def restoreFileOrDir(repoRoot, dirPath, filename, restoreDate, useZip): """ returns a file path to the file. User is responsible for deleting file, as well as containing dir, after use. """ filePath = joinPaths(dirPath, filename) filePath = rdiffQuotedPath(repoRoot).getQuotedPath(filePath) checkRepoPath(repoRoot, filePath) restoredFilename = filename if restoredFilename == "/": restoredFilename = "(root)" fileToRestore = joinPaths(repoRoot, dirPath, filename) dateString = str(restoreDate.getSeconds()) rdiffOutputFile = joinPaths( tempfile.mkdtemp(), restoredFilename) # TODO: make so this includes the username results = rdw_helpers.execute("rdiff-backup", "--restore-as-of=" + dateString, fileToRestore, rdiffOutputFile) if results['exitCode'] != 0 or not os.access(rdiffOutputFile, os.F_OK): error = results['stderr'] if not error: error = 'rdiff-backup claimed success, but did not restore anything. This indicates a bug in rdiffWeb. Please report this to a developer.' raise UnknownError('Unable to restore! rdiff-backup output:\n' + error) if os.path.isdir(rdiffOutputFile): if useZip: rdw_helpers.recursiveZipDir(rdiffOutputFile, rdiffOutputFile + ".zip") rdw_helpers.removeDir(rdiffOutputFile) rdiffOutputFile = rdiffOutputFile + ".zip" else: rdw_helpers.recursiveTarDir(rdiffOutputFile, rdiffOutputFile + ".tar.gz") rdw_helpers.removeDir(rdiffOutputFile) rdiffOutputFile = rdiffOutputFile + ".tar.gz" return rdiffOutputFile
def restoreFileOrDir(repoRoot, dirPath, filename, restoreDate): """ returns a file path to the file. User is responsible for deleting file, as well as containing dir, after use. """ checkRepoPath(repoRoot, joinPaths(dirPath, filename)) restoredFilename = filename if restoredFilename == "/": restoredFilename = "(root)" fileToRestore = joinPaths(repoRoot, dirPath, filename) dateString = str(restoreDate.getSeconds()) rdiffOutputFile = joinPaths( tempfile.mkdtemp(), restoredFilename) # TODO: make so this includes the username args = [ "rdiff-backup", "--restore-as-of=" + dateString, fileToRestore, rdiffOutputFile ] os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, args[0], args) if not os.access(rdiffOutputFile, os.F_OK): raise UnknownError() if os.path.isdir(rdiffOutputFile): rdw_helpers.recursiveZipDir(rdiffOutputFile, rdiffOutputFile + ".zip") rdw_helpers.removeDir(rdiffOutputFile) rdiffOutputFile = rdiffOutputFile + ".zip" return rdiffOutputFile
def restoreFileOrDir(repoRoot, dirPath, filename, restoreDate, useZip): """ returns a file path to the file. User is responsible for deleting file, as well as containing dir, after use. """ filePath = joinPaths(dirPath, filename) filePath = rdiffQuotedPath(repoRoot).getQuotedPath(filePath) checkRepoPath(repoRoot, filePath) restoredFilename = filename if restoredFilename == "/": restoredFilename = "(root)" fileToRestore = joinPaths(repoRoot, dirPath, filename) dateString = str(restoreDate.getSeconds()) rdiffOutputFile = joinPaths(tempfile.mkdtemp(), restoredFilename) # TODO: make so this includes the username results = rdw_helpers.execute("rdiff-backup", "--restore-as-of="+dateString, fileToRestore, rdiffOutputFile) if results['exitCode'] != 0 or not os.access(rdiffOutputFile, os.F_OK): error = results['stderr'] if not error: error = 'rdiff-backup claimed success, but did not restore anything. This indicates a bug in rdiffWeb. Please report this to a developer.' raise UnknownError('Unable to restore! rdiff-backup output:\n'+error) if os.path.isdir(rdiffOutputFile): if useZip: rdw_helpers.recursiveZipDir(rdiffOutputFile, rdiffOutputFile+".zip") rdw_helpers.removeDir(rdiffOutputFile) rdiffOutputFile = rdiffOutputFile+".zip" else: rdw_helpers.recursiveTarDir(rdiffOutputFile, rdiffOutputFile+".tar.gz") rdw_helpers.removeDir(rdiffOutputFile) rdiffOutputFile = rdiffOutputFile+".tar.gz" return rdiffOutputFile
