph()
      >>> t = TextIndex()
      >>> t.subscribe_to(e)

    When triples are added to the event graph (e) events will be fired
    that trigger event handlers in subscribers.  In this case our only
    subscriber is a text index and its action is to index triples that
    contain literal RDF objects.  Here are 3 such triples:

      >>> e.add((URIRef('a'), URIRef('title'), Literal('one two three')))
      >>> e.add((URIRef('b'), URIRef('title'), Literal('two three four')))
      >>> e.add((URIRef('c'), URIRef('title'), Literal('three four five')))

    Of the three literal objects that were added, they all contain
    five unique terms.  These terms can be queried directly from the
    text index:
      >>> t.term_strings() ==  set(['four', 'five', 'three', 'two', 'one'])

    Now we can search for statement that contain certain terms.  Let's
    search for 'one' which occurs in only one of the literals
    provided, 'a'.  This can be queried for:

      set([(rdflib.URIRef('a'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None)])

    'one' and 'five' only occur in one statement each, 'two' and
    'four' occur in two, and 'three' occurs in three statements:

      >>> len(list('one')))
      >>> len(list('two')))
      >>> len(list('three')))
      >>> len(list('four')))
      >>> len(list('five')))

    Lets add some more statements with different predicates.

      >>> e.add((URIRef('a'), URIRef('creator'), Literal('michel')))
      >>> e.add((URIRef('b'), URIRef('creator'), Literal('Atilla the one Hun')))
      >>> e.add((URIRef('c'), URIRef('creator'), Literal('michel')))
      >>> e.add((URIRef('d'), URIRef('creator'), Literal('Hun Mung two')))

    Now 'one' occurs in two statements:

      >>> assert len(list('one'))) == 2

    And 'two' occurs in three statements, here they are:

      set([(rdflib.URIRef('d'), rdflib.URIRef('creator'), None), (rdflib.URIRef('a'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None), (rdflib.URIRef('b'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None)])

    The predicates that are searched can be restricted by provding an
    argument to 'search()':

      >>>'two', URIRef('creator'))
      set([(rdflib.URIRef('d'), rdflib.URIRef('creator'), None)])

      >>>'two', URIRef(u'title'))
      set([(rdflib.URIRef('a'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None), (rdflib.URIRef('b'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None)])

    You can search for more than one term by simply including it in
    the query:
      >>>'two three', URIRef(u'title'))
      set([(rdflib.URIRef('c'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None), (rdflib.URIRef('a'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None), (rdflib.URIRef('b'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None)])

    The above query returns all the statements that contain 'two' OR
    'three'.  For the documents that contain 'two' AND 'three', do an
    intersection of two queries:

      >>>'two', URIRef(u'title')).intersection('three', URIRef(u'title')))
      set([(rdflib.URIRef('a'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None), (rdflib.URIRef('b'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None)])

    Intersection two queries like this is probably not the most
    efficient way to do it, but for reasonable data sets this isn't a
    problem.  Larger data sets will want to query the graph with
    sparql or something else more efficient.

    In all the above queries, the object of each statement was always
    'None'.  This is because the index graph does not store the object
    data, that would make it very large, and besides the data is
    available in the original data graph.  For convenience, a method
    is provides to 'link' an index graph to a data graph.  This allows
    the index to also provide object data in query results.

      >>> t.link_to(e)
      >>> set([str(i[2]) for i in'two', URIRef(u'title')).intersection('three', URIRef(u'title')))]) ==  set(['two three four', 'one two three'])

    You can remove the link by assigning None:

      >>> t.link_to(None)

    Unindexing means to remove statments from the index graph that
    corespond to a statement in the data graph.  Note that while it is
    possible to remove the index information of the occurances of
    terms in statements, it is not possible to remove the terms
    themselves, terms are 'absolute' and are never removed from the
    index graph.  This is not a problem since languages have finite

      >>> e.remove((URIRef('a'), URIRef('creator'), Literal('michel')))
      >>> e.remove((URIRef('b'), URIRef('creator'), Literal('Atilla the one Hun')))
      >>> e.remove((URIRef('c'), URIRef('creator'), Literal('michel')))
      >>> e.remove((URIRef('d'), URIRef('creator'), Literal('Hun Mung two')))

