def test_raises_error_when_any_hook_fails(self, mock_cmd_call, *args): """Assert that we raise an error when commands fail and we don't run subsequent commands.""" good_response = Response( exitcode=0, stderr='', stdout='some info', command_string='my --command', ) bad_response = Response( exitcode=127, stderr='found exit code 127 set in test mock', stdout='here would be stdout', command_string='mock --command', ) _hook = Hook(['', '', ''], "test_raises_error_when_any_hook_fails", '') mock_cmd_call.side_effect = [ good_response, bad_response, good_response ] with self.assertRaises(ReckonerCommandException): self.assertEqual(mock_cmd_call.call_count, 2, "Call two should fail and not run the third hook.")
def test_hooks_support_strings(self, mock_cmd_call, *args): """Assert that hooks can be defined as a string""" _hook = Hook('works', 'test_hooks_support_strings') mock_cmd_call.side_effect = [ Response(command_string='command', stderr='err-output', stdout='output', exitcode=0) ] mock_cmd_call.assert_called_once()
def test_execution_directory(self, mock_cmd_call, *args): """Assert that we're executing in the same directory as the course yml""" _path = '/path/where/course/lives/' _fake_command = 'fake --command' _hook = Hook(_fake_command, 'test_execution_directory_hook', _path) mock_cmd_call.side_effect = [ Response(command_string=_fake_command, stderr='err-output', stdout='output', exitcode=0) ] mock_cmd_call.assert_called_with(_fake_command, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash', path=_path)
def test_hooks_support_list(self, mock_cmd_call, *args): """Assert that hooks can be defined as lists""" _hook = Hook([ 'works', 'twice works', ], 'test_hooks_support_list') mock_cmd_call.side_effect = [ Response(command_string='command', stderr='err-output', stdout='output', exitcode=0), Response(command_string='command', stderr='err-output', stdout='output', exitcode=0), ] self.assertTrue(mock_cmd_call.call_count == 2)