def process(self, element, *args, **kwargs):
        """Produces various recidivism metric combinations.

        Sends the calculator the StatePerson entity and their corresponding
        ReleaseEvents for mapping all recidivism combinations.

            element: Tuple containing a StatePerson and their ReleaseEvents
            **kwargs: This should be a dictionary with values for the
                following keys:
                    - age_bucket
                    - gender
                    - stay_length_bucket
                    - release_facility
                    - race
                    - ethnicity
            Each recidivism metric combination, tagged by metric type.
        person, release_events = element

        # Calculate recidivism metric combinations for this person and events
        metric_combinations = \
                                                   release_events, kwargs)

        # Return each of the recidivism metric combinations
        for metric_combination in metric_combinations:
            metric_key, value = metric_combination
            metric_type = metric_key.get('metric_type')

            # Converting the metric key to a JSON string so it is hashable
            serializable_dict = json_serializable_metric_key(metric_key)
            json_key = json.dumps(serializable_dict, sort_keys=True)

            if metric_type == MetricType.RATE:
                yield beam.pvalue.TaggedOutput('rates',
                                               (json_key, value))
            elif metric_type == MetricType.COUNT:
                yield beam.pvalue.TaggedOutput('counts',
                                               (json_key, value))
            elif metric_type == MetricType.LIBERTY:
                yield beam.pvalue.TaggedOutput('liberties',
                                               (json_key, value))
Beispiel #2
    def process(self, element, metric_inclusions):
        """Produces various recidivism metric combinations.

        Sends the calculator the StatePerson entity and their corresponding ReleaseEvents for mapping all recidivism

            element: Tuple containing a StatePerson and their ReleaseEvents
            metric_inclusions: A dictionary where the keys are each ReincarcerationRecidivismMetricType, and the values
                are boolean flags for whether or not to include that metric type in the calculations
            Each recidivism metric combination.
        person, release_events = element

        # Calculate recidivism metric combinations for this person and events
        metric_combinations = calculator.map_recidivism_combinations(person, release_events, metric_inclusions)

        # Return each of the recidivism metric combinations
        for metric_combination in metric_combinations:
            yield metric_combination