    Now 'one' only occurs in one statement:

      >>> assert len(list('one'))) == 1

    And 'two' only occurs in two statements, here they are:

      set([(rdflib.URIRef('a'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None), (rdflib.URIRef('b'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None)])

    The predicates that are searched can be restricted by provding an
    argument to 'search()':

      >>>'two', URIRef(u'creator'))

      >>>'two', URIRef(u'title'))
      set([(rdflib.URIRef('a'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None), (rdflib.URIRef('b'), rdflib.URIRef('title'), None)])


    linked_data = None

    text_index = Namespace('')
    term = Namespace('')["term"]
    termin = Namespace('')["termin"]

    def __init__(self, store='default'):
        super(TextIndex, self).__init__(store)

    def add_handler(self, event):
        if type(event.triple[2]) is Literal:

    def remove_handler(self, event):
        if type(event.triple[2]) is Literal:

    def index(self, (s, p, o)):
        # this code is tricky so it's annotated.  unindex is the reverse of this method.

        if type(
        ) is Literal:  # first, only index statements that have a literal object
            for word in stopper(
                    splitter(o)):  # split the literal and remove any stopwords
                word = Literal(
                    word)  # create a new literal for each word in the object

                # if that word already exists in the statement
                # loop over each context the term occurs in
                if self.value(predicate=self.term, object=word, any=True):
                    for t in set(self.triples((None, self.term, word))):
                        t = t[0]
                        # if the graph does not contain an occurance of the term in the statement's subject
                        # then add it
                        if not (t, self.termin, s) in self:
                            self.add((t, self.termin, s))

                        # ditto for the predicate
                        if not (p, t, s) in self:
                            self.add((p, t, s))

                else:  # if the term does not exist in the graph, add it, and the references to the statement.
                    # t gets used as a predicate, create identifier accordingly (AKA can't be a BNode)
                    h = md5(word)
                    t = self.text_index["term_%s" % h.hexdigest()]
                    self.add((t, self.term, word))
                    self.add((t, self.termin, s))
                    self.add((p, t, s))
Beispiel #15
from rdflib.Literal import Literal
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace

__version__ = "$Id: 1185 2007-07-12 16:46:36Z whit $"

rdfa_attribs = [
    "about", "property", "rel", "rev", "href", "content", "role", "id"

reserved_links = [
    'alternate', 'stylesheet', 'start', 'next', 'prev', 'contents', 'index',
    'glossary', 'copyright', 'chapter', 'section', 'subsection', 'appendix',
    'help', 'bookmark'

xhtml = Namespace("")
xml = Namespace("")
rdf = Namespace("")

class RDFaSink(object):
    def __init__(self, graph):
        self.graph = graph

    def __str__(self):
        return self.graph.serialize(format="pretty-xml")

    def triple(self, s, p, o):
        self.graph.add((s, p, o))

    def prefix(self, prefix, ns):
Beispiel #16
from FuXi.Rete.Proof import ProofBuilder, PML, GMP_NS
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
from rdflib import plugin, RDF, RDFS, URIRef, URIRef
from rdflib.OWL import FunctionalProperty
from import Store
from cStringIO import StringIO
from rdflib.Graph import Graph, ReadOnlyGraphAggregate, ConjunctiveGraph
from rdflib.syntax.NamespaceManager import NamespaceManager
from glob import glob
from rdflib.sparql.parser import parse
import unittest, os, time, itertools


CWM_NS = Namespace("http://cwmTest/")
DC_NS = Namespace("")
STRING_NS = Namespace("")
MATH_NS = Namespace("")
FOAF_NS = Namespace("")
OWL_NS = Namespace("")
TEST_NS = Namespace("")
LOG = Namespace("")
RDF_TEST = Namespace('')
OWL_TEST = Namespace('')
LIST = Namespace('')

queryNsMapping = {
    'test': '',
    'rdf': '',
    'foaf': '',
Beispiel #17
#! /usr/bin/python
# demonstrate the creation of an RDFLib TripleStore

from rdflib.Graph import ConjunctiveGraph, Graph
from rdflib.Literal import Literal
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
from rdflib.sparql import sparqlGraph

ns_fich = Namespace('fich="')

ns_rdf = Namespace("")
ns_xs = Namespace("")

ns_rdfs = Namespace("")
ns_owl = Namespace("")
ns_dam = Namespace("")
ns_dc = Namespace("")
ns_per = Namespace("")
ns_idp = Namespace("")

store = Graph()


#print store.serialize()

def objetos():
Beispiel #18
#note, fix rdflib imports when rdflib-2.5 is finalized

#from rdflib.namespace import Namespace
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
Various widely used namespaces are listed in the namespaces module.

