Beispiel #1
def f520(m: OsuMap):

    bpms = SvSequence([(b, 1000000) for b in buzzes[::2]]).writeAsBpm(OsuBpm)
    bpms.extend(SvSequence([(b, REF_BPM * 0.75)
                            for b0, b1 in zip(buzzes[::2], buzzes[1::2])
                            for b in np.arange(b0 + 1, b1, 2)]).writeAsBpm(OsuBpm, metronome=999))

Beispiel #2
    def test(self):
        # Rescale Test
        seq = SvSequence([0, 1, 2])
        seq.rescale(0, 1000, inplace=True)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[0].offset, 0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[1].offset, 500)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[2].offset, 1000)
Beispiel #3
    def copyTo(seq: SvSequence, offsets: List[float]) -> SvPkg:
        """ Copies self to specified offsets

        :param seq: The SvSequence To Copy
        :param offsets: Offsets in float
        :return: Returns a List of SvSequences, flatten-able by SvSequence.combine()
        return SvPkg([
            seq.deepcopy().addOffset(offset - seq.firstOffset())
            for offset in offsets
Beispiel #4
    def testSv(self):
        # Complex BPM Points
        osu = OsuMap.readFile(OSU_CARAVAN)

        seq = SvSequence()

        for sv, sv0 in zip(seq.writeAsSv(OsuSv, volume=0)[:50], osu.svs):
            assert isinstance(sv, OsuSv)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(sv0.multiplier, sv.multiplier)
            self.assertEqual(0, sv.volume)
Beispiel #5
    def testTrueSv(self):
        # Complex BPM Points
        osu = OsuMap.readFile(OSU_CARAVAN)

        seq = SvSequence()
        seq.readTrueSvFromMap(osu, 140)

        # Just need to check the first 50, others should be ok.
        for sv in seq.writeAsSv(OsuSv, volume=0)[:50]:
            assert isinstance(sv, OsuSv)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(1, sv.multiplier, delta=0.01)
            self.assertEqual(0, sv.volume)
Beispiel #6
    def test(self):

        t = SvPkg([SvSequence([SvObj(0, 1.0), SvObj(100, 2.0)]),
                   SvSequence([SvObj(100, 3.0), SvObj(200, 4.0)]),
                   SvSequence([SvObj(150, 5.0), SvObj(300, 6.0)])])\
            .combine(combineMethod=SvPkg.CombineMethod.DROP_BY_POINT, combineMethodWindow=1)

        self.assertEqual(len(t), 5)

        t.appendInit([(0, 1.0), SvObj(100, 2.0), (1000, 2.0, True), 1000])

        self.assertEqual(len(t), 9)
Beispiel #7
 def testMixed(self):
     # Quick Init Mixed
     seq = SvSequence([
         100, (200, 2.0, True), (400, 3.0),
         SvObj(offset=800, multiplier=5.0, fixed=True)
     self.assertEqual(len(seq), 4)
Beispiel #8
    def fit(seq: SvSequence, offsets: List[float]) -> SvPkg:
        """ Repeats the Sequence such that it repeats from offset to offset, scaled correctly. Always sorts offsets


            Input Sequence
            OFFSETS 100 150 200
            SEQ     1.5 0.5 1.0

            Input Offsets
            OFFSETS 100 200 300     500     700

            SEQ 1        SEQ 2        SEQ 3        SEQ 4
            100    1.5 | 200    1.5 | 300    1.5 | 500    1.5 |
            150    0.5 | 250    0.5 | 400    0.5 | 600    0.5 |
            200    1.0 | 300    1.0 | 500    1.0 | 700    1.0 |

        :param seq: The sequence to fit
        :param offsets: The offsets to fit to.
        offsets_ = sorted(offsets)
        seqs = []
        for firstOffset, lastOffset in zip(offsets_[:-1], offsets_[1:]):

        return SvPkg(seqs)
Beispiel #9
 def testCopy(self):
     # Test Copy
     seq = SvSequence([SvObj(0, 1.0), SvObj(100, 2.0)])
     seqCopy = SvPkg.copyTo(seq=seq, offsets=[
         100, 200, 300
     self.assertEqual(len(seqCopy), 4)
Beispiel #10
    def testFit(self):
        # Test Fitting
        seq = SvSequence([SvObj(0, 0.5), SvObj(50, 1.5), SvObj(100, 1.0)])
        seq =, [0, 100, 200, 400, 600]).combine(

        self.assertEqual(len(seq), 9)
Beispiel #11
    def combine(self,
                combineMethod: CombineMethod = CombineMethod.IGNORE,
                combineMethodWindow: float = 1.0,
                combinePriorityLast: bool = True) -> SvSequence:
        """ Combines multiple sequences together

        Can specify to keep earliest SV if overlapping.

