Beispiel #1
    def apply(self, mol: RWMol) -> RWMol:
        atom1 = get_atom_ind(mol, self.atom_map1)
        atom2 = get_atom_ind(mol, self.atom_map2)

        if self.bond_type is None:  # delete bond
            bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(atom1, atom2)
            if bond is not None:
                mol.RemoveBond(atom1, atom2)
            b_type = rdchem.BondType.values[self.bond_type]
            b_stereo = rdchem.BondStereo.values[self.bond_stereo]

            bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(atom1, atom2)
            if bond is None:  # add new bond
                bond_ind = mol.AddBond(atom1, atom2, order=b_type) - 1
                bond = mol.GetBondWithIdx(bond_ind)
            else:  # change an existing bond
            bond.SetBoolProp('is_edited', True)

            if b_type == BondType.AROMATIC:

        return mol
 def _prevent_bridge_ring(self, mol: Chem.RWMol, examplar: Tuple[int]):
     ## This is really
     # examplar is ring
     ringatoms = self._get_ring_info(mol) #GetRingInfo().AtomRings()
     ringatoms = [ring for ring in ringatoms if set(ring).intersection(examplar)]
     ring_idx = list(range(len(ringatoms)))
     shared_count = {}
     for ra, rb in itertools.combinations(ring_idx, r=2):
         shared_count[(ra, rb)] = len(set(ringatoms[ra]).intersection(set(ringatoms[rb])))
     if len(shared_count) == 0:
         return mol
     ra, rb = list(shared_count.keys())[0]
     shared = list(set(ringatoms[ra]).intersection(ringatoms[rb]))
     pairs = [(a, b) for a, b in itertools.combinations(shared, r=2) if mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(a, b) is not None]
     c = Counter([i for pair in pairs for i in pair])
     ring_A, ring_B = ringatoms[ra], ringatoms[rb]
     small, big = sorted([ring_A, ring_B], key=lambda ring: len(ring))
     inners = [i for i in c if c[i] > 1]
     x = list(set(shared).difference(inners))
     if len(x) != 2:
         log.critical(f'This is impossible. {ringatoms} share {shared} with {inners} in the inside and {x} on the edge?')
         return mol
     a, b = x
     if len(big) > 6:
         log.warning(f'Removing {len(inners)} bridging atoms and replacing with fused ring')
         # bond the vertices
         bt = Chem.BondType.SINGLE # ???
         if mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(a, b) is None:
             mol.AddBond(a, b, bt)
             log.warning('This is really odd! Why is there a bond already??')
         # remove the middle atoms.
         for i in sorted(inners, reverse=True):
         log.warning(f'Shriking the smaller ring to change from bridged to fused.')
         # get the neighbour in the small atom to a vertex.
         neighs = [neigh for neigh in mol.GetAtomWithIdx(a).GetNeighbors() if
                   neigh.GetIdx() not in shared and neigh.GetIdx() in small]
         neigh = sorted(neighs, key=lambda atom: atom.GetSymbol() != 'C')[0]
         bt = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(a, neigh.GetIdx()).GetBondType()
         mol.RemoveBond(a, neigh.GetIdx())
         new_neigh = [neigh for neigh in mol.GetAtomWithIdx(a).GetNeighbors() if neigh.GetIdx() in shared][0]
         mol.AddBond(neigh.GetIdx(), new_neigh.GetIdx(), bt)
         neigh.SetBoolProp('_Novel', True)
         new_neigh.SetBoolProp('_Novel', True)
         mol.GetAtomWithIdx(a).SetBoolProp('_Novel', True)
     return mol
 def _place_between(self, mol: Chem.RWMol, a: int, b: int, aromatic=True):
     oribond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(a, b)
     if oribond is None:
         return None  # fail
     elif aromatic:
         bt = Chem.BondType.AROMATIC
         bt = oribond.GetBondType()
     idx = mol.AddAtom(Chem.Atom(6))
     neoatom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(idx)
     atom_a = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(a)
     atom_b = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(b)
     if aromatic:
     # prevent constraints
     neoatom.SetBoolProp('_Novel', True)
     atom_a.SetBoolProp('_Novel', True)
     atom_b.SetBoolProp('_Novel', True)
     # fix position
     conf = mol.GetConformer()
     pos_A = conf.GetAtomPosition(a)
     pos_B = conf.GetAtomPosition(b)
     x = pos_A.x / 2 + pos_B.x / 2
     y = pos_A.y / 2 + pos_B.y / 2
     z = pos_A.z / 2 + pos_B.z / 2
     conf.SetAtomPosition(idx, Point3D(x, y, z))
     # fix bonds
     mol.RemoveBond(a, b)
     mol.AddBond(a, idx, bt)
     mol.AddBond(b, idx, bt)
Beispiel #4
def to_rdkit_molecule(data: MoleculeContainer):
    MoleculeContainer to RDKit molecule object converter
    mol = RWMol()
    mapping = {}
    bonds = data._bonds

