Beispiel #1
def test_badProfile():
    bx = recipeReader.bsmxStages(badMashProfile(), ctrlBsmxList())
    assert bx.getRecipeName() == "BadProfile"
    doc = bx.getDocTree()
    profileName = recipeReader.bsmxReadString(doc, "F_R_NAME")
    print profileName
    equipmentName = recipeReader.bsmxReadString(doc, "F_E_NAME")
    print equipmentName
    assert equipmentName == "Grain 2.5G, 5Gcooler, 4Gpot"
    assert bx.getEquipment() == "Grain 2.5G, 5Gcooler, 4Gpot"
    assert bx.getStages() == {}
    print myname(), "OK"
Beispiel #2
 def readBMXdoc(self, doc):
     cloudRecipes = doc.getElementsByTagName("Cloud")
     for recipe in cloudRecipes:
         name = recipeReader.bsmxReadString(recipe, "F_R_NAME")
         print "....reading ", name
         print recipe
         xmlstring = recipe.toxml()
         if self.session.query(Recipe).filter_by(name=name).first() is None:
             equipment = recipeReader.bsmxReadString(recipe, "F_E_NAME")
             r = Recipe(name=name,
     print "==== Recipelist read ===="
     self.fixednamelist = self.getNameList()
     print "========================="
Beispiel #3
def test_init_bsmxStages_string():
    bx = recipeReader.bsmxStages(simpleBsmx(), ctrlBsmxList())
    assert bx.getRecipeName() == "18 Rune Stone  IPA 2.5G"
    doc = bx.getDocTree()
    equipmentName = recipeReader.bsmxReadString(doc, "F_E_NAME")
    assert equipmentName == "Grain 2.5G, 5Gcooler, 4Gpot"
    assert bx.getEquipment() == "Grain 2.5G, 5Gcooler, 4Gpot"
    assert bx.getStages() == {}
    print myname(), "OK"
Beispiel #4
def test_init_bsmxStages_file():
    cp = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    print cp
    rp = cp + "/../../beersmith/18RuneStoneIPA.bsmx"
    print rp
    bx = recipeReader.bsmxStages(rp, ctrlBsmxList())
    assert bx.getRecipeName() == "18 Rune Stone  IPA 2.5G"
    doc = bx.getDocTree()
    equipmentName = recipeReader.bsmxReadString(doc, "F_E_NAME")
    assert equipmentName == "Grain 2.5G, 5Gcooler, 4Gpot"
    assert bx.getEquipment() == "Grain 2.5G, 5Gcooler, 4Gpot"
    #print bx.getStages()
    assert bx.getStages() != {}
    print myname(), "OK"
Beispiel #5
def test_testcold():
    cp = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    print cp
    rp = cp + "/../../beersmith/testcold.bsmx"
    print rp
    bx = recipeReader.bsmxStages(rp, ctrlBsmxList())
    assert bx.getRecipeName() == "testcold"
    doc = bx.getDocTree()
    equipmentName = recipeReader.bsmxReadString(doc, "F_E_NAME")
    print equipmentName
    assert equipmentName == "Grain 3G, 5Gcooler, 5Gpot"
    assert bx.getEquipment() == "Grain 3G, 5Gcooler, 5Gpot"
    #print bx.getStages()
    assert bx.getStages() != {}
    print myname(), "OK"
Beispiel #6
def test_testbatchsparge():
    cp = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    print cp
    rp = cp + "/../../beersmith/SilverDollarPorter.bsmx"
    print rp
    bx = recipeReader.bsmxStages(rp, ctrlBsmxList())
    print bx.getRecipeName()
    assert bx.getRecipeName() == "Silver Dollar Porter 2.5 gallons"
    doc = bx.getDocTree()
    equipmentName = recipeReader.bsmxReadString(doc, "F_E_NAME")
    print equipmentName
    assert equipmentName == "Pot and Cooler ( 5 Gal/19 L) - All Grain"
    assert bx.getEquipment() == "Pot and Cooler ( 5 Gal/19 L) - All Grain"
    #print bx.getStages()
    assert bx.getStages() != {}
    print myname(), "OK"