def restoreFileOrDir(repoRoot, dirPath, filename, restoreDate, useZip): """This function is used to restore a directory tree or a file from the given respository. Users may specified the restore date and the archive format.""" # Format the specified file name / repository path for validation filePath = joinPaths(dirPath, filename) filePath = RdiffQuotedPath(repoRoot).getQuotedPath(filePath) checkRepoPath(repoRoot, filePath) restoredFilename = filename if restoredFilename == "/": restoredFilename = "(root)" fileToRestore = joinPaths(repoRoot, dirPath, filename) dateString = str(restoreDate.getSeconds()) rdiffOutputFile = joinPaths( tempfile.mkdtemp(), restoredFilename) # TODO: make so this includes the username # Use rdiff-backup executable to restore the data into a specified location results = rdw_helpers.execute("rdiff-backup", "--restore-as-of=" + dateString, fileToRestore, rdiffOutputFile) # Check the result if results['exitCode'] != 0 or not os.access(rdiffOutputFile, os.F_OK): error = results['stderr'] if not error: error = 'rdiff-backup claimed success, but did not restore anything. This indicates a bug in rdiffWeb. Please report this to a developer.' raise UnknownError('Unable to restore! rdiff-backup output:\n' + error) # The path restored is a directory and need to be archived using zip or tar if os.path.isdir(rdiffOutputFile): rdiffOutputDirectory = rdiffOutputFile try: if useZip: rdiffOutputFile = rdiffOutputFile + ZIP_SUFFIX _recursiveZipDir(rdiffOutputDirectory, rdiffOutputFile) else: rdiffOutputFile = rdiffOutputFile + TARGZ_SUFFIX _recursiveTarDir(rdiffOutputDirectory, rdiffOutputFile) finally: rdw_helpers.removeDir(rdiffOutputDirectory) return rdiffOutputFile
def restoreFileOrDir(repoRoot, dirPath, filename, restoreDate, useZip): """This function is used to restore a directory tree or a file from the given respository. Users may specified the restore date and the archive format.""" # Format the specified file name / repository path for validation dirPath = dirPath.encode('utf-8') filename = filename.encode('utf-8') filePath = joinPaths(dirPath, filename) filePath = RdiffQuotedPath(repoRoot).getQuotedPath(filePath) checkRepoPath(repoRoot, filePath) restoredFilename = filename if restoredFilename == "/": restoredFilename = "(root)" fileToRestore = joinPaths(repoRoot, dirPath, filename) dateString = str(restoreDate.getSeconds()) rdiffOutputFile = joinPaths(tempfile.mkdtemp(), restoredFilename) # TODO: make so this includes the username # Use rdiff-backup executable to restore the data into a specified location results = rdw_helpers.execute("rdiff-backup", "--restore-as-of=" + dateString, fileToRestore, rdiffOutputFile) # Check the result if results['exitCode'] != 0 or not os.access(rdiffOutputFile, os.F_OK): error = results['stderr'] if not error: error = 'rdiff-backup claimed success, but did not restore anything. This indicates a bug in rdiffWeb. Please report this to a developer.' raise UnknownError('Unable to restore! rdiff-backup output:\n' + error) # The path restored is a directory and need to be archived using zip or tar if os.path.isdir(rdiffOutputFile): rdiffOutputDirectory = rdiffOutputFile try: if useZip: rdiffOutputFile = rdiffOutputFile + ZIP_SUFFIX _recursiveZipDir(rdiffOutputDirectory, rdiffOutputFile) else: rdiffOutputFile = rdiffOutputFile + TARGZ_SUFFIX _recursiveTarDir(rdiffOutputDirectory, rdiffOutputFile) finally: rdw_helpers.removeDir(rdiffOutputDirectory) return rdiffOutputFile