    for n, a in data.atoms():
        ra = Atom(a.atomic_number)
        if a.charge:
        if a.isotope:
        if a.is_radical:
        mapping[n] = mol.AddAtom(ra)

    for n, m, b in data.bonds():
        mol.AddBond(mapping[n], mapping[m], _bond_map[b.order])

    for n in data._atoms_stereo:
        ra = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(mapping[n])
        env = bonds[n]
        s = data._translate_tetrahedron_sign(n, [x for x in mapping if x in env])
        ra.SetChiralTag(_chiral_ccw if s else _chiral_cw)

    for nm, s in data._cis_trans_stereo.items():
        n, m = nm
        if m in bonds[n]:  # cumulenes unsupported
            nn, nm, *_ = data._stereo_cis_trans[nm]
            b = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(mapping[n], mapping[m])
            b.SetStereoAtoms(mapping[nn], mapping[nm])
            b.SetStereo(_cis if s else _trans)

    conf = Conformer()
    for n, a in data.atoms():
        conf.SetAtomPosition(mapping[n], (a.x, a.y, 0))
    mol.AddConformer(conf, assignId=True)

    for c in data._conformers:
        conf = Conformer()
        for n, xyz in c.items():
            conf.SetAtomPosition(mapping[n], xyz)
        mol.AddConformer(conf, assignId=True)

    AssignStereochemistry(mol, flagPossibleStereoCenters=True, force=True)
    return mol
 def _restore_original_bonding(self, mol: Chem.RWMol, rings) -> None:
     to_be_waited_for = []
     for ring in rings:
         for i in range(len(ring['elements'])):
             d = self._get_expansion_for_atom(ring, i)
             new_i = self._get_new_index(mol, d['ori_i'], search_collapsed=False)
             for old_neigh, bond in zip(d['neighbor'], d['bond']):
                 bt = getattr(Chem.BondType, bond)
                     new_neigh = self._get_new_index(mol, old_neigh, search_collapsed=False)
                     present_bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(new_i, new_neigh)
                     if present_bond is None:
                         mol.AddBond(new_i, new_neigh, bt)
                     elif present_bond.GetBondType().name != bond:
                         if self._debug_draw:
                                 f'bond between {new_i} {new_neigh} exists already (has {present_bond.GetBondType().name} expected {bt})')
                         if self._debug_draw:
                             print(f'bond between {new_i} {new_neigh} exists already ' + \
                                   f'(has {present_bond.GetBondType().name} expected {bt})')
                 except ValueError:
                     if self._debug_draw:
                         print(f"The neighbour {old_neigh} of {d['ori_i']} with {bt} does not yet exist")
                     to_be_waited_for.append((new_i, old_neigh, bt))
     for new_i, old_neigh, bt in to_be_waited_for:
             new_neigh = self._get_new_index(mol, old_neigh, name_restriction=mol.GetAtomWithIdx(new_i).GetProp('_ori_name'))
             if self._debug_draw:
                 print(f'{old_neigh} was missing, but has appeared since as {new_neigh}')
             if not mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(new_i, new_neigh):
                 mol.AddBond(new_i, new_neigh, bt)
         except (KeyError, ValueError) as err:
def _minimize_rings(mol):
    """Private: Minimize rings in a scaffold.

    In this process, all remaining vertices/atoms of degree two are
    removed by performing an edge merging operation. The only
    exception being when both vertices neighbours are connected
    (i.e. we have a triangle), when edge merging would lead to the
    loss of a cycle. The result is a minimum cycle topological
    representation of the original molecule. This function is used
    in the computation of ring topology scaffolds (Oprea).

