def get_info_by_id(t, ids):

    id_to_info = {}

    while len(ids) > 0:

        # Process 100 ids at a time...

        ids_str = ','.join([str(_id) for _id in ids[:100]])
        ids = ids[100:]

        response = make_twitter_request(t, 
                                      getattr(getattr(t, "users"), "lookup"),
        if response is None:

        if type(response) is dict:  # Handle Twitter API quirk
            response = [response]

        for user_info in response:
            id_to_info[user_info['id']] = user_info

        return id_to_info
def get_info_by_screen_name(t, screen_names):

    sn_to_info = {}

    while len(screen_names) > 0:

        # Process 100 ids at a time...

        screen_names_str = ','.join([str(sn) for sn in screen_names[:100]])
        screen_names = screen_names[100:]

        response = make_twitter_request(t, 
                                      getattr(getattr(t, "users"), "lookup"),
        if response is None:

        if type(response) is dict:  # Handle Twitter API quirk
            response = [response]

        for user_info in response:
            sn_to_info[user_info['screen_name']] = user_info

        return sn_to_info
Beispiel #3
    def get_all_followers_ids(user_id, limit):

        cursor = -1
        ids = []
        while cursor != 0:

            response = make_twitter_request(t,

            if response is not None:
                ids += response['ids']
                cursor = response['next_cursor']

            print >> sys.stderr, 'Fetched %i total ids for %s' % (len(ids),

            # Consider storing the ids to disk during each iteration to provide an
            # an additional layer of protection from exceptional circumstances

            if len(ids) >= limit or response is None:

        return ids
    def get_all_followers_ids(user_id, limit):

        cursor = -1
        ids = []
        while cursor != 0:

            response = make_twitter_request(t, t.followers.ids,
                                            user_id=user_id, cursor=cursor)

            if response is not None:
                ids += response['ids']
                cursor = response['next_cursor']

            print >> sys.stderr, 'Fetched %i total ids for %s' % (len(ids), user_id)

            # Consider storing the ids to disk during each iteration to provide an 
            # an additional layer of protection from exceptional circumstances

            if len(ids) >= limit or response is None:

        return ids
        KW['since_id'] = int([_id for _id in db.view('index/max_tweet_id')
    except IndexError, e:
        KW['since_id'] = 1

# Harvest tweets for the given timeline.
# For friend and home timelines, the unofficial limitation is about 800 statuses
# although other documentation may state otherwise. The public timeline only returns
# 20 statuses and gets updated every 60 seconds, so consider using the streaming API
# for public statuses. See
# Note that the count and since_id params have no effect for the public timeline

page_num = 1
while page_num <= MAX_PAGES:
    KW['page'] = page_num
    api_call = getattr(t.statuses, TIMELINE_NAME + '_timeline')
    tweets = make_twitter_request(t, api_call, **KW)

    # Actually storing tweets in CouchDB is as simple as passing them
    # into a call to db.update

    db.update(tweets, all_or_nothing=True)

    print >> sys.stderr, 'Fetched %i tweets' % (len(tweets), )

    page_num += 1

print >> sys.stderr, 'Done fetching tweets'
        KW['since_id'] = int([_id for _id in db.view('index/max_tweet_id')][0].value)
    except IndexError, e:
        KW['since_id'] = 1

# Harvest tweets for the given timeline.
# For friend and home timelines, the unofficial limitation is about 800 statuses 
# although other documentation may state otherwise. The public timeline only returns
# 20 statuses and gets updated every 60 seconds, so consider using the streaming API 
# for public statuses. See
# Note that the count and since_id params have no effect for the public timeline

page_num = 1
while page_num <= MAX_PAGES:
    KW['page'] = page_num
    api_call = getattr(t.statuses, TIMELINE_NAME + '_timeline')
    tweets = make_twitter_request(t, api_call, **KW)
    # Actually storing tweets in CouchDB is as simple as passing them 
    # into a call to db.update

    db.update(tweets, all_or_nothing=True)

    print >> sys.stderr, 'Fetched %i tweets' % (len(tweets),)

    page_num += 1

print >> sys.stderr, 'Done fetching tweets'
Beispiel #7
    def get_tweet_timeline(self, user=None, name_=None):
        KW = {  # For the Twitter API call
            'count': 200,
            'skip_users': 'true',
            'include_entities': 'true',
            'since_id': 1,
        TIMELINE_NAME = 'user'
        MAX_PAGES = 16
        page_num = 1
        cont = 0
        result = {}
        data = []
        users = []

        if not user:
            KW['screen_name'] = self.Config.get('secuser', 'owner')
            user = KW['screen_name']
            if user == 'user':
                if not name_:
                    print "ERROR: user needs a screen_name"
                    return -1
                    KW['screen_name'] = name_
                    user = KW['screen_name']
            elif user == 'home':
                TIMELINE_NAME = 'home'
                MAX_PAGES = 4
            elif user == 'public':
                # ESTE NO VA
                # AttributeError: twmac instance has no attribute 'account'
                TIMELINE_NAME = 'public'
                MAX_PAGES = 1

        # Usage: $ %s timeline_name [max_pages] [screen_name]' % (sys.argv[0],)
        # timeline_name in [public, home, user]'
        # 0 < max_pages <= 16 for timeline_name in [home, user]'
        # max_pages == 1 for timeline_name == public'
        # Notes:'
        # * ~800 statuses are available from the home timeline.'
        # * ~3200 statuses are available from the user timeline.'
        # * The public timeline updates every 60 secs and returns 20 statuses.'
        # * See the streaming/search API for additional options to harvest tweets.'
        while page_num <= MAX_PAGES:
            KW['page'] = page_num
            api_call = getattr(self.twitter_api.statuses,
                               TIMELINE_NAME + '_timeline')
            tweets = make_twitter_request(self, api_call, **KW)
            for line in tweets:
                aux = line['user']['id']
                line['user']['_id'] = line['user'].pop('id')
                line['user'] = aux

            cont = cont + len(tweets)
            page_num += 1
        result['num_tweets'] = cont
        result['tweets'] = data
        result['users'] = users
        return (result)