def restoreFileOrDir(repoRoot, dirPath, filename, restoreDate): """ returns a file path to the file. User is responsible for deleting file, as well as containing dir, after use. """ checkRepoPath(repoRoot, joinPaths(dirPath, filename)) restoredFilename = filename if restoredFilename == "/": restoredFilename = "(root)" fileToRestore = joinPaths(repoRoot, dirPath, filename) dateString = str(restoreDate.getSeconds()) rdiffOutputFile = joinPaths(tempfile.mkdtemp(), restoredFilename) # TODO: make so this includes the username args = [ "rdiff-backup", "--restore-as-of="+dateString, fileToRestore, rdiffOutputFile ] os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, args[0], args) if not os.access(rdiffOutputFile, os.F_OK): raise UnknownError() if os.path.isdir(rdiffOutputFile): rdw_helpers.recursiveZipDir(rdiffOutputFile, rdiffOutputFile+".zip") rdw_helpers.removeDir(rdiffOutputFile) rdiffOutputFile = rdiffOutputFile+".zip" return rdiffOutputFile
def tearDown(self): if (os.access(self.destRoot, os.F_OK)): removeDir(self.destRoot)
def tearDown(self): if (os.access(self.destRoot, os.F_OK)): rdw_helpers.removeDir(self.destRoot)
def __del__(self): rdw_helpers.removeDir(self.dirPath)
def cleanRestoredFile(self, filePath): (containingFolder, file) = os.path.split(filePath) removeDir(containingFolder)
def tearDown(self): # Remove sandbox dirs for sandboxDir in [self.sourceDir, self.destDir, self.restoreDir]: if (os.access(sandboxDir, os.F_OK)): removeDir(sandboxDir)
class rdiffLocationsPage(page_main.rdiffPage): ''' Shows the locations page. Will show all available destination backup directories. This is the root (/) page ''' def index(self, **kwargs): # Handle repository deletion if cherrypy.request.method == "POST" and 'repo' in cherrypy.request.params: # Delete the repository return self._handle_deletion(cherrypy.request.params['repo']) return self._generate_page() = True def getParmsForPage(self, root, repos, allowRepoDeletion=False, message='', error=''): repoList = [] for userRepo in repos: try: repoHistory = librdiff.getLastBackupHistoryEntry( rdw_helpers.joinPaths(root, userRepo)) except librdiff.FileError: repoSize = "0" repoDate = "Error" repoList.append({ "repoName": userRepo, "repoSize": repoSize, "repoDate": repoDate, "repoBrowseUrl": self.buildBrowseUrl(userRepo, "/", False), "repoHistoryUrl": self.buildHistoryUrl(userRepo), 'failed': True }) else: repoSize = rdw_helpers.formatFileSizeStr(repoHistory.size) if repoHistory.inProgress: repoSize = "In Progress" repoDate = repoList.append({ "repoName": userRepo, "repoSize": repoSize, "repoDate": repoDate, "repoBrowseUrl": self.buildBrowseUrl(userRepo, "/", False), "repoHistoryUrl": self.buildHistoryUrl(userRepo), 'failed': False }) self._sortLocations(repoList) # Make second pass through list, setting the 'altRow' attribute for i in range(0, len(repoList)): repoList[i]['altRow'] = (i % 2 == 0) # Calculate disk usage diskUsage = '' diskUsageCommand = rdw_config.getConfigSetting('diskUsageCommand') if diskUsageCommand: diskUsage = subprocess.Popen( [ diskUsageCommand, self.getUsername(), self.getUserDB().getUserRoot(self.getUsername()) ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] try: diskUsageNum = int(diskUsage) except: pass else: diskUsage = rdw_helpers.formatFileSizeStr(diskUsageNum) # Allow repository deletion? return { "title": "browse", "repos": repoList, "diskUsage": diskUsage, "allowRepoDeletion": allowRepoDeletion, "message": message, "error": error } def _handle_deletion(self, repo): try: self.validateUserPath(repo) except rdw_helpers.accessDeniedError, error: return self._generate_page(error=str(error)) if not repo in self.getUserDB().getUserRepoPaths(self.getUsername()): return self._generate_page(error="Access is denied.") if not self.getUserDB().allowRepoDeletion(self.getUsername()): return self._generate_page( error="Deleting backups is not allowed.") fullPath = rdw_helpers.joinPaths( self.getUserDB().getUserRoot(self.getUsername()), repo) rdw_helpers.removeDir(fullPath) repos = self.getUserDB().getUserRepoPaths(self.getUsername()) repos.remove(repo) self.getUserDB().setUserRepos(self.getUsername(), repos) return self._generate_page( message="The backup location \"%s\" was successfully deleted." % repo)