def load(self, source):	
		# TODO:  don't let duplicate trust levels on certain subjects be entered!	
		print "Update Listener: parsing input"
		# this is the main object we're concerned with
		store = TripleStore()
		# For each foaf:Person in the store print out its mbox property.
		truster = store.subjects(self.TRUST["trusts"]).next()
		f = store.objects(truster, self.WOT["fingerprint"]).next()
		p = self.server.getPerson(f)
		for trustee in store.objects(truster, self.TRUST["trusts"]):
			f2 = store.objects(trustee, self.WOT["fingerprint"]).next()
			# we do this to make sure they exist.
			p2 = self.server.getPerson(f2)
			for value, resource in store.predicate_objects(trustee):
				if value in self.trustValues:
					p.addTrustLink(f2, resource.split("#")[1], resource, TrustValue.TrustValue(value.split("#")[1]))
	def load(self, source):	
		print "Update Listener: parsing input: %s" % source
		# this is the main object we're concerned with
		store = TripleStore()
		# For each foaf:Person in the store print out its mbox property.
		truster = store.subjects(self.TRUST["trusts"]).next()
		f = store.objects(truster, self.WOT["fingerprint"]).next()
		p = self.server.getPerson(f)
		for trustee in store.objects(truster, self.TRUST["trusts"]):
			f2 = store.objects(trustee, self.WOT["fingerprint"]).next()
			# we do this to make sure they exist.
			p2 = self.server.getPerson(f2)
			for value, resource in store.predicate_objects(trustee):
				if value in self.trustValues:
					p.addTrustLink(f2, resource.split("#")[1], resource, BasicTrustValue(value.split("#")[1]))
trust = TripleStore()
trustValues = []
for s in trust.subjects(RDF["subPropertyOf"], TRUST["trustValue"]):

# For each foaf:Person in the store print out its mbox property.
print "--- printing trust: ---"
truster = store.subjects(TRUST["trusts"]).next()
f = store.objects(truster, WOT["fingerprint"]).next()
p = Person.Person(f)
people[f] = p

for trustee in store.objects(truster, TRUST["trusts"]):
	f2 = store.objects(trustee, WOT["fingerprint"]).next()
	p2 = Person.Person(f2)
	people[f2] = p2
	for value, subject in store.predicate_objects(trustee):
		if value in trustValues:
			name = subject.split("#")[1]
			resource = subject
			value = value.split("#")[1]
			tc = TrustConnection.TrustConnection()
			tv = TrustValue.TrustValue(value)
			ts = TrustSubject.TrustSubject(name, resource, tv)

for p in people:
	print people[p]