Beispiel #1
def Recog_Data(filename):
    #  filename: string
    raw_data = readfile.loadfile(filename)
    data = Calfoot.Cal_foot(raw_data)
    p1, p2 = [], []
    for i in range(len(data['Position_r'])):
        p1.append(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(data['Position_r'][i, :]))))
        p2.append(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(data['Position_l'][i, :]))))

    i = 0
    while p1[i] == 0 and p2[i] == 0:
        i = i + 1

    j = len(p1) - 1
    last_p1, last_p2 = p1[-1], p2[-1]
    while abs(p1[j] - last_p1) < 0.01 and abs(p2[j] - last_p2) < 0.01:
        j = j - 1

    Angle = Calangle.Cal_angle(1, raw_data)[i:j, :]
    # Length of the sequence
    seq_len = 25
    data_temp = []
    for index in range(len(Angle) - seq_len + 1):
        data_temp.append(Angle[index:index + seq_len, :])

    data_temp = np.array(data_temp)
    data = {}
    data['x_action'] = data_temp

    return data
Beispiel #2
def Detect_phase(filename):
    # filename: string
    raw_data = readfile.loadfile(filename)
    Angle = Calangle.Cal_angle(1, raw_data)
    Foot = Calfoot.Cal_foot(raw_data)

    #  Determine when the person is walking
    p1, p2 = [], []
    for i in range(len(Foot['Position_r'])):
        p1.append(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(Foot['Position_r'][i, :]))))
        p2.append(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(Foot['Position_l'][i, :]))))

    i = 0
    while p1[i] == 0 and p2[i] == 0:
        i = i + 1

    j = len(p1) - 1
    last_p1, last_p2 = p1[-1], p2[-1]
    while abs(p1[j] - last_p1) < 0.01 and abs(p2[j] - last_p2) < 0.01:
        j = j - 1

    data = np.zeros([i]).tolist()
    temp = np.zeros([len(Foot['Position_r']) - j]).tolist()
    detect_data = phase_detect(Angle[i:j, :])

    data = data + detect_data + temp

    return data
Beispiel #3
def Process_data(filename):
    # filename string
    raw_data = readfile.loadfile(filename)

    data = Calfoot.Cal_foot(raw_data)
    p1, p2 = [], []
    for i in range(len(data['Position_r'])):
        p1.append(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(data['Position_r'][i, :]))))
        p2.append(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(data['Position_l'][i, :]))))

    i = 0
    while p1[i] == 0 and p2[i] == 0:
        i = i + 1

    j = len(p1) - 1
    last_p1, last_p2 = p1[-1], p2[-1]
    while abs(p1[j] - last_p1) < 0.01 and abs(p2[j] - last_p2) < 0.01:
        j = j - 1

    Angle = Calangle.Cal_angle(1, raw_data)[i:j, :]

    temp = np.zeros([Angle.shape[0], 1])
    if filename[0:3] == 'zou':
        temp = np.append(temp + 1, np.zeros([Angle.shape[0], 3]), 1)
    elif filename[0:3] == 'lou':
        temp = np.append(temp, temp + 1, 1)
        temp = np.append(temp, np.zeros([Angle.shape[0], 2]), 1)
    elif filename[0:3] == 'zuo':
        temp = np.append(np.zeros([Angle.shape[0], 2]), temp + 1, 1)
        temp = np.append(temp, np.zeros([Angle.shape[0], 1]), 1)
    elif filename[0:3] == 'you':
        temp = np.append(np.zeros([Angle.shape[0], 3]), temp + 1, 1)
    Angle = np.append(Angle, temp, 1)
    # Length of the sequence
    seq_len = 25
    data_temp = []
    for index in range(len(Angle) - seq_len + 1):
        data_temp.append(Angle[index:index + seq_len, :])

    data = np.array(data_temp)

    return data
Beispiel #4
import Calangle  # Calculate the angle of each joint
import Calfoot   # Calculate the state and the position of each foot
import CorrectData  # Pre-process the data for correcting
import Correct  # Correct the Knee angle
import TrainCorrect  # Train the model
import readfile  # Read the raw file and return a list(N * 9)
import h5py

filename = 'zou4.TXT'
raw_data = readfile.loadfile(filename)
# raw_data is a list(N * 9)
Angle = Calangle.Cal_angle(1, raw_data)
# Angle is a list((N/7) * 14)
Foot = Calfoot.Cal_foot(raw_data)
# Foot is a dictionary, the keys are 'Stationary_r', 'Position_l', 'Position_r', 'Stationary_l'
# which mean whether the foot is on the field and what the position of each foot is

modelname = ''
Data_for_Cor = CorrectData.Correct_Data(raw_data)
# Data for Correcting the Knee joint
Data_for_Tra = CorrectData.Train_Correct_Data(raw_data)
# Data for Training the model
TrainCorrect.Train_model(Data_for_Tra, modelname)
# Train or update the model and save it
# The previous one is saved 'modelname_old'

Corrected_Data = Correct.Correct(Data_for_Cor, modelname)
# Return the corrected angle data, which has the same size with Angle
Beispiel #5
thigh_l_len = thigh_r_len = Upper_leg_length
crus_l_len = crus_r_len = Lower_leg_length
foot_l_len = foot_r_len = foot_size
hipjoint_len = width

bodydata = {
    str(thigh_l_len): thigh_l_len,
    str(thigh_r_len): thigh_r_len,
    str(crus_l_len): crus_l_len,
    str(crus_r_len): crus_r_len,
    str(foot_l_len): foot_l_len,
    str(foot_r_len): foot_r_len,
    str(hipjoint_len): hipjoint_len

data = readfile.loadfile('zou41.txt')
data = np.array(data)
acc = np.delete(data, [4, 5, 6, 7], 1)
acc = acc.tolist()
qu = np.delete(data, [1, 2, 3], 1)
qu = qu.tolist()
postdata = {
    'name': 'test',
    'gather_time': '2018-5-22T21:00',
    'device_id': '1',
    'exercise_id': '7',
    'acceleration': str(acc),
    'quaternians': str(qu),
    'myoelectricity': ''
re = PostData.postfile(url, header, 'firsthand', postdata)