    If a ring contains a non-carbon atom, this atom is maintained.
    Neighbouring ring atoms which are of the same type are merged
    together into a single atom of the corresponding type.

    mol : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol

        Minimum cycle topological graph.

    edit = RWMol(mol)
    remove_atoms = set()
    for atom in edit.GetAtoms():
        if atom.GetDegree() == 2:
            n1, n2 = atom.GetNeighbors()
            n1_idx, n2_idx = n1.GetIdx(), n2.GetIdx()
            connected = edit.GetBondBetweenAtoms(n1_idx, n2_idx)
            if not connected and (n1.GetAtomicNum() == atom.GetAtomicNum()
                                  or n2.GetAtomicNum() == atom.GetAtomicNum()):
                a_idx = atom.GetIdx()
                edit.RemoveBond(n1_idx, a_idx)
                edit.RemoveBond(n2_idx, a_idx)
                edit.AddBond(n1_idx, n2_idx, BondType.SINGLE)
    for a_idx in sorted(remove_atoms, reverse=True):
    return edit
Beispiel #7
    def _join_atoms(self,
                    combo: Chem.RWMol,
                    anchor_A: int,
                    anchor_B: int,
                    distance: float,
                    linking: bool = True):
        extrapolate positions between. by adding linkers if needed.
        conf = combo.GetConformer()
        pos_A = conf.GetAtomPosition(anchor_A)
        pos_B = conf.GetAtomPosition(anchor_B)
        n_new = int(round(distance / 1.22) - 1)
        xs = np.linspace(pos_A.x, pos_B.x, n_new + 2)[1:-1]
        ys = np.linspace(pos_A.y, pos_B.y, n_new + 2)[1:-1]
        zs = np.linspace(pos_A.z, pos_B.z, n_new + 2)[1:-1]

        # correcting for ring marker atoms
        def is_ring_atom(anchor: int) -> bool:
            atom = combo.GetAtomWithIdx(anchor)
            if atom.HasProp('_ori_i') and atom.GetIntProp('_ori_i') == -1:
                return True
                return False

        if is_ring_atom(anchor_A):
            distance -= 1.35 + 0.2  # Arbitrary + 0.2 to compensate for the ring not reaching (out of plane).
            n_new -= 1
            xs = xs[1:]
            ys = ys[1:]
            zs = zs[1:]

        if is_ring_atom(anchor_B):
            distance -= 1.35 + 0.2  # Arbitrary + 0.2 to compensate for the ring not reaching  (out of plane).
            n_new -= 1
            xs = xs[:-1]
            ys = ys[:-1]
            zs = zs[:-1]

        # notify that things could be leary.
        if distance < 0:
                f'Two ring atoms detected to be close. Joining for now.' +
                ' They will be bonded/fused/spiro afterwards')
        # check if valid.
        if distance > self.joining_cutoff:
            msg = f'Atoms {anchor_A}+{anchor_B} are {distance} Å away. Cutoff is {self.joining_cutoff}.'
            raise ConnectionError(msg)
        # place new atoms
            f'Molecules will be joined via atoms {anchor_A}+{anchor_B} ({distance} Å) via the addition of {n_new} atoms.'
        previous = anchor_A
        if linking is False and n_new > 0:
                f'Was going to bond {anchor_A} and {anchor_B} but reconsidered.'
        elif linking is True and n_new <= 0:
            combo.AddBond(previous, anchor_B, Chem.BondType.SINGLE)
            new_bond = combo.GetBondBetweenAtoms(previous, anchor_B)
            BondProvenance.set_bond(new_bond, 'main_novel')
        elif linking is False and n_new <= 0:
            combo.AddBond(previous, anchor_B, Chem.BondType.SINGLE)
            new_bond = combo.GetBondBetweenAtoms(previous, anchor_B)
            BondProvenance.set_bond(new_bond, 'other_novel')
        elif linking is True and n_new > 0:
            for i in range(n_new):
                # make oxygen the first and last bridging atom.
                if i == 0 and combo.GetAtomWithIdx(
                        anchor_A).GetSymbol() == 'C':
                    new_atomic = 8
                elif i > 2 and i == n_new - 1 and combo.GetAtomWithIdx(
                        anchor_B).GetSymbol() == 'C':
                    new_atomic = 8
                    new_atomic = 6
                idx = combo.AddAtom(Chem.Atom(new_atomic))
                new = combo.GetAtomWithIdx(idx)
                new.SetBoolProp('_Novel', True)
                new.SetIntProp('_ori_i', 999)
                    idx, Point3D(float(xs[i]), float(ys[i]), float(zs[i])))
                combo.AddBond(idx, previous, Chem.BondType.SINGLE)
                new_bond = combo.GetBondBetweenAtoms(idx, previous)
                BondProvenance.set_bond(new_bond, 'linker')
                previous = idx
            combo.AddBond(previous, anchor_B, Chem.BondType.SINGLE)
            new_bond = combo.GetBondBetweenAtoms(previous, anchor_B)
            BondProvenance.set_bond(new_bond, 'linker')
            raise ValueError('Impossible')
        return combo.GetMol()