        :param combineMethod: The method to use to combine. See SvSequence.CombineMethod
        :param combineMethodWindow: The millisecond window to check if offsets are of the same offset. Can be 0 for\
            exact comparison
        :param combinePriorityLast: If True, this means that the later SVs will overlap the earlier ones. Recommended\
            for current API
        :return: Returns a stable sorted combine

        if combineMethod == self.CombineMethod.IGNORE:
            return SvSequence([x for y in self
                               for x in y]).sorted(inplace=False)
        elif combineMethod == self.CombineMethod.DROP_BY_POINT:
            newSeq = SvSequence([x for y in self
                                 for x in y]).sorted(inplace=False)
            if combinePriorityLast: newSeq.reverse()
            # We loop through the list, if the next offset is similar to current, we delete the next one
            # else we move to the next element
            i = 0
            while i < len(newSeq) - 1:
                if newSeq[i + 1].offset - combineMethodWindow <= newSeq[i].offset <= \
                        newSeq[i + 1].offset + combineMethodWindow:
                    del newSeq[i + 1]
                    i += 1

            return newSeq.sorted() if combinePriorityLast else newSeq
        else:  # Combine Method == DROP_BY_BOUND
            newSeq = self[0].sorted()
            if combinePriorityLast: newSeq.reverse()
            seqEnd = newSeq.lastOffset()
            for seq in self[1:]:
                addSeq = seq.after(offset=seqEnd,
                newSeq += addSeq
                seqEnd = addSeq.lastOffset()
            return newSeq.sorted() if combinePriorityLast else newSeq
Beispiel #12
    def test(self):
        # Test Cross
        seq = SvSequence(
            [SvObj(0, 0.5),
             SvObj(100, 2.0),
             SvObj(200, 3.0),
             SvObj(400, 2.0)])
        seq2 = SvSequence([
            SvObj(50, 0.1),
            SvObj(100, 10.0),
            SvObj(250, 5.0),
            SvObj(500, 0.3)
        seq.crossWith(seq2, inplace=True)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[0].multiplier, 0.5)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[1].multiplier, 20.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[2].multiplier, 30.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[3].multiplier, 10.0)
Beispiel #13
def f559(m: OsuMap):
    pkg = SvPkg([])

    for off0, off1 in zip(offsets[:-1], offsets[1:]):
        diff = off1 - off0
            SvSequence([(off0, diff * REF_BPM * 1.1), (off0 + 1, MIN_BPM),
                        (off1, REF_BPM)]))

Beispiel #14
    def test2(self):
        # Test Mutual Cross
        seq1 = SvSequence(
            [SvObj(0, 0.5),
             SvObj(100, 2.0),
             SvObj(200, 3.0),
             SvObj(400, 2.0)])
        seq2 = SvSequence([
            SvObj(50, 0.1),
            SvObj(100, 10.0),
            SvObj(250, 5.0),
            SvObj(500, 0.2)
        seq = SvPkg.crossMutualWith(seq1, seq2).combine(

