def showStatus(self, message: str, x: bool = False):
		res = regexCompile(r"\bsuccessfull\b")
		if x is True:
				QMessageBox.information(self, res.findall(message)[0].capitalize(), message)
			except IndexError:
				QMessageBox.information(self, "Unsuccessfull", message)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, version: str):

        self.logger: Logger = getLogger(__name__)

        self._re = regexCompile('^'
                                '(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)'     # minor, major, patch
                                '(-[0-9A-Za-z-\.]+)?'     # pre-release
                                '(\+[0-9A-Za-z-\.]+)?'    # build

        match: regexMatch = self._re.match(version)
        if match is None:
            raise SemanticVersionError(f'Invalid Version: `{version}`')

        mGroups: Sequence[str] = match.groups()

        self.major: int = int(mGroups[0])
        self.minor: int = int(mGroups[1])
        self.patch: int = int(mGroups[2])

        self.preRelease: List[Union[int, str]] = self._makeGroup(      List[Union[int, str]] = self._makeGroup(
        depsdDir = join(projectRoot(view), 'deps.d')
        if not isdir(depsdDir):
            self._changeDir(items[0], view)
        for f in listdir(depsdDir):
        if len(items) == 1:
            self._changeDir(items[0], view)
        self.window.show_quick_panel(items, lambda x: self._changeDir(items[x], view) if x != -1 else None)

    def _changeDir(self, name, view):
        rootDir = projectRoot(view)
        if name == basename(rootDir):
            directory = rootDir
            directory = join(rootDir, 'deps.d', name)
        view.run_command('remote_git_set_root_dir', args=dict(rootDir=directory))

class ReplaceViewContent(TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit, content, **arguments):
        name = arguments.get('name', VIEW_PREFIX)
        replaceView(self.view, edit, content, name=name)

p = regexCompile('([A-Z])')
class RemoteGitBack(TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        command, args = lastCommand(2)
        command = p.sub(r'_\1', command)[1:].lower()
        self.view.run_command(command, args=args)

from twisted.trial.unittest import SynchronousTestCase as _SynchronousTestCase

from .._repository import InvalidRepositoryNameError, Repository

# FIXME: Not publicly available from hypothesis
DataStrategy = Any

__all__ = ()

componentRegexText = "[a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*"
componentRegex = regexCompile(f"^{componentRegexText}$")

repositoryNameRegexText = f"{componentRegexText}(?:/{componentRegexText})*"
repositoryNameRegex = regexCompile(f"^{repositoryNameRegexText}$")

# Strategies

def componentText(
    min_size: int = 1, max_size: Optional[int] = None
) -> SearchStrategy:  # str
    Strategy that generates repository name path components without separators.
Beispiel #5
A USACO start script that retrieves the next training pages practice problem.
Copyright (c)2016 Clive Chan
MIT License

from common import *
from re import compile as regexCompile

mainpage = loginToMainPage()
name = getName()
fullname = getFull()

probpage = newBrowser().get("""a")[6]['href'])
sampleinput = probpage.soup.find(text=regexCompile("SAMPLE INPUT")).findNext("pre").contents[0].strip()
sampleoutput = probpage.soup.find(text=regexCompile("SAMPLE OUTPUT")).findNext("pre").contents[0].strip()

# their html is disturbingly bad
problemstatement = probpage.soup.decode_contents(formatter="html")
problemstatement = html2text(problemstatement) # [0:problemstatement.find("<form action=\"/upload3\"")]

startcode = """/*
ID: """+username+"""
PROG: """+name+"""
LANG: C++11
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>