""" Run tests """ for mod in [('flask.ext.testing', 'Flask-Testing'), ('nose', 'nose'), ('blinker', 'blinker')]: if not module_exists(mod[0]): pip.main(['install', mod[1]]) nosetests = get_prefix() + "/bin/nosetests" if in_virtualenv() else "nosetests" call([nosetests, 'realms']) @cli.command() def version(): """ Output version """ green(__version__) @cli.command(add_help_option=False) def deploy(): """ Deploy to PyPI and docker hub """ call("python setup.py sdist upload", shell=True) call("sudo docker build --no-cache -t realms/realms-wiki %s/docker" % app.config['APP_PATH'], shell=True) id_ = json.loads(Popen("sudo docker inspect realms/realms-wiki".split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0])[0]['Id'] call("sudo docker tag %s realms/realms-wiki:%s" % (id_, __version__), shell=True) call("sudo docker push realms/realms-wiki", shell=True) if __name__ == '__main__': cli()
) else "nosetests" call([nosetests, 'realms']) @cli.command() def version(): """ Output version """ green(__version__) @cli.command(add_help_option=False) def deploy(): """ Deploy to PyPI and docker hub """ call("python setup.py sdist upload", shell=True) call("sudo docker build --no-cache -t realms/realms-wiki %s/docker" % app.config['APP_PATH'], shell=True) id_ = json.loads( Popen("sudo docker inspect realms/realms-wiki".split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0])[0]['Id'] call("sudo docker tag %s realms/realms-wiki:%s" % (id_, __version__), shell=True) call("sudo docker push realms/realms-wiki", shell=True) if __name__ == '__main__': cli()