OWLNS = Namespace("")
LINGNS = Namespace("")
GOLDNS = Namespace("")
GOLDCOMMNS = Namespace("")
TERMSETNS = Namespace("")
DATANS = Namespace("")
Beispiel #19
from rdflib.Literal import Literal
from rdflib.BNode import BNode as bNode

class Graph(TripleStore):
    def theObject(self, subj, pred):
        objects = tuple(self.objects(subj, pred))
        if len(objects) == 1:
            return objects[0]
        elif len(objects) == 0:
            return None
            raise "Some kind of an error"

SPARQL = Namespace('')
BNF = Namespace('')
RDF = Namespace('')

def abbr(prodURI):
    return prodURI.split('#').pop()

class N3Metaparser(object):
    def __init__(self, verbose=False):
        self.branches = {}
        self.regexps = {}

        self.verbose = verbose
        self.todo = []
Beispiel #20
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace

RDFNS = Namespace("")

# Syntax names
Description = RDFNS["Description"]
about = RDFNS["about"]
parseType = RDFNS["parseType"]
resource = RDFNS["resource"]
li = RDFNS["li"]
nodeID = RDFNS["nodeID"]
datatype = RDFNS["datatype"]

# RDF Classes
Seq = RDFNS["Seq"]
Bag = RDFNS["Bag"]
Alt = RDFNS["Alt"]
Statement = RDFNS["Statement"]
Property = RDFNS["Property"]
XMLLiteral = RDFNS["XMLLiteral"]
List = RDFNS["List"]

# RDF Properties
subject = RDFNS["subject"]
predicate = RDFNS["predicate"]
object = RDFNS["object"]
type = RDFNS["type"]
value = RDFNS["value"]
first = RDFNS["first"]
read XMP xml files

# see
# see also raptor-utls
# rapper -o ntriples
# rapper -o ntriples ../tests/fixture/xmp/sample_xmp.rdf
from rdflib.TripleStore import TripleStore
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace

ns_dc = Namespace("")
ns_pr = Namespace("")
store = TripleStore()

# print dir(store)

# For all triples that have prism:publicationTime as their predicate,
for s, o in store.subject_objects(ns_pr["publicationTime"]):
    # if the triples' object is greater than the cutoff date,
    if o > cutOffDate:
        # print the date, author name, and title.
        print o,
        for object in store.objects(s, ns_dc["creator"]):
            print object + ": ",
        for object in store.objects(s, ns_dc["title"]):
            print object
Beispiel #22
@var __empty_bnode: I{The} Bnode to be associated with the CURIE of the form "C{_:}".
$Id:,v 1.41 2008/05/06 11:38:42 ivan Exp $
$Date: 2008/05/06 11:38:42 $

from rdflib.RDF import RDFNS as ns_rdf
from rdflib.RDFS import RDFSNS as ns_rdfs
from rdflib.RDFS import comment as rdfs_comment
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef
from rdflib.Literal import Literal
from rdflib.BNode import BNode

_XSD_NS = Namespace(u'')

import re
import random
import urlparse

usual_protocols = ["http", "https", "mailto", "ftp", "urn", "gopher", "tel"]

####Predefined @rel/@rev/@property values
# predefined values for the @rel and @rev values. These are considered to be part of a specific
# namespace, defined by the RDFa document.
Beispiel #23
from rdflib.BNode import BNode
from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef
from rdflib.Literal import Literal
import OwlAxiomReasoner
import time
import os
import os.path
import re

#import random

resultsPrefix = ",results-"

pubUriPrefix = ""