        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[0].multiplier, 0.5)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[1].multiplier, 0.05)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[2].multiplier, 20.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[3].multiplier, 30.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[4].multiplier, 15.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[5].multiplier, 10.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[6].multiplier, 0.4)
Beispiel #15
    def test(self):

        t = SvPkg([SvSequence([SvObj(0, 1.0), SvObj(100, 2.0)]),
                   SvSequence([SvObj(100, 3.0), SvObj(200, 4.0)]),
                   SvSequence([SvObj(150, 5.0), SvObj(300, 6.0)])])\
            .combine(combineMethod=SvPkg.CombineMethod.DROP_BY_POINT, combineMethodWindow=1)

        self.assertEqual(len(t), 5)

        t = SvPkg([SvSequence([SvObj(0, 1.0), SvObj(100, 2.0)]),
                   SvSequence([SvObj(100, 3.0), SvObj(200, 4.0)]),
                   SvSequence([SvObj(150, 5.0), SvObj(300, 6.0)])])\
            .combine(combineMethod=SvPkg.CombineMethod.DROP_BY_BOUND, combineMethodWindow=1)

        self.assertEqual(len(t), 4)

        t = SvPkg([SvSequence([SvObj(0, 1.0), SvObj(100, 2.0)]),
                   SvSequence([SvObj(100, 3.0), SvObj(200, 4.0)]),
                   SvSequence([SvObj(150, 5.0), SvObj(300, 6.0)])])\
            .combine(combineMethod=SvPkg.CombineMethod.IGNORE, combineMethodWindow=1)

        self.assertEqual(len(t), 6)
Beispiel #16
def svFuncSequencer(funcs: List[Union[float, Callable[[float], float], None]],
                    offsets: Union[List[float], float, None] = None,
                    repeats: int = 1,
                    repeatGap: float = 0,
                    startX: float = 0,
                    endX: float = 1):
    """ Sets up a sequence using functions.

    :param funcs: Funcs to generate values. \
        If List, values will be used directly. \
        If Callable, values will be called with the X. \
        If None, this will leave a gap in the sequence.
    :param offsets: Offsets to use on functions. \
        If List, offsets will be used to map the funcs. \
        If Float, all funcs are assumed to be separated by {float} ms. Starting from 0. \
        If None, all funcs are assumed to be separated by 1 ms. Starting from 0.
    :param repeats: The amount of repeats. This affects the increment of the X argument passed to the Callables. \
        If 0, only endX will be used.
    :param repeatGap: The gap between the repeats.
    :param startX: The starting X.
    :param endX: The ending X.

    length = len(funcs)

    if offsets is None:
        offsets = list(range(0, length))
        # We use [:length] because sometimes arange will create too many for some reason (?)
    elif isinstance(offsets, (float, int)):
        offsets = list(arange(0, length * offsets, offsets))[:length]

    assert length == len(offsets)

    seq = SvSequence()

    for i, (offset, func) in enumerate(zip(offsets, funcs)):
        if isinstance(func, Callable): seq.appendInit([(offset, 0)])
        elif isinstance(func, (float, int)): seq.appendInit([(offset, func)])
        elif func is None: pass

    pkg = SvPkg.repeat(seq=seq, times=repeats, gap=repeatGap)

    nones = 0
    for funcI, func in enumerate(funcs):
        if func is None: nones += 1
        if isinstance(func, Callable):
            pkg.applyNth(func, funcI - nones, startX, endX)

    return pkg
Beispiel #17
    def repeat(seq: SvSequence, times: int, gap: float = 0) -> SvPkg:
        """ Repeats the Sequence by copying the the sequence to the end.

        Always includes current sequence.


            <---> repeated 3 times.


        :param seq: The SvSequence To Repeat
        :param times: Number of times to repeat
        :param gap: The gap between each repeat
        first, last = seq.firstLastOffset()
        duration = last - first
        return SvPkg.copyTo(
            offsets=[first + (duration + gap) * i for i in range(times)])
Beispiel #18
def svOsuMeasureLineA(firstOffset: float,
                      lastOffset: float,
                      funcs: List[Callable[[float], float]],
                      referenceBpm: float,
                      endBpm: float or None,
                      paddingSize: int = 10,
                      teleportBpm: float = 1e07,
                      stopBpm: float = 1e-05,
                      fillBpm: float or None = 1e-05,
                      startX: float = 0,
                      endX: float = 1) -> SvPkg:
    """ Generates Measure Line movement for osu! maps. Version 1.

    This is a beta function for svOsuMeasureLine, it may or may not work as expected.

    This handles multi functions a little bit better by stacking them in a single frame instead of flickering through

    Could be used for other VSRGs but if they support negative Scroll then it could be much easier.



