def swizzleUrl(self, url, includeToken=False): m = re.Search("^\w+:\/\/.+?(\/.+)", url) newUrl = m and or None return self.buildUrl(newUrl or url, includeToken)
def discover(self, lowball=1, debug=None, length=30, IdentSyncWord=False, ISWsensitivity=4, ISWminpreamble=2, SyncWordMatchList=None, Search=None, RegExpSearch=None): ''' discover() sets lowball mode to the mode requested (length too), and begins to dump packets to the screen. press <enter> to quit, and your radio config will be set back to its original configuration. lowball - lowball level of choosing (see help on lowball) debug - sets _debug to this setting if not None. length - arbitrary length of bytes we want to see per pseudopacket. (should be enough to identify interesting packets, but not too long) IdentSyncWord - look for preamble in each packet and determine possible sync-words in use SyncWordMatchList - attempt to find *these* sync words (provide a list) Search - byte string to search through each received packet for (real bytes, not hex repr) RegExpSearch - regular expression to search through received bytes (not the hex repr that is printed) if IdentSyncWord == True (or SyncWordMatchList != None), returns a dict of unique possible SyncWords identified along with the number of times seen. ''' retval = {} oldebug = self._debug if SyncWordMatchList != None: IdentSyncWord = True if IdentSyncWord: if lowball <= 1: print "Entering Discover mode and searching for possible SyncWords..." if SyncWordMatchList != None: print " seeking one of: %s" % repr( [hex(x) for x in SyncWordMatchList]) else: print "-- lowball too high -- ignoring request to IdentSyncWord" print "Entering Discover mode..." IdentSyncWord = False self.lowball(level=lowball, length=length) if debug is not None: self._debug = debug if Search is not None: print "Search:", repr(Search) if RegExpSearch is not None: print "RegExpSearch:", repr(RegExpSearch) print "(press Enter to quit)" while not keystop(): try: y, t = self.RFrecv() yhex = y.encode('hex') print "(%5.3f) Received: %s" % (t, yhex) if RegExpSearch is not None: ynext = y for loop in range(8): if (re.Search(RegExpSearch, ynext) is not None): print " REG EXP SEARCH SUCCESS:", RegExpSearch ynext = bits.shiftString(ynext, 1) if Search is not None: ynext = y for loop in range(8): if (Search in ynext): print " SEARCH SUCCESS:", Search ynext = bits.shiftString(ynext, 1) if IdentSyncWord: #if lowball == 1: # y = '\xaa\xaa' + y poss = bits.findSyncWord(y, ISWsensitivity, ISWminpreamble) if len(poss): print " possible Sync Dwords: %s" % repr( [hex(x) for x in poss]) for dw in poss: lst = retval.get(dw, 0) lst += 1 retval[dw] = lst if SyncWordMatchList is not None: for x in poss: if x in SyncWordMatchList: print "MATCH WITH KNOWN SYNC WORD:" + hex(x) except ChipconUsbTimeoutException: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Please press <enter> to stop" self._debug = oldebug self.lowballRestore() print "Exiting Discover mode..." if len(retval) == 0: return printSyncWords(retval) return retval