FOAF = Namespace("")
OTEST = Namespace("")
TRES = Namespace("")
RTEST = Namespace("")
DC = Namespace("")
RDF = Namespace("")
RDFS = Namespace("")
OWL = Namespace("")

def only(iter):
    result = None
    for x in iter:
        if result is None:
            result = x
    tmpfile = mkstemp()[1]
    data = convert(form['description'].value,

    graph = TripleStore()
    graph.parse(StringIO(data), format='nt')

    thisURI = URIRef('http://%s%s' %
                     (os.environ['HTTP_HOST'], os.environ['REQUEST_URI']))

    graphNode = URIRef('file://%s' % tmpfile)

    FOAF = Namespace("")

        bnode = graph.objects(graphNode, FOAF["primaryTopic"]).next()
    except StopIteration:
        print 'Content-Type: text/plain\r'
        print '\r'
        print 'no primary topic given'

    graph2 = TripleStore()

    for (s, p, o) in graph.triples((None, None, None)):
        if (s, p, o) == (graphNode, FOAF["primaryTopic"], bnode): continue

        if s == bnode: s = thisURI
        if o == bnode: o = thisURI
Beispiel #25
from FuXi.Rete.RuleStore import SetupRuleStore
from FuXi.Horn.HornRules import HornFromN3
from FuXi.Rete.Proof import ImmutableDict
from FuXi.SPARQL.BackwardChainingStore import *
from FuXi.Rete.Util import setdict
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
from rdflib.Collection import Collection
from rdflib import RDF, RDFS, URIRef, Variable, BNode, Literal
from cStringIO import StringIO
from rdflib.Graph import Graph, ReadOnlyGraphAggregate
from rdflib.syntax.NamespaceManager import NamespaceManager
from rdflib.sparql.parser import parse
from rdflib.OWL import OWLNS
from amara.lib import U

DC = Namespace('')
MANIFEST = Namespace(
QUERY = Namespace('')
SD = Namespace('')
TEST = Namespace(
STRING = Namespace('')
ENT = Namespace('')
EARL = Namespace('')
MY_FOAF = Namespace('')


COMPLETION_RULES = ["sparqldl-02"]
Beispiel #26
# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:30 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $

import sys, os, time, datetime

from rdflib.constants   import RDFNS  as ns_rdf
from rdflib.constants   import RDFSNS as ns_rdfs
#from rdflib.sparql import ns_dc   as ns_dc
#from rdflib.sparql import ns_owl  as ns_owl

from rdflib.sparql.sparql import type_integer
from rdflib.sparql.sparql import type_double
from rdflib.sparql.sparql import type_float
from rdflib.sparql.sparql import type_decimal
from rdflib.sparql.sparql import type_dateTime

from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace

ns_foaf   = Namespace("")
ns_ns     = Namespace("")
ns_book   = Namespace("")
ns_person = Namespace("")
ns_dt     = Namespace("")
ns_dc0    = Namespace("")
ns_dc     = Namespace("")
ns_vcard  = Namespace("")

from rdflib.constants import SUBJECT, PREDICATE, OBJECT 
from rdflib.constants import TYPE, VALUE, FIRST, REST

from rdflib.constants import NIL

from rdflib.syntax.xml_names import is_ncname



XMLNS = Namespace("")
BASE = (XMLNS, "base")
LANG = (XMLNS, "lang")

class BagID(URIRef):
    __slots__ = ['li']
    def __init__(self, val):
        super(URIRef, self).__init__(val) = 0

    def next_li(self): += 1
        return URIRef(RDFNS + "_%s" %        

Beispiel #28
import logging
import sys

from nose.plugins import Plugin
from nose.suite import TestModule

from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal
from rdflib import RDF, RDFS
from rdflib.Graph import Graph
from rdflib.Namespace import NamespaceDict as Namespace
from rdflib.util import date_time

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

EARL = Namespace("")

class EARLPlugin(Plugin):
    Activate the EARL plugin to generate a report of the test results
    using EARL.
    name = 'EARL'

    def begin(self):
        self.graph = Graph()
        self.graph.bind("earl", EARL.uri)

    def finalize(self, result):
        # TODO: add plugin options for specifying where to send