    :param firstOffset: The first Offset to start the function (x = startX)
    :param lastOffset: The last Offset to end the function (x = endX)
    :param funcs: The functions to use. startX <= x <= endX will be called, expecting a BPM as an output. \
        The more functions you have, the "laggier" it will be.
    :param referenceBpm: The bpm that is used to zero. Found by looking at BPM:XXX-XXX(Reference Bpm) in song select.
    :param paddingSize: The size of the padding, the larger the value, the lower the FPS
    :param teleportBpm: The bpm value for teleporting Bpms.
    :param stopBpm: The bpm value for stop Bpms. Cannot be 0.
    :param fillBpm: The bpm to use to fill such that the sequence ends on lastOffset. None for no fill.
    :param endBpm: The bpm to end the sequence with.
    :param startX: The starting X to use
    :param endX: The ending X to use

    # Optimized value to make sure that 1.0 in input means at the top of the screen.
    # Not accurate for all scrolls and different hit positions.
    SCALING_FACTOR = 9311250 / referenceBpm

    # Append a y = 0 to get diff on first func
    funcs = [lambda x: 0, *funcs]
    funcDiff = []

    for funcI in range(
            len(funcs) -
            1):  # -1 due to the appended y = 0, -1 due to custom last func

        def f(x, i=funcI):
            sort = sorted([g(x) * SCALING_FACTOR for g in funcs])
            for s in range(len(sort)):
                sort[s] = max(0.0, sort[s])  # We eliminate all negative inputs

            out = [g2 - g1 for g1, g2 in zip(sort[:-1], sort[1:])][i]
            if out == 0: return FALLBACK_ZERO_BPM
            else: return out


    funcSeq = []
    funcSeq.extend([stopBpm, *[None for _ in range(paddingSize)], funcDiff[0]])
    for func in funcDiff[1:]:
        funcSeq.extend([None, func])
    funcSeq.extend([None, stopBpm, None, teleportBpm])

    msecPerFrame = len(funcSeq)

    duration = lastOffset - firstOffset
    frameCount = int(duration / msecPerFrame)

    pkg = svFuncSequencer(funcs=funcSeq,

    pkg = SvPkg(map(lambda x: x.addOffset(firstOffset), pkg))

    # Fill missing ending to fit to lastOffset
    if fillBpm is not None:
        seqLastOffset = firstOffset + frameCount * msecPerFrame
                (offset, fillBpm)
                for offset in range(int(seqLastOffset), int(lastOffset))

    if endBpm is not None:
        pkg.append(SvSequence([(lastOffset, endBpm)]))

    return pkg
Beispiel #19
 def testGeneric(self):
     seq = SvSequence([0, (500, 1.5, True), 1000])
     self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[0].multiplier, 0.5)
Beispiel #20
 def testBadMax(self):
     # Norm Test
     seq = SvSequence([0, (500, 0.5, True), 1000])
     self.assertRaises(AssertionError, seq.normalizeTo, inplace=True, maxAllowable=1.2)
Beispiel #21
 def testBadMin(self):
     seq = SvSequence([0, (500, 2.1, True), 1000])
     self.assertRaises(AssertionError, seq.normalizeTo, inplace=True, minAllowable=0)
Beispiel #22
 def testIgnoreFixed(self):
     seq = SvSequence([0, (500, 1.5, True), 1000])
     seq.normalizeTo(inplace=True, ignoreFixed=True)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[0].multiplier, 0.8)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[1].multiplier, 1.2)
Beispiel #23
 def testComplex(self):
     seq = SvSequence([0, (500, 1.5, True), (700, 0.75, True), (800, 1.5, False), 1000])
     self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[0].multiplier, 0.78125)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(seq[3].multiplier, 1.171875)
Beispiel #24
 def test(self):
     # Quick Init Mixed
     seq = SvSequence([100, 200, 60, 400])
     seq.rescale(300, 800, inplace=True)
Beispiel #25
 def crossMutualWith(this: SvSequence, other: SvSequence) -> SvPkg:
     """ Crosses with each other, returning 2 sequences that can be combined with SvPkg. """
     return SvPkg([
         this.crossWith(other=other, inplace=False),
         other.crossWith(other=this, inplace=False)